Chapter 0779 Exam

"Hu Xing, are you a brother?!" Xue Zhiqian, who came to the classroom and sat down, asked Hu Xing.

"Don't count on me, people who don't even have a high school diploma, how good do you think my grades are?!" Knowing that Xue Zhiqian was planning to cheat, Hu Xing quickly explained.

"No, aren't you very smart?!"

"Smart doesn't mean good grades!" While they were chatting, a teacher walked in with a test paper, which made the five of them quiet and afraid to speak.

"The exam time is 15 minutes. You can't whisper during the exam, and you can't cheat." The teacher went through the procedure in advance and reminded the five of them.

After the test papers were handed out, Song Qian and the others covered their faces.

"It's over, I won't do it at all." Looking at these arithmetic problems, Song Qian was directly confused.

"How many years have I been out of high school, how do I remember these things?" Liu Yan also fell down powerlessly.

On the contrary, it was Xue Zhiqian who still had a decent problem.

Jiang Jinfu also had black eyes, he really doesn't know how to do this kind of problem.

If I could, I wouldn't have chosen to be a sports student when I was in 10th high school.

Hu Xing turned the pen, looked at the test paper, and after roughly scanning it, he found that he knew it all.

No way, as long as he is at home during this time, he will help Mr. Song with his homework.

Even before, he had forgotten a lot, but because he had to learn from his assistant director Song Zhuer during this period, he also picked up some knowledge from high school.

Especially in science subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry, Hu Xing's assistant director Song Zhuer has the most during this time.

Song Zhuer does not need tutoring for Chinese and English, and basically does not need geography.

Only the three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry are the ones that most need an assistant tutor.

In one test paper, there are nine subjects including Chinese, Mathematics, English, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Politics, History, and Biology, with a total of 18 questions.

That is, Chinese, Mathematics, English + Wen Zong + Li Zong.

These questions are very simple questions in the first grade.

It can be said that [-]% of the students in the Second High School Attached to China Normal University can answer the question.

The Second High School Attached to East China Normal University is one of the key high schools in Shanghai. The students who can go to this high school will not have bad grades. Even the worst ones are better than many students with mid-range grades in ordinary high schools.

"What should I do?!" Liu Yan really couldn't answer a single question, completely embarrassed

"I don't know either." Song Qian herself didn't know. Although she wasn't so embarrassed that she didn't know a single question, it was about the same, and not many knew it.

Jiang Jinfu's eyes were even more dazed, and he gave up the exam.

He wouldn't even put his name on it if he could.

After Hu Xing reviewed the questions, he started to do the questions.

Originally, he was thinking that he was almost done.

But considering that his mother is his head teacher.

This test paper is not sure, and his mother will show it to read in the end, so he shook his head and said that he can do it if he can, so as to make his mother proud.

With this idea in mind, Hu Xing quickly finished the test paper in a few minutes.

"It's so difficult." Seeing that she knew very little, Xue Zhiqian could only cry in the end.

Hu Xing didn't know if his test papers were the same as those of the other four.

But judging from their weak tone, the questions on the test papers must be the same.

Although he knew all the questions on the test paper, Hu Xing also felt that the test questions were indeed a bit difficult.

How should I put it, with such test questions, I am afraid that even Song Zhuer is enough for her to burn out.

It's not Hu Xingchui, it's just that he doesn't like to show off.

In fact, he basically knew the knowledge of high school in high school, and he didn't have too much pressure to get a perfect score in the exam. It's just because Hu Xing, who has gone out to the society and worked hard in the past, knows that you don't care about your grades in school. It's useless to be good, and you still have to rely on your own adaptability when you go out to the society.

So in this life, when he was in school, he never paid attention to the lectures, nor did he take the exams seriously.

Just because he doesn't listen carefully to the class doesn't mean he can't, and if he doesn't get good grades in the exam, it doesn't mean he really can't write.

Rather, he felt that there was no need to prove this, as long as he knew how much he weighed.

"Time is up, hand in the paper." The teacher said to hand in the paper, and everyone stopped.

"The results will be announced by the teacher of the next class in your class. Now you can go back to class." The invigilating teacher took the test paper back.

After returning to the office, the teachers of various subjects arranged by the school were ready to see the grades and so on.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, your son is fine!" the math teacher said to Jiang Fang with a smile after reading Hu Xing's test paper.

"What's the matter? This brat didn't take the exam seriously?" Jiang Fang didn't have class for the second period, so she was in the office preparing materials for the next class.

"Heh~ Not only did I take the test seriously, but I also did surprisingly well." Several teachers were correcting the papers.

Jiang Fang walked over, picked up her son's test paper, and looked at the questions on it.

Although she is an English teacher, she is still a teacher anyway. Now she can understand some simple subjects in high school, but she can't do it if it is a little difficult. After all, she is not a professional teacher.

"I just said, this kid did it on purpose before." Jiang Fang said helplessly after reading the test paper.

"Out of the five test papers, only Hu Xing's is unique. Every question on it is a high school problem, but Hu Xing got every question right."


"Hehe~ Master's math, physics and chemistry scores are so good, it seems that Hu Xing's tutoring is indispensable."

"That's right, I used to be quite afraid that Zhuer's relationship with Hu Xing would affect her studies; now it seems that she is a bit worried, and it is thanks to Hu Xing's tutoring, otherwise Zhuer's math, physics and chemistry scores would not be good. That's great." The compliments from several teachers made Jiang Fang smile slightly.

She has already passed the age at which a mother would be proud of her son's good grades.

Jiang Fang's current age is already the age at which she would be proud of her grandchildren with good grades.

Therefore, for Hu Xing to answer these questions correctly, there is happiness, but not pride.

Because she knew a long time ago that it's not that her son can't do it, it's just that he doesn't like to show off.

On the other side of the classroom, Hu Xing came back to the classroom and was taking a math class.

After a few minutes, Jiang Fang brought the test paper of the entrance exam just now to the math teacher who was in class, and the two teachers were talking outside.

The math teacher walked in with the test paper, Hu Xing bored out of poker, and secretly played cards with Xue Zhiqian. This was still in front of the show, teaching the audience how to play cards in class.

Because this is a class, it is impossible for all the directors of the program group to shoot in the classroom.

It is enough to install the camera and take pictures of the classroom in all directions. This is also in order not to affect the students in class.

Chapter 0780 There is a situation

"Everyone, here is a big math problem. I'll write it out and see who can solve it?!" The math teacher got the test paper and wrote the above math problem on the blackboard.

A question, the teacher just wrote it on the blackboard.

"Ah~~~" When seeing this question, almost all the students in the class were wailing. Obviously, they were all very desperate for this question, and they didn't even understand it.

There are only a few students who are better in mathematics, and they watch quietly.

Obviously, he was thinking in his heart, how to solve this problem.

"Teacher, this question doesn't seem to be a math problem that we can do in the first year of high school, right?!" The math class representative asked the math teacher helplessly after reading it.

"Theoretically speaking, it is unlikely to appear in the test papers of senior two and senior three. Even if it does, the chance is very small." The math teacher said with a smile.

"Several students with good math scores in our class, Chen Mingli, Xie Xiaolan, Huo Junyi, Song Zhuer, after reading this question, can you solve it?!" The math teacher said that these four are all in the class , good grades in mathematics

"Uh." Chen Mingli is a tomboy girl, but she is really good at mathematics, but now she is also shaking her head, expressing that she is not very good at solving this problem.

"I can't solve it." Huo Junyi also shook his head, he didn't have any idea about this question.

"Oh, you can't even make a math representative?!" Song Qian asked her deskmate in surprise.

"That means this question is difficult." Song Qian's deskmate told her calmly.

"Can you do it?!" Seeing her deskmate so calm, Song Qian asked her...

"No, it's because you don't know how to be calm that you will appear calm. Only those who know a little bit will be distressed."

Liu Yan also discussed this question with her deskmate.

Hu Xing and Xue Zhiqian, who were playing cards, were also attracted by this question.

Hu Xing recognized it, isn't this the same question he relied on just now?

"Master, what about you?!" The math teacher asked Song Zhuer if he would answer this question.

"Teacher, mathematics is my weak point, so I'm going to do even better with this question." Song Zhuer was actually very entangled.

She seems to be born unable to learn mathematics.

If it were changed to before, let alone high school mathematics, she would not be able to learn even junior high school mathematics.

If it weren't for Hu Xing's guidance, her current math score would not be in the top five in the class.

It's just that this question is indeed beyond the range of her math scores.

"..." Hu Xing remained silent, what's going on?

Doesn't anyone in the class know this question?How did that show up in his entrance exam paper?

Isn't an entrance exam like recording a program just going through the procedure and just asking random questions?

Why now, no one knows this question?

"Is this the question in our test paper?!" Hu Xing was not sure, but he still asked Xue Zhiqian in a low voice.

"No, there is no such question in the test paper." Xue Zhiqian immediately told Hu Xing that there was no such question in the test paper.

"No, isn't the sixth question in the test paper the same question?!" Hu Xing remembered it clearly.

"No, the 6th question is a physics question." This time the skin next to him couldn't help but say it.

"..." Now Hu Xing realized that his test paper was different from theirs.

At this time, the math teacher said mysteriously: "This problem, there is one person in our class who can solve it, and it is still fully decomposed."

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