He also did not expect that the director would openly bombard him, which caused his reputation and image to plummet again

Last year's "Zhen Zhao incident" was enough to put him on the cusp of the storm, and this year, such an incident was bombarded by the director, which can be said to put him in dire straits.

I have no choice but to contact Chen Deshen and ask him to help clarify.

But then it was discovered that Chen Deshen had blocked his phone number, which made Zhen Zidan's agent and the company's public relations troublesome.

Chapter 0989 Reba is also angry

"I'm sorry, I don't know you very well." Hu Xing received the call, just said a word, and then hung up the phone; the call was from Zhen Zidan, and after listening to what he said, Hu Xing was very polite I just hung up the phone to apologize.

Now that the entire movie is in theaters, it is not surprising that there are controversy and scandals.

And it's already known to everyone that this incident happened.

Director Chen Deshen has already bombarded Zhen Zidan in the face of reporters. If Hu Xing helps Zhen Zidan clarify at this time, it will not give Chen Deshen face, which will make him provoke Chen Deshen.

It was impossible to do this, Chen Deshen was supporting Hu Xing in the first place.

Now he has to speak for Zhen Zidan and make Chen Deshen lose face, Hu Xing is not so stupid as to lose his character.

He and Zhen Zidan himself really discovered Zhen Zidan's character through a cooperation.

It can't be said that his character is bad, it can only be said that his acting is too self-centered.

Every action scene will be designed for myself to be as good as possible, and then for the person in the scene to be beaten;

This is understandable, in fact, it is understandable.

After all, he is the lead actor, the main character, and he plays 010 against him, and he beats him when designing the action scenes. No one has any complaints about this.

The biggest complaint against him is that every time he is in a scene, he can't help but hurt the actor in the scene. In fact, one time can be understood as carelessness, and an apology is enough.

But Zhen Zidan didn't do this just once, and the apology was not sincere.

Even after there were too many, he would say: Only in this way will the fight look realistic and look real.

When Hu Xing heard this kind of words, he was really a ghost.

As an old actor who has been acting in action scenes for more than ten years, when acting in action scenes, can you not do things like putting in the effort?

The first time can be said to be too fast to receive; the second time can be said to be an accident;

Those three times and four times, this frankly can be said to be excessive, is it intentional?

This is not the key point, the key is that during the scene, he can only hit others, and if he is hurt by others, his temper will explode, accusing the person who hurt him in the scene will not stop.

That's right, Zhen Zidan on the screen is very good at acting, and his fights are also very exciting, very capable.

But behind the screen, many people don't like his personality.

Judging from the fact that he has so many discord stars, it can explain his character.

This is not black, but a matter of fact.

It's one thing to act well, it's another thing to be unlovable behind the scenes.

Hu Xing cooperated with him once, and he happened to be still in Thailand. Wu Jing and Gu Tianle also cooperated with Zhen Zidan. After reading the domestic news, they all patted Hu Xing on the shoulder.

They have all worked with Zhen Zidan before, and they know what kind of person Zhen Zidan was when he was filming, so they didn't say much to Hu Xing, just patted him on the shoulder as comfort.

Although they don't like Zhen Zidan's acting as a person, they will definitely not talk about others behind their backs. This kind of basic respect is still there.

Hu Xing didn't say anything, but Zhen Zidan asked him to help clarify. Hu Xing just said that their relationship is not close enough to help you clarify.

Because of this incident in China, it can be said that it has intensified, and even Hu Xing has received a lot of calls.

His boss called, that is Yang Mi.

"I said, can't you save me some face? Come forward and help clarify?!" Yang Mi was also under pressure, otherwise she wouldn't have asked Hu Xing like this.

"Why do you need to clarify? I didn't say anything, why should I make a fuss?" Hu Xing wondered what this woman was thinking.

"You have to know that I helped you fight for the script. We don't want to see this kind of thing happen now, so let's come forward and clarify." Yang Mi asked Hu Xing again.

"If I clarify the quarrel with Zhen Zidan, then I will lose face to director Chen Deshen who spoke for me; now, I have provoked someone."

"Did you not think of this kind of consequences, or did you get any benefits?" Hu Xing's tone made Yang Mi very powerless.

Of course, she didn't get any benefits, but she was just a girl, and she was able to get to where she is in the entertainment industry. Of course, she also had a super high emotional intelligence to have her current status, connections, and resources.

Although she is Hu Xing's boss, there is another boss above her.

After Yang Mi hung up, she called Reba.

"Can you help with this matter?!" Yang Mi called, but Reba said, "I'm thankful that I didn't kill him, and you still expect me to persuade my husband to come forward and clarify?"

"Reba, why even you..." Yang Mi covered her face even more now.

"That's my man. I know my man's character, and you know it too."

"Although my man has a bad mouth, he is very popular, and you know it yourself."

"Hu Xing has a sense of proportion, otherwise he will not succeed."

"He is very popular in the production team. With his status, he can completely make Zhen Zidan disappear from the entertainment industry."

"But he didn't, which means he's enough to give Zhen Zidan some face."

"Now that Chen Deshen is bombarding Zhen Zidan, my husband didn't do anything, why should I help persuade him to come forward to clarify; remember, that is my Di Lieba's man, even if my man is not angry, I know he is angry Now, I can let Yilong Group kill Zhen Zidan."

"If it wasn't for Hu Xing telling us not to intervene and let the incident develop, you think Yilong's old man knows that his precious grandson has been wronged, and Zhen Zidan can live in such a chic way?!" Reba's words made Yang Mi Woke up completely.

Yes, Hu Xing is the future successor of Yilong Group.

And his family background, which is already public.

Hu Xing was pissed and wronged in the crew, which also means Yilong Group was wronged in disguise.

A dignified big group was wronged by a small star, and this feeling of aggrieved was enough reason for Yilong Group to make the other party disappear in the entertainment industry.

Yilong Group not only did not do it, but turned a blind eye.

This shows what?This has already shown that Hu Xing has already made a secret move, to save face Zhen Zidan, to tell his family not to do anything, but to let the fans and the media continue to do it.

If not, Zhen Zidan might be in even more trouble now.

After thinking about this, Yang Mi called her boss and explained the matter.

After Yang Mi explained the matter clearly, she was able to get rid of this troublesome matter.

But after thinking about it, Reba's words just now were quite domineering.

My man has been wronged, and he will be thankful if his wife is alive.

This tone is not like the usual Reba, but it sounds like the aura that Yilong's young mistress should have.

Chapter 0990 no, no, you are hungry

"No wonder I'm in your heart, not even Reba's favorite finger." Now Yang Mi understood Reba's position in Hu Xing's heart.

"It's no wonder you're not interested in me at all." Yang Mi lay on the sofa empty, staring at the ceiling in a daze, her mind was full of Hu Xing and Reba.

This incident happened too suddenly, ever since director Chen Deshen bombarded Zhen Zidan from the public.

This incident really broke out, which made the people who eat melons watch the show silently.

It may also be because of the director's bombardment of the leading actor that this movie has a super high degree of attention~.

Hu Xing itself has done promotion in several of his shows, which has already attracted Hu Xing's huge fan base of variety shows to pay attention to this movie.

Now with the addition of the fact that the director bombarded the protagonist for supporting roles, it has intensified, thus increasing more attention.

The box office of this movie can be said to be very ideal now, and it is a little better than expected.

Of course, some people also asked, could it be that Hu Xing used his identity to get the director to deliberately smear Zhen Zidan in this way?

After all, Hu Xing's family is very powerful, so it is very easy to discredit Zhen Zidan.

That's what Zhen Zidan's loyal fans think, but in fact, Hu Xing didn't come out to speak.

It was as if he had disappeared. Many people tweeted about Hu Xing on Weibo and asked him why he didn't speak.

At this time, his girlfriends replied on Weibo: "He collaborated with Wu Jing, Gu Tianle, and Ren Dahua in the action film "Slaying the Wolf 2" in Thailand. Ten days ago, he was hospitalized because of an injury during filming. "

Zhao Liying was the first to stand up and explain to Hu Xing.

Afterwards, Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Gu Li Nazha, Zhang Yuying, and Song Zhuer also published articles one after another.

Only Reba didn't have one, and this was also because Reba flew to Thailand to be a scout for Hu Xing.

"What?! Jiang Yingyu, come here and die." Reba pointed at Hu Xing angrily, telling him to hurry over.

"What's wrong?" Reba called him, which made Hu Xing very strange.

"Why didn't you say it?!" Reba asked Hu Xing angrily.

"What are you talking about?" There is no reason for this, what are you talking about?

"You had a moderate ankle fracture during filming more than ten days ago, why didn't you tell us?!" Di Lieba questioned, which made Hu Xing roll his eyes

"This incident shows that a man is a man, he has no abilities, but he just acted like a man should, because this..." Hu Xing didn't finish talking nonsense, Reba said: "Speak! Man! talk!!!"

"Too lazy to say!" Being coaxed by his girlfriend, Hu Xing weakly said something human.

"Get out!!!" This heartless person, I am so worried about you, but you told me indifferently: "Don't bother to talk?"

"Okay!" After being yelled at by his wife, Hu Xing turned around in a numb manner and really got lost.

"Hahaha~" This kind of nonsense made everyone in the crew burst into laughter watching.

"Come back dead." Seeing that he really left, Reba told him to come back quickly.

"What are you doing again? Isn't this still alive? Besides, it's not a big problem to jump around."

"Don't you just break your leg? There's nothing to worry about."

"Anyway, I'm also a man, a man, a man! Do you understand? I'm a man, not a fake mother, and I'm not a little fresh meat. I won't send Weibo to ask fans to comfort me just because I have a minor illness or pain."

"Men, do you understand? If you don't understand, I will tell you what a man is tonight." Hu Xing and Reba started arguing, and it was quite vigorous.

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