"Really, you are underage yourself, why are you pulling me a thread, really." Hu Xing felt amused, and came out after washing his face.

"Besides, aren't you best friends with Guan Xiaotong? Why are you with Jiang Yiyi?"

"There's not only one girl's best friend." Zhang Xiying came out after speaking, because she felt that Hu Xing was indeed not interested in Jiang Yiyi.

After all, there is an age difference of 11 years, and at the same time, Jiang Yiyi is still a child.

Hu Xing is not so perverted yet, he is interested in a little girl.

When he came to the kitchen, Hu Xing saw a lot of duck feet in it.


"Who bought these duck feet?!" With so many duck feet, Hu Xing didn't know who bought them.

"I bought it. I originally planned to braise the duck's feet to eat while watching dramas."

"But I found out later that I don't know how to braise duck feet at all." Zhao Liying wanted to eat it, but she couldn't.

"It's shameful, you can't even braise duck feet." Hu Xing said and got angry.

Since there are duck feet, it is not bad to make a duck feet stew today.

However, it is definitely not acceptable to just eat duck feet stew, because this can only be regarded as a snack, not a main dish, and you still need to order other things.

There are flour and meat, so just order it, and it’s not bad to make dumplings.

Make dumplings, and there will be duck feet to eat later, so you should be able to have a good lunch

"Wow, it smells so good, husband, what are you doing?!" Song Jia, who was watching TV, smelled the fragrance, and couldn't wait to go in to see what Hu Xing was doing now.

Song Zhuer had already run in one step ahead of time to see what Hu Xing was making.

When he saw that Hu Xing was stewing something in a small casserole, he found a cloth and opened the lid of the casserole to see what was inside.

"Duck feet?!" After Song Zhuer saw it, he was very surprised that the casserole was full of fragrant duck feet.

Chapter 0973 is born on this day anyway

"I'm going to go out later, I won't be at home with you anymore, I have a job." Hu Xing said that he has a job.

"Work, what job?" Song Zhuer was the most frequent one when he learned that his boyfriend had a job.

"The dubbing work, the dubbing work of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", I also want to go." Zhao Liying is also very clear about Hu Xing's job today.

"Speaking of this TV series, you, the producer and producer, have you confirmed when it will start broadcasting?" Liu Shishi is also looking forward to it, wondering if this version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can surpass the previous ones Version?

After all, this is the version with the highest investment. If even this version cannot surpass the previous version, it will be really difficult in the future.

Even if it can't surpass it, at least it has to be comparable to the classics.

Hu Xing did not answer Liu Shishi's question, but instead looked at Zhao Liying on the left.

She didn't speak, but as his girlfriend, Zhao Liying already understood what Hu Xing's eyes were telling her. At the same time, she was also telling the other sisters what he was thinking.

"Want it to be aired on the day Xiangxiang was born?" Song Jia also guessed it, and so did everyone else.

"Yeah." Hu Xing admitted that he had such a plan.

"The expected date of delivery has been confirmed, and it will be in mid-October."

"The doctor said that the exact due date is October 10th, 15th, and 16th."

"It's very possible that Xiangxiang's birthday is not far from Liying's, and they both fall on one of those three days." Before accompanying Zhao Liying for an examination, Liu Shishi asked the doctor

"I know." Hu Xing shook his head with a smile, and said, "The birthday of my lover in my previous life was October 10th; therefore, Xiangxiang should have the same birthday as my mother, because only in this way, she felt that my mother's birthday is October 16th. Treat her as your biggest rival in love."

"Puchi!" Zhao Liying, who didn't say anything, just listened to Hu Xing's serious nonsense.

"It's great, mother and daughter have the same birthday, I will give birth later, if only I can have the same birthday as me." Gu Li Nazha is actually really envious of this kind of birthday.

Mother and daughter or mother and son, or father and son, father and daughter have the same birthday, which is really very good.

This situation also happened in Hu Xing's family, that is, Hu Yu and his youngest daughter had the same birthday.

Although it is the same birthday in the new calendar, it is already very good.

If the father and the child, or the mother and the child, have the same birthday in the new lunar calendar, this is very difficult.

Because [-]% of people have their birthdays on the same day in the new calendar and the lunar calendar every nineteen years.

Some are 38 years, and some are 57 years.

So it is really very difficult to want to have the same birthday as the lunar calendar in the child's heart.

"But now I don't dare to say if it's true. I can only be sure that Xiangxiang was born on one of these three days? It's just an expected date of delivery, not [-]% sure."

"It's also possible that your lover in the previous life, be more self-willed, and insist on torturing me in my mansion for two more days?"

"Or, it's also possible that your little lover is very anxious to come out to settle accounts with you?!"

"Right, these are all uncertain, right?!" What Zhao Liying said was not impossible.

"Anyway, it will be broadcast on October 10." Hu Xing has already confirmed that the TV series will be broadcast on the day of Zhao Liying's birthday.

"Where's the TV station?!" If you want to broadcast a TV series, you need to find a platform to broadcast it.

"Which TV station can arrange to broadcast on October 10, then sign the copyright with that TV station." It is so willful, anyway, in order to please his wife, Hu Xing can do anything.

"I guess the three broadcasting platforms, Blueberry, Mango, and Tomato, are the most likely."

"Because there are Hu Xing's regular variety shows." Zhang Weiying guessed so, after all, these three TV stations are the most likely.

"Almost." Hu Xing put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth.

"What's the progress of the production of the TV series?!" This TV series has just been finished for a month.

"Not much has been produced yet. Now we are just going in the past and gathering part of the production for dubbing. We will not complete the TV series so quickly."

"At least it will take half a year." Hu Xing roughly budgeted, and at least it will take until August for this TV series to be truly completed.

"Are you sure it can be completed in half a year? Don't wait until then. It's Liying's birthday and the TV series hasn't been produced yet. This is a fly in the ointment." Song Jia is also very supportive of broadcasting this TV series on Zhao Liying's birthday.

"Probably not. If there is no problem with the funds, it will be settled in half a year." Hu Xing got up, took a glass of lemonade and drank it.

On such a cold day, he still likes iced lemonade, which is refreshing enough.

After having lunch and resting for half an hour, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying changed their clothes and planned to go out.

The producer of this TV series is in Shanghai, and Hu Xing handed it over to Tangren Film and Television to produce it.

Although the TV dramas invested by Hairun Film and Television, the special effects are not very good.

But that's all because they didn't dare to invest too much money, so it happened.

Hairun Film and Television is also Zhao Liying's agency, and this cooperation with them, of course, has gained Hu Xing's trust, otherwise, this project would not have been handed over to Hairun Film and Television.

Originally, Hu Xing planned to give it to Shanying. After all, the series produced by Shanying can be regarded as the conscience of the industry.

It can be seen from "Langya Bang" and "The Pretender", that the production is good in all aspects.

Even if it is slightly unsatisfactory, it is much better than other companies.

This cooperation with Hairun, on the one hand, is because Zhao Liying starred in this TV series with zero pay.

As an artist of Hairun, Zhao Liying filmed with zero salary, which made Hairun less earn 2% of the film bonus from Zhao Liying. If Hu Xing did not give them the film and television production project, it would not be good.

Although it was produced by Hairun based on the above, Hu Xing still had very strict requirements. It must be produced for what you pay for, and you can't cut corners.

"How long has it been since you came back to the company?!" Hu Xing asked Zhao Liying beside him.

"I just came here last week, okay? It's just that the media is creating a topic for us now, so it's a bit annoying." Zhao Liying is quite disgusted with the current topic.

This topic is Zhao Liying vying for the position of the first sister of Hairun Film and Television; deliberately instigating Zhao Liying and Sun Li's fans to quarrel.

Deng Chao and Hu Xing are in the same reality show, and their wives are both Hairun's popular little actresses, and they are the kind of talented and popular little actresses who have acting skills but have not been selected as the four little actresses. .

Because of this, many media began to fabricate the feud between Zhao Liying and Sun Li.

This made Zhao Liying very upset. She didn't want to pay attention, but it was impossible; she ended up feeling helpless and depressed.

Chapter 0974 one brother and one sister

Now many film and television companies in the mainland have been selected as a brother and a sister

In the current Tangren Film and Television Company, the first brother is Hu Fu, and the first sister is Liu Shishi.

Although it is said that Gulinaza is also owned by Tang people now, the popularity of Gulinaza is really not as good as that of Liu Shishi.

Both are Hu Xing's girlfriends, they are equally beautiful, but the beautiful ones are different

As far as the current Gu Li Nazha wants to catch up with Liu Shishi, it will take some time and a good opportunity.

Hairun company has a brother and a sister, there is nothing to argue about the first brother, it is Gao Yunxiang; although there is no representative work, but speaking of it, it is indeed Hairun's first brother;

As for the first sister, there is a lot of controversy. After all, Hairun now has two powerful female roles, Sun Li and Zhao Liying, among the top ten most popular female roles in the Mainland.

Sun Li is a capable actor and is also very popular;

Zhao Liying's acting skills may not be as good as Sun Li's, but she has great potential and is even more popular than the current Sun Li.

The position of the first sister of Hairun is really hard to say, but looking at it now, Sun Li is more recognized, but after a few years, Zhao Liying began to explode, Sun Li might not really be able to sit in the position of the first sister of Hairun Living.

Jiaxing Tianxia Film and Television Company was originally owned by Liu Kaiwei and Yang Mi before the first brother and the first sister

But since last year's Hu Xing 240 and Reba joined, after their works were released this year, they will faintly surpass their trend.

As for Liu Kaiwei, although he has debuted for many years and has produced many works, his popularity and acting skills are not recognized.

In the past two years, relying on the endless scandals with Yang Mi, he has maintained a certain degree of topicality.

But it was only a year, and Hu Xing had already snatched Liu Kaiwei's position as the first brother in Jiaxing Tianxia.

Hu Xing has two masterpieces "Drug War" and "Predecessor Raiders". After being recognized, there are still several dramas to be broadcast and released this year.

It can be said that in less than a year, Hu Xing used his talent and status in variety shows, as well as his acting skills in the film and television industry, and his Asian status in the music world;

Hu Xing has already secured the position of the first elder brother in Jiaxing Tianxia; the first sister is still Yang Mi;

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