Even Liu Shishi and Reba next to her felt that their husband was very caring.

"Also, you have to take your medicine with you." Hu Xing walked over and took the medicine box at home: "The most feared thing when traveling is to eat a bad stomach, or suddenly feel unwell, or have a cold and fever. .”

"This is stomach medicine. The common problem of celebrities is stomach trouble. If they eat the wrong food or don't eat on time, they will have a stomachache; otherwise, they will eat too much and get upset. This is the medicine for treating stomach upset; there is also medicine for cold and fever, which is used to reduce gunpowder. "

"You are in good health, but Xie Na, Cheng Lisha, and Ying Caier are not necessarily."

"When the time comes, you will rely on each other to take care of each other. It is safe to prepare these things, and there is no need for emergencies. If you don't know English well, you have to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Besides, the travel expenses are only 2 Ten thousand yuan, there is no need to waste money on buying medicine."

Hu Xing was very thoughtful, which moved the audience watching the show.

Such a considerate and good man, where can I find another one?

Song Jia looked at her husband so sweetly and happily, always caring so well

This man is really more careful than their women. He deserves that so many women love you, and you deserve to be lucky.

Chapter 1060 The Long-winded Man Is Very Touching

"Considering that some of the things I brought will be troublesome when going through the security check, I will not put them in the suitcase, but put them in a backpack, so that when I go through the security check, if I want to check, I don't have to check the big suitcase. Just check the contents of the backpack."

Hu Xing has even considered this, so it is really...

"Ah, by the way, if you travel for 8 days, your period will be in four days, and you have to prepare sanitary napkins." Hu Xing clapped his hands as he spoke, and then hurried in to find his wife's sanitary napkins

"Haha~" The originally very moving atmosphere disappeared just because Hu Xing mentioned the sanitary napkin.

"Honey, you don't know when my period will come." Song Jia pouted depressedly.

"A man doesn't even know about his wife's period, so is he still a man?" Hu Xing came out with a sanitary napkin and arranged everything.

"Yes, there are also shampoos and shower gels. You may not be used to those in Europe, so I still have to prepare them for you; but if you only go for eight days, there is no need to bring such a large bottle. The small bottle is enough for 8 days. ~10 days is fine, so the suitcase can be lightened a lot.” After Hu Xing finished speaking, he went in to get things.

"..." Liu Shishi looked at Hu Xing even more surprised now.

"I... think more thoughtfully than I do." Liu Shishi covered her face as she said that, she didn't even think about it.

"Oh yes, there are also sunglasses. My wife is so good-looking in street photography. Without sunglasses, there will be no sense of mystery. This won't work."

"Sunglasses are a must-have artifact for traveling, and you can't forget this." Hu Xing said, and went in to find two more sunglasses for Song Jia.

"And pajamas. According to your habit, you like to use my T-shirt or shirt as pajamas when you sleep at night, so, my clothes, my clothes." Hu Xing was very busy by himself.

The audience watched Hu Xing worry about his wife like this. Every detail was really considered.

"Which one to choose?" Hu Xing found a white T-shirt and a dark shirt.

"Why choose a dark shirt for pajamas?"

"Because the hotel you live in will definitely have cameras installed, or there will be other male VJs shooting in the room; the shirt is thin, if it is white, it is easy to be seen through to see the color of the underwear you are wearing, this is not acceptable .” After Hu Xing explained, Song Jia laughed again.

"White T-shirt." In the end Song Jia chose a white T-shirt.

T-shirts are more anti-see-through than shirts. Since my husband is worried that she will be seen in the color of underwear, then choose a white T-shirt that is not see-through as pajamas.

"Good wife." The wife chose the T-shirt considering his preferences, and Hu Xing praised her.

After everything was packed, Hu Xing stood beside the suitcase, pinched his chin, and seriously thought about whether there was anything Song Jia needed, but he hadn't packed it yet.

I tried my best to stroke it several times, and after confirming that there was nothing left, I clapped my hands: "I can't think of anything missing, please check it and see if there is anything else you need, I will prepare it for you."

"There is one thing you forgot." Song Jia said that there was still one thing that was not prepared.

"Is there? It's gone?!" Hu Xing didn't know what it was, so he thought it should be gone.

"Yes, think about it more carefully." Song Jia is sure, there must be more in it.

Hu Xing thought about it hard, and then came to Song Jia who was sitting on the sofa and knelt down: "No, no, daughter-in-law, the column team is not allowed to bring pets."

"As your little milk dog, I also want to follow, but the program team won't give it to me." Hu Xing acted like a very milky little milk dog to Song Jia.

"Puchi!" Song Jia was laughing now, and it turned out that Hu Xing knew her best.

Even what she wants to say is that she forgot to bring her husband, Hu Xing can think of it.

"Ah!!!" Hu Xing acted like a spoiled child to his wife. When they went to the studio to record, Chen Xiaochun, Guo Xiaodong, and Zhang Jie couldn't stand it anymore. These two were really too nasty.

"It's poisonous!" Many viewers also disliked Hu Xing. How did this guy do it?

No matter what the audience said in the future, Song Jia felt very satisfied.

"Okay, I don't need anything." Hu Xing tidied up pretty well, and Song Jia had nothing to dislike.

"Also, since we're going to travel, I'll remind you of a few things to pay attention to."

"Okay, tell me." Song Jia asked Hu Xing to talk, and she was listening.

"Go over there, if you see something delicious, tell them not to be greedy, don't buy one for each..."

"Just buy a snack for 4 people first. I want to taste the taste and see if it suits your taste. If it really tastes delicious, buy a few more."

"Because your budget is only 2 RMB, if you see something delicious and don't know how it tastes, just buy one for each person, and you will eat it later. It just looks delicious, but the taste is not good. You can't finish it , Throwing it away like this will waste money, and you won’t be able to finish it if you don’t throw it away, and even if you finish eating it, you will feel uncomfortable.”

"There are too many things in the world that look delicious but don't taste right for you."

"This is the first point. Save as much as you can, and don't waste it. This is for you to have enough funds to persist in traveling for 8 days." Song Jia remembered the first point Hu Xing said.

In fact, many people agree with what Hu Xing said when they heard this.

Many people who have traveled know that many snacks look delicious, but when you eat them, the taste is really not as good-looking and delicious as they look.

After all, it is foreign food, which may not suit your taste.

Buy one first, and several people will taste the taste before deciding whether to buy more.

Hu Xing This is a good habit, and it is worth learning from.

"Also, go there and eat less instant noodles. Eating instant noodles can cause cancer."

"If you really can't find something delicious, you can even eat bread; if you can eat instant noodles, don't eat it."

"At the same time, I also remember to tell Ying Caier a few words. I heard from Brother Pheasant that Ying Caier likes to eat instant noodles."

"When you see her eating, tell her a few words. It's best if she listens. If she doesn't listen, stop talking, or you will quarrel. As for you, try not to eat."

"When you go there, you really don't know what to eat, so eat western food and steak. At least this kind of food can fill your stomach and won't spoil your stomach." Hu Xing said to Song Jia seriously.

"Foreign food is different from domestic Chinese food. You have to think about these things carefully, otherwise you will spoil your stomach and affect your next trip." Song Jia will remember Hu Xing's instructions.

In fact, it was precisely because of this that Song Jia found that she couldn't do without him even more.

Hu Xing is very thoughtful and considerate of her.

Chapter 1061 You can figure it out, I got into someone else's husband's car

Among his many girlfriends, Song Jia is actually the one Hu Xing is most worried about.

Because she is not very good at taking care of herself, she doesn't want Reba, Nazha, Liu Shishi, and Zhao Liying to be so good at taking care of herself.

In addition to Song Jia's age being like an adult, Song Jia's self-care ability in life is just like that of a little girl. It can be said that she has zero life skills and is not very good at taking care of herself.

This is what Hu Xing is most worried about when she travels alone without an assistant or a manager.

Now that she is going, Hu Xing agrees, but he will still nagging her to remind her of some things.

"Got it." Song Jia would certainly remember Hu Xing's thoughtful and careful arrangements.

"Okay, I'll pack everything up for you." After everything was packed up, the directors of the program team left.

After leaving, Hu Xing also left home and drove to pick up Master Song from school.

At school, Jiang Fang also studied by herself in the evening, so she said to the master: "Master, you come to the office with me first, and mother will go back with you after taking the materials."

"Hee hee~ Hu Xing is here to pick me up, I won't be going back with my mother tonight." Master Song took her mobile phone and wallet, and waved to Jiang Fang with a happy face

"Hey, you kid, you don't want your mother when your boyfriend comes to pick you up, right?!" Jiang Fang smiled angrily and looked at the little girl who left happily.

At the same time, Jiang Fang also tweeted Hu Yu in the WeChat group: "Old man, look at your son, he comes to pick up his wife from school at night; why don't you come to pick me up from school?!"

"Both are men, you two are still father and son, why are you so different?"

"Other people's husbands are always the best." Jiang Fang started nagging her husband.

Hu Yu was already at home at this time. When he saw the WeChat message sent by his wife, of course he replied immediately: "It's an old husband and wife. I'll go pick you up, and you still despise me."

"You say you hate it, but you are very happy in your heart, don't you know?" Jiang Fang's human nature left her two daughters speechless.

"But didn't you drive to school by yourself? If I pick you up, your car will be left at school. How can you drive to class the next day?"

"Even if the family has a car for you to drive, but you drive two cars to school, that's not okay." Hu Yu also considered more comprehensively.

"Then you can't ask the driver to bring you here." Jiang Fang's tone was still the same, which also made Hu Xing, who was waiting for Master Song in the car, laugh.

"Okay, don't spread dog food, mom, come out too, I'll pick you up and come back together, and I'll send you and the master to school tomorrow morning." Hu Xing said to his mother.

"Look, other people's husbands know how to take care of others."

"Hu Yu, let me tell you aboveboard, someone else's husband has picked me up from get off work, so you can handle it yourself." Jiang Fang's tone was tough, but humorous.

"Okay, then let the master's husband pick you up from get off work tonight, and I will pick you up tomorrow night."

"After picking you up tomorrow night, we can just go on a date, and I haven't dated you for a long time." Hu Yu showed affection with his daughter-in-law here, but he didn't consider the feelings of his two daughters.

Sure enough, Hu Ying and Hu Yun started arguing in the group.

Said that father and mother are old couples and still show affection in front of their children.

He also said that Hu Xing is the same, if he has a girlfriend, he doesn't need older sisters and younger sisters.

For this, Hu Yu and Hu Xing are very helpless.

"Tomorrow night, I'll be here at any time. Sister and sister, you can go wherever you want to play, and date anytime you want." He doesn't have to go back tomorrow, so he can accompany his sister and sister.

"Hmph, I don't want to go anywhere, cook something delicious for me." As a twin sister, Hu Yun still has this right over her elder brother.

"Okay, I'll cook something delicious for you, just tell me what you want to eat, and make it for you tomorrow night."

"Where's my sister's?!" Hu Ying returned Aite's younger brother, why didn't she have hers.

"That's a must, sister's too, I'll make it for you whatever you want to eat, as long as you tell me before 3 o'clock tomorrow, then I will definitely prepare it for you." Hu Xing is a younger brother and an older brother. It is also well done.

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