Chapter 0830 The Smiths Hurt Each Other

"..." Hu Xing just looked at the female game character in front of him without saying anything...

"No, daughter-in-law, can we be reasonable?!" This game was played, it was too aggrieved.

"Reasonable? All right, knocking down the wife, beating her up, what do you think of this reasoning?"

"Does this count as domestic violence? It was agreed at the beginning that you will only spoil me and not swear at each other?!" Reba's question made Hu Xing silently unload the third-level bag.

There is really no other way, it won't work if you don't lose it.

Reba quickly picked up the third-level bag, and then replaced her first-level bag.

There is also a submachine gun, which was replaced by Reba.

"Haha~ That's interesting." Hearing the exchange between Hu Xing and Reba, many people started eating melon seeds to watch the show

It's fine for Hu Xing to be bullied by Reba in real life, but it's the same now in the game.

Hu Xing robbed any good things he found. The reason was that I was in charge of money.

"Let's go, I'm not here anymore. With this woman here, the experience of this game is too bad. Let's search elsewhere." Hu Xing said and left here with his poor backpack.

"Hey~" Reba looked at her equipment contentedly.

4 first aid kits, 3 bottles of Coke, 1 bottle of painkillers, a fully equipped M416 and a fully equipped SKS that he picked up just now.

A rifle and a sniper are enough for him to survive.

Although the armor is a bit weak, for a person with her skill, as long as she doesn't encounter cheats, she should be able to make it to the finals.

"Wow, ah, hang through the wall." The three Hu Xing who had already moved to another place heard Er Ke's screaming, saying that they met and hung through the wall.

"Da da da~" Er Ke didn't even react, and was killed by a burst of shots from the opponent.

"What, it's too much, actually cheating and cheating." Er Ke was very depressed when he saw his character was killed.

After Hu Xing heard it, he rushed over immediately.

After hearing the sound of footsteps, the person who opened the hanger panicked and went directly through the wall.

Before Hu Xing ran in, the other party rushed out head-on. How could such a good opportunity be let go?

If it's just shooting and hanging, it can still be killed.

"Da da da~" Hu Xing shot at the character rushing out.

The current plug-in has not been unlocked yet.

If there is a blood lock now, Hu Xing may have to confess himself this time.

"Wow, amazing!" After Er Ke was eliminated, he chose to watch Hu Xing.

"Crack!" Just when Hu Xing was hiding, he was shot for no reason.

"Your sister, what's the situation? Did you encounter a cheating team?" Hu Xing was sure that there was no one around, but how did the other party hit him?

"It should be a rubber arm." Hu Xing also paid attention to what Er Ke said.

After looking at the left, right, front and back, he was sure that a pair of rubber arms were really stretched out behind a stone, and he was sure that it was really a rubber arm hanging.

If this is the case, then just keep running and dodging bullets.

Hu Xing approached the opponent while snakeskin walking.

The rubber arm hangs, not unlimited bullets, but also when the magazine runs out.

So Hu Xing took advantage of this gap, escaped from a Molotov cocktail and threw it over.

"Bang!" After the Molotov cocktail exploded, flames surrounded the stone.

Players hiding behind have to be able to run out now.

Hu Xing was waiting for him to come out.

"Da da~" A shuttle shot, more than 20 bullets went down, the opponent had already got down, but not eliminated yet.

After knocking down one, Hu Xing was not in a hurry, but quickly hid himself.

"I found one here." Hu Fu was in a nearby room, and when he saw it, he shot and killed him.

Hu Xing and Hu Fu worked hard and killed three of them.

It's just that when Hu Xing just killed the two, he saw a system prompt.

"'Shao Hu's Zhenggong' used sks to eliminate 'jianren666'."

"'Shao Hu's Zhenggong' uses the M416 to eliminate 'Go away, idiot'."

"'Shao Hu's Zhenggong' uses M416 to eliminate '98K is not enough show'."

The system notified that Reba had out three people in a row.

"Hu Xing, your daughter-in-law is fine, we will eliminate three in a row." Hu Fu was still saying to Hu Xing while running.

"What's there to be proud of, cut, if it wasn't for my equipment, would she be so arrogant?" Hu Xing had already come to the school.

Because they were not in the same team, Hu Xing was not with Reba.

At this time, Reba also replaced the fully equipped sks with an AWM.

This is a weapon only available in airdrops, and it is the most powerful sniper rifle.

It can be said that Reba can get this weapon, as long as she doesn't encounter cheating, she will be safe to eat chicken.

"I saw you." Reba was on the hillside, with an 8x mirror, she quickly spotted a person.

"Crack!" Reba's shot fired, knocking out players hundreds of meters away.

"Ha~" Hu Xing ran, and was suddenly hit by a bullet.

"You were knocked down by 'Young Master Hu's Zhenggong' using AWM." After Hu Xing's screen couldn't see this, his eyes widened: "Di Lieba, that's too much!"

"You used AWM to knock down 'Reba Naogong'." When seeing this system message, Reba also laughed.

"Hahaha~ That's Jiang Yingyu?" Reba couldn't even believe that this was her boyfriend.

"Hurry up, someone is going to help Hu Xing, make it up, make it up." Reba's teammates booed and asked Reba to make up for Hu Xing.

"No need, Hu Xing should be the one who supported Hu Xing in the past. These two people are good chicken friends."

"Let's see if they can survive to the final round? Hu Xing can just help clean up those cheaters; I have to say, my husband's front-on shot is still very good, but he just doesn't like to play sniper." Hot Ba did not make up for Hu Xing, but chose to let him go.

"Wow, this woman, you're doing well. Let's see how I deal with you later." Hu Xing remembered that Reba was ruthless this time.

"Hurry up, the tonic is gone, and it's good if Reba didn't make up for us." Hu Yu still reminded Hu Xing to get the tonic quickly.

Hu Xing found a place to hide, and filled up the blood.

"There is a car, Hurry up and get in the car." When Hu Xing saw a car, he ran over, and Hu Fu followed.

After the two got into the car, they drove in the direction of G town.

"Da da da~" It's just that when passing by G town, he just heard gunshots. Hu Xing drove over a standing man and knocked him down.

Chapter 0831 Hurt each other and escalate domestic violence

"You use the vehicle to knock down 'Young Master Hu's main palace'." After Hu Xing drove over, the system message stunned him, and he murmured subconsciously: "It's over, it's over, I'm done."

"You were knocked down by the vehicle of 'Reba Brain'." Reba was shooting at the enemy and didn't pay much attention to her back, but in the end, a car ran over her body.

When she saw the notification from the system, Reba ran away immediately: "Jiang Yingyu, you are doing well!!!!"

"Haha~" There are more than 40 players in the game. When they saw the system message and learned that Hu Xing beat Reba to the ground again, many of them burst out laughing.

"Toxic, these two people, hurt each other or what?"

"Come here alone, is this a show of affection or domestic violence?"

"Hehe~ Hu Xing probably won't be able to kneel on the washboard anymore, he got durian."

Er Ke, who was watching Hu Xing, was also taken aback by this evil fate.

There's no way, Hu Xing and Reba are too funny.

Hu Xing drove Reba over, then got out of the car and killed the person who had just shot with Reba.

Reba's teammates also took the opportunity to come over and help Reba up.

"Jiang Yingyu, come here!" Reba turned on the voice that everyone could hear, and asked Hu Xing to come over.

"No!" Hu Xing finished licking the bag and was about to leave.

"Hand over your third-level head, or you will look good when you come back." Reba has already seen that Hu Xing is a third-level head, and asked him to hand it over quickly.

"There is still a third-level armor. If you don't give it, don't even think about touching me for a year." Reba's threat made Hu Xing, who was planning to leave here quickly, had no choice but to pass by and put the third-level head next to Reba. And the third-level cap is taken off.

After taking off, Hu Xing quickly left with Hu Fu.

After the two drove away, they continued to squat.

"Be careful, Reba is very good at sniping, don't be caught by her." Now it's almost time for the final round, there are still 9 people left, besides Hu Xing and Hu Fu, there are 7 enemies.

Reba must still be alive at this time, because I didn't see the news of Reba's elimination just now.

"I see, there is one behind the tree in the direction of 345." Hu Fu happened to see it from his angle

"Crack! Crack!" Hu Fu used the SKS to snipe continuously, but the damage was not as good as the 98K sniper rifle, and neither of the two shots knocked down the opponent.

The opponent ran out, and Hu Xing saw it.

M416 opened the magnifying glass, and pressed the gun to kill the people who ran out.

Killed one, and there are 6 people left.

Hu Xing and Hu Fu had a tacit understanding, and quickly shifted their positions, so they couldn't be there just now

Even if they all have silencers, there was still fire just now, and they are easy to be spotted. If they don't change positions, it won't work.

Lie down and changed positions, Hu Xing didn't meet anyone, but Hu Fu was in a tragedy.

"Old Hu, I'm finished." Hu Fu watched excitedly as he ran to a group of people.

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