As for the ridiculously popular Di Lieba, if she wants to surpass Yang Mi, she needs more works to prove herself.

Reba now has a running man, and the program "I Am a Singer" proves her singer's ability. The movie also has a good performance in "Predecessor Raiders". Last year's "Gu Jian Qi Tan" will also be broadcast in July this year up.

But even so, within this year, it might be impossible for Reba to obtain the status of Jiaxing's No. [-] Miss from Yang Mi.

A brother and a sister of a mainland film and television company are actually quite controversial.

When Hu Xing came to Hairun, he happened to meet the first brother of Hairun.

After saying hello to Brother Yi, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying went to the studio to do dubbing.

When I came here, I happened to meet Director Jiang, and we chatted for a while before starting.

The lines are all ready, just read the lines, prepare the emotions and dub it.

It's just that today's dubbing work is not much, but it can be completed in a few hours.

It was already evening when I returned home from work today.

"Yeah? Is there a guest at home?" After Hu Xing and Zhao Liying came back, they noticed that there seemed to be a guest at home, but they didn't know who it was.

"Hello, Hu Xing." Hu Xing didn't know the guest at home, but the other party was a woman, about the same age as his mother.

"You are?!" Hu Xing didn't know him, so of course he had to ask who it was.

"Our boss." Nazha told Hu Xing that this is their boss.

"Your boss? Tang Ren's Mr. Cai?" Of course Hu Xing knew that Tang Ren's boss was Cai Yinong.

If you know it, you know it, but if you haven't seen it, Hu Xing naturally doesn't know it.

"Why, you hooked up the two beauties of our Tang people, and you don't know that I am their boss?" This is ridiculous, Cai Yinong teased Hu Xing.

"Hey, it's not that you have a lot of things to do, don't I have time to see your true face?"

"What did you say that hooked up the two beauties from your company?"

"It's as if the first brother of your Tangren Film and Television has never slept with me." Hu Xing said and went in to get a glass of lemonade to drink.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing wanted to say that, but Cai Yinong had no choice.

"What's the matter, the one who took the initiative to come to my house today is looking for me?!" The guess can be guessed, it is probably to talk to him about something.

"It's like this. I came to see you. I have two things to discuss with you." Cai Yinong did have such thoughts, but he didn't know whether Hu Xing would like to talk about it.

"You can listen." Hu Xing sat down and chatted with Cai Yinong

"The first thing is that I want to ask you not to have children with Shishi for the time being in the next few years, and Nazha too, wait until they are about 30 years old." The matter proposed by Cai Yinong made people Hu Xing was surprised.

"Why?!" Hu Xing was not in a hurry to refuse, but asked the reason.

"As you know, Shishi's momentum has been very good in the past two years."

"The popularity of the four young actresses in the mainland has remained high; what I am worried about is that because of having a child, she will gradually fade out of the entertainment circle."

"As a woman, I understand very well that after giving birth, it takes at least 3 years before I can truly return to the circle and develop with peace of mind."

"So now Shishi is 27 years old. If she wants to have a child now, if she wants to really develop with peace of mind, she may have to wait until she is 30 years old. This is a bit of a loss."

"I'm suggesting that before Shishi is 30 years old, use these two or three years to lay the foundation." Cai Yinong thinks highly of Liu Shishi, otherwise he wouldn't have come to chat with Hu Xing in person.

"Compared with Hairun, we Tang people are a little less human."

"But all of this is for Shi Shi and Na Zha." Cai Yinong observed Hu Xing's face carefully.

"Indeed, you have interfered with the love life of Hairun's first brother and first sister, haven't you?" Hu Xing smiled slightly and asked Cai Yinong.

"I don't deny it, we also intervened in Hu Fu's feelings back then." Cai Yinong knew about that, and Shanghai has passed Hu Fu, so this time on Liu Shishi's side, she no longer secretly went to Hu Fu's as before. According to the parents, Hu Fu's parents rejected Hu Fu's first love girlfriend Xue Jianing.

This time she made a change and came to talk to Hu Xing in person.

The first sister Sun Li of Hairun Company and the current Zhao Liying were both pregnant and married when they were the hottest

Sun Li was at the beginning, and now Zhao Liying has just become popular, and has a child with Hu Xing.

But Hairun didn't intervene in all of this, it was very humane and didn't disturb their love life, just let them decide for themselves.

Chapter 0975 talk about things into a fortune teller

Both Hairun and Tang Ren have their own advantages. Hairun is more humane and will not interfere with the love life of celebrities; but Tang Ren will intervene, but the intervention is also for the benefit of its artists.

Like Hu Fu's first love failed, but now he has also become the number one niche in the mainland.

After Hu Xing finished listening, he crossed his legs~ and thought carefully.

"I can't promise you this matter." Hu Xing finally said his answer.

"It's only been three years, isn't that too much? I have worked hard for so many years for my teacher."

"You can't just look at her popularity and status completely consolidated in just three years, can you really not bear it?!" Cai Yinong was very helpless, she had heard about it a long time ago, and Hu Xing Talking about things is very difficult, mainly because Hu Xing goes his own way

Moreover, Hu Xing's IQ is very high, it is really difficult to deal with him

"It's not a question of tolerance, the key is that I provoked too many women in my previous life, and they would come here to settle accounts with me, so what can I do?" Hu Xing was so unprincipled, Cai Yinong felt helpless.

Seeing Hu Xing playing a scoundrel, Liu Shishi and the others didn't speak, and just quietly laughed beside him.

"No, dear, can we be reasonable, don't be a rogue, can we succeed?!" Cai Yinong is really powerless, this guy is really too difficult to deal with.

"I'm not playing a rascal, I'm serious about talking to you."

Hu Xing actually recognized that Liu Shishi in his previous life had developed very well.

However, after she got married to Wu Qilong, who was 17 years older than her, although the works would appear after a while, they did not return to the state before marriage.

It can be said that she found love, but her career suffered a blow.

It's not that everyone doesn't like her, but that they can't accept Liu Shishi marrying Wu Qilong, who is 17 years older than her by her second marriage.

Wu Qilong is very good, he is a good man.

But the age difference is too big. With this age difference, people today can't accept it.

So because of this, Liu Shishi's popularity at that time no longer moved forward.

Although she is still a very popular Xiaohuadan, she doesn't seem to be improving.

Now Liu Shishi and Hu Xing are in a relationship, everyone thinks they are a good match, Hu Xing dotes on Liu Shishi, and still dotes on heaven.

She just needs to be a fairy at home, no need for you to do housework, no need for you to know how to cook.

As long as you are a good temperament fairy, everything will be fine if you give him a little lover.

In addition, Hu Xing wants to abuse Wu Qilong in all aspects, which makes everyone more optimistic about Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi's popularity this year is also on the rise. With the title of Hu Xing's girlfriend, it is enough for her to stomp her feet in the entertainment circle, and it can shake the entertainment circle.

The same is true for Nazha, as a potential new star, with stunning looks, fairy-like temperament, and a good figure.

It can be said to be the next fairy sister.

Nazha was hacked so much in her previous life, mainly because of her relationship with Zhang Regret.

If Nazha hadn't dated Zhang Regret, she wouldn't have been hacked so badly.

This life is the best example. She has never been in contact with Zhang Regret, but after falling in love with Hu Xing, her reputation is very good, and few people will go to black her. The road to stardom can be said to be smooth.

"Then tell me, what will it take to be willing to agree?!" Cai Yinong had no choice but to ask Hu Xing how to agree to this condition.

"There is no problem with Nazha, she is still young, she is only 21 and ready to turn 22."

"I can promise that within three years, she will not be allowed to conceive." Isn't what Hu Xing said nonsense.

"That's nonsense, Nazha will only be 25 years old three years later, and his status has not yet reached the level of a teacher."

"Isn't that right? You can praise Nazha now? Don't praise Shishi."

"I've made her famous, and I can't see her several times a year, so I'm not a bitch?!"

"Isn't that right, Mr. Cai, you have to be reasonable." Hu Xingtan said to Cai Yinong.

Song Jia and the others glanced at the rascal Hu Xing, then rolled their eyes.

"Hey, I said, why did you agree to this scoundrel? I used to think that it was better for you to choose Hu Xing than Wu Qilong. After all, Hu Xing is excellent in all aspects."

"But after the first conversation today, how did I find that Wu Qilong is easier to talk to?" Cai Yinong was really powerless, and didn't know what to say.

"Hey, Mr. Cai, that's too much."

"If you really like Wu Qilong, then you can talk to him, you are all born in the 70s."

"70 years, how old are you?" Hu Xing also asked curiously.

"I was born in 75." What Cai Yinong didn't know was that she had been led astray by Hu Xing.

"70 years is the life of a local dog, Mr. Cai in 75 years, you are a wooden rabbit."

"Men earthen and wood female; earthen wood couples have different opinions, turn their eyes against each other ruthlessly, have food but have no children to control the husband, half a lifetime of marriage and family wealth."

"No, no, Mr. Cai, you and Wu Qilong are not suitable. One is earth-born and the other is wood-born. It is not suitable, so you still don't want 70 years." Hu Xing counted and said Cai Yinong's marriage.

"Really?!" Cai Yinong, who was going to talk about things, was immediately attracted by Hu Xing, who considered marriage, and completely forgot what he was going to talk to Hu Xing just now.

"People born in the year of the rabbit are very kind, with elegant demeanor, a symbol of good advice, kindness and love of beauty."

"Look, both Shishi and Liying belong to the rabbit, and they also behave elegantly and love beauty. There is nothing wrong with that, right? But the difference is, Mr. Cai, you are a wooden rabbit, and Shishi and Liying are fire The fate of the rabbit."

"People with wooden rabbit life, although they look gentle and elegant, they do have a strong and tough nature hidden in their hearts, which often makes people feel elusive; if they can protect their lives wisely, they will naturally accumulate wealth and gain both fame and fortune. "

"Look at you Mr. Cai, you look intellectual and elegant, but you have a strong heart. From the back of you as a woman, you created Tang Ren Film and Television, made Hu Fu, Shi Shi and others popular, and invested in many famous film and television dramas to watch. , This shows your strong and tenacious talent, which is unpredictable."

"Similarly, in order to preserve Hu Fu's future, you use your wisdom to persuade Hu Fu's parents who also value their son's future to persuade Hu Fu not to fall in love, or to make Hu Fu's parents disagree with Xue Jianing."

"And for Shishi's future, you came here to persuade me not to let Shishi get pregnant in the past two years."

"This is all your wisdom to protect yourself and gain both fame and fortune, right?!" After Hu Xing listed this, Cai Yinong thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the case.

Hu Xing has figured out her character clearly.

At this time, Cai Yinong hadn't realized that she was being brainwashed by Hu Xing, completely forgetting what her main purpose of coming here was.

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