"Song Jia twisted your ears, this posture is definitely going to quarrel."

"But you actually resolved it so easily. I have to say that you are really good." The host paused the playback of the video and asked about Hu Xing.

"Actually, this is because I know her too well. I know what kind of character she is, so I can communicate and communicate with her in this way."

"I personally think that once a man understands his wife and girlfriend thoroughly, you can do whatever you want with her." Hu Xing was so amazed that the other three husbands listened carefully.

"It's like before, when I learned that I would be on this show."

"It's necessary to make an appointment to meet in the same place. In fact, if it's another couple, if your wife doesn't see you in three or four places, her temper will explode."

"I also know that Song Jia will definitely explode, and even after I have a clear understanding of her every move, I will go to her next destination in advance to prepare a small surprise, so that she will not see me in this place The loss and disappointment of her, after getting my little surprise, will disappear immediately."

"As long as her loss and disappointment are temporarily gone, or she is temporarily abandoned, or when she is surrounded by sweetness and surprises, you can continue to treat her skin, and you can continue to do whatever you want with her."

"But this has to be done on the basis that you know your wife very well, and you have to control it to a certain extent, and you can't pass it; if it is too much, it may happen that you don't like it, but you have to go What to do." Hu Xing shared his experience.

"If it's too much, what is Song Jia asking you to do that you don't like but must do?" Hu Xing has successfully made everyone curious about it.

"It's like you have to act like a baby to him."

"Ah~~~" Chen Xiaochun and Guo Xiaodong couldn't take it anymore when they heard that they were going to act like a baby to their wife.

"No! I absolutely can't." Guo Xiaodong quickly waved his hands, this is definitely not going to be done.

"Don't let me act like a baby to her, even if she acts like a baby to me, I can't stand it, let alone me." Guo Xiaodong felt that this method was not suitable for him.

"I can't do it either. If I really do this, she will think I'm mentally ill." Chen Xiaochun also expressed his attitude and thoughts.

"Then Hu Xing, why do you usually act like a baby?" Zhang Jie couldn't stand it, but it wasn't impossible.

"Acting like a baby is actually to satisfy my wife's strong and abnormal psychology."

"If you make her angry, she will definitely ignore you in a fit of anger. Winning looks very cold and angry; at this time, you need to cling to her like a pet dog, and talk to her in a variety of coquettish tones. Speak, make her laugh, make her break her skills, make her laugh."

"If you really made her laugh, then congratulations, you succeeded, your wife has completely loved and hated you." Hu Xing said and gave a thumbs up

"Then what if acting like a baby doesn't work?!" Guo Xiaodong asked curiously.

"It doesn't work to act like a baby? Pick her up, go back to the room, and let her have no energy to get angry."

"Hahaha~" The way Hu Xing said made Chen Xiaochun and Guo Xiaodong, the two sullen old drivers, all burst into laughter.

Among the audience watching the show, the girls screamed one after another, while the boys laughed triumphantly.

Because the method Hu Xing said was actually used by someone, and the effect was quite good.

"Of course, this is my method. I don't know if it is suitable for you." Hu Xing made this point clear first.

"Then what if this is useless?" Zhang Jie continued to ask.

"If it doesn't work, just deliberately say that she likes to eat your dishes the most, and then cook for her to make her happy, then everything can be discussed."

"I'm talking about me. In my family, Song Jia, Shishi, Liying, Nazha, Reba, Yuying, and Zhu'er are seven people. After they got angry with me, none of them could say anything to me just now. With those three methods, you can still continue to be angry with me."

"Let's not talk about the two young ones, Xiying and Zhu'er, it's easy to coax."

"For the other 5 adults, I'll act like a baby first, and if I can't act like a baby, I'll take her back to the room and use my masculine charm to conquer her; if you can't conquer her with a man's charm, then show her the thoughtfulness and tenderness of a man and give her delicious food."

"Triple strikes, none of them can resist, all of them were defeated by the third move, the move of making her delicious food."

"Because I think that a man who can cook can be said to have the initiative at home; a man who can't cook can't actually create a warm atmosphere for his wife, which is also the most passive." Hu Xing said It can be said that Chen Xiaochun felt a lot.

"A man who can cook doesn't need to worry at all. If his wife is not around, he can't cook and eat, and he can't live without her."

"On the contrary, it will make women worry. If the quarrel is too extreme, if we really break up, if we really divorce or break up, even if she leaves, it will not be a big loss for us?"

"Anyway, he can cook, stay hungry, and do housework. Without our woman, he can still take care of himself. As for being sad, both of us will be sad. There's nothing to talk about."

"Women have this kind of preconceived ideas, and they will say to themselves: If you give me a step down, then I can forgive you; so at this time, if you cook her something delicious, it will be easy. The problem has been resolved." Hu Xing's actions immediately won applause from all the audience.

Chapter 1043

"Are you hungry?!" Everyone continued to watch the video, and Hu Xing in the video also asked Song Jia if she was hungry

"A little bit, do you want to do it?" When it comes to eating, Song Jiake is excited.

"Then will you do it?!" Isn't this nonsense to ask.

"If you want to eat instant noodles, then I will do it." Song Jia is also very talkative, but this makes the audience dumbfounded.

Hu Xing didn't talk too much nonsense, and went into the kitchen to see what could be cooked in the refrigerator.

Finally seeing some leftovers from last night, Hu Xing decided to make an omelet rice.

In addition to omelet rice, Hu Xing also had to fry two side dishes to eat.

When Hu Xing was cooking, many audience members were already screaming.

Because when he cooks, he is really handsome, whether it is his movements with ease or his confident expression, for girls, he is super handsome

"Wow." The people in the recording studio were very surprised when they saw it.

In the video, Hu Xing was frying the vegetables, and the whole pot suddenly caught fire, and it was still very hot; but facing this kind of situation, Hu Xing was not afraid at all, and just continued to stir up the pot.

Girls are afraid that when cooking, the pot will suddenly catch fire, so as to avoid retreating, this is indeed fear.

Because girls' hair is usually very long.

If when cooking, because the oil splashes and is ignited by the flame under the pot, it will definitely ignite the fire into the pot.

Once the pot is on fire, although it will be extinguished soon, there will be no real fire, but girls will inevitably retreat subconsciously when encountering such things. This is also because of their long hair. If they stand close, they are likely to be burned If you touch your hair, you will be even more panicked and afraid.

So when girls encounter cooking, they will retreat subconsciously when a fire is lit in the pot. This is an instinctive reaction.

Boys are different, because their hair is short, so naturally they don't worry about it, and it doesn't matter if they don't retreat, and they won't burn themselves anyway.

Hu Xing often meets Hu Xing, and he is used to it, so there is nothing strange about it.

"My God, don't you have any fear of a fire being lit in the pot?" Song Jia stood behind Hu Xing and watched him cook without bothering him.

"If I was afraid, you would all be starving to death now." Although Hu Xing spoke harshly, it also explained his care for his wife.

Soon, Hu Xing cooked up the side dishes, a total of 4 side dishes.

Then I beat four more eggs by myself. After the eggs were beaten evenly, I poured them on top of the rice and stirred them.

The rice has not been poured into the pot and fried, but it is placed in a plate, and then the egg liquid is introduced and stirred evenly.

After mixing the egg liquid and rice evenly, fry the rice with oil in a hot pan. This kind of fried rice is more delicious, and each grain of rice is separated, which tastes more fragrant and does not stick together.

In addition to eggs, there are also some side dishes, such as corn, shiitake mushrooms and diced carrots, which are put down and fried together, so that you can fry the rice for the packed rice.

After that, beat the eggs and boil the eggs into a round and thin omelet, so that the egg fried rice can be wrapped in the omelet, and the omelet rice is finished.

"Wow!!!!" The host in the recording studio also exclaimed in surprise after seeing Hu Xing make the omelet rice.

"Ah, it's so stressful." After Chen Xiaochun finished reading, he compared himself with Hu Xing, and then he understood why so many girls like Hu Xing.

"Husband, do you want to deliver food to Li Ying later?" Song Jia has already helped bring out the food.

"Wow, otherwise, how could I cook four dishes." Hu Xing has already prepared a box lunch.

"Really, Hu Xing, you are very good at finding a girlfriend, and you will even send meals to Zhao Liying who is at work." Zhang Jie couldn't help but sigh Hu Xing's thoughtfulness.

"No matter who it is, as long as I am free, I will definitely send it."

"Even if the master goes to school, sometimes I rest at home, and she sends me a WeChat message saying that she wants to eat the lunch or dinner I made, and I will prepare it in advance and deliver it to her at the school gate before 12:[-]."

"Actually, this kind of thing is nothing. I will not refuse anything I can do for my girlfriend." Hu Xing continued to read with a smile.

During the meal, after Hu Xing simply finished eating, he took the packed lunch box and prepared to go out and deliver it to Zhao Liying.

Before going out, Song Jia also took the initiative to raise her head, while Hu Xing lowered her head and kissed Song Jia's pouting mouth.

Such a face-to-face sprinkle of dog food, many female viewers used barrage to express their envy.

They all said that they also want to kiss Hu Xing, and also want to hug and kiss Hu Xing.

But that's it, the relationship between Hu Xing and Song Jia has come to an end...

The next one is Chen Xiaochun and Ying Caier.

As for this couple, one is serious, the other is cheerful, one is still and the other is moving, they are a perfect match really.

However, some jokes were also made during the period, which everyone thought was quite interesting.

Afterwards, it was the couple Guo Xiaodong and Cheng Lisha.

After seeing the couple's way of getting along, Hu Xing said: "Really, if I can be like Brother Xiaodong, I think I will die."

"Why?" Zhang Jie didn't understand why.

"I'm the kind. If one day I don't get intimate with my wife and show affection, I will feel uncomfortable all over. I can't sit still, stand still, and feel tired."

"Like this, my wife came to pick up the plane in person. The moment I saw her, no matter how many people were around me, I pulled her into my arms domineeringly, and when she looked up, I lowered my head, boo Hey, take a sip before you talk." Hu Xing said and made movements, which also made Chen Xiaochun and Guo Xiaodong, two older men, express that they couldn't bear it.

"Really, I'm not bragging, this kind of married life is really very interesting."

"It's the same with my dad and mom, they're both 49 years old."

"However, they are more able to show affection than me and my daughters-in-law. Like what I said just now, my mother went to pick up my father at the airport. My father also hugged my mother the first time he saw her, and then Kiss my mother."

"There are even many times when my mother takes my sister or my sister to pick up my dad."

"Even if I have my elder sister and younger sister by my side, they still kiss like no one else. Because of this, my older sister and younger sister often complain to my parents."

"In this respect, my dad and I are really similar." When Hu Xing talked about this interesting incident, Chen Xiaochun and Guo Xiaodong were moved, thinking: How about finding a chance to try?

After talking about this, continue to watch. When the four couples have finished reading the content before their wives leave for travel, the next step is to go to the place to travel.

Chapter 1044 This is showing off wealth

When we set off, Xie Na was driving there, but when the camera turned to Song Jia, we found that she was wearing a hollowed-out white shirt + ripped bleached jeans.

A white shirt with ripped jeans is actually Song Jia's favorite.

With long black hair, she matched it with all kinds of chic and handsome collocations, which added a bit of sexiness, and looked very seductive.

As Hu Xing's wife, the woman who knows how to dress best, this is not groundless.

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