"That's what it is, I really don't want to be on it; you guys have a script, and the variety show that follows the script is no different from a stage play."

"Instead of writing a quick book and doing a stage play according to the script, I might as well use this day to do other reality show variety shows, so that the audience can see the original taste." Hu Xing said Such an evaluation made the happy family feel no embarrassment.

There is a script for the recording of the quick book, and it is well known that there is a rehearsal.

There is nothing wrong with Hu Xing saying this, and there is nothing embarrassing about it, the more important thing is to get used to it.

Chapter 0994 The old past

"Then Hu Xing, what do you want to be willing to come to our Kuaiben?" Xie Na asked directly.

"After Reba's daughter and I participate in your station's "Where Are We Going, Dad", then I can accompany Reba's daughter, or Gugu's daughter to go to Kuaiben together."

"Puchi!" Hu Xing's request made Nazha and Reba hug each other and bend down laughing.

"Then when will it be?" After learning about the conditions for going to Kuaiben, the happy family all understood that this is a time that does not know when it will be.

Don't forget, what Hu Xing was talking about was not about going to Kuaiben with his daughter.

If so, then if Zhao Liying gave birth to a daughter this year, after two years, after the child can talk and walk, it may not be possible to be on the fast book.

But Hu Xing was talking about He Reba and Nazha, did you know when they had children with Hu Xing?

"Hu Xing, you just said that you didn't close your eyes for three days and three nights?" He Jiong just talked about other things, not this topic

"That's right, I haven't slept for three days and three nights." Hu Xing yawned as he spoke.

"Then don't you feel sleepy?!" He Jiong didn't think he could last like this.

"It's okay, I'm still young, I'm not sleepy." However, the way Hu Xing answered He Jiong really made He Jiong feel prickly.

"Hahaha~" Xie Na and the others all laughed and looked at the heart-piercing Teacher He.

"..." Teacher He just looked at Nazha and Reba who were giggling beside him.

"Who has never been young, if you have the ability, you are old once." He Jiong went away immediately, and didn't say too much to Hu Xing, just said that he was also a young person after all.

"What and what?" Hu Xing was speechless, didn't he say anything?

"Really, I found that every time I called Hu Xing, I would be pierced by him."

"Because it was Mr. He who suggested calling me every time." As for Mr. He's grievance, Hu Xing said that it was all because you asked for it.

"Hehe~" It's all like this, and Mr. He has nothing to refute.

"Hu Xing, let's talk about something else." Wei Jia stood by and took the initiative to talk about something else.

"Talk about something else? What?" Hu Xing didn't know what he was going to do, so he asked what he wanted to talk about.

"That's right, today is Nazha and Reba, it's the first time they are on the same stage at our Kuaiben."

"After arriving at Kuaiben, we talked a lot about your childhood experiences."

"That is, you learn to dance and play musical instruments together." Hu Xing also recalled a lot of what Weijia said on his own initiative.

"In particular, we also talked about the last two songs that Reba performed in "I Am a Singer", "One Person Thinks About One Person" and "Tears"."

"When did you see Reba compose these two songs?" Speaking of these two songs, Hu Xing roughly recalled

"At that time, it was in 07." Hu Xing said the year accurately.

"Part of the lyrics for these two songs were written by me;"

"Because in 2007, a lot of things happened between the three of us; because I liked Reba too much, I left Nazha in the cold, which made Nazha very sad. After graduation, I went to Beijing with my family to develop."

"As for Reba and I, we also had disagreements because the three of us couldn't continue to be like before."

"Reba felt sorry for Nazha, and she was also very bored, so at that time, she chose to perform with the Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe to accumulate stage and performance experience."

"As for me, it was also because Nazha was unhappy and Reba was embarrassed."

"In the end, I decided to go abroad to learn something, and then I came to Korea." Speaking of which year, in fact, there are many things that others don't know.

"It's just that after knowing that I went to Korea, Reba was quite sad."

"I always remember the look in her eyes when I was seeing me on the plane."

"It's as if the person I love the most will leave her from now on."

"Reluctant, but because of the fetters with Nazha, I don't have the courage to say something to me."

"After about a month, Reba played me the piano piece "One Person Thinks About One Person" over the phone." Reba also recalled what Hu Xing said.

"Wow." After listening to this narration, everyone felt that so much happened in the middle.

"But at that time, Nazha and Reba seemed to be only 15 years old?!" Wu Xin was very surprised. Could it be that at the age of 15, there is already a boy who can fall in love with like this?

"Wu Xin, you don't know, girls are very precocious, and this age can really happen too much." Xie Nazuo also had an unforgettable love, of course he understands.

"When I heard this song, Hu Xing was in Korea, right?!" He Jiong asked Reba beside him.

"Well, it was in Korea at the time; in fact, the most depressing thing for me was that after I called him that day and played him the tune of this song through the call, there was a girl's voice beside Hu Xing."

"Which girl asked: Oppa, who is this sister? Is it your girlfriend?"

"When I heard this, I almost exploded. I really wanted to tell Hu Xing's mother and ask her to accompany me to Korea to find this bastard." Reba said while gritting her teeth...

It can be seen that Reba was really upset when she heard that girl's voice

"Then why didn't you go?" Nazha bewitched, asking Reba to talk about it.

"I didn't go there at the time because I thought about his character, and he wasn't that kind of person."

"After calming down, I asked him who that girl was, and he said that she was a little sister from the same company."

"After getting to know her gradually, I found out that it's Zheng Xiulu, the fx youngest who will debut in the next few years." Di Lieba was talking about this little girl again, so too many fans of Hu Xing really knew about her.

Zheng Xiulu, the only girl in Korea who can be favored by Hu Xing is comparable to Reba.

"So what about the song "Tears"?" Teacher He asked the second song again.

"This song is about one day in 2007, when Naza and I were together, it suddenly started to rain."

"It was this rain that made us both think at the same time. In the past, when it rained, there was always a handsome and handsome guy who carefully took out an umbrella to protect us from the wind and rain."

"But it didn't happen that time, so I thought again, it seems that we haven't seen each other for several months."

"After that, I separated from Nazha. When I got home, I sat in front of the piano to practice the piano. I played the tune of this song out of nowhere. After I wrote it down, I called Hu Xing and asked him to listen." After Reba explained, Hu Xing also remembered the situation at that time.

"Did Hu Xing also write the lyrics?!" Xie Na asked curiously.

Chapter 0995 once in a while can be forgiven

"Mostly I wrote it, only a few he had the audacity to add."

"For example, 'To be together, never to be separated, why did you give up', this lyrics was thick-skinned by Hu Xing and asked me to add it."

"He just used this lyric to hint at me, what was agreed to be together? In the end, why did he go to perform with the song and dance troupe and leave me alone?"

"Because of this, I not only bickered with him saying no, but he just didn't believe it and insisted that I did it on purpose." As Reba spoke, she was powerless to look at Nazha next to her.

"Actually, Hu Xing was also present when Reba won the title of King of Singers."

"I didn't even ask you, how did you evaluate Reba when she won the honor of King of Singers?!" He Jiong asked this question, which made Hu Xing a little confused.

"It's really hard to evaluate." Hu Xing said that he was not good at evaluation.

"Because the evaluation is good, everyone will think it is exaggerated. In fact, Reba is not that good."

"But if the evaluation is not good, Reba will take care of him when he returns home." He Jiong has a high emotional intelligence and solved this problem for Hu Xing.

"Yeah~" Nazha shook his head immediately, and added: "If the evaluation is not good, Reba will not clean up Hu Xing, and will only squeeze out the pocket money."

"Hahaha~" It was this stalk again, and Reba herself was very embarrassed.

"Seriously, who is in charge of your family?!" This has always been a mystery, and the happy family is very curious, not just the fast family, even any audience.

"Big things, I have the final say; small things, they have the final say."

"They have the final say on the size of the matter." Just after Hu Xing finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter at the Happy Camp.

"I know this, it was on another show with Hu Xing before."

"When Master came to visit, he also told me about this." He Jiong helped to prove that this was not wrong.

"Is that really the case?" Xie Na was also very surprised. In the Hu family, do Reba and the others have such a high status?

"Basically." Nazha covered his mouth and snickered, as a tacit consent.

"Tell me, what is considered a big deal?" Wei Jia asked them to give an example.

"Let's put it this way, housework is such a small thing, we have the final say, let Hu Xing do it and he has to do it." Reba's metaphor is perfect, and Hu Xing is also very helpless.

"What's the big deal?!" He Jiong also wanted to know.

"The big thing is, do you want to have a baby? Whether you want to have a baby or not, this is a big thing, I have the final say." Hu Xing scratched his head and said this matter that he could decide.

"Haha~" Although it is a big deal, it seems that no one has the final say on this kind of thing, right?

"Also, is making dinner a big or small thing?"

"Reba and the others said that this is the most important thing in a person's day, and it is also the most indispensable."

"People die if they don't eat; of course, people can't die if they skip one or two meals."

"This kind of thing can be big or small, so whether cooking is big or small, Reba and the others have the final say, so they all think it's a big deal, so they let me cook." Hu Xing was complaining, That's right, it's really complaining.

"Then just say it straight, they are the ones who have the final say at home." Wei Jia couldn't help laughing to expose it.

"That's no good, I want to save face too, okay?!"

"A big man with so many girlfriends and no status in the family, how embarrassing is it to say it?"

"So, the big things are still for the men to decide, and the small things are for the women." Hu Xing was stubborn, and the audience knew it, so they didn't even expose it.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone is happier.

Anyway, every time Kuaiben calls Hu Xing, there will be a lot of gains, and this time is no exception.

"Oh, by the way, Reba." Hu Xing was about to hang up the phone, and asked Reba about anything he thought of.

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