Chapter 0987 is enough for me to blow for a while

Hu Xing's leg was seriously injured, and it was said that his tendons and bones were broken for a hundred days.

But Hu Xing's leg healed in just one week.

After seeing this recovery ability, everyone in the crew couldn't help but be surprised.

It took a week to recover, and Hu Xing worked even harder.

Even when he broke his leg, Hu Xing still endured the pain while filming.

Although Hu Xing was unable to act in action scenes due to his foot injury, he could still act in some literary plays.

Wearing a suit, you can shoot some scenes and shots without walking.

Now that his leg is healed, Hu Xing devoted himself to his work again, and completed it with his most perfect state. Even Wu Jing was willing to bow down to this kind of effort.

"What is it that supports you to continue filming after such a serious injury?!" Wu Jing also asked Hu Xing during the free break.

"For the children." Hu Xing replied with only four words, saying that he was for the children, it was as simple as that.

"For the child?" After Wu Jing learned about it, she also thought of her own wife at 16, and Xie Nan was also pregnant.

Moreover, Xie Nan's due date is at the end of August, and Hu Xing's wife's due date is in mid-October.

Both of them are about to be fathers, so they have the most topics at this time.

"In order to finish filming this movie earlier, go back to accompany my wife earlier, go back earlier and finish filming the domestic scenes, and then wait for the birth of the child." Hu Xing has more work than Wu Jing.

In August, he still has "Looking for the Dragon" with Huang Bo to film.

Now of course he has to seize the time to finish filming the scenes here, and then return to China.

"By the way, besides filming, I want to film now. Hu Xing, you know so much. Would you like to teach me how to make some soup that is good for pregnant women?"

"Or teach me a little porridge that can nourish the body of pregnant women?" Wu Jing remembered this matter and wanted to discuss it with Hu Xing.

Who doesn't know that Hu Xing is now China's national boyfriend.

As a handsome man with a successful career, an annual income of hundreds of millions, he is willing to work as a nanny in front of his girlfriend.

As long as he has time, he likes to cook delicious food for his wife. There is only one such man in China.

Xie Nan even said more than once that Wu was startled, when you can be like Hu Xing and make me something healthy for my girlfriend, I really have nothing extravagant to ask for in this life.

Remembering this, coupled with the fact that he is now working with Hu Xing, Wu Jing remembered the good wife he owed, so he wanted to learn from Hu Xing.

"Why, sister, this is implying that you want to cook for her?!"

"That's not right, old Wu, you are such a manly man, how can you cook?!" Hu Xing seemed to have heard the funniest words.

"Haha~" Gu Tianle, Ren Dahua and the others laughed at Wu Jing one after another.

"Hey, isn't it because you owe her? After following me, you didn't enjoy any blessings, so you just patronized suffering."

"I just thought, when I go back to rest next time, I'll make a good soup to nourish her body." It's good for Wu Jing to have this kind of heart

"Okay, you can learn if you want. If you have time to teach you, it's best to teach you even what to make for your baby."

"'Teach Wu Jing something', I think this is enough for me to play for a while." Hu Xing said solemnly.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's serious show off made the rest of the crew burst into laughter.

"What's there to brag about?" Wu Jing wondered, as for this?

"Yes, I can blow it for a long time." Hu Xing said and made a metaphor: "Look, senior Hong Jinbao fought with Li Xiaolong once, and he has been blowing it all his life."

Well, at this point, Wu Jing, Gu Tianle, Ren Dahua, including the director, all laughed out loud because of Hu Xing's words.

"Really, don't say it, be very serious, okay?" Seeing everyone laughing like this, Hu Xing said very seriously: "Also, you can learn to cook soup with me, you can't brag about it, it's embarrassing .”

"Also, the producer, please don't say in the behind-the-scenes footage of "Slaying the Wolf 2" that Wu Jing and Hu Xing often talk about cooking when they are free from filming. Such things are not worth bragging about." Hu Xingpicheng said, Who can take care of him?

But it is precisely because of this that Hu Xing's popularity in the crew is very good.

Everyone likes to chat with him, because if you really chat with him, you can relax.

The cowhide has been blown, and the sky has been chatted, and we still have to work when it is time to work.

The acting continues, and everyone is doing their jobs seriously.

It's just that this movie is really abusive, not that the plot is abusive, but that during filming, the actors were really abused and bruised.

Especially Wu Jing, Tony Jia, and Hu Xing, who played the most scenes.

In this play, every time they fight, everyone gets hurt.

Either the arm is received or the leg is injured. It can be said that there are people with crutches every day.

Hu Xing was no exception. He suffered more than 30 injuries, large and small, during his half month on the set.

In particular, the most serious one was when he kicked the iron stand by more than ten centimeters, which caused him to be injured for a week;

After that, there were those who scratched their hands, or broke their fingers, or were punched in the face when they were playing action scenes, and they couldn't hold back, and they were beaten to blood.

There are too many, it can really be said that there are countless.

This is the cruelest and most hurtful scene Hu Xing has ever filmed, and it is really the only one so far.

However, half a month after the 577 in Thailand, on May 5st, "One Man's Martial Arts" was officially released, and many fans went to the cinema to watch the first collaboration between Hu Xing and Zhen Zidan.

When the movie started broadcasting, I saw the viciousness of the villain played by Hu Xing seriously.

Hu Xing, who was originally a very handsome guy, dressed himself up very dirty in this movie. Even if he was born with a disability and walked with uneven legs, he played it perfectly.

Especially the fight scenes with Fan Shaohuang and others, the audience clapped their hands and cheered.

This is the first time Hu Xing has challenged an action scene, but judging from the movie, Hu Xing performed very well.

The fight scene with Zhen Zidan at the end is even more classic.

Every move and style is very airy, and the fight is very happy.

It is also because of this drama that Hu Xing's label of "little fresh meat" can be said to have been really torn off, but a different label of "tough guy" was re-labeled.

The biggest highlight of this drama is Hu Xing's performance and interpretation in action scenes.

From the current point of view, compared to the action superstar Zhen Zidan, Hu Xing is not at a disadvantage.

Although the plot required it, in the end Hu Xing's role was defeated by Zhen Zidan's stunning looks.

But judging from Hu Xing's acting, he performed very well, and it can even be said to be impeccable.

Chapter 0988 Hot Discussions and Big News After Its Release

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and it's finally released. I watched the premiere; the attendance rate is quite high; but I still have to talk about this movie, so I can only be pertinent."

"Martial arts are full marks, but literary plays can only be given 1 point; this 1 point is due to Hu Xing's hard work in performance, and his true acting skills."

"As for the plot, the plot of this movie is really weak and tiresome; to a large extent, the plot is set up for the sake of drama, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a running account;."

"The most unpleasant thing is the screenwriter. It seems that he really didn't think about working hard on the script. Xia Houwu's final transformation is completely unconvincing. Feng Yuxiu is right. Kung Fu is a killing technique. This is all for the sake of being able to Forward to the final battle."

"The characters are thin, and the role creation is not very successful; Hu Xing's image of a martial idiot has not been shown in a process. Why did he kill his wife with his own hands and then have the idea of ​​competing with the world's heroes? Or all the reasons are because he once entered the world. Been to a mental hospital?"

"There is nothing to say about martial arts, the few scenes in which Zhen Zidan acted as an action director can really be shortlisted for classic scenes, not too routine, and not too advanced;"

"It is worth mentioning that Hu Xing is the most surprising one. This is really not bragging. Anyone who has watched the movie knows that Hu Xing is the one who surprises the most no matter whether it is literary or martial arts."

"As a newcomer who has just debuted for a year, Hu Xing's currently released works are three movies in total, the drug dealer in the drug war, the philandering young man from the previous strategy, and the martial idiot in the martial arts by one person. In terms of literature and drama , Hu Xing's expressive power is too strong, it is difficult for people to classify him in the category of Xiao Xianrou."

"Playing is also Hu Xing's first challenge, but this first challenge is stunned, because Hu Xing is surprisingly good, he really looks like an actor who has been acting for many years; this is why Hu Xing can It’s because of the success in just one year.”

"In the few fighting scenes in the film, every opponent is a well-known star in Xiangjiang, or has acted in a fighting scene, but for the first time Hu Xing acted, he was able to give a villain Wu Chi to the actor. Especially in the final final battle with Zhen Zidan, Hu Xing's performance can even be said to have completely surpassed Zhen Zidan."

"I believe that as long as everyone is not brain-dead, they will feel that Hu Xing's fighting scenes are more real and better than Zhen Zidan's, and they are more clean and neat. His eyes, expressions, and movements are all in place, compared to Zhen Zidan's fighting scenes. Get up, only one expression is completely different."

"Hu Xing is using every cell of his own to integrate into the role to act. After watching this movie, to be honest, I was shocked and shocked by Hu Xing's acting skills; because I learned from a post-90s actor , saw Ji Chunhua and the others feel like they have been playing villains all their lives?"

This fan's comment on the Internet has been liked by thousands of people.

Obviously, the movie review he posted was the evaluation of the movie by many people after watching it.

"Aside from problems with the plot, the actors have no major problems; especially Hu Xing, with three films and three styles, none of them have disappointed."

"No wonder he is the only student in the theater who was asked by the teacher to join the filming practice after only two years of school; in the professional field, he is no longer immature."

"Aside from the plot, if you just look at it as an action movie, it is undoubtedly a successful movie."

"Extraordinary, it is rumored that Hu Xing and Zhen Zidan were at odds during filming, and they left the crew after only ten days of filming their part; even before the movie was released, all the publicity came from Hu Xing I didn’t have a single promotional event to promote it on my own program; Zhen Zidan didn’t participate in the promotional event, and Hu Xing also had no schedule, so he could only promote it on his own program.”

"I'm going, why is there a quarrel again? How many times has it been reported that Zhen Zidan has a quarrel with the actors she has worked with?"

"Yes, it's really too much, right? Why are you at odds with Hu Xing? Why?"

"Last year's Zhen Zhao incident was big enough, why is there still discord now? I don't think that a well-connected young man like Hu Xing can't be a good person; I can only say that Zhen Zidan really has some problems."

"The celebrities who are rumored to be at odds with Zhen Zidan are as follows: Zhao Wenzhuo, Wu Jing, Hong Jinbao, Liu Jialing, Xie Tingfeng, Li Lianjie and more than a dozen celebrities."

"Currently, there is not a single celebrity who is reported to be at odds with Hu Xing. Even if Hu Xing complains about Hu Xing and has a poisonous tongue on Running Man, there is no news of any discord with Hu Xing; on the contrary, this The first time you cooperated with Zhen Zidan, it was rumored?"

"There must be something wrong here."

As the movie opens, so do the questions that follow

Especially when the movie was released and the box office was not bad, the media interviewed the director.

When Director Chen was interviewed by the media, he even directly bombarded Zhen Zidan.

"The current actors are very strange. The newcomers say that they want to test each other's acting ability as soon as they arrive on the set."

"When I first came in, I wanted to hurt the other party, but in the end I was hurt, and I couldn't hold back my face; in the confrontation scene, I explained it with various reasons that I couldn't hold back; care about."

"At the back, every time the opponent gets hurt by the opponent, he puts on a bad face."

"I don't even participate in the movie promotional activities. It's understandable that a newcomer doesn't have enough time to participate in the movie promotional activities; but at least they are doing their best to promote it on their own programs; but as for me, as the leading actor, I use the recent inconvenience as an excuse past."

"As an old actor, I don't even understand this most basic way of dealing with it, and I can't compare to someone who is young and generous. It really makes people feel blush and hot." When interviewed by reporters, Director Chen even bombarded him face-to-face Zhen Zidan.

Although he didn't say it clearly, after the interview got out, it caused an uproar even more.

No one would have thought that even the director would help Hu Xing, which further explained the problem.

This matter made Zhen Zidan very troublesome.

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