But Hu Xing was unable to participate in the promotion because of several films, but he also used his own method to promote the movie, so Chen Deshen was very satisfied.

But now Hu Xing can't promote because of his schedule, and Zhen Zidan doesn't cooperate.

Of course Chen Deshen was anxious.

"Hu Xing, I'm really going to trouble you this time. Maybe all the promotion of this drama depends on you."

"Zhen Zidan doesn't cooperate, and you don't have time, so the promotional event we do, the two leading actors are not there, it's meaningless, it's just a joke.":

"So our production company has also decided that all promotional activities will be cancelled, and we will use your program for publicity, and we will give you all the 3000 million publicity fees we prepared before."

"It's very simple. The promotion of the whole play is entrusted to you alone. I know you are under a lot of pressure. Our production company will not lose the promotion fee." Chen Deshen said very melancholy.

"Okay, I'll take on the promotion of the whole movie, there's no problem with that."

"Give me 3000 million publicity fees, and I accept this."

"But I have a request, that is, I hope that the director can find a suitable opportunity to face the reporter and say that someone does not cooperate with the promotion of the film."

"Under the hype of the media, someone does not cooperate with the publicity, which also adds some topics to the movie."

"Since he is unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous." Hu Xing must do everything he can.

You can't just assume that you are a big shot and you can play your temper; as a newcomer, I don't have as big a wrist as you, but I also have the capital to fight back your temper, let's see who is ruthless.

The film is not his own, but the success of the hard work and hard work of every actor in the entire crew.

If you don't cooperate because it is inconvenient, you are ignoring the efforts of all co-actors.

He didn't have time to participate in promotional activities, but there were variety shows to supplement the publicity, and Hu Xing also did his part well.

"Okay, I understand what's going on, I can't just get paid and finish the show and just leave it alone."

"If you don't participate in the promotional activities, then you will have to rely on this shameless method to increase the topic." Director Chen Deshen said.

"When will the movie be released?!" Hu Xing asked the director for the exact release time.

"Originally it was scheduled until October, because Zhen Zidan said that it was not convenient to participate in the promotion recently, so he planned to push it to October, but now it seems that he never thought of promoting the movie at all."

"So the movie won't wait until October, it will be released on May 10." Chen Deshen has made all the arrangements.

"Okay, I will be on the show next time, and I will promote the movie." Hu Xing agreed to do the promotion

Just as Hu Xing hung up the phone, a text message came from his cell phone

This is the bank's account entry notification information, 2623 million (3000 million Hong Kong dollars).

"Where did the 2600 million yuan come from?!" Zhao Liying asked Hu Xing curiously after seeing the information.

"The movie's promotion fee." Hu Xing told his girlfriend, this is the movie's promotion fee.

"Wow? Why did you pay so much for the movie promotion?" Zhao Liying was taken aback by the promotion fee. When Hu Xing explained why, she finally understood.

"No wonder you left Xiangjiang after filming so quickly. It turned out that you were unhappy with the crew."

"Yeah." Hu Xing didn't want to talk too much about it. Tomorrow, "Please Take Care of the Refrigerator" happened to be recorded, so it was a good thing to promote it.

Tomorrow the film will be promoted, and Hu Xing has to think about how to promote the film.

"What time do you call off work?!" Hu Xing didn't want to forget about it, and asked Zhao Liying what time did she call off work.

"It's going to be around 10 o'clock in the evening." Zhao Liying pouted and stretched out her hands to Hu Xing.

Hu Xing gently held Zhao Liying's hands, rubbing them constantly, so that her cold jade hands could be warmed up a bit.

Zhao Liying's physique is like this. When it's cold, her hands and feet tend to get cold.

Even if Hu Xing has already taken care of Zhao Liying's diet, it can't be done in a short time.

It's not just her, Liu Shishi is also the same. These two women are both in 87, and they both have the kind of physique that is prone to cold hands and feet.

"Little girl, is it comfortable to live in mother's belly?" Hu Xing rubbed Zhao Liying's jade hands, and when warming her, he still didn't forget to talk to Zhao Liying's belly.

"Hehe~" Zhao Liying's face was full of sweetness and happiness.

"It's not formed yet, how can a child understand it?!" Zhao Liying covered her mouth and looked at Hu Xing with a chuckle.

"That won't work, I can't wait to hold the baby." Hu Xing pinched Zhao Liying's chin.

"A Thousand Bones of Flowers will start in May, and I will have a big belly by then, so it won't be easy to shoot this movie, right?!" Zhao Liying was also worried about the problem of this movie.

"There shouldn't be any problem. I'll try my best to discuss with the producer and director, and I'll put your scenes in May and June."

"Concentrate on shooting your scenes first, so that we can film the rest of us later."

"You are already pregnant, and if you are filming while pregnant, the producer will definitely save face."

"So don't worry, I know you like this drama, and I also know that you don't want to just stay at home for a few months and wait for Xiangxiang to be born, otherwise you will be bored in a few months."

"You don't want to stay at home, you don't want to give up the show, and you don't want to make it difficult for the producer; at the same time, you are also worried that your baby will be wronged because of your work, or you are afraid of any accidents."

"I know all of this, and I will arrange it for you. Don't worry, trust me. 2.1" Hu Xing gently stroked Zhao Liying's face, and then couldn't help it anymore, biting Zhao Liying's lips lightly.

"Hmm!" Hu Xing was so considerate and pampered her, making Zhao Liying's eyes moist.

"Moved?!" After noticing the moisture in Zhao Liying's eye sockets, Hu Xing looked at her big eyes with a smile.

"No, it's okay to be touched by Dad? You still have to make fun of me?"

"Xiangxiang, you saw it, Dad hates him." Zhao Liying was a little naive at this time, because she was suing her daughter, saying that her father was bullying her mother.

"Haha~" Hu Xing likes this kind of tone, and the smile is naturally more joyful.

"After Xiangxiang is born, you can complain to Xiangxiang again." Hu Xing smiled and hugged Zhao Liying into his arms, warming her with his own body temperature.

Chapter 0919 Who is here?

The next morning, Hu Xing went to the recording site of "Please Take Care of the Refrigerator" with a cup of coffee.

"Hey, hey, it's here." Seeing Hu Xing coming, He Jiong stood up.

"What's wrong? Today's guest hasn't come yet?!" When I came here, I didn't see any guest.

"It's here, didn't you go to see it?" He Jiong said to Hu Xing with a smile.

"I didn't go, but I know my brother is here." One of the guests this time was Hu Fu, and he knew about it. Even Hu Xing personally arranged for Hu Fu to be on the show.

"Hehe~ There is another guest, you may not have thought of it." He Jiong raised his eyebrows at Hu Xing as he spoke. ;

"Look at your expression, which of my daughter-in-laws is here?" This Hu Xing really wanted to think about it.

"It's true that your daughter-in-law is coming, hehe~"

"Guests in the dressing room next door, what's the matter, hurry up and meet the host." Hu Xing opened his voice and shouted: "Who, you followed me out while I was out?!"

"Stop arguing, you'll know who's coming at the beginning." It was Hu Fu who answered Hu Xing's yell.

"Hey, I have a bad temper." Seeing that the guests were so uncooperative, Hu Xing became even more depressed.

"First of all, let me rule it out. It is impossible for Zhao Liying to come in 09, because she came in the first episode of the show, and it is impossible to return it now."

"Forget it, even if Zhao Liying is excluded, I can't think of anyone who will come back. None of my girlfriends can make me worry." Hu Xing simply didn't think so much, and he will know when he goes out.

"Teacher He, Teacher Hu, we are ready and we are about to start recording." The writer brought He Jiong's script and handed it to He Jiong, and said to the two hosts.

"Why do I also have a script?" Hu Xing felt very strange after seeing that he also had a script.

"This is not a script, but a part of the program you proposed."

"It's just to collect some questions that the guests' fans want to ask the guests the most."

"This session was proposed by you, so we also selected some questions by lottery. These are for you to ask the guests during the recording." After the writer explained, Hu Xing finally understood.

This is true of any program, it needs to be improved, and some interesting links need to be made, so that the program can last for a long time.

"Okay!" Hu Xing knew what to do, and looked at these questions roughly.

Of the two scripts, one is a male guest and a female guest, whose names are not written.

After Hu Xing and He Jiong had their hairstyles done, they changed into their clothes and went out.

When I came out to the recording studio, I sat down at the host's seat, and several other celebrity chefs also sat down at their own seats.

"Welcome everyone to come on time, please come every week exclusively titled by Yilong Motors..."

"Refrigerator!" Hu Xing cooperated with He Jiong, said the last two words, and made their opening gesture.

"Wow, have you noticed that today's Hu Xing is so handsome?!" After finishing the opening, Lele brought the topic to Hu Xing.

Hu Xing is wearing a white ink-painted casual suit jacket with a white T-shirt inside. The overall look is slim and stylish, very handsome.

On Mr. He's side, it's a more business-like and well-proportioned suit.

Every show is like this. Mr. He chooses a serious suit, but Hu Xing is not like this. Hu Xing is the kind of young and fashionable suit jacket with casual pants, or jeans, or leather pants.

Hu Xing mainly values ​​self-cultivation, fashion and handsomeness, rather than being stable and mature like Mr. He.

After all, there is one old and one young, and both of them must have their own style.

"How did I find that the clothes Hu Xing wears are very fashionable and individual every time? They are very handsome." Teacher He also praised Hu Xing beside him.

"Good looks, good figure, good life, this is the pinnacle of a man." Hu Xing pointed at the camera and drove.

"Haha~" He Jiong and the others still couldn't get used to this kind of driving.

"In "Predecessor Raiders", the style is completely different from now." He Jiong also helped Hu Xing to promote.

"In the previous Raiders, I actually liked Zheng Kai's character more. Playboy fits my image, doesn't it?!" Although the film has been released for a month, the box office has basically settled.

But if it can be publicized, it still needs to be publicized, how much it can increase the box office.

"It's just that, compared to "Predecessor Raiders", my other movie "One Man's Martial Arts" is not like this." Hu Xing took the initiative to talk about his movie.

"Why, do you have another movie coming out?!" He Jiong was surprised.

"That's right, "One Man's Martial Arts" will be released during Golden Week on May 5."

"The movie this time is different from the drug dealers in the drug war and the playboys in the previous Raiders.":

"This movie is the first action movie in my career, and there are many action scenes in it."

"I think I can reach a new level of handsomeness in this movie." Hu Xing didn't hesitate at all for his smug beauty.

When they heard that handsomeness had reached a new height, everyone couldn't help it, it was really stinky.

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