"As many daughters as you have in this life, as many lovers as you had in your previous life."

"How many daughters you have chased after you in this life and used them as padded jackets for you, that shows how many lovers you had in your previous life."

"As long as there is, I will give birth to three daughters, and you had three lovers in your previous life."

"I gave birth to three, and my sisters also gave birth to one or two, then you can be sure that you were also a playboy in your previous life, and you provoked so many lovers, causing them to chase after you in this life." Reba Gang After finishing speaking, he bit his finger, closed his eyes and enjoyed the coming of this moment.

"No, I didn't have a lover or girlfriend in my previous life." Hu Xing held Reba's willow waist with both hands.

"Yes, you didn't have a girlfriend in your previous life, but you had concubines and countless concubines in your previous life, so that's not certain, is it?!" After reaching the peak twice, Reba still hasn't stopped.

"Really not." Hu Xing really didn't know how to explain it.

"Anyway, I don't believe it." Reba said she didn't believe it.

Hu Xing used his actual actions to convince Reba.

After a while, Reba really had no strength and couldn't even sit still.

"You said, will we still be together in the next life?!" Reba just put her arms around Hu Xing's neck, looked at Hu Xing's profile obsessively, and asked a very silly question.

"Fool, didn't you ask about it in your previous life?" Hu Xing rubbed Reba's head and said dotingly to her.

"..." Reba, who was still very melancholy, was a little too late to react when she heard Hu Xing's teasing suddenly.

"Puchi!" After understanding the meaning of these words, Reba was coaxed extremely sweetly by Hu Xing.

"Did I really ask in the previous life?!" Reba liked to hear such love words from Hu Xing.

"That's right, in my previous life, I was too masculine towards you. Although you are my wife, I will come and go as I call you. Do you still ask me if I will be together in the next life?"

"At that time I said, yes, we will be together in the next life, and because of the different times, in that era, men had a high status and women had a low status, so we will still be together in the next life, I will treat you like a princess .”

"In this life, you do laundry, cooking, and housework for me. In the next life when we are still together, let me do laundry, cooking, and housework for you. You only need to have children."

"Look, I'm not wrong in my previous life, I'm really together in this life, and I've really turned into doing laundry, cooking and housework for you, and you just need to be a perfect goddess to make me face, Just let all the men in the world envy me for having you." Women are all emotional, even if they know these words are lies, they like to hear them very much.

To say that women are stupid is to say that they are stupid in this respect.

As long as she loves a man to the bone marrow, she will believe whatever he says.

Even if it was a lie like bullshit, they would deceive themselves and others to believe him.

"Hmm." Under the impact of Hu Xing's sweet words, Reba was so happy that she flew up again.

But even so, Hu Xing still hugged Reba gently, and slowly accelerated.

He felt that he was coming too, and he had to speed up and release all the output.

Following Hu Xing's muffled snort, Reba, who had already rolled her eyes, accepted Hu Xing's final output, and couldn't help soaring her high-pitched voice.

The treble sounded very pleasant, and the man felt as if he had been under a magic spell when he heard it.

The morning exercise made both of them feel much better.

It is an exaggeration to say that after receiving Hu Xing's output, Reba's delicate body is exuding the light of a goddess at this time, making people unable to move their eyes away.

Touch it for fear of offending her, but if you don't touch it, you will feel how unreal it all is.

"Hee hee~ I'm sure I can get pregnant this time." Reba played naughty with Hu Xing contentedly.

"Then congratulate the empress in advance for having a little rival in love?!" Hu Xing even joked about Reba.

"If you are really pregnant, your monthly pocket money will be increased to 1000 yuan in the future."

"As soon as you get pregnant, increase your pocket money to 1000." Reba covered her mouth and looked at Hu Xing with a smirk.

"Honey, I don't think it's possible to get pregnant. Next time, if you receive more output, the chance of getting pregnant will be even higher." Hearing the pocket money, Hu Xing felt that he could help Reba increase the chance of getting pregnant.

"If you conceive within a month, your pocket money will rise to 1; if you conceive within half a month, your monthly allowance will rise to 10; count from today." Di Lieba challenged Hu Xing raised eyebrows.

"Come on, a little more, there will always be one that will germinate." Hu Xing said and turned over, verbally bewitching Reba, saying that this increases the chance of pregnancy by 18%; this increases the chance of pregnancy by 37%, or It is 80% of this, 100% of this.

This kind of words, Reba knew it was a lie, but she still believed it, and tried everything Hu Xing suggested.

Originally, Hu Xing had a job today, but because he was discussing with Reba about having a baby, he chose to ask for half a day off today very capriciously.

After having lunch with Reba at noon, he sent Reba to the airport.

I came to Thailand to visit the class yesterday, and Reba will fly back today.

Hu Xing explained some things and asked Reba to help deal with it when he returned to China, and he couldn't leave Thailand for the time being, so he needed Reba's help to deal with it.

Chapter 0993 what?Returning late?

"Hu Xing, call." Li Hui brought the phone over and asked Hu Xing to answer the phone.

"Hey, sister Di, what's your order?!" After Hu Xing answered the phone, he asked Reba.

"Sister Di?" The happy family was beside Reba, looking at Reba in surprise.

"Have you eaten?!" Facing the curiosity of the happy family, Reba did not answer, but quickly answered Hu Xing, concerned about whether he had eaten.

"No, I'm not hungry either." Hu Xing yawned as he spoke.

"Are you sleepy?!" Noticing that Hu Xing was yawning, Reba asked Hu Xing.

"Well, I have been shooting night scenes last night, so I didn't rest." Hu Xing scratched his head and told Reba

"Filming all night?!" Knowing this, Reba felt sorry for her boyfriend

"Well, I haven't slept for three days and three nights now." Hu Xing said that after he didn't sleep for three days and three nights, he scared the audience.

"What's going on? Didn't sleep for three days and three nights?" This made Reba very strange, it shouldn't be.

"You came to Thailand to visit me. After you left, I didn't close my eyes. I was either filming or reading scripts at night. I couldn't sleep, but I couldn't sleep." Hu Xing said, Reba just went to give a few days ago He's visiting.

This made the happy family gossip even more. How did these two people go on a date in Thailand?

"That's not okay? You are so tired from filming, you should be able to fall asleep tired when you return to the hotel, right?"

"It's really not possible, you can go to Wu Jing's room for a while?"

"Senior sister and Wu Jing's wife have such a good relationship, shouldn't it be related?"

"It's true to say so, but the key is that I can't beat Wu Jing. Last time I accidentally hugged him when I was sleeping, and he kicked him out of bed." As soon as Hu Xing finished speaking, He Jiong and the others endured a little bit. up.

"Then where are you now? Have you been to Shanghai?" Reba knew that Hu Xing had returned to China today.

"Just arrived in Shanghai, got into the car, and was on my way home."

"When will you come back? I'll send a private jet to pick you up." Hu Xing doted on his girlfriend like this, and even arranged for a private jet to pick up Reba.

"Well, there's an announcement, probably until 9:[-] pm?!" Reba thought for a while, and then said a time.

"What? Nine o'clock? Come back late? Goodbye, goodbye." Knowing that his girlfriend would not be back until nine o'clock in the evening, he immediately hung up the phone.

"Beep beep beep~" Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Reba was also confused.

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing hung up Reba's call, and He Jiong and the others couldn't help it anymore.

"Dare to hang up on me, Jiang Yingyu, you are finished." Reba said and dialed another phone.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Hu Xing connected the phone in a second, but his tone was not as good as before.

"Your skin is itchy, hang up on me?"

"Anyway, if you come home late tonight, no matter how rough I am, I will fall asleep when you get home." Hu Xing felt that he had to be tough.

"Then you can't just hang up the phone."

"What can I do if I don't hang up the phone? You're not at home. I'm alone at home, okay?"

"Master is in Hengdian, Liying has returned to her mother's house, sister Jia has something to do; this woman Gugu doesn't reply to my WeChat, Xueying is also in Hengdian, master has to study by herself tonight."

"You're not here, I'm alone tonight, so why should I go home? Why don't I go out with Zheng Kai and the others later." Hu Xing's resentful tone made Reba look at Nazha.

Nazha also came to the Happy Camp with Reba.

"I'm with Xiaodi." Nazha said that he was with Reba.

"You are not from the same school, why are you together?" Hu Xing was very surprised, why these two people are together today.

"I have something to do. I'm not in Shanghai right now." Nazha's answer made Hu Xing very suspicious.

"Can you come back earlier tonight? I'll make you a supper?" Hu Xing's tone revealed innocence and helplessness, which made Nazha and Reba feel distressed.

Knowing that he doesn't like being alone, he always likes to have someone by his side.

Alone in a house by himself, he thought he would go crazy before long.

It's just that Hu Xing's appearance made all the girls at the scene envious of Nazha Reba.

Hu Xing personally made supper for them, what a warm man is this?

"Well~ Then I'll finish work as soon as possible and go home with Gugu." Boyfriend needs them, and of course Reba also wants to finish work as soon as possible and go back to be with him.

"Hey~ Alright, I love you." Hu Xing even acted like a coquettish to his girlfriend shamelessly in the end.

"Why don't you ask where we are and what we are doing now?!" Nazha couldn't help it.

"What are you doing?" I didn't have time to ask this question just now.

"Hello, Hu Xing, we are the happy...family!!!" The timing was very good, and He Jiong led the happy family to greet Hu Xing together.

"I'll go, Mango Terrace is too shameless, Kuaiben is too shameless."

"Give me a live connection every month, can you play some new tricks?" Hu Xing was really powerless to complain.

"Then we don't want to. We have invited you since last year. We have invited you for a year, but we haven't seen you come to Happy Camp once. Our audience really wants to see you."

"There is no other way, we can only call you when we miss you, and listen to your voice." He Jiong's explanation was full marks, and Hu Xing couldn't help being angry.

"It's not that I don't want to go, the key is that I can't let your temper go too much."

"Oh, if you want to invite me, just invite me? I'm popular, so just use my popularity to increase the ratings, that won't work."

"Your next door, Tiantianshang, only called me once this year at Gugu's time."

"You learn a lot from others, why do you have to rub my heat?" Hu Xing said this, which made He Jiong and the others very helpless, knowing that this guy was talking venomously.

"Hu Xing is really the only one who refused to be on Kuaiben for a year, and the reasons for rejection are exactly the same every time." Wei Jia has to say a few words about this.

"Yes, I always say 'I don't want to go'." Wu Xin also explained the reason.

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