Anyway, it doesn't matter if we reject these two dramas and replace them with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Besides, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will be filmed next year, which is enough, there is no need to continue filming these two masterpieces with bad reputation.

"If you turn it down, you'll have to pay liquidated damages." Zhao Liying told Hu Xing with a smile.

"I will pay for the liquidated damages. It is the most important thing for you to raise your fetus and have children at home. If you ask me, even "Shanshan is Coming" and "A Thousand Bone Flowers" will be rejected." As a mother-in-law, Jiang Fang is very domineering Said to the daughter-in-law.

"I can't reject these two." Hu Xing immediately shook his head at his mother's thought, and said, "I'm pregnant in October, and this is ten months. It will be very boring for her to stay at home every day with nothing to do."

"When a pregnant woman is bored, she will think too much. If she thinks too much, it will affect her mood, and she will easily get depression. It's like when you were pregnant with us. When the due date is near, I will go to the hospital to wait for delivery." Hu Xing considered this, and Zhao Liying felt relieved.

"After all the calculations, after the filming of "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" is finished, the expected date of delivery will almost be reached."

"The filming of "A Thousand Bones of Flowers", which started in early May, will take four months to complete, so it will definitely be finished in mid-September, so she will have about one month left to reach her due date." Hu Xing roughly calculated The due date is out.

"Isn't it? You've already calculated the expected date of delivery?!" Liu Shishi looked at Hu Xing blankly, could he confirm the expected date of delivery with every pulse?

"No, how is it possible to calculate the expected date of delivery by taking the pulse now?"

"But Li Ying was only conceived this month, so the expected date of delivery must be October." Hu Xing felt that he understood this kind of common sense.

"Okay, that's it." Jiang Fang felt that there was no problem with this, so it was done like this.

"But here comes the question, the question just now, when will the wedding be held?"

"What should I do? The day has to be chosen, right?!"

Hu Xing looked at the calendar and finally said: "Then we can only choose May 5st. This is the best auspicious day in half a year after the combination of our birthdays and horoscopes."

"On this day, it is advisable to: open a business, get married, get a license, get engaged, get married, open the market, ask for an heir..."

"So, if you really want to get married within three months, only this day is the most suitable day in the first half of the year." Hu Xing finally got his attention.

"Hehe~ How did I find out that you set the date of your marriage by yourself, don't you need to find a professional gentleman to choose the date?" Zhao Liying covered her mouth and snickered.

"What kind of professional are you looking for? Our mother is a witch, and I learned all this from her." When Hu Xing said this, Jiang Fang also looked at this day.

Jiang Fang knows a little about this kind of date selection, mainly because she had contact with the elderly at home when she was a child.

"Look, the yellow triangular talisman in each of your wallets was made by our 180 mothers. In terms of TV dramas, this talisman has been opened, and it is worn when you go out. I can keep you safe." What Hu Xing said, Liu Shishi and the others looked at Jiang Fang tacitly.

As daughter-in-laws, after they confirmed their relationship with Hu Xing, Hu Xing's mother would give them a safe talisman and ask them to carry it with them.

Just put it in your wallet, it's safe.

Although, many young people feel that this is superstition.

But for the elderly, for the sake of their children, even if they are superstitious, it is good to ask for psychological comfort or something.

Speaking of which, this kind of thing is actually somewhat useful, and it cannot be said that all of them are useless.

"Don't doubt your mother, tell you, what did I say?"

"I'll be a grandma in two years, do you think I'm wrong?"

"I said at the beginning that Li Ying was the first daughter-in-law who made me a grandmother. Look, am I wrong?" Jiang Fang said to these children.

"..." Liu Shishi, Song Jia and the others were speechless, as if this was not true at all.

"Is our mother really good at fortune-telling? Isn't this a bit too mysterious?!" Song Jia thought before that what Hu Xing said was right, our mother is a witch, nothing more.

But now it seems that Jiang Fang's calculations are somewhat accurate.

Chapter 0805 witches teach you marriage

"I don't know, anyway, I don't understand these things, but sometimes my mother's calculations are quite accurate." Reba has met several times, and feels that Hu Xing's mother is sometimes quite accurate.

Speaking of this, Jiang Fang said to her daughters-in-law in a serious manner: "Hu Xing was born in 90, which is a horse, and 90 years is the year of Gengwu. The five elements of Geng belong to gold, and Wu is a horse, so Hu Xing is the life of a golden horse. "

"When others are busy with work or pursuing a certain pursuit, Jinma will be desperate and put everything else in the back of his mind. For him, the important thing is to achieve the goal and complete the task."

"Golden Horse's personality is not suitable for speculative activities, because he can make steady progress in layoffs, and all plans can be fully developed under the arrangement of Golden Horse." What Jiang Fang told, Liu Shishi and the others are even more He stared at Hu Xing with wide eyes.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this?

"Golden Horse is generally very free in terms of emotions. At the same time, his behavior shows calmness and rationality everywhere. When the other party has not fully expressed his feelings, he will never take the first step."

"Judging from the baby relationship between him and Han Xie, the freedom he yearns for, the calm handling, and the reason to consider Han Xie's life, this is clear, right?!" Jiang Fang was right.

Liu Shishi and the others also thought of Hu Xing and their relationship, which was also the case.

"As for Shishi and Li Ying, you were born in 87, and you belonged to the rabbit. 87 was the year of Dingmao, and you were born in the furnace. Therefore, you in 87 were born in the furnace."

"Natural life is a rabbit, life in the furnace is fire, and the five elements are full of water and lack of gold."

"Are you cold-blooded, so your body is relatively weak, and your hands and feet tend to get cold in winter?" When Jiang Fang said this, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying touched their hands subconsciously.

"..." Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying looked at each other in dismay, as if?

Song Zhuer even touched it, and found that Zhao Liying's hands were indeed rather cold.

Hu Xing knew it long ago, so he helped to add: "According to the analysis of numerology, you are born with a poor kidney water system, so you tend to feel tired easily. In winter, your hands and feet are often cold, and your physical strength seems to be inferior to human beings, so you can't do jobs that require a lot of labor. This is why there are so many female stars in the mainland in 87."

"Because being a star is not considered hard work." Hu Xing also understands this, but he is not like the kind of Chengdu magic stick used to make jokes on the show.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are the five elements that generate and restrain each other. You are the fate of fire, so if you want to find a suitable partner, you must be someone who cannot restrain you. Only in this way can you make a perfect combination."

"Actually, Fire Fate and Gold Fate are not a good match."

"A man with a golden fire and a female with a fire will be poor if they don't get married by marriage. If they don't have children and their family wealth is scattered, the golden fire will kill their own lives." The mantra Jiang Fang said made Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying very worried. What does that mean? That is to say, they are not worthy of Hu Xing.

"But as I said just now, the two of you belonged to the Rabbit in 87, with the life of the Fire Rabbit, and the five elements are short of gold. Although the gold and fire fates are not compatible, but because you are short of gold in the five elements, since you are short of the five elements, then look for the shortcoming. This is barely perfect." Jiang Fang's final answer reassured the two girls a lot.

"I was taken aback. I thought I had this child, but it turned out that we were not worthy." Zhao Liying felt relieved now.

"What about Reba?" Song Jia's question made Reba smile slightly.

"That's right, where is Reba? She is the master of Hu Xing's harem, she should be the most perfect, right?!" Liu Shishi actually guessed it.

"92 is the year of Renshen, the five elements of Ren belong to water, and Shen is a monkey, so those born in 92 are destined for water monkeys."

"Water monkeys are natural leaders. They are smart and skillful, have strong organizational skills, and have charisma; but they love to show off, are too aggressive, and a little arrogant, which is easy to arouse the disgust of others. Therefore, water monkeys should restrain their temper and work hard. To improve interpersonal relationships, you should also read more books and enrich yourself, which can strengthen your luck, and the water monkeys who are naturally talented and intelligent, as long as they play well, they will definitely get impressive results."

"The water monkey has a very strong relationship with the opposite sex. It has a lot of luck in its life, and it is easy to get help from the opposite sex. After marriage, it is blessed to get along well and have a happy family. Since Hu Xing helped Reba learn things and train her when she was a child, you can see Reba's character." Heterosexual fate and good luck.” What Jiang Fang said was right, and Liu Shishi and the others were even more amazed.

"Because the fortune star in the water monkey shines brightly in the fate palace, the financial resources are good, and the windfall is also very good, and there will be windfalls; of course, this windfall means that she has nothing to do now, but she has The net worth of tens of billions was all given by her boyfriend, and this is a windfall."

"Hahaha~" Reba, who was watching TV next to her, laughed when she heard her mother say this.

"Hu Xing is the life of a golden horse, and Reba is a life of a water monkey. The man is golden and the woman is water. Water and gold are blessed to sit in the high hall. The accumulation of money is joyful. The two children are well-behaved, and they are all smart and learn articles."

"Now do you understand why Xing'er chose Reba to be the master of the harem?"

"Because he and Reba are the best match, even if you use young people like you today, the zodiac pairing is good. Hu Xing is Aries, Reba is Gemini, and their zodiac matching index is as high as 90%."

"Naza, who was also born in 92, is also born as a water monkey, similar to Reba's. However, in terms of zodiac signs, the matching index of Aries and Taurus is only 70%, which is lower than Reba's."

"In the end, Nazha couldn't win over Reba. This is the comparison of marriage in all aspects." After Jiang Fang finished speaking, Hu Xing sat next to her and hugged Reba, without saying a word.

They have heard all this before, so they don't interrupt.

Let the sorceress give these good daughters-in-law a good make-up lesson, so as not to make a fuss in the future.

"The master is born in 98, a man of gold and a woman of earth, good luck and good marriage, food and clothing without worrying about blessings and nature, prosperous children and grandchildren, family wealth, and prosperity for thousands of years." This formula can be heard by everyone. It's a good marriage.

"Besides, Zhu'er is also a Gemini, she is the same as Reba, she is very compatible with Xing'er, if Xing'er first met Zhu'er, Reba might not be able to win against Zhu'er.

"Reba and Zhu'er can be said to be rivals in Hu Xing's marriage in this life. They are good opponents. It is not difficult to see from the fact that Zhu'er has always wanted the position of the harem master."

"The master wants to beat Reba, and wants to reverse the disadvantage that he knew Hu Xing later than Reba."

"Even in order to catch up with Reba, she asked Hu Xing, who also trained Reba so perfectly, to train her. This is the contrast. The two of them are natural rivals. To put it bluntly, they are natural rivals in love."

Chapter 0806 Come and serve me

Song Zhuer looked at Reba with a smile, and the two sisters just glanced at each other.

In fact, they can feel it themselves.

Although they are rivals in love and opponents, they will not fight because of this.

Just because they both love the same man, and this man also dotes on them

Now Hu Xing has quite a few girlfriends, but the one he dotes on the most is Song Zhuer, because she is young and needs to be pampered the most at this time...

At this stage of pampering her, Hu Xing also needs to train her well, so that when she matures, she will feel that the rivalry between sisters is actually unnecessary.

If Hu Xing didn't dote on Zhu'er much at this time, maybe Zhu'er would really quarrel with Reba, and they would only have one.


"However, girls like this are hard to come by. Although the marriage is the most perfect match, if the two parties don't call, their married life will not be satisfactory."

"Anyway, the most perfect girlfriends brought back by Hu Xing so far are Reba and Zhu'er."

"Other people are also very good, but we all know that even if they are all good, there will be differences between them; don't think too much, these can only be an analysis and speculation, as long as you live well." Jiang Jiang Fang looked at Song Jia as she spoke.

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is Song Jia, Mu Ming."

"A man of gold and a woman of wood. The couple of gold and wood have not been together for many years. They quarrel and cry all day long. It turns out that both lives are harmful. They have been married and widowed for half a lifetime."

"It's not a good match in marriage, but Xing'er is very sensible and knows that he and you are not suitable for marriage, so I will let you do everything in life. As long as the two of you don't quarrel, then everything will be fine."

"I was worried at first. During this period of time, seeing Hu Xing doting on you so much and giving in to you, I can actually see it. He also understands that if you don't give in to each other, the relationship line may be easily broken."

"But he takes the initiative to regard himself as the weak side. As long as you are happy, if he can do anything, then if you can't get angry, be your little milk dog. If you can be happy, then everything can be resolved."

"From this point of view, I don't know much about marriage than Xing'er." Jiang Fang is very satisfied, because her son has done a good job.

"It turned out to be like this." Song Jia recalled, ever since dating Hu Xing, he did give her everything, as long as he didn't cross his boundaries, Hu Xing could give her everything.

It is Hu Xing who knows that they are not really a match, but fate has brought them together.

If you want this marriage to be good, then someone must make a concession.

"You can feel it too. In fact, Hu Xing is more worried about your childbirth."

"You are the oldest. The older you are, the more dangerous it is to have a child. In theory, you should have given birth a long time ago, and you should be the first to give birth. Only then will you be safer."

"But you said you weren't ready and didn't want to have a baby yet."

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