"It's said that this movie is a collaboration with Zhen Zidan, right?!" He Jiong also knows about this movie. When he was backstage just now, Hu Xing mentioned it to him. The show promoted the movie .

"That's right, this is the first time to cooperate with Xiangjiang's wrist." Although the relationship with Zhen Zidan is not very good, but this time we collaborated in a movie, we must mention him.

"Then it seems that the viewers in front of the 780 TV set will have to spend money to watch Hu Xing again on May Day."

"This "Predecessor Raiders" is not over yet, and there will be a new movie soon. It's good enough. Did our big honey pull so many resources for you?!" When He Jiong mentioned Yang Mi, Hu Xing hurried Shaking his head: "Don't tell me about Yang Mi, this woman has been preparing to sign with her studio for a full year."

"But, I haven't been paid a single salary." Hu Xing said with anger on his face.

"Is it all sent to Reba's account?" He Jiong was not in a hurry, so he asked the angry Hu Xing.

"That's right, it's too much. Why should the money I earn be sent to my wife's account?!" Hu Xing laughed.

"That's right, there are too many troublesome things in life like this." The number of fields next to it fits the bill.

"Hu Xing doesn't have so many troubles." He Jiong answered immediately, saying that Hu Xing didn't have such troubles.

"Hu Xing, how can I be like you and have no worries in life?" Liu Kaile asked Hu Xing.

"Don't argue with stupid people." Hu Xing immediately told Liu Kaile his trick.

"No, I think what you said, Hu Xing, is wrong, because of the dispute..."

"You're right." Just as Liu Kaile was about to refute, Hu Xing spoke immediately, saying that Liu Kaile was right, and I won't argue with you any more.

Chapter 0920 don't argue with stupid people

"..." Liu Kaile just stared at Hu Xing blankly, as if something was wrong, what's wrong?

"Hahaha~" The person involved was confused, but the bystanders instantly understood the ridiculous joke

"Wait, I always feel that something is wrong?" Liu Kaile asked uncertainly.

"Hu Xing said not to argue with stupid people. He said that you are right in everything you say, but you don't want to argue with a stupid person like you. Do you understand?!" Huang Yan told Liu Kaile with a smile.

"..." Liu Kaile couldn't believe his ears, he was just tricked by Hu Xing?

This routine came so suddenly, without any warning.

"Is this why Hu Xing has a high IQ?"

"He not only told you, but also verified it for you." Tian Shu also smiled at the aggrieved and depressed Liu Kaile.

He Jiong and the others laughed like crazy, and Hu Xing got full marks for this routine.

The guests who were waiting at the back were all overwhelmed by Hu Xing in the front.

"Okay, okay, let's let the guests come out quickly, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable holding back their laughter." He Jiong used this link to skip the topic.

"So who is going to share their refrigerator with whom today?"

"We welcome today's special guests with applause." Hu Xing and He Jiong turned around, looked behind, and welcomed today's guests with applause.

"Boom!" Dry ice sprayed out from both sides of the door, and the door opened with the dry ice.

Hu Fu and Liu Shishi, who were waiting behind, entered the sight of all audiences at the same time.

"Woo!!!!" When they saw Hu Fu and Liu Shishi, He Jiong and other celebrity chefs stood up and cheered.

Hu Xing looked at Liu Shishi in astonishment, this woman...

However, Hu Xing, who was too late to be astonished, noticed it, and Hu Fu walked out holding Liu Shishi's hand.

"Wait, let go, let go!" Hu Xing pointed to the hands they held together.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing really didn't hide the slightest bit of jealousy.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with pulling it? Can you die?" Hu Fu quarreled with Hu Xing.

"Wow really, this 82-year-old man." Hu Xing stood up, still venomous.

"..." However, what Hu Xing didn't know was that when he complained about Hu Fu, he also complained about Mr. He beside him.

After noticing the way Mr. He looked at Hu Xing, everyone laughed again.

"Then how young are you?" Teacher He growled at Hu Xing like a child.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Hu Xing replied to Teacher He very calmly.

"..." Mr. He, who was roaring at first, felt that something was wrong. Hu Xing didn't argue with him, that is to say...

"Haha~" Everyone is a smart person, and immediately understood that Mr. He was also tricked this time.

Liu Shishi even covered his face, his smiling eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Teacher He looked disgusted and rolled his eyes at Hu Xing, that's enough.

"Okay, welcome to Hu Fu, the God of Immortal Sword, and Liu Shishi, Goddess of Immortal Sword." Hu Xing applauded today's two guests and welcomed them.

Hu Fu and Liu Shishi came to their own seats and sat down.

"Hu Fu, sit here." Teacher He asked Hu Fu to sit next to him, and gave Liu Shishi the seat next to Hu Xing.

"No, no, no." Hu Xing quickly rejected such an arrangement.

"What's the matter? Is it okay to let Shishi sit next to you?" Seeing that Hu Xing disagreed, He Jiong asked why.

"It's like this, because our host is facing the camera, so you are on my right side. When recording the show, apart from looking at the camera, I have to look to the right most of the time. "

"At this time, I will turn my back to the guest on my left."

"If that's the case, I won't be able to see Shi Shi. If this doesn't work, let Hu Fu sit next to me."

"In this way, when I can look to the right, Shishi will always be within my line of sight, and Hu Fu, he can do whatever he likes, it doesn't matter." After Hu Xing explained, Liu Shishi was even more embarrassed to cover his mouth sniggering.

"..." Hu Fu felt even more disgusted now, and said, "I'm in this position, what's wrong?"

"Okay, okay, then this is your position." Hu Xing immediately agreed again without arguing.

"I..." Hu Fu immediately understood, is Hu Xing waiting for him to get into the trap?

"Hahaha~" Seeing that Hu Fu was also trapped, He Jiong and the others couldn't help it anymore.

"I'll take this seat." Liu Shishi also wanted to sit beside Hu Xing.

"Didn't you say to go back to your mother's house?!" Hu Xing still felt depressed.

Yesterday when he got home, he sent a WeChat message to Liu Shishi, and she said that she would go back to Beijing to spend a few days with her parents.

But why did you come back to Shanghai today?

"Then I really went home yesterday, but by the way, I took the column team to look at my refrigerator." Liu Shishi felt that what he said was right.

"Then what do you say, you want to stay with our parents for a few days, what do you say?!"

"That's right, after recording the show and flying back, I can continue to accompany my parents." The answer to each question was orderly and not chaotic at all.

Hu Xing had no other choice now, so he gave Liu Shishi a thumbs up, which is great.

"Today, it seems that Hu Fu and Shishi are in the same frame again since they collaborated in "Xuanyuan Sword"?" He Jiong asked Hu Fu beside him.

"No." Hu Fu said no, and explained: "After Xuanyuan Sword, I actually collaborated with Shi Shi on a TV series, which will be broadcast in October."

"Ah~ so it's this, then I know, "Pocahontas", right?!"

"That's right." Hu Fu nodded, admitting it was this.

"If that's the case, is there any work that Hu Fu will broadcast recently?"

"There is a TV series broadcast at the end of May, "Life Apocalypse" co-operated with Yan Ni." Hu Fu said that he also has works to be broadcast in the near future.

"Look at others, another TV series is on the air, how about you?" After talking about Hu Fu's, Hu Xing asked Liu Shishi beside him what works he has recently.

"April aired "Scared at Every Step", June aired "Sharp and Benevolent Master", August movie "Embroidered Spring Knife", October "Pocahontas" and the movie "Five Minutes Before Late Night"." After the 4 dramas were finished, Liu Shishi covered his mouth and looked at Hu Xing with a smile.

"I'm sorry to bother you." After learning that his daughter-in-law would broadcast 5 dramas this year, Hu Xing immediately bowed his head and apologized, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

"Haha~" This couple is really interesting.

"I said what about you? My girlfriend, I don't know how many dramas will be broadcast this year?" Hu Fu felt amused, what is this.

Chapter 0921 I basically useless

"I have some too, okay? "One Man's Martial Arts" will be released on May 7st, and "Gu Jian Qi Tan" will be released in July; "Ruffian Hero 10" will be released in October."

"In addition to the previous "Predecessor Raiders", I also have 4 plays this year." Hu Xing said that he also has a lot of works.

"Speaking of "Predecessor Raiders", Shishi, have you watched it?!" Mr. He asked about this, and Liu Shishi replied: "I went to see it, and I went to see it with my girlfriends on the first day of the new year."

"Best friend? Qing'er?" Speaking of this best friend, Hu Xing also knew it clearly.

"That's right, it's Qing'er. Also, don't call me Ye Qing'er, she's older than you." Liu Shishi corrected this point for her boyfriend.

"So what's the matter? Isn't Ou Ya older than me? Didn't I call him brother?"

"Hehe~" Hu Xing's explanation was perfect, so Liu Shishi had no way to refute.

"Master, how did you feel after watching Hu Xing's movie?!" Now that we've talked about this movie, let's talk about it.

"Well, how should I put it, I won't comment on whether his acting is good or not, because I am not qualified to comment on his acting skills. After all, he has proved his acting skills in only two plays. Brother, haha~" As he said this, Master Liu 937 himself lost his temper.

"Don't call me Xiao Hufu again, what's wrong." Hu Xing said to the camera, asking the audience not to call him Xiaohufu again

"Hehe~" Of course, Hu Fu also knows the name of the fans.

"It can be seen that the relationship between Hu Xing and Shishi is very stable." From the conversation just now, it can actually be seen that their relationship is very stable in their daily lives.

"He did a good job. As a boyfriend, he did everything well." Liu Shishi was not dissatisfied with his boyfriend.

"Yes, Hu Xing, please give me some advice. In a relationship, what should a man do to keep the love from the beginning?!" In this regard, Hu Fu also really wants to learn something.

"I personally think that a good man, or a boyfriend that a girl finds, should basically have 'three talents'." Speaking of this, Hu Xing gave everyone some advice.

"Three talents, which three talents?" Speaking of this, He Jiong also wants to listen.

"If you have money, then you can make your lover and family worry about food and clothing, and live a prosperous life."

"Secondly, you must be talented, so that they can look down on you; because you want girls to worship you a little bit."

"Three, his attitude towards you should be like a slave." After Hu Xing said the third point, Liu Shishi was the first to burst out laughing.

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