Chapter 0803 Mr. Zhao is pregnant!Happy and happy

PS: Big birthday update, tenth update today

While eating, Zhao Liying still held Hu Xing's hand and asked him to help her pick up the dishes near him for her to eat.

Hu Xing signaled that he knew, and held Zhao Liying's wrist.

But after holding Zhao Liying's wrist, Hu Xing felt something.

Subconsciously, three fingers lightly pressed the Cun, Guan and Chi pulses on Zhao Liying's wrist.

A few seconds later, Hu Xing, who was about to serve food, took his hand back.

"What's wrong?!" Seeing that Hu Xing was gone, Zhao Liying asked him what's wrong.

Hu Xing put down his chopsticks and glanced at Zhao Liying.

"Why didn't you say it?" Hu Xing put down his chopsticks and asked Zhao Liying seriously.

"What?" Zhao Liying didn't understand what Hu Xing meant.

"Are you an idiot?" Hu Xing said to Zhao Liying in front of so many family members.

"What's wrong?!" She really didn't know what was wrong.

"You don't know?!" Seeing Zhao Liying's appearance, Hu Xing realized that she didn't seem to know.

"Know what?!" Zhao Liying didn't realize it at all.

"" Hu Xing was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

The situation here caught Hu Yu's attention. They didn't understand what his son was talking about.

Hu Xing was a little dumbfounded, and said to Grandpa Gaozu: "Gaozu, my great-great-great-grandson is here to wish you a [-]th birthday with double happiness. You have been promoted from Gaozu to Tianzu on the day of your [-]th birthday."

"!!!!!!" Hu Xing's words made the Hu family's eyes widen.

"What, what?!" Mr. Hu Ji is already a hundred years old, and his hearing is not very good.

"That is, from today onwards, your old man may be the only one in China with six generations under one roof." Hu Xing repeated the good news again.

"Ah?!" Now, Hu Qing, Hu Hua, and Hu Yu all looked at Hu Xing in shock.

"I am the ancestor of heaven?!" Hu Ji repeated this sentence, but at the same time looked at Zhao Liying in astonishment.

Jiang Fang was also very surprised, so suddenly?

In front of his family, Hu Xing held Zhao Liying's hand and put it on the table.

Everyone looked over and saw that Hu Xing was checking Zhao Liying's pulse.

Everyone knows that Hu Xing knows Chinese medicine and can feel the pulse.

With this action, he was telling his family that Zhao Liying was pregnant.

"!!!!" Zhao Liying's expression was slightly startled. She is pregnant?

"Xi Mai!" Hu Xing told Zhao Liying with certainty that Xi Mai was right.

Di Lieba and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that there would be another happy event on such an important day for the Hu family?

Zhao Liying's big eyes were looking at Hu Xing, as if asking: Are you sure?

"Really?!" Jiang Fang was the most excited. She wanted to be a grandma for a long time.

This time, the son said that Zhao Liying has a happy pulse, that is to say, is she really going to be a grandma?

"One hundred percent sure." Hu Xing was very confident in his pulse.

"Haha~ Really? I have been promoted to be a grandfather?!" Hu Yu was also very happy, finally he could be a grandfather.

"You don't know?!" Looking at Zhao Liying's appearance, it seemed that she didn't know.

"I don't know. I took a pregnancy test at the end of last month. At that time, the pregnancy test showed that I was pregnant, but when I went to the hospital for an examination, it turned out that I was not pregnant."

"At that time, Hu Xing also took my pulse and said that I was not pregnant."

"I later found out that it was because I had breakfast that the pregnancy test was inaccurate."

"A few days later, it was indeed menstruation, so I didn't worry about it."

"That time, Hu Xing was sure that I wasn't pregnant." Zhao Liying was also caught off guard by the good news.

She should be happy, but now she is more surprised than happy.

"Xing'er has always been right about the pulse. His grandfather Gaozu's body has always been helped by Xing'er."

"He said it's a happy pulse, so it's almost inseparable."

"Haha~ I'm considered a great ancestor now, come, let's congratulate the sixth generation of our Hu family on the arrival of this little guy." Hu Qing was very happy, really very happy.

"Cheers!!!!" Everyone stood up and congratulated the Hu family for the sixth generation.

"Ah? Me?" Zhao Liying didn't know what to do, it was too sudden.

Later, Zhao Liying realized that she really had to be happy. She was pregnant, and her wish to give birth to Hu Xing finally came true.

"Hee hee~ Let me tell you, Hu Xing's wedding blood is mine, haha~" Zhao Liying turned around immediately and said to Di Lieba...

"Haha~" Zhao Liying's cute reaction made Reba dumbfounded.

"If you slow down, it will be mine, June." Di Lieba reminded Zhao Liying of her graduation wedding.

"Haha~ Then I am two or three months earlier than you, so congratulate me." Zhao Liying was pregnant, and her mood became even better.

No one expected that this happy event would fall from the sky like this.

"You can't eat this! You can't eat this! You can't eat this!" Pregnancy meant that she was pregnant, but Hu Xing said she couldn't eat anything that Zhao Liying wanted to eat.

"You can't eat indiscriminately when you're pregnant." Hu Xing cared very much, and told Zhao Liying not to eat casually.

"Why can't I eat anything when I'm pregnant?" Zhao Liying was depressed now

"Why is it such a coincidence that you are pregnant with so many delicious foods? Aren't you trying to be a mother?!" Zhao Liying looked down at her stomach and said to the unformed fetus.

"It must be a daughter. If it was a son, he would definitely feel sorry for his mother. It can't be such a coincidence that it will come when there is a full feast." Zhao Liying muttered, saying that the child in her stomach must be her daughter.

Only a daughter would do that to her mother.

"Haha~" Hu Xing liked his daughter, and said with a smile, "Don't bully my daughter."

"Hey, I'll return your wife. You've been protecting this child before she was born."


"If this is born, you still have to forget me." Zhao Liying said so, but she was still very happy in her heart.

Because of this happy event, the birthday banquet can be said to end with everyone's congratulations and family members' happy smiles

In the evening, when he got home, Hu Xing also picked up the calendar.

"Mom and Dad, do you remember Liying's birth date?!" Hu Xing happened to ask Zhao Liying's parents at this time.

"I remember, of course I remember." Zhao Liying's parents were also sincerely happy. Their daughter was pregnant, and they were going to be grandparents too. How could they be unhappy.

When Hu Xing learned about Zhao Liying's birthday, he matched it with his own, and finally looked at the calendar to see if there was a suitable date for their wedding within three months.

Chapter 0804 choose a wedding day

"There is no suitable day in three months?!" Hu Xing said to Zhao Liying after reading it.

"No?!" Hu Xing is also a person who knows how to choose a date.

"There are several good days to get married, but we have to use our birthdays to choose a date that matches. There are no good days in the first half of this year, and there will be two good days in the second half of the year." Hu Xing said, Hu Hua Also took a look at the calendar.

According to the horoscope of the birth date just mentioned, and compared again, it is indeed not there.

"Haha~ The first blood is still mine." Reba said and winked at Zhao Liying.

"The second half of the year is okay too?!" Liu Shishi thinks that the second half of the year is also okay.

"There will be good days in August in the second half of the year. At that time, my belly will be more than seven months old. Even if there is a wedding, it will be inconvenient to go through so many procedures on that day." Hu Xing thinks so.

"Wait a minute, is my marriage considered a one-for-one get-one?"

"My big one got married, and I brought a small one as a gift for my father?!" Zhao Liying didn't think about the wedding, but thought about this kind of problem instead.

"Funny." Hu Xing gave this woman a white look, she was really good

"This matter should be discussed as soon as possible, and time waits for no one." 15 Jiang Fang is also very concerned about this matter.

The daughter-in-law is pregnant, so the wedding must be prepared.

In the end, it is up to Hu Xing and how he chooses.

Hu Xing is also thinking about this matter. Three months to prepare for the wedding is definitely enough time.

But it just so happens that there are no good days, so this is a bit more depressing.

If you want to wait until the good days, it will be the time of summer vacation.

Hu Xing pinched his chin, what should he do?

"What is your schedule for this year?!" To be considerate, Hu Xing must understand Zhao Liying's schedule for this year.

"I have to ask Sister Wei about this." Zhao Liying was not very clear.

"However, what I know now is that "Shooting the Condors" will be completed in half a month, and then the TV series "Shanshan is Coming" that is currently being filmed."

"In the summer, I will shoot "A Thousand Bone Flowers" with you."

"There is a movie "Surprise All the Way", which seems to be filming soon."

"In the second half of the year, there is also a modern urban love drama with Zheng Kai." Zhao Liying probably remembered this.

"Let's turn down the movie, and the one that cooperated with Master Ji is also temporarily turned away."

"You can just shoot "Shanshan Is Coming" and "A Thousand Bone Flowers" this year." The two films that were rejected were all searched by Hu Xing through the system, and they were not Zhao Liying's masterpieces, so they were rejected .

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