Song Jia is a fashion lady in the entertainment industry, and she looks very good in her clothes.

This is recognized, not that Hu Xing is deliberately bragging, but that this is the real Song Jia.

"Then you say that Song Jia is an old lady from the Northeast, is it really okay?!"

"It's okay, she also admits that she is getting old. Every time she is with Master, she says that they are like mother and daughter, with an age difference of 18 years."

"Sometimes, when arguing with her, she would tell me like this: Hu Xing, you'd better not talk to me, do you want to see the toughness of the old girls in the Northeast?" Hu Xing imitated Song Jia's tone as he spoke. And the sound, but also the imitation of the eight images

"Haha~" Hu Xing's imitation was very funny, and everyone was successfully amused.

"Then Hu Xing, you can describe it again. What kind of person is Song Jia?"

"Ah, I won't talk about her appearance in public. I'll just talk about her private life, which you can't see."

"In fact, she is a girl who dares to love and hate. Although she is 80 years old, she is actually more like an older little girl; you say she is cute, she is not cute, but funny; you say she is lively Well, she's not lively, she's really skinny."

"In front of the public, she has a good figure, a good temperament, and good looks. She can be very fashionable in clothes, elegant, intellectual, youthful and lively, and can also be a domineering woman."

"But in fact, under this perfect appearance, she hides that she is an idiot in life." Hu Xing described it like this, which surprised everyone.

"Life is an idiot?!" Guo Xiaodong didn't know how to understand it, and Song Jia didn't look like it either.

"Yes, do you know how idiot she is about life? I don't even mention that she can't cook, but at least instant noodles also regret clubbing? Other women know even the most basic thing?!" Hu Xing asked. Look at Chen Xiaochun.

"Of course, instant noodles are very simple, just boil water. Ying Caier doesn't know how to cook, so she often eats instant noodles." Chen Xiaochun also knows his wife's cooking skills very well.

"Yes, but she is the kind who doesn't even bother to boil water for instant noodles, so she eats them dry."

"Pfft! Hahaha~" After Hu Xing finished speaking, Chen Xiaochun, Zhang Jie, Guo Xiaodong and the host imagined the scene, and they knew how helpless and dumbfounding it was.

"Dry instant noodles?" Zhang Jue doubted his ears.

"It's really dry eating; in her words, it's just that if you eat dry and chew for a long time, your mouth will get tired after chewing a bag, and you won't bother to be hungry anymore."

"If you boil hot water and soak it, soaking two packs is not enough to eat; if I eat it dry, one pack will fill you up, it's easy and violent." Hu Xing said while touching his forehead, obviously it was true for Song Jia. no solution anymore.

"Well, if the husband really knows his wife well, let's take a look to find out." The host felt that it was almost done, so he asked the husband group to watch the projection to see the content of his wife's travel.

After starting to play, the first thing I saw was Song Jia appearing in the camera.

"Yo, this is Song Jia's content that was broadcast at the beginning?!" Hu Xing obviously did not expect that the first one to appear was Song Jia's content.

In fact, it's no wonder, after all, more viewers came for this show because of Song Jia and Hu Xing, so they arranged to be the first to appear on stage, which would attract more viewers and increase the ratings of the show.

Chapter 1041 Wife Lost!Husband hates

The picture in the video shows that Song Jia is very refreshingly dressed, how refreshing, she is still the same, she likes to wear Hu Xing's T-shirt, but her bottom is missing.

"Hey, look at the background, aren't you at home?!" The host who was watching the video asked Hu Xing.

"At that time, I was shooting "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" in Guangxi. This was a hotel arranged by the crew, and Song Jia came to visit the set at that time." Hu Xing also explained to everyone.

After explaining, move on to the video.

"Hu Xing, I have taken a fancy to a bag." Song Jia, who was browsing Taobao with her mobile phone, turned around and said to Hu Xing who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, which also made Hu Xing, who was brushing his teeth, come out of the bathroom.

"Did you fancy a bag?" Hu Xing came out and asked while brushing his teeth, "How much is it?!"

"3." Song Jia told Hu Xing the price.

"So expensive?!" Hu Xing, who was brushing his teeth, stopped when he heard 3.

"..." Song Jia looked at Hu Xing now, and said helplessly, "Okay, I won't buy it if it's expensive."

"..." After hearing this, Hu Xing knelt down to Song Jia without any hesitation.

"What are you doing?!" Hu Xing suddenly knelt down, which made Song Jia not understand what was going on.

"Don't you say it? You won't buy it if you kneel down." Hu Xing looked at Song Jia and told her in a low voice,

"Hahaha~" Watching the video, Hu Xing knelt down and explained, everyone in the recording studio immediately clapped their hands and laughed.

Zhang Jie and Chen Xiaochun, who were beside Hu Xing, laughed so much that they turned around and leaned against him.

Apparently, they were all amused by Hu Xing's wordplay and divine reaction, laughing like crazy.

And the viewers who watched the show are all overwhelmed by Hu Xing's reaction now.

Many people are brushing barrage, either 'hahaha' or '666'.

If it is too expensive, I will not buy it. It turns out that there is another understanding, that is: if you kneel down, you will not buy it.

Hu Xing played this trick so beautifully, no wonder everyone laughed like this after seeing it.

", really, Jiang Yingyu, you are doing well."

"You knelt down to me for a 4 yuan bag?"

"When you got me back then, you didn't see you kneeling for me." Song Jia bit her cherry lips and pointed to Hu Xing who stood up.

"Isn't that nonsense? You don't know what our family's conditions are?"

"Buy one bag if you like it. Does our family have a mine?" Hu Xing said to Song Jia

"Okay, I will convince you." Song Jia was speechless now, and then said: "If you are not the only good man in the world now, I really don't want to choose you."

"Hmph, if it's true that I'm the only man left in the world, I'll choose you? I'm not stupid if I don't choose one carefully." Song Jiashang and Hu Xingran, these two love and kill each other like this.

"Haha~" The relationship between these two people made everyone in the recording studio laugh again.

"Hey, I have a bad temper." Hearing this, Song Jia couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ah!!!!" Song Jia walked into the bathroom, stood behind Hu Xing, and bit his shoulder with her mouth open.

Hu Xing also cooperated enough and shouted louder on purpose.

Only now did Song Jia walk out proudly.

Hu Xing came out of the bathroom and asked, "Daughter-in-law, where are my pair of casual leather shoes?"

"Oh, I see you have a new one, so I'll give the old one to my cousin." Hearing this, Hu Xing glanced at Song Jia, feeling very helpless towards her.

"Then the sports jacket I had before is a sun protection jacket."

"Oh, I gave that to my dad."

"Where's my crocodile leather wallet from before?!" Hu Xing thought of his own wallet again.

"Well, didn't Liying send you a new one? I gave the old one to my cousin too." Song Jia looked at Hu Xing and answered one by one.

Hearing this, Hu Xing reached out and threw the clothes on Song Jia's body.

Hu Xing was speechless, so he said to Song Jia: "Daughter-in-law, you have been with me for so long, and I am getting old, why don't you give me to your cousin too?!"

"Get out!" Song Jia told Hu Xing to get out without hesitation after hearing this.

Seeing Hu Xing's tone in the video, and the bickering with Song Jia, the other three husbands have already laughed and doubted life, which is simply too interesting.

So the life between husband and wife can be so interesting?

"Hey no, Hu Xing, how did I find out that you are such an asshole occasionally?"

"Dating with me, and still thinking about my cousin, are you embarrassed?!" Song Jia sat up straight, and then asked Hu Xing how could you be such an asshole

"What's wrong with the bastard? Isn't the bastard bad?!" Hu Xing sat down, then looked at Song Jia in front of her and said to her: "Hey, look, a bastard has been doing bad things, and suddenly he did something. If it’s a good thing, everyone will praise him and say he’s a prodigal son.”

"But if he is a good person, he has always done good deeds, and suddenly he does something bad, and everyone will criticize him, wishing that he would go to the eighteenth level of hell."

"So, oh, I think it's good to be a jerk on the street." Hu Xing's last Cantonese sentence made Song Jia dumbfounded.

"Haha~" The few watching in the recording studio burst into laughter again because of what Hu Xing said.

"This is the first time I've heard that some people like to be a jerk instead of being a good person?" Guo Xiaodong's three views this time were really refreshed by Hu Xing.

"Fighting the street." Chen Xiaochun also glanced at the smiling Hu Xing and said that he was really hitting the street.

Chen Xiaochun even reached out and patted Hu Xing's shoulder, admiring him.

After laughing, everyone continued to watch the video.

"Okay, I can't say no, you are good enough." Song Jia gave up resisting, and then continued to browse Taobao.

"Oh no, I told you, don't go shopping on Taobao all day. For a woman like you, you have good looks, good temperament, and a hot body. What cosmetics, lipsticks, and bags do you buy?"

"It's not necessary at all, okay?" Hu Xing said helplessly to Song Jia.

"You don't need to buy cosmetics, but you still need lipstick and bags."

"In your words, when we buy lipstick, who is the last person to taste it? Isn't it you?" Song Jia has won the game, which also made Hu Xing look at her.

"Hee hee~" Seeing that he had won a game, Song Jia felt a little proud.

"Look, husband, this slogan is pretty. It originally cost more than 2000, but now it only costs 998. I bought this lipstick, and there are still more than 1000 left. Isn't it amazing?" Song Jia said and moved close to Hu Xing's arms show off.

"Hmm~" After hearing what she said, Hu Xing shook his head: "Then you are still not as good as me."

"Why?" Song Jia didn't understand, so she asked Hu Xing, and he said, "Two days ago, I went to see the apartment types of the new real estate, and the ones in the first ring road cost more than 3000 million yuan; I didn't buy it later, so I just gave it to you." Saved more than 3000 million yuan, do you think I am better than you?"

"Yes, yes, you are so powerful, help me to buy this." Song Jia said and gave Hu Xing the phone, and Hu Xing lowered his head, gave Song Jia a smile, and said: "Go away!" ! Go away."

"Ahaha~" When Hu Xing's last word came out, both the studio and the audience watching the show, all hugged their stomachs and burst out laughing

Chapter 1042

"What did you say?!" Song Jiaxue Hu Xing squinted his eyes and asked him what he just said.

"In front of the show, you actually told your wife to fuck off?" Song Jia twisted Hu Xing's ear while speaking.

"Don't look at it, although I just said one word, the grammar is rigorous, with a little bit of skin in it; coupled with the neat and neat words, there is a clever structure in the neat; the words are catchy, it can be said to be concise and to the point, which shows My solid language skills, as well as my ability to make complaints easily and tragically, and finally ended with an exclamation point, which perfectly expressed my dislike and impatience for you." Hu Xing said nonsense to Song Jia in a serious manner.

"Haha~" Even though he knew he was talking nonsense, Song Jia still couldn't help being amused by Hu Xing.

Not to mention Song Jia herself, even Zhang Jie and the others in the recording studio all looked at Hu Xing beside him. At this time, they really had to admire his words.

If it were them who told their wives to 'get lost', they would definitely have a fight.

But Hu Xing used serious nonsense to turn the possibility of a quarrel into a funny and humorous one, and finally managed to make his wife laugh, which also avoided a quarrel.

"Wow, really, Hu Xing is very experienced in getting along with his wife."

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