"That is, if my girlfriend is really eliminated, then I will go and help my girlfriend get back the championship trophy openly and aboveboard." It is such willfulness, and he has the strength to give him willfulness.

"Puchi!" Hu Xing doted on her so much, Reba smiled: "Or, I'll lose and let you go to "I Am a Singer" to shock everyone?"

"That won't work. It's better if you can win. Even if you can't win the championship, then at least you have to get a ranking, right? Second or third place is fine..." Hu Xing said to Reba Not demanding.

You don't have to win the championship, but you have to at least get the ranking.

"Do your best." Reba is hard to say now, she can only say that she did her best.

"No one knows your strength better than me, so, as long as you perform normally, it's not difficult at all to get a good ranking."

"I already knew it from the senior singers who participated in the competition you told me."

"If you really want to beat them, it's not about strength, it's about the choice of songs and the aura and expression of emotions during the performance."

"It just so happens that I taught you these things before, so I am very relieved." Hu Xing believed in the strength of the people he taught.

Although Reba looks pretty, has a good figure, is good at singing and dancing, and gives people a kind of idol status.

But in fact, she is a real and powerful faction.

However, she is so beautiful that it is easy to give people the illusion that she is an idol.

In fact, under this illusion, it still conceals that she is a powerful idol.

"Then tell me honestly, will you participate as a replacement singer?!" Reba is actually looking forward to it, or tell her directly that Hu Xing will participate as a replacement singer.

"Why do you ask such a question?" Hu Xing was a little confused, why did he ask such a question suddenly.

"Because, on 5.9, you and I are conjoined twins, haha~" Reba covered her mouth and smiled as she spoke.

"Pfft!" Hu Xing was also amused by this girl, and even she became conjoined twins.

Hu Xing usually goes wherever Reba goes.

Really, Reba's plays, shows she participated in, and commercials she took part in are everything.

As long as Reba does it, Hu Xing will follow suit.

Isn't it the same now, she went to participate in "I Am a Singer", although Hu Xing did not follow to participate, but it does not mean that she must not go, isn't there a replacement singer?

So, Reba is very suspicious that Hu Xing may join in as a replacement singer.

"If I go, then you really can only compete for the ranking, don't even think about being the champion." Hu Xing's self-confidence is not blind; Reba also knows that he is right.

Chapter 0754 Liu Shishi was stunned

"When is the next recording?" Hu Xing checked the time and asked Reba.

"On New Year's Day." Reba already knew the time of the next recording.

"Are you in such a hurry? I participated in the New Year's Eve concert in Shanghai on the night of the 31st, and I will fly to Changsha to participate in "I Am a Singer" the next day." Hu Xing did not expect to be so rushed...

"That's right, the performance on the night of the concert was just enough to maintain my feeling." Reba looked very relaxed, and she didn't seem to be under any pressure at all.

"Why, when will I record, do you have time to follow me to watch?" Reba looked at Hu Xing expectantly.

She had just finished shedding and turned into a woman, so she was very attached to Hu Xing.

If he could accompany her, it would be a great encouragement to her.

Reba didn't say it, but Hu Xing also knew it.

"Well, yes." Hu Xing thought for a while, knowing that Reba really needs him to stand on the stage. If this is the case, then go and see his girlfriend shine in front of many powerful singers. This is for him For this boyfriend, it is also a very fulfilling thing.

"However, if it's me going to 10, then you should change to another song. Let's hold down the song "Kiss Everywhere" for now, because with me, you won't be so nervous, and your performance will be more stable. , let’s choose another song.” Hu Xing was very clear about everything about Reba.

"Okay, you have the final say, who made you my producer."

"After this competition is over, I have to make another album for you. Taking advantage of this wave of singer competitions, your new album will further establish your status as an idol in the music world. "Hu Xing has this plan, and Reba will naturally obey.

These things are not something a singer can think about, but a producer to help her decide.

"Okay." In Hu Xing's song library, Reba knows best.

There are too many songs that are suitable for her. Reba already knew that many songs were prepared for her by Hu Xing.

After dinner, Hu Xing and Reba went to the musical instrument room. Reba sat in front of the drum with a mallet and beat a few times to find the feeling.

Hu Xing discussed with Reba with the song and asked her to practice a song.

This song is the song used when participating in the competition on New Year's Day.

How to perform this song and how to interpret it, Hu Xing told Reba very clearly.

"I'm back." Just as Hu Xing and Reba were practicing singing, the door opened and Liu Shishi's voice came.

"Closing work so early tonight?" Hearing Liu Shishi's voice, Hu Xing came out.

"That's right, work is over early today." Liu Shishi put down his bag and asked, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm helping Reba practice singing." Hu Xing leaned against the wall and pointed inside.

After Liu Shishi heard about it, he walked in, but when he saw Reba in the musical instrument room, Liu Shishi's eyes widened instantly.

As a woman, or in other words, as a woman who came from Hu Xing's output.

It can be seen at a glance that Reba has already accepted Hu Xing's output nourishment.

Looking at Reba now, her skin was already very fair and fair, but now it is even more pale and rosy.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is crystal clear and flawless.

Most importantly, Reba is now wearing a sleeveless camisole with a crop top.

Although it is winter now, but the air conditioner and heating are turned on in the room, even if you only wear a vest, you can't feel the slightest bit of cold clothes.

Reba just wore a camisole with straps and exposed umbilical cord, and white pencil pants that leaked down.

Liu Shishi has seen Reba like this before, her figure is so good that even as a woman, she is envious.

That's why Liu Shishi noticed that Reba's two long legs were extraordinarily long today; the murder weapon wrapped in the camisole was even more fierce, as fierce as hers.

Before becoming Hu Xing's woman, Liu Shishi's rabbit can only be regarded as a rabbit.

But now Liu Shishi's rabbit is already a murder weapon.

Before she became a woman, Reba was still a rabbit despite her C.

But where is it still a rabbit now, it is simply a murder weapon in the world.

It can be seen from this that Reba must have been nourished, developed, and exported, otherwise there would not be such a big change.

If Reba was a fairy before, then she is definitely a fairy and a witch now.

With the big watery eyes and spring waves, you will be very impulsive when you look at her, and you can't calm down at all.

It has such a powerful effect on women, let alone men.

"Honestly speaking, what did you guys do when I was not at home?" Liu Shishi had already seen through, but he didn't tell the truth. He just asked Reba to tell the truth.

"Didn't you see it yourself?" Reba said shyly.

"Hehe~ Sure enough, after being nourished by you, your woman has undergone tremendous changes. This is really the label of your woman." Liu Shishi understood it thoroughly.

"Uh." Hu Xing didn't know what to say, he could only smile.

"I'm hungry, do you still have dinner?" Liu Shishi didn't have dinner yet, Hu Xing said: "It's already past 9 o'clock, even if there is, it will be cold."

"Then you can make me a late-night snack, and I'll take a shower." Liu Shishi didn't bother Reba's singing practice anymore, so he asked Hu Xing to make her a late-night snack, and wait for 513 to come out after taking a shower.

"Sister, by the way, you put the sheets in the bathroom into the washing machine." Reba said to Liu Shishi.

"Understood." Liu Shishi took the clothes and walked in, saw the blanket in the bathroom with red marks, and asked: "Curiosity and gossip, how many times have you been asked by your husband?"

"Oh, why are you asking this, really." Reba, who was about to sing, choked on Liu Shishi's naughty question.

"Aren't you curious? How long, you should be a long time?!" Liu Shishi was indeed very gossip about this question, while Reba said helplessly: "I don't know the exact time, but my husband broke out four times."

"!!!!!!" Hearing this, Liu Shishi's eyes widened even more.

"Crazy? I know my husband's ability. It takes an hour for him to say nothing once he explodes."

"You can make him explode four times, and you only lasted four hours the first time?" Liu Shishi was quite frightened. Is this sister a little too crazy?

"I don't know, anyway, the first round seemed to start after 10 o'clock. After two times, I fell asleep again; when I woke up, I continued until 5 o'clock." Reba really To be honest, I have finished explaining everything to Mr. Liu, only the details are missing.

Liu Shishi didn't say anything, and gave Reba a thumbs up, expressing his admiration, you are amazing, my sister is not as crazy as you.

Chapter 0755 Song Master's Envy

"Hmm~" Master Song had just returned home from her evening self-study, when she saw Reba sitting on the sofa playing games.

It was also when seeing Reba, the sharp-eyed Song Zhuer immediately saw that Reba was different.

As Hu Xing's girlfriend, Song Zhuer could easily see Reba's change.

Others may not be able to see it, but Zhu'er, who has lived together for a long time, can easily find that Reba's legs seem to be longer, and the pets are more fierce.

It was precisely after discovering this point that Song Zhuer combined the previous experiences of Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi.

Let her understand in an instant that Reba may have become a real woman.

When Reba transformed from a young girl into a woman, her temperament, figure, and eyes were simply not comparable to her before.

Today's Reba is a witch who can act even when a woman sees it.

Song Zhuer was so unhappy, came to Reba's side, and then just stared at Reba's pet that suddenly grew up overnight.

Staring so dignifiedly, Zhuer Song's cute behavior made Reba, who was playing a game, couldn't help but turn off her voice.

"What are you doing?!" Reba asked Song Zhuer not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Hmm~" Master Song didn't answer her sister's question, she was just so unhappy, she wanted to cry but couldn't cry and looked at Reba's pet.

Even through the clothes, Master Song can see how arrogant Reba's pet is.

"In the past, yours was already what I dreamed of, but now, why did you grow up so fast all of a sudden? Why? Why?"

"My husband also gnawed on mine, and also fed me, so why can't mine grow up?" It was here that he was hit, so Song Zhuer was naturally unhappy.

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