"Wow! Wow! It's evenly matched." Seeing that both Nazha and Reba were exerting their strength, they immediately booed and cheered them on.

"Come on!" The sound of cheering became more and more intense.

In the end, under the non-dominant hand competition, Nazha barely broke Reba's hand.

"Wow~" After winning, Na Zha's pretty face was flushed with blood.

Not only Nazha, but also Reba, her entire pretty face turned red.

One can imagine how serious they were when they wrestled their arms just now.

"Come on, Li Chen directly dealt with their white team." The blue team didn't say much, and let Li Chen play first to see who of their white team came out to fight.

"If you can beat Li Chen, the pocket money I will give you will increase to 500 per month." Before starting, Reba turned her head and said to Hu Xing, who was leaning on her back with her chest.

"Really?" Hearing that pocket money can increase, Hu Xing immediately felt his whole body full of strength.

"Really!" Nazha said with certainty.

"Yes." For pocket money, Hu Xing really worked hard.

"Dear audience friends, Hu Xing perfectly explained to us what it means: when a man is fighting for pocket money, his strength can be superhuman, and his IQ can be comparable to Einstein." Deng Chao stood beside Speak the heart of a married man.

"Haha~ There is nothing wrong with this." Deng Chao said, Hu Xing recognized it, and many viewers in front of the TV also thought so, what he said was simply too right.

Chapter 0896 you are not married you do not understand

"Come on!" Since you want to break your wrists, let's do it.

Nazha and Reba were sitting face to face, and their hands were already held together. This time they used their dominant hand, right hand.

Hu Xing's hand was on the back of Na Zha's hand, and Li Chen's hand was also on the back of Reba's.

"Clang!" The director added VS special effects to the four of them in the later stage.

Among the running men, the two most powerful men, plus the post-90s Xinjiang Shuangmei are duel.

"Are you ready?!" If you are all ready, then you can start.

"It's okay, you don't need to get ready, we Li Chen is a man who claims to have four legs." Chen He cheered Li Chen from behind.

"Yes, a male bull with four legs." Hu Xing added with a smile.

"Hey, what are you talking about?!" Li Chen was obviously heartbroken when Hu Xing called him a man.

"Ready." Deng Chao shook their hands, ready to start.

"Start!" Deng Chao let go of his hand and immediately shouted to start.

"Ugh!" At the very beginning, Li Chen got serious and crushed Hu Xing with his own strength.

"Oh oh oh~" At the very beginning, Hu Xing's hand was already bent, and he was almost about to be knocked down, but fortunately, he managed to hold it up in the end.

"Ah! Gu Gu, are you sure 397 you really use your strength?"

"Use it! Ah~~" How could it be that he didn't use his strength, but Li Chen's strength is really too strong.

"How could it be broken like this after using it? Ah~." Hu Xing gritted his teeth, his face flushed red.

"Hey yo yo~ oh~ big black cow, don't be so serious, I treat you to dinner, really, don't be so serious."

"This is related to the fate of whether my pocket money can rise to 500. When I get the pocket money, I will treat you to dinner and invite you to go out for a while." While Hu Xing was doing his best, Hu Xing did not forget to nagging non-stop.

"Hehe~" Seeing Hu Xing like this, he really worked hard for pocket money.

"Am I missing your meal?!" In order to win, Li Chen would not accept bribes.

"Aha~" Seeing that he was about to fail, he broke out again and persisted.

"Haha~ What the hell are you moaning about?" The people around couldn't stand it anymore, Hu Xing moaned while wrestling his wrists.

"Hmm!" Hu Xing felt that it really couldn't go on like this.

Although he is well-proportioned and very strong, Hu Xing's strength is still slightly inferior to someone like Li Chen who focuses on strength.

In addition, because Reba's strength is also greater than that of Nazha, now Hu Xing is firmly supporting.

This is not going to work, we have to find a way to reverse the situation.

"Li Xiaolu has such a good figure." Hu Xing had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly talked about Li Chen's first love.

"Ah?!" Li Chen, who was working hard at first, suddenly heard Li Xiaolu's name, which made his heart skip a beat.

Just like this, Hu Xing seized the opportunity, turned the situation around in an instant, snapped back the wrist that was about to be snapped off, and even pressed against Li Chen, but Li Chen reacted when he couldn't snap it off. Hold on.

"Foul, foul! Hu Xing is a psychological attack." Seeing that Li Chen was in danger, Reba hurriedly said to the director

"It didn't say that psychological attacks are not allowed." Reba complained, and Nazha helped to defend.

"It's okay to attack psychologically, right?!" Reba squinted her eyes, wanting to attack psychologically, okay.

"Why, do you think you can attack me psychologically, but I can't?"

"We have known each other since 2001, and it has been 13 years now. We want to hurt each other?" Nazha continued to work hard to help Hu Xing suppress Li Chen.

"..." Reba really had to think about it now.

"Hehe~ This is really full of gunpowder." Chen He and the others watched from the side, but they were very comfortable, and they liked to watch this kind of fierce confrontation.

"Hu Xing, your first love is in good shape, right?!" Li Chen also wanted to retaliate.

"Of course, she is a goddess, can it be okay?!" Hu Xing would not be harassed.

"Naza and Reba, who do you love the most?" Li Chen wanted to save Hu Xing, so he kept harassing Hu Xing.

"Now it's the woman in my arms." Hu Xing replied immediately, not giving Li Chen a chance at all.

"The reason for breaking up is because of her poor figure?!" You can't be harassed by Li Chen all the time, right?It is natural to fight back.

Li Chen really wavered, Hu Xing seized this opportunity and tried again.

"Ugh!" Hu Xing broke out, completely knocking Li Chen and Reba down.

"Yeah!!!!" Seeing that he had won, Hu Xing immediately stood up, and just danced a very low-level and hooligan dance beside him.

Originally, winning was enough to make people feel invincible, but after seeing Hu Xing's rogue dance, Chen He and the others couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wow, that's really shameless." Seeing Li Chen's loss, Wang Zulan and the others called Hu Xing shameless.

"What's wrong with being shameless? After you get married, you will find out that you don't even need self-esteem for the pocket money of 5 yuan."

After the "Haha~" program was broadcast, many viewers praised Hu Xing, who was right.

"Those of you who are not married don't understand the pain of asking your wife for pocket money."

"This is a man, he can do anything for pocket money, understand? Group basket, you are not married yet, and you will understand in the future that Hu Xing's behavior is just insignificant. When it comes to you, you will be even more shameless, without dignity, Just to get a few more pocket money from my wife." Deng Chao's words were even more exaggerated.

"Come on, the rest of you, Chen He and the group basket, come over and finish it quickly, I'm hungry."

"As long as I win against you, Nazha will give me 500 pocket money every month from next month."

"500 yuan, this is already a huge sum of money for me, do you know?"

"Since I have a girlfriend, I haven't seen 100 yuan. Excuse me, is there a new version for 100 yuan?!" Hu Xing's words are known to be fake, but they just can't help it want to laugh.

Nazha and Reba were lying on the desk laughing too hard to lift their heads.

"Come, come." If you want to come, come, and solve this game quickly.

To be honest, they were really hungry too. After this game was over, they could go over to have lunch.

"Ah~~" Chen He came up to challenge, but the result was still the same, failure.

"It's even more impossible for me." Wang Zulan felt that it was even more impossible for him to win.

"Why don't I come instead?" Zheng Kai volunteered, and he can come too.

If it is a basket, Zheng Kai is still confident that he can KO him.

As a result, no matter who it is, the king team can't win the game, and the white team wins this game.

"Where is lunch?!" It was already 12:[-], and lunch was indeed ready to eat.

"Let's eat here, we ordered takeaway." The director told Hu Xing, and ate here.

Don't look at just recording two games, but this has been recorded for four hours.

Chapter 0897 is the position that pigs only thought of

"Come on, what's the third class?!" Reba hugged Nazha, and asked the director what the next third class would be?

The director doesn't say much, let them see for themselves.

A blackboard came up with the tasks to be done in the next third class.

"Learning objective: Check classroom supplies: each person hides their own sketches in the school, and find out the corresponding sketches to tear up that person to get a name tag. Within 30 minutes, the team that tears off the most name tags of the opponent wins- .”

"Is this going to tear off the name tag?" Nazha didn't expect that the name tag would be torn off so soon.

"Then come." Everyone looked at the things on the desk and picked out something of their choice.

Deng Chao chose a report card, Li Chen chose a notepad, Wang Zulan chose an eraser, Chen He chose a bottle of ink; Zheng Kai chose a comb; Hu Xing chose a pen; Nazha thought about it for a while. , choose the blackboard sassafras; Reba is the last person to choose, and she chooses a pennant.

After all the choices were made, the two teams separated tacitly, avoiding each other and hiding their belongings.

"As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place." Deng Chao played his cards against common sense and chose to hide things in the most dangerous place, which is also the safest place.

"Isn't that good?!" Seeing that it was hidden under the table, Nazha felt that this was not good.

"It's okay, mine is a report card, which can be stuffed in the crack of the table so it won't fall out." Deng Chao is confident in his choice, so he will definitely not be found.

"If you are the first to be torn off later, how can you laugh?" Zheng Kai was also looking for a place to hide his comb, and he didn't know where to hide his comb.

In addition, Hu Xing looked around, and it was really difficult to find a place where it was not easy to find.

In these classrooms, there are too few places to hide things.

"I've got it done." Nazha finally decided to hide the thing above the curtain, so that after hanging it up, it would not be so easy to be found.

"Have you all hidden it?" Only Hu Xing hadn't figured out where to hide it yet.

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