"Reba, just tell us, isn't the female guest inside very beautiful?" Zheng Kai was looking forward to it, and wanted Reba to reveal a little bit.

"Then it's really a big hair, that good looks." Di Lieba is not exaggerating.

"You need to be good-looking, have a good figure, and be good at singing and dancing." Reba didn't say who it was, but told everyone that you can really look forward to the two of them.

"Really?" Wang Zulan was a little skeptical.

"Please come out, cute girl." Deng Chao couldn't wait to see the next one.

At this time, in the inner room, another woman dressed as a waitress appeared.

"Ah!!!!" When they saw the appearance of this female guest, Chen He and Zheng Kai stood up excitedly.

"Song Qian!" When they saw Song Qian, Chen He and the others immediately named her.

"How are you guys?" Song Qian was very happy, but what drink did she choose?Everyone doesn't know this, mainly because she still covered it with a white cloth.

"Song Qian, what drink did you choose?" Li Chen couldn't wait to know.

"I chose..." Song Qian also played with aesthetics.

"Milk tea!" When Song Qian opened the white cloth and announced that she chose milk tea

"Yeah!" Li Chen, who chose milk tea, stood up excitedly to celebrate.

"..." Chen He never expected that he would be so black, and he would switch to Coke for the milk tea he chose just now, causing himself and Song Qian to pass by.

What is this?It's too cheating.

"Haha~" Li Chen laughed triumphantly looking at the depressed and regretful Chen He.

"Pig, that's a pig, wouldn't it be good to choose milk tea properly?" Chen He couldn't understand himself anymore, really, why did he switch to Coke.

"Hehe~" Seeing Chen He like this, everyone laughed like crazy

Song Qian smiled and sat down next to Li Chen shyly, which means the pairing was successful.

"Is it the last guest?" Hu Xing also asked Reba, is there still the last female guest?

"Yes, there is the last one." Reba also told them that there is the last one.

"Coke! Coke! It must be Coke!" Deng Chao was the one who was most worried, and he must choose Coke.

Under much anticipation, the third female guest dressed as a waiter came out

However, this female guest was very skinny. When she came out with a drink, she deliberately covered her face with the drink.

There is no first time to let everyone see her appearance.

However, looking at that figure, Hu Xing's eyes widened even more: "Ah! Zheng Xiulu!"

"Haha~" When Hu Xing said the name, Reba immediately laughed.

"Puchi!" Zheng Xiulu, who was still pretending to be, laughed when she heard Hu Xing call out her name, and at the same time put down the drink she was holding, revealing her true face.

"Wow~~~" When they saw Krystal, Deng Chao and the others also looked dumbfounded.

This little sister is really beautiful. Although her appearance and figure are not as good as those of Reba and Nazha, Zheng Xiulu's appearance and figure are also very good.

Especially when Zheng Xiumin smiled, that kind of coquettish and shy look was the most beautiful.

"What's hot and not hot, you're so weak, okay?" Wang Zulan looked like an idiot.

Reba rolled her eyes, every time a beautiful guest came, she would immediately fall out of favor.

This time is no exception, the two most popular members of fx came over, and Reba knew that she would definitely be complained about this time

However, Hu Xing didn't know where it came from. When he stood up, a white rose appeared in his hand. If you look carefully, you can find that these roses are made by Hu Xing using a piece on the dining table. Roses folded out of cloth.

"Be my girlfriend, I like you." Hu Xing held a flower, stretched it out in front of Zheng Xiulu, and suddenly confessed to her.

Chapter 1109 Is there anyone more unlucky than me?

Looking at the flower, Zheng Xiulu asked shyly, "What do you like about me?"

"I like everything about you." Hu Xing's expression was sincere, and his confession was in place.

"I might not be as good as you imagined." Zheng Xiuzhen was still reserved, tilting her head shyly, but her eyes kept looking at Hu Xing.

"No, you have." Zheng Xiuzhen was shy, and Hu Xing praised again: "You are good-looking, you have a good figure, you are still young, you sing well, you dance sexy and domineering, and you have a good temper. Most importantly, you are talented At the age of 20, you can be attacked when you are cold, and you can be tolerated when you are shy. I like a girl who can be attacked and tolerated like you, a complete goddess."

"Since I'm so good, do you think...you are worthy of me?" Zheng Xiulan looked at Hu Xing expectantly

Facing Zheng Xiulu's inquiry, Hu Xing casually threw the roses he had folded on the ground, and said disdainfully, "I'm sorry, I was reckless."

"..." Zheng Xiulan just looked at him in such a daze, what do you mean?The boyfriend who got it flew away like this?

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing once again made a big reversal, making everyone who was watching the emotional drama instantly laugh out loud at the sudden comedy ending.

Zheng Xiuzhen bit her cherry lips, stared at Hu Xing, and said angrily, "Are you trying to kill me? What the hell answer? The girl is so reserved, you are so puzzled, are you out of your mind?!"

"Yes, my brain is flooded, but you ran around in my mind, but I didn't drown you." Facing Zheng Xiulu's anger, Hu Xing calmly resolved it.

Zheng Xiulu, who was still angry at first, said with satisfaction when she heard Hu Xing's provocative words, "Because I can swim."

"Hey~~~" The two showed their affection, but everyone around them hated it.

"Hurry up, Krystal, what drink you chose, you can disclose it." Hu Xing saw that it was almost the same, so let Zheng Xiulu disclose the answer.

"I chose..." Zheng Xiulu held the tray in his hand, covered with a white cloth for the drink, and happily revealed the drink he chose: "Lemon juice."

"Yeah!!!!" Zheng Kai jumped up even more excitedly now.

"..." Deng Chao closed his eyes with a look of despair.

He was the one who chose kiwi juice, but he changed it to lemon juice.

After switching to lemon juice, he worried that Reba would choose lemon juice, so he changed it to cola.

The result was that the female partner he chose was Reba's, but in the end he had a brain twitch and replaced it with Zheng Xiulu, which was not bad, if he chose lemon juice, then his partner would be Zheng Xiulu.

Now, Zheng Xiulu also missed it, and he actually chose Coke?

Looking at Chen He and Wang Zulan beside him, Deng Chao has nothing to say

Just now Chen He had the opportunity to be a partner with Song Qian, but he switched to Coke, which caused him to miss Song Qian.

I thought that Chen He was unlucky enough, but unexpectedly, Deng Chao himself was even more unlucky.

"Haha~" Deng Chao's expression was noticed by everyone.

"Toxic, you guys, the prison trio." Reba still taunted them at this time.

"I really don't want to say anything now." Deng Chao covered his face, and now he really didn't want to say anything.

"I really... ah, I originally chose lemon juice." Hu Xing was very depressed. He himself chose lemon juice, but why did he change it.

"Who asked you to change it? Don't you like lemon juice very much, why do you want to change it to kiwi fruit juice." Zheng Xiulu also wanted to be on the same team as Hu Xing, so it would be interesting.

"Everyone knows that I will choose lemon juice, and I think Reba will definitely choose lemon juice."

"I didn't want to be on her team, so I changed to kiwi juice." Hu Xing said this, which further showed that Di Lieba knew him very well.

"I knew he knew there would be a female guest today, so he definitely wouldn't choose lemon juice."

"That's why I chose kiwi fruit juice, haha~" Reba knew Hu Xing so well that's why she chose this way, and as expected, Hu Xing really chose kiwi fruit juice.

"I'm really going crazy." Deng Chao didn't know what to do.

"Then the three of us are in a group?!" Wang Zulan asked the director how to distribute it.

"No, among the three of you, two of you will form a male-male couple, and one of you will be alone." The director told them this rule.

"Let's be together." Deng Chao immediately stretched out his hand and asked Wang Zulan.

"No, stay with me." Compared to being alone, it would be better to have a partner, and Chen He also went all out this time.

"We've already decided." Chen He took the initiative to hug Wang Zulan, saying that the three of them had already decided on a couple.

"..." Seeing that he was isolated, Deng Chao became even more speechless.

"I could have become a couple with Reba, but in the end I switched to Krystal; forget it all, I finally switched Krystal to Zheng Kai, and now I'm with you two."

"Do I have to be alone in the end? Then, wouldn't I be even more unlucky today?" Deng Chao didn't say it, but after he said it, the audience laughed even more.

"Anyway, it's unlucky, so let's be completely unlucky." Wang Zulan didn't forget to make up for it at this time.

"Haha~" Wang Zulan stabbed so hard that Deng Chao himself was laughed out of anger.

"Brother Chao, you are Pi, now you know you are wrong." Song Qian also took the initiative to speak.

Being on a reality show is all about taking the initiative to fight for it. If you don’t take the initiative to fight for it, you will have no way to express yourself.

Song Qian has also been to RM before, and not just once, so it is quite amazing.

"Well, let the team choose." Hu Xing said, asking them to confess to the team and let the team choose a partner.

"Let's go together." Deng Chao stretched out his hand to the basket, wanting to invite him to be a partner.

"Go away." As soon as Deng Chao stretched out his hand, Wang Zulan immediately let him go.

"Ahaha~" Wang Zulan's refusal made Deng Chao turn around and laugh in embarrassment.

"Let's form a basket, let's go together." Chen He knew that he was stable this time, so he asked Wang to make a basket and confessed that he wanted to form a team together.

"Take off your dirty trotters." Wang Zulan knocked off Chen He's hand triumphantly.

"Hahaha~" Wang Zulan's refusal made the three couples watching the show clap and laugh.

"..." What Chen He didn't expect was that he was also rejected?

Wang Zulan is still immersed in the happiness that he can freely choose his teammates.

In the end, Deng Chao and Chen He looked at each other in dismay, and in a tacit understanding, they opened their hands: "Let's go together."

"..." Wang Zulan, who was still immersed in joy, was now stunned, what's going on?

"Haha~" When Deng Chao, Chen He teamed up, and Wang Zulan appeared in a daze after being abandoned, everyone on the recording scene was clapped and laughed by this big reversal.

Chapter 1110

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