"Don't rely on being my sister-in-law to ignore our 8-year age difference, little girl." Hu Yun pinched Master Song's cheek as he spoke.

"Ah, pinch me again. Kissing my boyfriend just now was not enough, but now you want to pinch me?" Master Song pouted to threaten, but it was useless.

Who made her the youngest, even a sister-in-law could bully her.

"By the way, isn't Xiying in Hengdian?!" Jiang Fang thought of her second youngest daughter-in-law.

"No, I went to school in Beijing. If I was in Hengdian, if Hu Xing came back, she would definitely come back." Song Zhuer kept in constant contact with Zhang Xiying on WeChat.

They kept in touch during all the entertainment time except taking a shower, sleeping and going to class.

Within a few minutes, Reba also came over.

"Where's Hu Xing?" As soon as she arrived, Reba asked why she didn't see Hu Xing at home.

"He went to deliver dinner to Sister Liying." Song Zhuer answered Reba's question.

"You just came back from Korea too?!" Seeing that Reba had returned, Hu Yun asked Reba.

"Yeah, I just came back from Korea." Reba went in to wash her hands before going out to eat; Hu Ying asked Reba, "Have you been in Korea for a few days?"

"It's been four days." Reba said that she had been there for four days.

"Why did it take so long? Didn't it mean that the past two days at most?" Song Zhuer felt very strange.

"Well, by the way, I talked to a few car dealers in South Korea, so there are two more days." Reba filled the meal and answered her sister's questions...

"Ah?!" Hearing this, Hu Ying, Hu Yun and Jiang Fang were very different.

"How many dealers have you talked about?!" Hu Yu didn't know it before, but only now.

"Talked about 6 dealers, two in Seoul, one in Busan, and two other cities."

"These dealers have all joined Yilong Motors and want to import Yilong Motors in South Korea."

"According to the quotation and plan given by Hu Xing, we have negotiated with 7 dealers out of 6." Reba has helped Yilong Group expand overseas markets without knowing it.

"Wow? The success rate is so high?!" Hu Ying was very surprised, and the 7 talks became 6.

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have come back so late." Speaking of this, Reba didn't complain about being tired.

Hu Yu was very satisfied with Reba's performance, and silently contributed to the group.

However, he was even more surprised that his son actually left these things to his daughter-in-law.

Hu Xing can let Reba do this kind of thing, which shows that Reba has this ability.

Song Jia, Liu Shishi, and Zhao Liying are all older than Reba, but Hu Xing did not let them expand overseas markets, but handed it over to Reba.

This shows that, among his girlfriends, only Reba can do this. Except for her, no one else has this ability for the time being.

"Here, this is the contract. When the time comes, Dad, you can arrange someone to meet you." Reba brought back the contract and handed it to Hu Yu herself.

"Okay, I got it, let's eat first, don't worry about these business matters, eat first." Hu Yu took over, but let Reba eat first

Song Zhuer looked at Reba, unable to speak for a long time, and then said: "How did I find out that in this position in the main palace, you need to know a lot of things to sit firmly?!"

"Hehe~" Song Zhuer suddenly sighed to himself, which made the whole family couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 0917 playing big names!Discord

On the other side, Hu Xing has already visited Zhao Liying on the crew of "Shanshan Is Coming".

After bringing her dinner, Hu Xing was eating, but a phone call came from someone, which made him put down his chopsticks.

"Hu Xing, I'm director Chen Deshen." Chen Deshen explained his identity.

Chen Deshen, Hu Xing remembers, the director of "One Man's Martial Arts", when he was filming in the past, to be honest, Chen Deshen looked down on Hu Xing a little bit.

Because Hu Xing is a freshman and doesn't have much acting experience.

If it wasn't for his boss, Yang Mi, who won Hu Xing the role of the villain with his own contacts and connections, I am afraid that Hu Xing would not have the opportunity to join "One Man's Martial Arts".

To be honest, Hu Xing has read the script of this drama, and it is really a good martial arts movie this year.

But Hu Xing has also learned that the box office of this drama was not good in the previous life, it was worth over 1.2 million box office, and the final box office was [-] million box office.

Although the box office exceeded 1.9 million, the investment was [-] million Hong Kong dollars.

In other words, the movie lost money in the end.

As for the reason for the loss, the main reason is that the male protagonist of this movie, Zhen Zidan, did not participate in the national promotional tour, resulting in insufficient publicity for the movie, which made this rare modern kung fu movie that is not bad, so disastrous at the box office. up.

In fact, many people think that as long as such a movie is well publicized, it is not difficult at all to break through 5 million at the box office, but the few leading actors in this movie did not participate in the promotion.

As the leading actor, Zhen Zidan, did not participate in the promotion, the box office of this film will naturally drop greatly.

This is the result of this work in the previous life.

But it's different now, Hu Xing replaced Wang Baoqiang in the film.

During the filming, Hu Xing actually felt it. When Zhen Zidan was on the set, it was really difficult to cooperate with him. I had too many personal ideas, and I always liked to set too many shots to make him look handsome and set off his personality. How powerful the action is.

Even every time when fighting, I always use the reason of acting realistically, and when acting in fighting scenes, I always fight without holding back.

It's not that Hu Xing is hypocritical, he really can't do it.

But when this guy really hit, he didn't give a reminder before.

For example, if you want to shoot with a real camera, you can tell me in advance, right?

In this way, when he actually fights, he can also be mentally prepared.

But Zhen Zidan didn't say anything. When he was actually acting, every punch and every kick he made was a real greeting to Hu Xing, and he didn't hold back at all.

It took 10 days to shoot this movie, and Hu Xing was a newcomer in the first two days, so he can bear with it.

When he was still like this in the future, Hu Xing couldn't help it anymore, I can't be a newcomer and you are a senior, if you really fight, I can only act and not beat you, right?

I'm not used to your problem.

With this idea, there is a battle between the characters of Hu Xing and Zhen Zidan in the back of the movie.

It was in this battle that both Hu Xing and Zhen Zidan fought for real.

In this scene, Zhen Zidan was interrupted by Hu Xing with a bamboo pole, and his ribs were also interrupted.

As a star, when shooting action scenes, it is inevitable that this kind of injury will occur.

In the beginning, Hu Xing was also beaten by Zhen Zidan and fractured his right shoulder, and his fingers were also broken.

Being beaten by Zhen Zidan like this, Hu Xing didn't say anything, but just endured silently.

In the end, he proved himself with his acting skills and action scenes. After director Chen Deshen recognized him, Hu Xing knew that he couldn't go on like this. In the last fight scene, he injured Zhen Zidan three times.

It was also because of this that Zhen Zidan was furious at Hu Xing, saying that his acting skills were too weak to really fight.

In the end, Hu Xing quarreled with Zhen Zidan.

After the quarrel, Hu Xing said that Zhen Zidan hadn't stopped him when he was acting in a fight scene before.

As long as you really fight, I can't really fight?Don't think that old seniors can bully newcomers.

It was also in that quarrel that Zhen Zidan didn't dare to do anything to Hu Xing.

If they really fight, Zhen Zidan knows that he can't beat Hu Xing, because they have fought against each other before filming, and they know that Hu Xing is also very good at fighting.

In the end, there was no way, and the two could no longer cooperate.

Fortunately, it was the last rivalry scene. After their performance, Hu Xing returned to the mainland immediately and no longer stayed in Xiangjiang.

In this drama, Hu Xing and Zhen Zidan had an unhappy fight, and only the crew knew about it.

Hu Xing didn't tell Yang Mi, nor did he tell his girlfriend.

Now that Chen Deshen is calling, Hu Xing doesn't know what his plan is.

"I know, what's the matter with Director Chen?" Hu Xing spoke in Cantonese, and Chen Deshen said to Hu Xing: "Hu Xing, we have already produced the film, but we are also ready to start promoting it."

"Our company has already talked to Zhen Zidan and asked him if he has time to participate in the promotion of the movie."

"His answer was that it was temporarily inconvenient, so I thought, how is the situation on your side?!" Chen Deshen was actually not worried about Hu Xing's propaganda.

Even if Hu Xing doesn't participate in the promotional tour of the movie, he still has three variety shows to help promote it.

It can be said that Hu Xing's propaganda efforts can be guaranteed.

At present, it is Zhen Zidan who does not cooperate with the propaganda, so he is very troublesome.

"Actually, you probably know about my situation. At present, several dramas are piled up in the first half of the year."

"I may not be able to make it to the promotional event, but I will also use my way to promote the movie."

"Running Man, Longing for Life, Please Take Care of the Refrigerator, and Extreme Challenge, I can promote the movie for these four programs, you can rest assured that this is what I should do, and I will definitely do it well." Hu Xing said With this attitude, Chen Deshen was very relieved.

Sure enough, Hu Xing did not disappoint him.

"You're fine, unlike some people who play big names." Chen Deshen was talking about Zhen Zidan.

This is not Black Zhen Zidan, Hu Xing also used the system to search, Chen Deshen's opinion on the box office of this movie in his previous life, Chen Deshen bombarded Zhen Zidan.

What this report said was that Chen Deshen called Zhen Zidan, hoping that he would cooperate in attending the national promotional tour, but Zhen Zidan flatly refused, citing that it was inconvenient recently.

And Chen Deshen also said in front of his face: The current actors are really strange, as if this film has nothing to do with him.

He also used Xie Tingfeng as a comparison. When Xie Tingfeng was on a nationwide promotional tour for the movie "One Life and One Life", he also traveled to 7 cities, and the movie sold more than 2 million yuan at the box office.

In addition, Deng Chao's "The Breakup Master" was also promoted nationwide, and the high degree of cooperation of the actors also stole 4 million box office from the mouth of "Transformers 7".

But when it came to "One Man's Martial Arts", Zhen Zidan, the biggest player in the show, didn't cooperate and gave some inexplicable reasons, which caused Chen Deshen and Zhen Zidan to tear their skins apart.

Chapter 0918 Don't blame me for being unkind

Hu Xing is a supporting role, although he is also one of the leading actors, but he is not the number one male, but the number one villain.

For the promotion of a movie, the most important thing in the promotional activities is the presence of the leading actor, and it is not a big problem if the second male lead or the supporting actor does not arrive.

When Zhen Zi singled out the leading actor, Hu Xing didn't need to participate in touring activities very much, and the effect was also very good.

Of course, it would be even better if Hu Xing could come.

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