"Puchi!" Reba covered her face speechlessly, and said, "Why are you so anxious, when I was your age, I wasn't similar to you?"

"Take your time, how can you be in such a hurry."

"My husband wants to bring you up to the most perfect condition, and then he will raise you up all at once."

"You are the second person in his life who most wants to be cultivated into a perfect goddess." Reba's consolation made Song Zhuer, a little girl, a little comforted.

"The first one is you." Master Song pouted, and then bit Reba's pet clothes.

"Smelly girl." Song Zhuer's actions made Reba's heart tremble.

Since completing her coming-of-age ceremony today, Reba has become very sensitive about this.

How can I stand this girl's reckless behavior and teasing, my heart trembled immediately

Fortunately, she had the foresight to turn off the voice, otherwise, this might really be a big deal.

"If you're hungry, ask your Ouba to make you a late-night snack. Don't eat mine, it's not something you can eat." Reba said to Master Song while controlling her game character.

"Hu Xing, what are you doing, it smells so good." Master Song didn't care about Reba, because she was really hungry.

"Shishi didn't have dinner, I'll make her supper." Hu Xing was in the kitchen, looking at Master Song who came in: "Do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat, but I'm afraid of getting fat." Master Song really wanted to eat, but she was afraid of getting fat.

"It's okay, eat as much as you want, you won't gain weight." Of course Hu Xing knew this girl, but in order to maintain his vest line, he never dared to touch the supper.

Song Zhuer also has a vest line, and usually eats a lot.

In fact, Hu Xing has a lot of ways to help them maintain the vest line.

Just like Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, and Reba, the current vest line will not change, because when the love degree reaches level [-], Hu Xing can use the system to set their bodies.

As long as the love degree reaches the eighth level, the body can be fine-tuned according to Hu Xing's preferences, and the vest line will always be preserved, and naturally there will be no embarrassing phenomena such as gaining weight or having a small belly.

Song Zhuer is similar, although she has not yet reached the eighth level, but she will become an adult in the future. After completing the coming-of-age ceremony, Hu Xing can help her control it, and she can eat whatever she wants.

"Don't worry about it, it smells so good." Master Song simply ignored it and ate it as soon as he said it.

Liu Shishi came out of the shower and saw that the little girl was already eating, so she wiped her wet hair with a towel, and then sat down beside her.

Liu Shishi was dressed very simply, just put on a T-shirt of Hu Xing as pajamas.

"Don't you need to do your homework tonight?!" Liu Shishi couldn't help asking curiously when she saw that the master didn't even change her school uniform.

"No need." Master Song shook his head, saying that he didn't need it at all.

"I recently signed up for a dance club at school, and practice dancing in the school's dance club at night."

"I usually learn dance with Hu Xing during holidays. When I was in school, I practiced dance in the evening self-study. Arrange the time reasonably. Listen to Hu Xing and don't spend too much time on studying."

"Since everyone has decided to enter the entertainment industry in the future, no matter how good their academic performance is, it may not be good for the future development of acting career."

"It's better to learn more talents, so that I can develop in the entertainment industry in the future, which is a good thing."

"Just like Sister Reba, I feel that she can do everything, she is so versatile." Master Song wanted to be a person like Reba.

Like an idol who has good looks, temperament and figure, and also possesses strength.

"Sister Reba can dance, sing, write songs, act, play guitar, piano, drums, and bass. She is simply an all-round powerful idol." Song Zhuer is also slowly contacted.

Naturally, Hu Xing was teaching her.

For example, in terms of musical instruments, Hu Xing really taught her a lot.

Song Zhuer has already begun to gradually get in touch with the piano and guitar, and has even achieved a lot of results. As long as he keeps practicing, he will definitely be able to improve his piano and guitar.

"This is very good." Liu Shishi thinks this is very good

"Sister, don't you know how to play the piano?!" Song Zhuer recalled and asked Liu Shishi.

"Know it, but I'm not very good at it. I learned a little bit in elementary school." Liu Shishi also learned piano before, but she was not very proficient. On the contrary, she is better at ballet.

"It seems that, except for Sister Liying, all of us can play musical instruments." Song Zhuer snickered as he spoke.

"Hehe~ Your sister Li Ying's family background is different from ours, and the conditions are not allowed, so she didn't have the opportunity to learn these things before; so don't compare with your sister Li Ying."

"We have a good family background, so don't be proud at all, because your sister Li Ying is the one that my husband values ​​the most. In some respects, he values ​​Li Ying more than Reba." Liu Shishi understands this, Song Zhuer is still young, so he may not understand.

"I know this, but I just want to say that if Sister Li Ying wants to learn, Hu Xing should be able to teach."

Chapter 0756 Miss Reba is amazing

Song Jia can play the Liuqin, and even Hu Xing likes the Liuqin played by Song Jia. It is very classy, ​​with the style and temperament of a traditional Chinese woman.

Moreover, Song Jia has also released two albums and sang a few songs. Although her singing skills are not very good, she still has some talent, which is a must.

Liu Shishi can also play the piano, and has learned ballet for a long time.

Nazha can also dance, Xinjiang dance, and musical instruments. He can also play the guitar. The guitar is taught by Hu Xing, and the piano is also taught by Hu Xing.

Compared with musical instruments, Reba is the one who knows the most among Hu Xing's girlfriends.

Guitars, electric guitars, pianos, drums, and electronic organs are all instruments that Reba is good at.

And in everything, Reba has the strength to become the main force of the band.

There's no way, Hu Xing has spent so many years training her, if it's not a little bit more, it's unreasonable.

Otherwise, how could Reba be called: the 'Hu Xing' among the female stars in the Chinese entertainment circle; the most versatile female star in the Chinese entertainment circle.

Song Zhuer didn't know much about these before, but after being influenced by Hu Xing, she also gradually learned to dance and musical instruments, and it was after learning that she discovered that dancing and musical instruments are so interesting.

"I'm coming back to 500." At this time, Song Jia also just came back.

"Hey, why didn't you say anything when you came back today?" Hu Xing was sitting on the side, designing the car with a computer, and happened to see Song Jia coming back.

"I'm in a bad mood, I'm too lazy to talk about it." Song Jia said he was in a bad mood, and Liu Shishi and the others understood why.

It's not because of the filming of this movie that her mood is getting worse day by day.

The main reason is that it is too deep into the play.

It is precisely because of her deep involvement in the play that her mood is actually quite unstable every day...

"Eh?!" Song Jia saw Reba's change the moment she entered.

"It's ok, you've figured out that you're going to have a baby, right?!" Song Jia, who originally said she was in a bad mood, immediately teased Reba.

"Come on less." Reba was teased for the third time.

First Liu Shishi, then Song Zhuer, and now Song Jia.

However, her changes can indeed be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and the changes are really a bit big.

"Four hours." Liu Shishi, who was sitting next to him eating supper, felt that it was not enough, and told Song Jia.

"Pfft!" Song Jia, who had just taken a sip of lemonade, was immediately taken aback by what Liu Shishi said.

"Crazy? My sister felt that the little cutie was going to break for more than an hour."

"It's good for you. After four hours, you can still play games energetically?" Song Jia really couldn't imagine.

"That's right, my sister is amazing. None of you women are my opponent." Reba confidently despised these two sisters.

"Hey, that's fine. In society, I, Sister Di, don't talk harshly." After Song Jia drank the lemonade, she reached for the chopsticks in Liu Shishi's hand and ate some of her supper.

"Husband, I'm hungry, and I want to eat late at night." After eating some fried noodles, Song Jia felt that the taste was delicious, so she asked Hu Xing for something to eat.

"There is still one in the kitchen." Hu Xing, who was doing his own work, told Song Jia that there was still one in the kitchen.

"Why do you still have a copy? You know I want to come back?" Song Jia came in to take a look, and found that there was really another copy.

"It was originally for Reba, and I didn't know if she wanted it, so I made an extra portion first."

"It's just right, you can eat when you come back. She probably doesn't have time to eat while playing games." After explaining, Song Jia finally understood.

"Well, it's great. It's great to have a boyfriend who can cook. When I get home, there will be supper made by my boyfriend. I won't have to worry about going hungry for the rest of my life." Song Jia praised her happiness while eating supper, and found a A husband who can cook.

"Hehe~" Both Liu Shishi and Song Zhuer agreed very much, because the three of them are people who can't cook, so they agree with this point.

Hu Xing smiled, then looked at his phone, and a call came.

"Well, listen." Hu Xing turned on the speaker and said to the manager.

"Hu Xing, it's like this. Do you know TFB?" What Li Hui said, Hu Xing thought about it for a while: "What is it, explain it clearly."

"It's a minor group in the mainland, a group called TFboys formed by three children." So Hu Xing knew.

"I've heard a little bit, it seems that they are all born after 00?" Hu Xing crossed his legs, and then continued his design work.

"It's almost the same. The captain is from 99, and he is only one year younger than the master."

"They have debuted for half a year now, and the chairman of their company has contacted me through Sister Mi, and wants to invite you to sing." Li Hui told Hu Xing the purpose of this time.

"Ask me to invite you to sing?" Hearing this, Hu Xing stopped.

"That's right, and the rewards given are very generous."

"It's not so much an invitation to sing, it's better to say it's a cooperation."

"Time Company said that you will be the producer of TFB. As long as you are their producer, after they become popular, you can get 4% of the income of these three children." Li Hui shared the dividends Tell Hu Xing.

"It is indeed very sincere, [-]% of the dividend." Hearing this, even Reba couldn't help being surprised.

Although there is no shortage of money, if Hu Xing is really asked to be the producer of a group, it is very exaggerated to give [-]% of the dividend.

Even for those Korean idol groups that Hu Xing has made popular, Hu Xing can only get 2% at most.

For a group like Girls' Generation, Hu Xing can only win [-]%.

But I also understand that now that Hu Xing has made it public, he will no longer help a group write songs and help a group set up their image like before.

In other words, Hu Xing has withdrawn from the field of idols now, and is not very likely to get involved in this field.

If you want Hu Xing to come out, you should still be the producer of a domestic group. To be honest, if you really don’t come up with some good conditions, how can you get Hu Xing to agree?

"Hmm." Hu Xing crossed his legs and thought for a moment: "Are you interested?"

"Why, you were the one invited, and you are so confident to throw this combination to me?" Of course Reba knew what Hu Xing was thinking.

"Like I said, I've stopped taking care of things in the field of idols. Although I still write and write songs for them, half-hands are half-hands."

"It's not impossible to accept it. You have to see the strength of these three children." Hu Xing smiled, and then Reba said: "Sister, let's take over, Hu Xing and I will take over together."

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