After watching a movie, Hu Xing even felt sleepy.

This year's Lunar New Year file, there are indeed no good works.

But let's start from this year, every year after the Lunar New Year, there will be good movies coming out.

Many young directors have produced good films.

"Average." Hu Xing commented when he noticed that Reba was looking at him.

You can't give too low a score, otherwise if it spreads, it may cause dissatisfaction among many big bosses, even if he has the ability, he is not afraid of being banned by these big bosses.

It may be that one less thing is one thing, and there is no need to provoke these right and wrong.

"I'm a little hungry." Hu Yun held his sister's hand and said that he was a little hungry.

"Xing, let's go find something to eat." Hu Ying also felt hungry, so she could find something to eat.

"Okay, I know there is a good Haidilao nearby." Hu Xing thought that there was a newly opened Haidilao near here, and the taste was still very good, so he could take his sisters there.

Chapter 0816 such a hero and heroine

"It's New Year's Eve to sing, thanks for your idea?!" After dinner, Hu Xing and the others came to the box that Zheng Kai reserved and met a few friends from Shanghai.

Zheng Kai, Jiang Shuying, and Qiao Renliang were all there, and they were all acquainted by Hu Xing, and they were also good friends.

"Let me tell you first, everyone can't smoke in the box." After entering, Hu Xing immediately told everyone present that they couldn't smoke in the box, and if they wanted to smoke, they had to go outside.

"I know, there are so many girls here, I wouldn't smoke here." Zheng Kai already knew that Hu Xing's girlfriend was pregnant, so he stopped smoking here.

You're here to play, as long as you're having fun.

"Brother Hu Xing, it's our first meeting." While Hu Xing was chatting with his girlfriend, a handsome boy with a very different temperament came to him to say hello.

"You are?" Hu Xing didn't recognize it all at once, because the light in the box was rather dim.

"My name is Yang Yang." Yang Yang introduced himself. Hearing this name, Hu Xing knew who he was.

One of the young fresh meats in the future, how should I put it, he has a high appearance and a very unique temperament.

"Don't be so nervous and polite, I don't know how to drink, sorry." Seeing Yang Yang coming over with the wine 823, Hu Xing thanked him with a smile, he doesn't drink.

"It's okay, it's the first time I see Brother Hu Xing, I should give you a toast." Yang Yang is not very famous now, but after he starred in "Dream of Red Mansions", he has received widespread attention.

Hu Xing and Yang Yang are not far apart in age, but their identities are far apart.

Tonight, there are really many people who want to get to know Hu Xing. Hu Xing has been with his girlfriend or sister all the time. Even if a girl comes to meet him, Hu Xing can just be courteous.

"Old Hu, our movie is released, have you seen it?" While singing, Zheng Kai asked Hu Xing if he had seen his own movie?

"Predecessor Raiders" was released in the early hours of this morning, that is, just after the Spring Festival.

After it was released, naturally many people went to see the movie.

Really is Hu Xing's second movie, and also Hu Xing's second film and television work broadcast or screened.

The good performance in "Drug Wars" made Hu Xing's fans, or the audience, have high expectations for Hu Xing.

"Predecessor Raiders" is also the first movie that Hu Xing and Reba collaborated with. The collaboration between Li and his wife is enough to attract fans to watch.

The combined fans of Hu Xing and Reba are 1.5 million, and it was released on the day of the Spring Festival.

With the running man doing enough publicity years ago, this drama can be described as highly anticipated.

"..." Hu Xing and Reba looked at each other, and laughed in a random tacit understanding: "Haha~ It's over, isn't it embarrassing to say this? My movie was released today, but I didn't go to see my movie , but went to see "Journey to the West Only Havoc in Heaven"?"

"Haha~" Reba just remembered, and she had forgotten this before.

Originally, when they went to the theater to watch a movie, they thought it was weird.

Although it is said that theaters will also display posters of some recently released movies.

But just now, because it was the theater I went to, and there were a lot of people coming and going, Hu Xing and the others were worried that they would be surrounded by crowds, so they went in very carefully, and didn't pay attention to seeing the poster.

Realizing now, it seems like they all forgot that their movie was released today?

"You haven't watched it yet?" Zheng Kai saw something now.

"No, you went to see it?" This is really not to see.

"Look, I must have watched the premiere last night, okay? After watching it, I went back to play games." After Zheng Kai said, Hu Xing quickly got up: "Stop talking, let's make up a movie."

"Hahaha~ Can you guys be any more funny? You forgot the release date of your own movie?" These two people also surprised me

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really forgot, because my girlfriend is pregnant, so I forgot about it in excitement." Hu Xing quickly picked up his clothes.

"Puchi!" Zhao Liying and Nazha were also very speechless, and there is such a male lead?

"Let me just say, I always feel that watching "Havoc in Heaven" is a bit weird today."

"Let's go, let's make up one too. "Predecessor Raiders" is the first movie that my brother and sister-in-law collaborated on. This must be seen." Hu Yun also wanted to watch this movie.

"Let's go." They said and left.

"Why don't you go, there is a theater upstairs, just go to the theater upstairs to watch it." Zheng Ao reminded them, don't rush to go, it is possible to go to the theater upstairs.

"Is it from the IMAX hall?!" Hu Xing also asked Zheng Kai.

"Yes, but I don't know what time the show is. You should watch it first. Even if there is, there may not be a good seat." Today is the Spring Festival, and many people will come to watch the movie.

In particular, this movie is starring Hu Xing, Reba, and Zheng Kai, the three members of Running Man.

Just the audience and fans of Running Man can attract many people.

This is even more time-consuming. There are four beauties in the movie, Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, and Nazha. There are so many beauties in the cameo, plus they are starring the hottest CP couple in the mainland. person?

"Let's go, there just happens to be a 7:45 show in the Imax hall, and you can still watch it when you go up." Hu Xing checked it on Taobao and found that there happened to be a show.

"What about the location? Are there any good locations?" Reba was concerned about this issue.

"It can only be the last row. There is still room in the middle of the last row. The six of us can just watch it." As they said that, the family left the KTV room temporarily to catch up on a movie.

"Hahaha~" Reba still couldn't help laughing when she walked out.

This incident will definitely make people laugh to death.

As the leading actors, they are also top-notch, definitely not one of them.

Going up to the theater upstairs, Hu Xing and the others went to collect 6 movie tickets.

After picking up the tickets, they can check them in directly.

When entering the cinema hall, those who bought tickets all took their seats and prepared for the movie to start.

Their entry quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the cinema.

"My God! Hu Xing?" Because the movie hadn't started yet, the lights in the theater hadn't been turned off yet.

Hu Xing didn't put on any disguise, and he didn't even wear sunglasses, so he just walked in.

The fans came rushing to Hu Xing and the others, how could they not recognize that it was Hu Xing himself.

"Wow, there are also Zhao Liying, Gu Li Nazha, and Di Lieba, yeah~ I'm so lucky," the audience in the entire movie hall stood up one after another.

"Okay, okay, let's watch a movie." Hu Xing reassured everyone to sit down and watch the movie, and don't talk for now.

Just when the movie started to play, although I really wanted to go up to take a group photo, I still obeyed the rules of the theater and watched the movie quietly without crowding up.

Chapter 0817 Film Critic Evaluation

After the movie started, the auditorium, which was originally a bit noisy, became quiet in an instant.

The opening of the movie is a more interesting wedding.

Especially Hu Xing and Zheng Kai, the playboy brothers, are really~ people can't laugh or cry.

I have to say that in this era of 2014, this movie has a lot of laughs.

As a low-cost movie, this script is passable.

Hu Xing's acting skills have once again satisfied movie fans, because it can be seen that Hu Xing is acting with his acting skills, not with his appearance and figure.

The most surprising thing is that Di Lieba's acting skills are also impressive.

As a graduate of the drama, Reba is now taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

Originally, I thought that Reba was beautiful and sang well, but her acting skills were not so good.

But now it seems that this is not the only way.

In the movie, Reba's performance is still very objective, not very amazing, but it is eye-catching, at least it can be seen that she has acting skills, and the acting is very suitable.

In addition to Di Lieba, Wang Likun, the female supporting role, also entered the audience's eyes.

There are laughs and tears in the movie, especially when Wang Likun got married in the end, through Jiu Jin's confession to Hu Xing, Hu Xing's feeling of understanding her "loved" can be said to have touched the tears of many audiences.

The final result is very helpless, but all this is not the fault of the actors, but the ability of the screenwriter.

After watching the movie, of course, posting movie reviews on the Internet is indispensable.

"I have to say that the biggest highlight of the whole movie is that there are many beauties, all of whom are young actresses, the sexy and charming Song Jia, the pleasing Liu Shishi, the cute and smart Zhao Liying, and the exotic Gulina. Zha, together with the leading actresses Reba and Wang Likun, are all beauties without makeup in the circle."

"A ticket worth tens of dollars is worth the fare; the plot is mediocre, with a lot of connotation and a lot of jokes."

"This time, Hu Xing's acting skills have shown us again; the image of a playboy has been portrayed thoroughly by his acting skills; Reba's acting skills are eye-catching, but they are not as amazing as Hu Xing. Goddess still needs to work hard."

"Huayi's liar, the scale and standard are not too bad, the subject matter is realistic, the screenwriter is not too conventional, the actors and brothers are all actors, the editing is also clean and neat, the picture is clear and beautiful, it is really not bad for celebrating the new year .”

"One star for Zheng Kai, this guy's Playboy is really interesting, better than Hu Xing; two stars for Hu Xing, because it is really his acting that supports this drama; half a star for Hot Ba's figure; half a star is for Reba's acting; one star is for Wang Likun, the acting is very good, even though the appearance may be half an hour, my classmates and I cried and burst into tears."

"It's really unexpected. It's much more interesting and funny than expected."

In terms of film critics, most of the praise for this movie is on Hu Xing's acting skills, Zheng Kai's playboy image, and Reba's figure and acting skills;

The bad reviews are basically clichés written in the script and the like.

But movies are actually, no movie will always be well received, there must be both good and bad.

In this movie, Hu Xing used another screen image to prove that he has acting skills.

The drug dealer in the drug war, and the image of a playboy and prodigal son from the previous Raiders, are also well acted.

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