Of course, these are all movie reviews on the Internet. After watching the movie, Hu Xing was surrounded by movie fans in the movie theater, and it was difficult to leave even if he wanted to.

Hu Xing protected Zhao Liying from behind, preventing her from accidentally knocking her down because of the crowd of fans coming to take a group photo.

"Well, can we go out first? Standing here in the theater to take pictures, there are steps everywhere, accidents are easy to happen, this is a big Chinese New Year, so don't have any accidents." Hu Xing said to the fans patiently .

After tossing for more than half an hour, and people from the theater came to help, it was considered evacuated.

After watching the movie, it was almost 12 o'clock when we came down to KTV.

"Why is it taking so long?" Seeing them coming down, Zheng Kai asked.

At this time, many friends have come.

The whole box was very lively, Zhao Liying and the others found a place to sit down and eat.

After watching a movie, they were also a little hungry.

"Let's not talk about it, I was recognized in the theater, and after watching it, I was asked to take a photo and sign it." Hu Xing said hello to a few friends.

"You're amazing, why don't you pretend to go to the movies?" Zheng Kai picked up the wine bottle and touched Hu Xing.

Hu Xing took a drink and clinked glasses with Zheng Kai.

"Speaking of which, is your wedding still going?" During the chat, Zheng Kai also asked Hu Xing.

"I won't do it anymore. I told my family about this, and I also suggest not to get married in the year of birth."

"We'll get married next year." Hu Xing said while watching his sister singing.

Hu Yun also sang very well, which made the whole box watch her sing.

"Sister Ying, don't you want to sing a song?" Zheng Kai also knew Hu Xing's sister, Hu Ying.

"I'm afraid that if I sing, you will fall in love with me." So confident, Zhao Liying, the younger sister-in-law, became even more curious: "Sister, do you sing well?"

"Heh~ Who doesn't know how to be talented? I'm also a person who can play musical instruments, okay?"

"It's just singing. I was influenced by Hu Xing when I was a child. I learned from him. In addition, my sister is good-looking and has a nice voice. She is also very capable in singing." Hu Ying is not blindly confident, but genuine. Sings nicely.

"I certify this, my sister's singing is really good." If Nazha can help prove it, then it is true.

Hu Ying ordered a song and sang it with her younger sister Hu Yun.

After the two sisters opened their mouths to sing, the voice really calmed down the friends in the whole box.

Zheng Kai raised his eyebrows even more, and asked Hu Xing: "Yes, are all of your Hu family so musical?"

"That's right, I don't want to see whose elder sister and younger sister it is." Hu Xing kowtowed melon seeds, still proud of Zheng Kai.

"Oh, by the way, first of all congratulations to Lord Kai, happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, in 2014, the relationship will be smooth and smooth." Hu Xing almost forgot about this, he had to congratulate Zheng Kai to get the red envelope.

"..." Zheng Kai looked at this guy speechlessly, how old is he still doing this?

"Not ready." Zheng Kai's appointments tonight were all young people, and he was not prepared for such things as red envelopes.

Originally, he came out to play. If he had prepared a red envelope, he would have to carry one.

Because there are so many people, you only prepared a few red envelopes. If not everyone sent them, it would be unfair.

But everyone sent it, so many people, he couldn't fit it in his pocket.

"It's okay, wechat red envelopes are also available." Hu Xing took out his mobile phone and signaled Zheng Kai to send out red envelopes.

"Haha~" Zheng Kai collapsed on the sofa with a laugh, what about this guy?

Chapter 0818 a woman with no taboos

"Whoever sees it has a share." Reba was also ready, and asked Zheng Kai to give out red envelopes quickly.

"Well, I'll create a WeChat group, and I'll pull in all the people who are in this box tonight."

"I'll give out red envelopes. How much do you grab? It depends on your luck." No one refuted Zheng Kai's proposal, and they felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

After finishing the WeChat group, Zheng Kai sent a red envelope.

There are a total of 24 people in the WeChat group, and a red envelope of 1000 yuan was sent out for everyone to grab.

Wechat red envelopes can't exceed 200 yuan for a single person, and the maximum is 24 yuan for 4800 people.

But if you really send 4800, you don’t need to grab it. Everyone has reserved a 200 yuan red envelope. If you don’t need to grab it, is it still a red envelope?In this way the soul is lost.

Zheng Kai issued 1000, so that he can fight for luck.

"Hey, I really am, my wife, I want to change my phone." Hu Xing saw that he had snatched 0.07 points, and immediately said that he wanted to change his phone. He was the most unlucky.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying laughed, because she was the most lucky, 197.12.

"How lucky are you?!" Many people were depressed, this grabbing red envelopes is poisonous.

Afterwards, Hu Xing also sent out a red envelope, which was also 1000, and asked everyone to grab it and see who got the most.

Hu Xing sent out red envelopes, and Zhao Liying, Di Lieba and the others also gave out red envelopes one after another.

That's it, it depends on who grabs more, it's quite interesting anyway.

After a round, Zhao Liying's smiling eyes turned into crescent moons.

With 24 red envelopes, she had the best luck 8 times. One can imagine how lucky she is tonight.

Hu Xing, on the other hand, didn't bother to say more. He grabbed 24 red envelopes, but in the end he couldn't make up 50 yuan.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hu Xing said to Zheng Kai: "After 2 o'clock, we will close the team. Mr. Zhao still has a little Mr. Zhao in his stomach. You can't let Mr. Zhao be wronged, you have to go home Put her to sleep."

"Hehe~ okay." Zheng Kai also knew, so he didn't keep Hu Xing and the others.

He still has something to do today, that is, he has to get up early to accompany Zhao Liying back to her natal home.

Early in the morning, Hu Xing's mother called: "Son, have you gone to Beijing with Li Ying?!"

"Haven't gotten up yet? What's the matter?!" Hu Xing rubbed his eyes and answered his mother.

"Well, then don't go there for now, come to Mom and Dad first, there is a guest here." Hu Xing didn't know who the guest Jiang Fang said was.

But who doesn't have a few relatives?

Although Hu Xing has no relatives like aunts and aunts, he still has relatives like aunts, uncles, cousins, and cousins. Of course, he also has cousins ​​and cousins.

But his cousins ​​are from his mother's side, not from his father's side.

"Your aunt and uncle are back, and they said they haven't seen you for a long time, so they asked you to come and meet." Jiang Fang said, making Hu Xing answer with a yawn.

"Understood, I'll go there with Reba later." Hu Xing got up, but seeing Zhao Liying's delicate body beside him made him even more impulsive.

This woman who has no taboos, agreed that she slept alone last night.

As a result, he and Reba agreed to do some exercise, and she barged in again.

In the end, even though Hu Xing had put in all his efforts, he still made this woman very tormented.

Zhao Liying woke up refreshed, it was because she was released last night.

"Go crazy, don't pay attention when it's all like this." Reba was also very helpless towards this sister.

"Husband will figure it out." Zhao Liying is now thinking about her own happiness and worrying about the children's problems, so I will leave this to Hu Xing

After getting up, they washed up, changed their clothes and came over to their parents.

As soon as I opened the door and went in, it was very lively inside, it can be said that it was full of people.

"Aunt, Uncle, Uncle, Aunt, Happy New Year." Hu Xing walked in, and when he saw his relatives, he greeted them and said hello to the bride.

Under Hu Xing's introduction, Zhao Liying and Nazha also knew that this was Hu Xing's aunt and uncle.

Reba had already met, so no introduction was needed.

"Brother, long time no see." A cousin of Hu Xing said to him with a smile.

"Well, I heard that you are studying in South Korea. How about it?" Hu Xing knew this cousin, who was born in 94, is exactly 20 years old this year, and is currently studying in South Korea.

As for why I went to Korea to go to school, it's not because I'm also a Hallyu fan.

It's just that Hu Xing didn't say anything about her.

It’s true that they are cousins, but they don’t usually see each other very often. They only see each other during Chinese New Year and holidays, otherwise they rarely see each other. …

Connections are connections, yes, but those are connections, not real meetings.

"What else can I do, but I have met my future cousin a few times." Hu Xing's cousin, Chen Yu, said of her cousin with a smile.

"Little K?" Hu Xing wondered if it was Zheng Xiulu.

"No, it's Yun'er." Chen Yu was talking about Yun'er, and Hu Xing even smiled angrily.

"However, I still want to congratulate my cousin when I met her today." Chen Yu congratulated Zhao Liying.

Just for this cousin, Zhao Liying will definitely have to give a red envelope.

Nazha and Reba also gave it, and none of them was missing.

As for Hu Xing's cousins, Zhao Liying and the others didn't take the initiative to congratulate, so they chatted first.

"Hu Xing, I heard that you plan to get married this year, right?" Hu Xing's aunt, Jiang Hua, asked her nephew.

"It was planned at first, but it happens to be in the year of birth." Hu Xing scratched his head and explained to his aunt.

"Hey, this is such a coincidence, I'm going to wrong Liying again." Hu Xing's aunt did not love Hu Xing's nephew less before, even now that she has grown up, she does the same.

"It's okay. It's mainly because my parents think too much. We two young people won't have this worry."

"But old man, listen to what you have to listen to. Anyway, I won't treat Liying badly. Get married later, and give me more time to think about how to organize the wedding, so that the wedding will be more perfect." What Hu Xing said was Also depends on the time.

"Oh, by the way, I won't chat with you anymore. It's almost time now. I have to go back to my mother's house with Liying." Hu Xing told his parents that he had to go

"Okay, then be careful." Knowing that her son was going back to her natal home with her daughter-in-law today, Jiang Fang didn't want her son to stay at home for lunch before going there.

"Mom and Dad, let's go first." Zhao Liying took Hu Xing's hand and left with him.

On the second day of the new year, many people would choose to go back to their natal home today, and Hu Xing was no exception.

When we arrived at the airport, the captain was already waiting.

No, the captain took off after Hu Xing arrived, with the goal of flying to Beijing.

It will be closer only if you go to Langfang from Beijing.

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