Chapter 1058 Is it okay to add my private money?

"And go to tourist attractions, maybe you will also experience or try to take a European horse-drawn carriage and other features, which will also cost money, and this also needs to be budgeted." Hu Xing wrote down all these, roughly how much a thing would cost , all calculated in detail.

"Boom." Hu Xingzhen carefully considered all these, and Song Jia, who was always attached to him, even gave him some benefits in the side of his face.

"If you come down like this, you have to pay at least 1 euros a day; this is the most basic."

"300 euros a day, 8 days is 2400 euros."


"This is the calculation of your daily food and bus fare; it also needs to give you a budget to buy clothes and shopping." Hu Xing began to calculate again as he spoke.

"I'm shopping, how much do you want for a day?" Song Jia looked at her husband expectantly.

"1000 Euro?" Hu Xing thought for a while and asked Song Jia if this was enough?

"Boom." After Hu Xing said the number, Song Jia kissed him and asked, "Think again."

"1500 Euro?" Hu Xing said another one, and Song Jia kissed again: "Think about it again, how much do you think your wife spends on shopping?"

"2000 Euros?!" This was the third change, and Song Jia kissed Hu Xing again: "Are you sure?"

"1 Euros! 1 Euros! Just three kisses to my wife, one kiss is worth more than 1 Euros." Hu Xing boldly wrote [-] Euros a day for shopping.

"Puchi!" Now, Liu Shishi and Reba beside him also laughed.

"Love you." Her husband was so generous to her, of course Song Jia made no secret of her love for him.

"Ah~~~~~" Anyway, the other people in the studio at this time looked at Hu Xing unbearably.

The audience also screamed one after another, and many people used bullet screens, saying that Hu Xing is really a good man, and he is too good to his wife, and he spoils the sky.

"I can't use so much, and I don't shop every day." Song Jia is also very sensible, knowing that she can't use so much.

"Well then, 5000 euros a day, including your shopping, is also counted here."

"Okay?" Hu Xing was never mean to his wife.

"5000 euros, if exchanged, it will be 4 RMB." Hu Xing thinks this should be enough.

"It's almost the same. The prices over there you mentioned are more expensive. If you include the fact that I may shop, 4 a day will definitely be enough."

"Besides, it doesn't have to be all spent, it's only spent when shopping."

"It's possible that it will cost less than 2000 euros a day." Song Jia discussed with Hu Xing.

"Then it's decided like this, 5000 euros a day, 8 days is 4 euros, which is 32 RMB." Hu Xing gave a total price.

"Enough is enough." Calculated this is more than 30, it must be enough.

"Bring me my card." Hu Xing asked Liu Shishi beside him to take the card.

Liu Shishi got up and went over to give him Hu Xing's wallet.

Hu Xing took out a card from his wallet and handed it to Song Jia.

"No, I have a card myself. The cards you gave me before are all with me." Song Jia saw it and said no, she had it there.

"Yeah!" Hu Xing held Song Jia's little mouth, a good wife.

"But don't be too happy too early. Based on my understanding of reality shows, it should be impossible for me to give you so much money as travel funds."

"The column team should have prepared a fund for you." Hu Xing said his guess, and then looked at the column team.

The director was also helpless, nothing could escape Hu Xing's guess.

"This is the travel expenses we have prepared." The director handed an envelope to Hu Xing as he spoke.

"Look, what am I talking about." Hu Xing knew the envelope by looking at it: "There is at most 2 funds in it, and the envelope can hold 5 at most, not to mention that there is no envelope. It's full, and there's still room."

"Ah? Isn't it?" After learning about this, Song Jia even took the envelope and took out the money inside.

Hold it in your hand and weigh it, it is really similar to what Hu Xing said.

"There's 2 yuan in it." The director also revealed that there's 2 yuan in it.

"Euro?" Hearing that it was 2, Song Jia asked with remorse if it was Euro?

"rmb." When the director said it was rmb, Song Jia looked at Hu Xing dumbfounded.

Hu Xing looked at the depressed Song Jia, and asked the director, "Did everyone prepare 2 yuan?"

"Yes, so I asked you to calculate the expenses just now."

"If the husband's estimated funds do not exceed the funds we are prepared to prepare, then the husband's estimated funds will be used as funds for the wife."

"If the estimate exceeds the budget we prepared, then the funding cap will be [-] yuan." The director said this, and Hu Xing looked at Song Jia happily.

"It's only 2." That's a little less, to be honest.

"If you don't shop, just food, housing, and transportation should be enough." Hu Xing made a general analysis, and it was almost enough.

"Bai worked hard for a long time." Song Jia was not very willing now.

"In order to get more funds, Jiao also spoiled and kissed, and finally won 32 funds, but in the end you gave my husband a fraction of the budgeted funds?" Song Jia didn't know what to say. .

If the director doesn't speak, it depends on what they do.

"Can we discuss it?" Hu Xing tried his best to fight for his wife.

"No!" The director resolutely refused, and said: "I have gained experience from the director of "Longing for Life", you must not discuss it with Hu Xing, and you must not give Song Jia a chance, otherwise, you will learn from us." The routine here is based on living expenses."

"Haha~" The director was so smart, Reba and the others all laughed.

It seems that in "Longing for Life", Hu Xing has taught all the directors of reality shows and variety shows on Mango Channel to learn the various routines of the directors, so Hu Xing cannot be given the opportunity.

"Really, for the sake of my face that I even donated my private money just now, the 800 yuan has to be used by my wife as a fund, right?!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't let me use the 800 yuan as travel expenses for Song Jia, Reba and Shishi will also confiscate the 800 yuan from my own money afterwards." Hu Xing spoke very seriously. The director plays the bitterness card.

Hu Xing's words are so pitiful, it's really hard for people to refuse.

"I can promise you to give Song Jia the private money as an extra expense, but only if the face value of the private money in your hands is above 50 yuan, not below 50 yuan." The director let go this time, seeing just now Taking out the private money is so funny, I can give you some face.

Chapter 1059 This Man Is Careful

"It's 650." Hu Xing took out the 100 yuan and 50 yuan denominations inside, and calculated them.

"Okay, just 650, no more." The director told them to stop, that's it, no more

"Ah, really, why didn't you take out the thousands of private money in the storage box just now?" Hu Xing patted his forehead regretfully.

"What? Still have private money?!" As soon as Hu Xing finished speaking, Song Jia, Liu Shishi, and Reba immediately questioned Hu Xing in unison.

"..." Hu Xing was confused now, as if he was talking too much.

"Hahaha~" Now, the audience in front of the TV, the laughter that had finally stopped, broke out again.

"Didn't you just say you don't have any?" Reba questioned Hu Xing, just now you said there were none, why now you say there are still in the storage box?

"I...I..." Hu Xing wanted to explain, but Liu Shishi slapped him instead.

Hu Xing smiled willingly while hiding.

"That's not private money, it's all the money I gave you to buy vegetables for cooking. This is the truth." Hu Xing made an excuse to defend himself.

"I believe you are a ghost, you scoundrel." Liu Shishi didn't believe him anymore.

After a fight, Song Jia said, "Honey, help me clean up."

"We used to clean up for you when you went out to film, but this time I'm going on a trip, so let me clean up for you instead." Song Jia didn't care, 2 yuan was enough.

Anyway, it was the funds stipulated by the program team, so she couldn't ask for more.

"Okay." Hu Xing also readily agreed, it's still okay to help his wife clean up.

Hu Xing went into the cloakroom and came out with a suitcase.

"Do you want to bring any cosmetics?!" Hu Xing asked Song Jia what cosmetics she wanted to use.

"Forget it, why do you wear makeup when you're so pretty? Yan Gao is self-willed, and just goes on camera without makeup." After Hu Xing finished asking, he let Song Jia decide to himself.

"Heh~ Then you can't take nothing with you. Toner, facial cleanser, lipstick, and mask are all necessary." Song Jia did abandon those makeup items.

"Okay, then these four things." Hu Xing went in and found these four things for Song Jia and put them in.

"And the clothes, I think so, my wife, that's right, you are a woman, this time in the past, there was no assistant or agent to help you with the luggage, maybe you have to do it by yourself, I will do my best for you reduce weight."

"The shoes are two pairs of sneakers plus a pair of all-match high-heeled sandals, and the socks are disposable socks."

"Disposable socks can be thrown away after wearing them, and you don't need to pack them up and put them in the suitcase, so you can pack less when the time comes."

"There are also underwear and underwear. I will pack the underwear and underwear that you want to change and don't want. They are also worn. You can throw them away after you change them out, so you don't have to clean them up."

"In this way, you can reduce the weight of a set of underwear and a pair of socks a day. Although the weight is not reduced much, a gram is a gram, and a set of less packing is also a set. You don't have to be so troublesome and tired. "Hu Xing spoke out his suggestion.

"Puchi!" Song Jia laughed out loud after hearing Hu Xing's suggestion.

"When people travel, they always wear beautiful clothes, but I have to wear old underwear that I will throw away soon?" Song Jia was a little dumbfounded.

"Nonsense, you wear underwear and panties inside, and you wear T-shirts and sweaters outside. Who can see whether the inside is old or new?"

"Besides, you didn't go with me. If you did, then of course I'll pack new ones for you, the ones you like or the ones I like."

"Anyway, you sleep alone at night. I'm not by your side, and no man appreciates whether your underwear looks good. Why do you care about it? It can save you a little trouble, doesn't it make you more relaxed?!" Hu Star's suggestions and practices are actually very practical.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Song Jia didn't object either. How could she refuse if her husband was so considerate of her.

As he said, he didn't go with her.

If it is, then of course you have to choose to clean up the underwear that Hu Xing likes to see her wearing; but this time it is not, she went with a few women, and her husband is not around, so she will wear those old ones , the underwear that she was going to change, after wearing it for a day, you can change it directly after taking a shower at night.

This is very good, and Hu Xing has saved her a lot of trouble, so why refuse?

"As for the clothes, I have prepared them for you. There are 9 sets of clothes in total, and one more set is just in case. I also packed three coats for you, one is a little thicker."

"Three pairs of shoes, two pairs of all-match sneakers and one pair of high-heeled sandals." Hu Xing calculated everything and matched his wife's clothes.

"Well, yes." Song Jia had read it, and there was nothing wrong with Hu Xing's preparations.

"9 sets of clothes, I divide them into 9 small storage bags, you change one set a day, and put the washed clothes in the original storage bag after changing; this way your suitcase will not be messy, and You don't have to worry about how to match clothes." Hu Xing was very thoughtful.

Such an orderly cleaning made Song Jia feel full of happiness.

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