Hu Xing still understands the principle of Ning Que Wu Lan.

"Hurry up, it's time for me and you to play." Liu Tao came over and interrupted Hu Xing and Hu Fu.

"Okay, here we come." Hu Xing went over again, came to the scene, and started his role again.

After filming a day's scenes, at 9 o'clock in the evening, the crew called it a day.

After work was over, Hu Xing went back to his room first, took his clothes and towels and went to Hu Yu's room.

The computers are all ready, just waiting for people to come over.

Wu Lei also came here, but he said: "You guys play first, I'll take a bath first."

"Haha~ Did you all come to my room to take a bath?!" Hu Fu looked at Wu Lei who went in to take a bath, and laughed and said why they all came to him to take a bath.

"Aren't you going to come back after taking a shower?!" There is no way, the relationship is good, and I don't mind this kind of thing for a long time.

Hu Xing and Hu Fu are on the account at the same time, and they are going to bring their friends in to play ranking together.

"Do you have any friends over there?!" Hu Fu looked at himself, none of them were online with good skills, but there were quite a few friends with bad skills.

"There's a girl, do you want to call me in?" Hu Xing said with a smile.

"How's the technology? Our division is not low. This is a 900-point division, and we are about to break through a thousand, so don't get rid of it." Hu Fu is really more and more confident in his technology. .

"It's about the same. Instead of worrying about this, it's better to worry about whether we will encounter cheaters..." What Hu Xing said is what we need to worry about the most.

Because the game has become popular, there are really more and more cheats.

What self-aiming, running faster than riding a car, or stretching your hands to hit, or infinite blood, etc., too many hang up.

Hu Xing has been playing during this time, and he has really met too many cheaters.

"Hey, Boss Hu and Second Hu are taking me tonight." Er Ke was even more ecstatic when she saw that she was pulled into the team, especially when she found that Hu Fu was also there.

Because of Hu Xing's relationship, Er Ke also played games with Hu Fu.

"What the hell, why did you bring Er Ke in? This little girl is so good." Hu Fu immediately despised Er Ke, saying that her skills were very good.

"It's not okay, my brother has taught a lot recently. Just now, when I was live broadcasting rankings, I also met a cheater, and I killed him, okay?" Er Ke refused to admit his technical skills.

"Really? Can you kill the cheater?" Even Hu Xing was suspicious, Er Ke was joking, right?

"Really, I met a rubber man Luffy hanging. The four of us beat him up three times. In the end, I relied on the attraction of my teammates to bypass and beat him to death." Er Ke explained it this way, so it is understandable up.

"Hehe~" Knowing this, Hu Xing and the others were speechless.

The current cheating is really getting more and more rampant. Even if you tell the studio of this game that it is 5.8, those players who used the cheating will be found out and all of them will be banned.

But even so, many people still use plug-ins.

"There is still one person short, who to pull?" Hu Xing saw that there was still one person short.

"Let's not pull it. Give this position to the lucky player and see who is matched with us. This is his benefit. He can form a team with the star to play games." Hu Fu proposed, and Hu Xing also thought it was good.

"Wow, players of this game, you are lucky. You are lucky enough to be matched with Hu Xing and Hu Fu." Er Ke said to his fans in his live broadcast room.

Click the game to start, and it will be matched soon.

On Birth Island before the start, Hu Xing and the others were still chatting.

As for the matched teammate, he was also chatting with his teammate via voice.

Chapter 0829 this evil fate 666

"Wow! No way? I matched with Hu Xing?!" The teammate was even more surprised when he saw his teammate's ID name clearly, obviously he couldn't believe his good luck.

"Brother, you earned it." Hu Xing couldn't help teasing this teammate.

"Hahaha~ Who else? Who else? I have matched Hu Xing." The player was excited enough.

"By the way, it seems that there is Erke, right?!" The player noticed that there is also Erke's game ID, which is indeed the right one.

"Who is that other person?"

"Hu Fu!" Hu Fu told the player his name.

"My God, if you hear my prayers, let this game never end."

Hu Xing and Hu Fu heard the player's teammate's prayer and did not speak.

The game started, and Hu Xing chose to dance with Hu Fu.

"Where to jump?!" Hu Fu didn't know where to jump, so he asked Hu Xing where he planned to jump

"Jump to G port, if you are a man, jump to G port." Hu Xing immediately said, to jump to G port.

"Don't, there are too many people there, if I go, I will fall into a box."

"I don't want to end this sentence of the game so quickly, let's be a little dog." When teammate No. 4 heard that he was going to jump G, his whole body was in a bad mood.

"Hehe~" Hu Fu still chose to jump to port G, and when he came down, he had to face the bar.

It really jumped, and player No. 4 said: "You are self-willed, I will not go with you, I will go to G Town."

"What are you afraid of? Sister protects you." Er Ke said so confidently that Hu Xing couldn't help complaining: "You still protect others, let's talk about protecting yourself."

"Hey~ Anyway, I'll follow you." Er Ke said, and followed Hu Xing.

Hu Xing picked up a submachine gun as soon as he landed, which is not bad, not too bad luck

"There are people!" Hu Xing just picked up the gun when he heard Er Ke say that there were people.

Hu Xing also saw it, and saw a girl running in front of him, and she was still wearing a bikini.

Seeing someone, how could he let him go, Hu Xing shot and killed the player who wanted to escape.

"You use 'MICROUZI' to knock down 'Shao Hu's Zhenggong'."

"!!!!!!" When Hu Xing saw the system notification, his eyes widened even more.

"You were knocked down by 'Reba Brain Gong' using 'MICROUZI'." At home in Shanghai, Reba also stared at the system notification in a daze.

"Hahaha~ What kind of fate is this?!" Reba was surprised at first, and then laughed.

"Haha~ What did I see?" Hu Fu, who was playing next to him, also saw this message reminding him that he still knew Reba's ID name.

"Haha~ Brother, you are finished, the first one you knocked down was Reba's sister-in-law." Even Er Ke, who was live, saw the news, and he laughed the same way.

The audience in Erke's live broadcast room, after seeing it, also laughed like crazy.

"Hu Xing and Reba's fate is really 666."

"Haha~ The couple didn't play together, and they matched up to a round. What kind of fate is this?!"

"Not to mention that they were matched in the same round, they actually jumped to Port G at the same time, and were knocked down by their boyfriend as soon as they landed, hahaha~ I'm almost dying of laughter."

"Hu Xing, are you just waiting to get home and kneel on the washboard?!"

At this time, Reba also turned on the voice that everyone in the game could hear, and said to Hu Xing: "Jiang Yingyu, you are finished, knock me down as soon as you hit the ground!"

"No, daughter-in-law, are you online too?" Hu Xing was also confused, looking at the character lying motionless in front of him, should he fight or not?

This is his daughter-in-law. If the gun is missing, then he has personally taken his wife out.

"Am I here? Didn't you see?" Reba didn't understand, did this guy do it on purpose?

"I didn't pay attention to it. I was on the line with Lao Hu in the hotel. Where are your teammates? Let your teammates help you." Hu Xing also admired this fate enough.

"Hurry up and help me, I was knocked down by my husband, he didn't dare to hit you, hurry up, I'm going to be cold; I'm going to be cold here, Jiang Yingyu, when you come back, prepare to kneel on the washboard." Reba Hu Xing is a very tough threat.

"I'm sorry, daughter-in-law, I was wrong, I really didn't mean it." Hu Xinghe felt wronged, how could such a coincidence happen.

"Hey!" Er Ke and his teammates found it interesting, the relationship between these two people is really strong.

One of Reba's teammates came to help him.

But many players in this game laughed out loud.

Hu Xing and Reba are famous for playing this game.

Hu Xing's ID name, Reba's ID name, as long as they are their fans, they all know it.

Judging from the system notification now, Hu Xing and Reba did not form a team together, but were matched to this game at the same time, and Hu Xing even knocked Reba down.

"Give me the gun." After being helped up, Reba played on her girlfriend's unreasonableness and asked Hu Xing to give her the gun.

"I just gave you a gun, what should I do?!" Of course I didn't want to give it.

"If I don't give it to you, I will come back and kneel on the washboard." Hu Xing could only compromise on this threat.

"There are still bullets." Reba didn't even bother to look for it, and went straight to Hu Xing for a gun and bullets.

"I'm really..." This was the first time he was robbed since he played this game.

And he was still robbed and didn't dare to vent his anger at all, so he just threw the gun and bullets out in such a rage.

"Get out." After getting the gun, Reba told Hu Xing to get out.

"Haha~" The players in the game burst into laughter after hearing this.

"We'll see you in the finals." Watching Hu Xing run away, Reba said to Hu Xing with a smile.

"Cut, without my protection, it's hard to say whether you can get out of G port alive." Hu Xing retorted stubbornly, but it made Reba go violently: "Jiang Yingyu, come out for me? What did you just say?"

"Come and find me if you have the ability." Hu Xing is not stupid, he went to find something first, and when he saw the clothes on the ground, he picked them up and changed them

Fortunately, he saw a third-level bag all at once, but he hadn't found the gun yet.

"Hu Xing has M416 here, do you want it?!" Hu Fu has found what Hu Xing wants there.

"I'll be right there." Hearing M416, Hu Xing hurried over.

Hu Xing ran over and picked up the M416, plus the accessories he found just now, it is now fully equipped, even the silencer.

"Wow, brother, your M416 is fully equipped so soon?!" Er Ke ran over, just in time to see Hu Xing's fully equipped M416.

"Well, good luck." Just as Hu Xing was proud, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, Reba came to Hu Xing with a submachine gun on his shoulder: "Give me the M416."

"..." Hu Xing just looked at the female characters on the screen in such a foolish way, and Reba's sweet voice came from the game.

"Give me the third-grade bag, too, or you'll kneel on the washboard when you come back." Reba put on a girlfriend's posture, asking her boyfriend to hand over all the good things to her for safekeeping or...use.

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