"Yes, where are you going to hide your pen?" Nazha asked Hu Xing where to hide

Hu Xing looked around and finally decided on a place.

"In this way, they will never find it." After Deng Chao also saw the place where Hu Xing hid the pen, he immediately said that this place is really good.

"Fortunately, it's a pen. If it's ours, there's really no way to hide it."

The white team has already hidden things, and the other blue team is also trying to find a way

"Where should I hide this?!" Reba held her pennant, not knowing where to hide it.

"Reba, it's not easy to hide." Li Chen and the others had already hidden it, but Reba hadn't hidden it yet.

"I regret choosing the pennant." Reba was distressed, she really didn't know how to hide it.

"I reckon Reba will be the first one to be out." After hiding, Chen He is also very leisurely now.

After much deliberation, Reba finally decided where she wanted to hide.

What they chose, the other party didn't know.

But what everyone chooses, has their name on it.

After you find it, look at the name. If it has a name, you can tear off the name tag of the person corresponding to the name on the small item.

"Okay, let's go" The director started the timer and let them start looking.

"First of all, I'll try it first. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest concept. Is it true that someone is so stupid to hide here?" Chen He said, and lifted the tablecloth of the desk.

"..." Deng Chao was taken aback by this, how could Chen He think of it?

"Haha~ Old Deng, what is your expression?" After noticing Deng Chao's expression, Li Chen already laughed.

"No, no." Deng Chao continued acting as if I was fine.

Chen He squatted down, and after looking around, he found a piece of paper sandwiched at the bottom of the table.

When Chen He knelt down to look for him, Deng Chao had already turned around and fled.

"Haha~" Deng Chao ran away, which further showed that the thing Chen He found should be him.

"Brother Chao, why are you running, come here." Reba and Li Chen chased them out, telling Deng Chao not to waste his efforts.

"Hurry up, let's look for it too." Nazha saw that someone from their side had already been found, so of course he had to look for the things of the blue team.

"Let me just say that the most dangerous place is the safest place. This is very unreliable." Zheng Kai was also speechless, and Lao Deng was skinny, and he didn't even think about it. How could no one think of it.

"It's okay, brother Chao is following the normal script, the first one to go out."

"It seems that he is used to it. He is not the first person to go out, so he is still uncomfortable." When Hu Xing was searching, he still did not forget to complain about Deng Chao.

"Hehe~" Speaking of this, it is really Deng Chao's tragedy.

"Ah! Ah! Why did you treat me like this!" Deng Chao shouted at Reba and Li Chen in annoyance after running to a dead end.

"Brother Chao, don't struggle. Your hand is injured. If we get rough and accidentally make your injury worse, it won't be worth it." Reba still reminded Deng Chao.

"Since you know I'm injured, don't tear me up. I don't want to be the first to be out." Deng Chao leaned against the wall, preventing Reba and Li Chen from tearing him off so easily.

"Aren't you embarrassing us?" Because it's about time, 30 minutes, whichever team can tear the most, wins, how could Deng Chao be let go.

"Hiss!" No matter how Deng Chao resisted, it was impossible for Li Chen and Reba not to be able to tear Deng Chao, who had injured one hand.

"Pigs, only pigs can hide somewhere." Chen He found it, but he was the one who complained.

"Chen He!!!!" Deng Chao yelled very heartbroken, but it was useless.

On the other side, Wang Zulan looked at Nazha nervously.

Because the place where Nazha searched happened to be near the place where he hid the eraser.

Nazha looked for it very seriously, but luckily Nazha missed it in the end and didn't search next to it.

This also gave Wang Zulan a sigh of relief, otherwise he would really follow Deng Chao's footsteps and be the second out.

"How could it not be?!" Hu Xing stood in the corridor, thinking carefully for a long time.

Finally he fixed his eyes on the classroom wall.

On the walls of the classroom, there are some famous quotes, or the heads and mottoes of some politicians.

Seeing this, Hu Xing tried to go over and open it to see what was inside.

"Haha~" After checking everything, behind the last portrait of Grandpa Mao, I saw a small notepad.

"Li Chen, run quickly, your things have been found." After Wang Zulan saw it, he shouted at Li Chen who came over.

"Li Chen! Tear off Li Chen!" After Zheng Kai heard that it was Li Chen, he even chased after him.

Chapter 0898 is so persistent

"Calm down, don't do this." Li Chen, who was caught by Zheng Kai and had no way of escaping, began to beg for mercy. It would be nice if he could delay for a while.

Anyway, there is a time limit, as long as it can be delayed for one more second, it is good.

"Tear it up quickly, we have to find someone else." Nazha was very calm, and said to tear it up quickly when he came over.

"Does Na Zha really not show some face? Is this the first time you come here?" Li Chen's nagging made Na Zha directly ignore it and didn't listen at all.

"No." Zheng Kai restrained Li Chen's hands, making him unable to resist.

Because Li Chen can't tear Zheng Kai and Na Zha, so the two of them are not passive, as long as they can tear Li Chen off in a detailed way, and don't worry about the rest.

On the other side, Hu Xing is also looking for it seriously.

"Daughter-in-law, where did you hide your things?" Hu Xing couldn't figure it out, why couldn't Reba's pennant be found, was it so well hidden?

"Where's your pen, if you tell me where it is, then I'll tell you where mine is." Reba was not stupid, and knew to play psychological warfare with Hu Xing.

"It's in the next room." Hu Xing told Reba without hiding anything.

"I don't know if it's in the next room? The exact location." Reba looked at what Hu Xing was looking for, and it was already close to what she was hiding.

Just in time, Zheng Kai and Nazha came over.

"Tear it off!" Nazha said happily while holding Li Chen's name tag.

"Very well, let's find Reba's first; she is looking at me here, which means that I am very close to what she hides. This is the subconscious instinct of people who fear that their hidden things will be approached by searchers. Hu Xing turned around and looked at Reba with a smile.

"..." Reba didn't know how to refute at the moment, but after thinking about it, she still insisted: "You play psychological warfare with me, do you think you can beat me?"

Hu Xing just smiled in vain, then bent down in the pile of brooms in a corner, picked up a few brooms, and saw a pennant here.

After Hu Xing saw it, he picked it up and looked at it, and he was sure it was Reba's.

"Hee hee~" Nazha hugged Reba, now you don't even have a chance to escape.

"Boom!" Nazha hugged Reba, and even kissed Reba's small mouth with her pink mouth.

The kiss of two beauties, not to mention how beautiful this scene is, anyway, the audience is already screaming

"Hiss!" Reba didn't resist anymore, and was just torn off by Nazha.

"Wow, why are you looking for me so persistently?!" Reba was eliminated, so she went to rest and couldn't continue the task.

The blue team now has Chen He and Wang teaming up.

However, there are still three people in the white team. If there are enough candidates, even if they don't need to look for them, they can be sure to win.

"Why is it so hidden?" Chen He was still trying to find it, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it.

"Could it be behind the curtain?" Wang Zulan opened the curtain and took a look as he spoke.

"Haha~" After Wang Zulan saw a blackboard hanging on the curtain, he immediately laughed triumphantly: "Chen He, I found it."

"Whose's?!" If you find it, it depends on whose, so that you can tear off the corresponding person.

"Naza." Wang Zulan looked at the name above and decided that the target this time was Naza. ;

"Let's go!" If it is sure that it is tied, it must be torn off.

It's just that Hu Xing and Zheng Kai protected the tie very well and didn't let them tear it off.

Anyway, their blue team was torn off two people.

As long as they protect the tie at this time, don't tear it off, and delay the time, then their white team will surely win.

"Don't bring one like this!" Chen He watched helplessly as the time was up, but there was no way to tear off the tie.

"The time is up, the game is over, and the white team will win." The result of the director's judgment is also helpless for the blue team, but Reba is even more curious: "Where did you hide the pen?"

Knowing that Reba was curious, Hu Xing picked up a broom and opened a plastic button on the top of the broomstick.

The inside of this broomstick is hollow, just enough to put a pen in it.

And most people would never think of putting a pen in it.

"..." When Hu Xing took out the pen, everyone in the blue team rolled their eyes.

Especially Reba, who made no secret of her dislike for Hu Xing.

Hu Xing is very satisfied with the result, it is really good, very good and beautiful.

"The third class is over now, and today's class is over. Congratulations on your graduation." Teacher Xiaofang said to them.

"There are eight keys on the table. You choose a key that suits you." Teacher Xiaofang said to let them choose the key.

"What kind of keys are these?" Looking at the keys on the table, everyone felt a little strange.

"Leaders, pretty boys... what are these for?!" Although they felt strange, they all chose a key one after another to see what they were going to do next.

"There are also envelopes here. Each of you use an envelope, write your name on it, put the key in the envelope, and then put the envelope in the mailbox."

"This letter will not arrive until a few years later, which is the email address sent to you in the future." After Teacher Xiaofang explained, everyone started to act.

I wrote my name on the envelope, and then put the key in it.

When everything is ready, put the envelope in the mailbox.

"I can't, I'm too sleepy now." After this session, Hu Xing yawned constantly. Even if he had a Red Bull in his hand, he still felt that it didn't work.

"Should I give you some time to rest?" It's getting late, it's past 4 o'clock now

After four o'clock, it's okay to let Hu Xing sleep until seven o'clock.

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