"Hu Xing, what do you think about eating dog meat?!" Now that this topic came up, Huang Lei wanted to ask Hu Xing to see what he thought of it.

"Let me, stay neutral, dog meat can be eaten, but don't steal, rob, and don't eat pet dogs."

"If you want to eat, eat those native dogs. This kind of dog is not a pet dog, you can eat it."

"Of course, that's my personal opinion. The world is a world where the weak eat the strong, and there's nothing against eating dog meat or anything like that."

"Dogs are not protected animals. If people have the money to eat them, they will eat them."

"Isn't eating dog meat the same as eating pork, beef, and mutton? There is nothing to resist or be cruel."

"If you really want to boycott, there is no way."

"When resisting eating dog meat, please go to the Internet to find out. In China, there are millions of people bitten by dogs every year, and more than 3000 people are killed by dogs."

"I think if you have the strength to resist eating dog meat, then you might as well think about how to reduce stray dogs biting people and killing people for the country." In fact, this is a sensitive topic.

But when Hu Xing mentioned that millions of people are bitten by dogs every year in the country, and more than 3000 people are killed by dogs, those so-called dog lovers stopped talking at this time.

"Pigs have never bitten people, so they were also slaughtered and eaten?"

"Cows can still plow the fields, but aren't they also slaughtered for food?"

"Why do you resist a dog that bites and kills a person and refuses to eat it?"

"I think everyone circled the key points wrong." Hu Xing had to say something like this.

"Also, since we're talking about dogs, I really hate a kind of person who owns dogs."

"There's nothing wrong with having a dog, but it's the wrong thing to do when you're walking your dog, not keeping your dog on a leash and letting it run around in public can scare people."

"Because not everyone is not afraid of dogs like you pet dog owners. Some people are afraid of dogs."

"Not to mention, your dog doesn't know how to bite. What if it bites?"

"If you bite someone, even if you can lose money, the person who is bitten will also have a shadow in his heart, and he will also cause mental harm to him. This kind of thing is not enough to lose money."

"In particular, some pet dogs have not been vaccinated, bit people, and the people who were bitten happened to have no money to get rabies vaccines. In the end, rabies developed. This is [-]% fatal."

"So, I personally think that people who keep pet dogs need to pay attention to this most." As a public figure, Hu Xing still needs to help do some publicity.

"No wonder I said that Hu Xing never agreed to ask the director to raise a dog for our mushroom house."

"It was later that the director brought Xiao S here without telling Hu Xing." Only now did He Jiong really understand, it turned out to be like this.

"I think, about the incident I just mentioned, millions of people are bitten every year across the country, and 3000 people are killed by dogs. No one present, except me, has learned about it."

"No one has understood this. People who own dogs will naturally think that dogs are very safe, good friends, and have no lethality."

"As long as everyone understands it, they will realize that dogs are also very lethal."


"It's just that you haven't met it. Once you meet it, you won't feel that way." Hu Xing said with a slightly unhappy expression.

Zhao Liying seemed to have discovered something, so she asked Hu Yun, "Did something happen?"

"My brother witnessed with his own eyes that a pet dog bit a 3-year-old child." Hu Yun told Zhao Liying about this in a very low voice.

Hu Yun's report made Sun Honglei, Huang Lei and the others even more astonished.

It turned out that Hu Xing had witnessed the tragedy with his own eyes, and Cai Yuan expressed his feelings.

"Could it be, that three-year-old child is either Reba or you?!" Chen He asked uncertainly, could it be such a coincidence.

"No, that was in 2009, and it happened in the community where we used to live."

"Even though my brother tried his best to help, two-legged dogs still can't catch up with four-legged dogs." Hu Yun also saw it at the time, so he was so clear.

"Do you want to eat?" Just as Hu Yun was talking about the past, Hu Xing looked down at Husky.

"Woof!" This little guy actually jumped up and hugged Hu Xing's leg with his front paws.

PS: Here, Yuzu said a few words. In fact, it is said that a dog bit a child. This was witnessed by Yuzi, and it happened right in front of my eyes, so I just wrote this content, and I also want to remind everyone to pay attention;

Chapter 0700 three of the laziest gathered together

"We need to get a tool, otherwise the rapeseed is not easy to get." After lunch, Huang Lei was thinking about what to do

There are so many rapeseeds, and taking advantage of the large number of people today, it is not bad for everyone to come together to hand rapeseeds.

Otherwise, there are only so many, and they don't know when they will be able to collect them all.

"Okay, let me help you too." Song Jia also went to help out. You can't just watch others do things, but don't do them yourself. It's not good.

Huang Lei went in to make tools, while He Jiong and Zheng Kai had already found a transparent plastic sheet.

Hu Yun and Zhao Liying also participated in it and helped to clean it up.

Only Sun Honglei, Chen He, and Hu Xing sat still.

The three of them were obviously unshakable, they had no intention of going up to help, they just wanted to be lazy.

"I said, what are you doing? Sit here and drink tea, don't you go to help?" Hu Xing couldn't help it, and asked the two of them to help quickly.

"Why don't you go?" Sun Honglei evaded, saying that if Hu Xing didn't go, he wouldn't either.

"Didn't I go to spread the fertilizer just now?" Hu Xing said that he also worked just now.

"Now, either you go to help harvest rapeseed, or you go down to collect honey." Hu Xing gave them two choices, and it was up to you to choose.

"No, no, I have trypophobia." Chen He quickly found an excuse.

"Then you go to harvest rapeseed." Since you have trypophobia, then you can go to harvest rapeseed.

"No, no, my waist is bad, you all know that." Chen He found another reason for himself, in short, if you want me to work, then it won't work.

"Why, Zhang Zixuan asked you to pay the public rations a bit too much recently?!" Hu Xing asked Chen He in surprise.

"What the hell, don't talk nonsense." Chen He said awkwardly immediately.

"Haha~" As a man, Sun Honglei understood what this was all too well.

"Why are you laughing, my sister-in-law didn't ask you to pay the water bill?" Hu Xing didn't believe that Sun Honglei's wife would let him not pay the water bill, which was simply impossible.

"You don't need to worry about this." Sun Honglei didn't want to talk about such things.

Huang Lei and Song Jia came out, and Hu Xing also stood up.

Hu Xing, who stood up, planned to go over to help or something.

But just as he was passing by Sun Honglei, he didn't pay attention and stepped on his foot.

Hu Xing didn't care, he stepped on it, but Sun Honglei didn't think so.

"Hey, hey, stop." Sun Honglei sat still, took a look at her white shoes being trampled dirty, and immediately told Hu Xing to stop.

"What's wrong?" Hu Xing turned to look at Sun Honglei and asked him what's wrong.

"You stepped on my foot, and you didn't even fart, so you plan to leave?" Sun Honglei wanted Hu Xing to apologize, but the tone was like Hu Xing's, with a mocking tone.

"Hey, are you still interested in this? Okay!" Hu Xing said and came to Sun Honglei, turned around, raised his buttocks, and the height of his buttocks was just parallel to Sun Honglei's face.

"Pfft!" A strange sound made Sun Honglei stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha~" Chen He, who was sitting not far away, immediately laughed and stood up, while walking a little further away.

"..." Sun Honglei looked at Hu Xing in bewilderment, what does this mean?

"I want you to apologize to me, not to fart!!!" Sun Honglei jumped up violently, pointing at Hu Xing and yelling, while chasing after him.

"Hahaha~" But it's too late now, because he has already been embarrassed by Hu Xing...

On a variety show, the first star was farted in front of someone within a distance of less than 20 centimeters. This is definitely the first, and there will never be another one.

Sun Honglei knew that if this program was broadcast, he would definitely become the source of laughter for many viewers and fans again. He did not know how many times.

"Isn't that what you asked for? If I step on you, I won't fart."

"I fulfilled your request, so why are you still blaming me?" Hu Xing was still defending himself when Sun Honglei strangled his neck.

"Hahaha~" The three girls, Song Jia, Zhao Liying and Hu Yun, saw the scene just now, but they were already squatting on the ground hugging their knees and laughing without any image.

Hu Xing never did things without warning. He wanted to do things on a whim.

You simply can't grasp the point where he wants to do something.

If you are targeted by him, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

"How did I find out that you are so damaged?" Sun Honglei kicked Hu Xing's butt.

"It's not the first day you know me, what's so strange?!" Hu Xing was still very proud.

"I really, if you can beat Hu Xing, you can still stand and talk to me now?" Sun Honglei firmly believed that if he could beat Hu Xing, he would definitely lie down.

"Stop talking nonsense, you three come to help quickly." Huang Lei asked the three of them to help.

"Why do you help? Seven or eight people are needed to do this kind of work. I said you don't care?!" Sun Honglei said with a look of disgust, saying that this is all about it.

"I won't do it." Hu Xing said that he would not help, and also said: "I'm going to catch a fish and come back, and I will make lionfish for Sister Jia and Xiaoyun tonight."

"Catching fish or fishing? I know how to fish, let's go fishing." When it comes to fishing, Chen He is very excited, as if he likes fishing very much.

"If you can't catch it by fishing, let's catch it. There is a pond over there." Fishing is impossible, so Hu Xing said that the pond in front can catch fish.

"I'll go and have a look together." Chen He said and went to have a look with Hu Xing, and Sun Honglei followed.

"Look, just those three people, do they have one thing in common and identity?!" Huang Lei pointed to the three people who were going to catch fish.

"The same laziness." Zheng Kai asked if it was this.

"Yes, that's right, they are the same laziness. Moreover, Sun Honglei is the laziest in Extreme Challenge, Chen He is the laziest in Running Man, and Hu Xing is the laziest in Longing for Life."

"Now the lazy people from the three major reality shows in the mainland are gathered together. This scene is really a miracle." Huang Lei complained that He Jiong found out that it seemed to be the real thing.

"Hehe~ my brother is also an extreme challenger and running man." Hu Yun felt that his brother was not lazy.

He did this only for the effect of the show.

He just wants to create a lazy image, but in fact, anyone who has watched the show knows that Hu Xing has a lot of work

"So he is the most difficult one among the three programs. Hey, you don't know how exhausting it is to record a program with him."

"You have to pay attention at all times, and you can't find opportunities for him to complain about you and play tricks on you. This alone is enough for you to be tired, and you have to do tasks, which is not even more frustrating." Huang Lei said not only about himself The voice of the heart is also the voice of Zheng Kai.

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