"A certain classmate, don't be too arrogant. You have to play with your mobile phone in the first class on the first day." Jiang Fang gave a serious lecture on the podium, and actually noticed her son's behavior.

Although he blocked it with a book, Jiang Fang could still guess that his son was playing with his mobile phone.

"Teacher, didn't you say it before? You will be handed over for using your mobile phone in class?!" Xue Zhiqian actually filed a complaint, which made Hu Xing very surprised.

"Are you a pig?!" Hu Xing said angrily, would you be at the same table?

"Bring it up." Originally, Jiang Fang wanted to save face for her son, and reminded him to put it away.

After all, she was on the podium, and she didn't really see Hu Xing playing with her mobile phone.

Now his tablemate Xue Zhiqian has filed a complaint, so he has to confiscate it.

If it is not confiscated, then it will be gossip.

What's more, this is still a program. If they don't treat everyone equally, it will be bad if the program is broadcast.

"..." Hu Xing looked at his phone and was speechless for a while. He was used for surgery in the first class of school.

Jiang Fang came down, held out her hand to her son, and signaled to hand over the phone.

Hu Xing didn't want to give it, but after glancing at Xue Zhiqian beside him, he could only give it.

"Haha~" Xue Zhiqian's demonic smug laughter made Hu Xing feel amused: "What are you laughing at?!"

"Laugh, your phone was confiscated." That's how Xue Zhiqian cheated his teammates.

"That's your cell phone." Hu Xing told Xue Zhiqianxiao when he couldn't take care of himself.

"..." Xue Zhiqian, who was still smiling complacently, stopped abruptly, and her expression froze.

"Where is my phone with my daughter-in-law?" Hu Xing said that when he came to school this morning, Master Song took his phone, and it was not in his hands.

"Hahaha~" All the students who turned around and looked over, noticed Xue Zhiqian's expression, and burst out laughing.

"!!!!" Xue Zhiqian stared wide-eyed, just watching the teacher confiscate his mobile phone.

"Are you a pig? Remind the teacher to confiscate your phone?"

"Wahhaha~ Xue Dacai is so elegant." It's not enough to make complaints, Hu Xing still needs to make a joke of gloating.

"Pfft!" At this time, Liu Yan, Song Qian and the others were also teased by Hu Xing's weirdness.

"No, no, wait a minute, why are you playing with my phone?" Xue Zhiqian, who came to his senses, didn't understand why Hu Xing played with his phone.

"Didn't you just say that? The phone is in the hands of my wife. I didn't have time to take it, so I'll use yours for the time being." Hu Xing also spoke with confidence, which made Xue Zhiqian close his eyes even more. gosh.

"Teacher, that..." Xue Zhiqian wanted to ask the teacher to come back.

"20 minutes ago, our school flower teacher just said that the mobile phone was handed over to you in class, and you have to apply for it from your parents to return it to you. Go ahead and ask your parents to apply. Haha~ I am so funny, people in their 30s I need my parents to come to the school to help me get my cell phone, student Xue Zhiqian, you have achieved a new height of being a man."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing's joke made the whole class laugh at the two of them.

"Crazy! I don't want to lose face, can I say a few words less?!" Xue Zhiqian now felt that he was a little too stupid.

Jiang Fang on the podium was also amused by her son.

"Okay, I guess you kids are not in the mood for class anymore, so let's chat."

"Then, Zhong Xiaolin, didn't you say you like Hu Xing? He's here. If you want to confess, you should take this opportunity to record a show. Don't miss it." Jiang Fang is also cute enough, this is Do you think you don’t have enough daughters-in-law?

"Teacher, don't you have enough daughters-in-law?!" Before Hu Xing could speak, the English class representative Song Zhuer couldn't help it.

Chapter 0778

"How about this, the transfer students who came today, most of them are actors?"

"Those who have acted in plays, Hu Xing, Jiang Jinfu, Liu Yan, you can perform a sitcom for everyone." When a teacher should be strict, he must be strict, but he should interact with the students, and he must also interact.

"Ah? Come now?!" Liu Yan was very surprised, not prepared at all

"Why don't you come, Xue Zhiqian?!" Knowing that Liu Yan might not be able to let go because she just arrived in the new environment, Jiang Fang asked Xue Zhiqian to come for a while.

"Okay, then Hu Xing and I will act in a sitcom." Xue Zhiqian is crazy, and he thinks he can do well in such a simple game.

"Then you play the woman, and I play the man." Hu Xing was not stupid, so he decided on the gender of the role first.

"All right, all right, then I'll play the girl who likes you, I want to chase you, that's fine." If you want to act, act, anyway, it's on a show, and there is no test of acting skills.

"Have you started yet?!" After everything was decided, Hu Xing asked Xue Zhiqian if she was ready.

"Come on." Xue Zhiqian asked Hu Xing to start.

"You said you like me, tell me, what do you like about me?!" Hu Xing asked Xue Zhiqian as he turned his pen.

"I like your handsome appearance, your good figure, and your abs."

"You are talented, you can design cars, you have money, how young you are, and you still dote on your girlfriend so much, and the most important thing is that you can make so many delicious food." Xue Zhiqian said all kinds of good things to praise Hu Xing.

"Well, you're right." Hu Xing nodded, agreeing with Xue Zhiqian's statement.

"But, I have so many advantages, do you think you are worthy of me?"

"..." Hu Xing's words directly killed Tian, ​​and Xue Zhiqian couldn't answer for a while.

"Hahaha~" Seeing Xue Zhiqian's aggrieved face, Jiang Jinfu raised his head and laughed.

The other students also looked at Xue Zhiqian and Hu Xing and laughed non-stop.

Xue Zhiqian looked at Hu Xing in such embarrassment, how to act, how to act.

"Yeah, you also think you're not good enough for me?!"

"Even the little child star Song Zhuer dare not say that he is worthy of me, let alone you, right?" Hu Xing didn't forget to give it a try, which made Song Zhuer roll his eyes even more.

"Give me some face, okay? I'm embarrassed and ugly, okay?!"

"Crazy." Xue Zhiqian's mantra came out, and Hu Xing couldn't help it now.

"Do you have a car?" Hu Xing asked Xue Zhiqian a more realistic question.

"No!" Xue Zhiqian shook his head and said no.

"Then do you have a room?!" Everyone guessed this question.

"No!" Xue Zhiqian shook his head again.

"Then do you have savings?!"

"Not at all." Xue Zhiqian didn't do it three times in a row, and Hu Xing said, "You don't have a car, a house, and savings, and I have so many advantages, do you still think you have a chance to date me?!"

"..." Hu Xing talked the sky to death again, which made Xue Zhiqian speechless, and at the same time launched a final resistance: "But I am beautiful and have a good figure."

"Well, Liu Yan is also pretty and has a good figure. She has a car, a house, and savings."

"Why didn't I choose her, instead I chose you?!" This sentence completely blocked Xue Zhiqian.

Especially Liu Yan, the person involved, was quite embarrassed herself.

"..." Xue Zhiqian exploded his brain again, how to answer.

"I'm sorry, I went to the wrong blind date scene." I really couldn't find a suitable topic to talk about.

"Hahaha~" Xue Zhiqian found himself an awkward step down, and Hu Xing also laughed.

"Let's change roles, you play the female role, and I play the male role." Xue Zhiqian said that the roles were reversed.

"Okay, come." Hu Xing immediately agreed, and come if you want to act.

"Let's get a divorce." Xue Zhiqian acted preemptively and proposed to break up.

"Are you going to get a divorce? All right, leave as soon as you leave, but before we leave, we have to settle an account."

"What account?!" Not knowing what Hu Xing was going to do, Xue Zhiqian was very careful.

"We have been married for 5 years, a total of 1825 days. On average, you have a crush once every two days, and you spend 1000 yuan once, that is 182.5 million. Oh, counting the gifts you gave me over the years, the total is more than 20, and there are still 160 million. Ten thousand."

"Give me the money." Hu Xing stretched out his hand, asking Xue Zhiqian for money.

"..." Xue Zhiqian was in a daze again, shit, does that count?

"Haha~" Hu Xing settled this account, even if he is a student, he instantly understood what he was talking about.

Jiang Fang, a mother and teacher, was even more speechless.

This kid is really on the show, as long as he can be funny, he dares to say anything, right?

"Why is it so expensive? 1000 yuan." Xue Zhiqian was still struggling.

"You're talking nonsense, can night packages not be expensive? Besides, you don't just pay for nights, you also pay for months and years."

"I'm still calculating the annual fee for you. If it's calculated on a monthly basis, I'm afraid it will have to be increased by 30%."

"What you said seems to make sense?!" Xue Zhiqian had been successfully brainwashed, and even believed what Hu Xing said.

"That's right, let's get a divorce. I don't want your house and car anymore. Give me 160 million, and I can go to a third-tier city to buy a house and start a new life."

"It's not easy for a woman who owns a house to find a more powerful man, and he can just eliminate you who can't do it." Xue Zhiqian really couldn't swallow Hu Xing's words after that.

"Crazy, I don't want to lose face." Xue Zhiqian messed up Hu Xing's hairstyle as he spoke.

"Haha~" While Hu Xing laughed, he didn't know where he found the candy, so he unwrapped it and threw it into his mouth.

"Notice, please Xue Zhiqian, Hu Xing, Jiang Jinfu, Liu Yan, and Song Qian from Class 1314, Senior One, come to the physics laboratory on the 8th floor of the teaching building to prepare for the entrance exam." Schools are excited about it.

"Hu Xing?!!!!" That's right, they all wondered if their ears were 0.6 and they heard it wrong.

"It seems to be true. I heard that Dragon TV has a new reality show recently. It is a reality show in which celebrities go to school and get close to the students, go to school together, and study together."

"Yeah!!! Hu Xing has come to our school, haha~ It's still his alma mater."

"Class 1314, first grader, go down and find Hu Xing."

Many students in the school decided to go to Class 1314 of the first year of high school to find Hu Xing after class.

At this time, Hu Xing also heard the boiling screams of the students in the next class.

But now there is still an entrance exam, and Hu Xing will go there with everyone to prepare for today's entrance exam.

"Oh my god, I have an exam on the first day, what should I do?!" Song Qian is very nervous now, not knowing how embarrassing she will be in this exam, and her grades must be so embarrassing.

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