"Me?!" Zheng Xiulu turned around, pointed at herself, and asked in disbelief.

Chen He and Hu Xing looked at each other in dismay, at the same time helpless, a little late.

Chen He took out a key reminder that he finally found, which was a photo

"It's Brother Chao and Krystal you." Chen He was the last to find it. It was after seeing this photo that he hurried to the first floor, but it was still too late.

"What? That is to say, my sister personally gave my brother out?" Hearing this, Deng Chao stood up even more.

"Hahaha~" This dramatic change made everyone laugh out loud.

"I don't know? I thought it wouldn't be me, but V's mother." Zheng Xiulu didn't know, she really thought it wasn't her.

"I also think it will be Song Qian." Reba also expressed her thoughts. She also thought so before.

"Hu Xing, how did you find out that it's not Song Qian, but Little K?!" Reba wanted to know how Hu Xing found out.

"Actually, we didn't notice it at first. In fact, the names of the brothers and sisters have already been mentioned in this letter." Hu Xing picked up the letter helplessly.

"Looking at the faces of you and the boss who were sleeping, I suddenly wanted to write a letter; so I wrote it like this... Our son, who is very delicate and excited, said that when he grows up, he wants to be a person on TV, and he still writes every day. There is a super funny dance in front of the TV...Although my son is full of energy and mischievous all day long because he is not interested in studying, he likes sports very much, so he should grow up healthy."

"Zheng, who is sleeping, is a homonym for Zheng; Xiu, which is particularly delicate, is a homonym for xiu; Jing, which is full of energy, is a homonym for 橸; when connected together, it is Zheng embroidered."

"Wait when he grows up, homophonic for Deng; super funny Chao, homophonic for note; connected together is Dengchao." Hu Xing took the letter and marked out all the hints in it.

"!!!!" Chen He, Zheng Kai, Wang Zulan, and Zheng Xiulan who found the letter all looked at the letter in disbelief.

Indeed, there are indeed these words in this letter.

More importantly, Zheng Xiulu read the letter again, but she didn't realize it.

"Amazing, have you discovered all of this?" Zheng Kai didn't even notice this.

"So that's what it means that my sister killed my brother, right?!" Deng Chao finally concluded.

"Haha~" Zheng Xiuzhen covered his face with embarrassment.

"Are you my sister?!" Deng Chao also asked Zheng Xiulu if she was my sister.

"Look, in real life I am a son-in-law in Shanghai, and you are a daughter-in-law in Shanghai; in the show, they are brothers and sisters, and now they are fighting each other, just to inherit this bit of property?!" Deng Chao entered the drama deeply.

…… 0 asking for flowers…… ……

Finally, I looked at the photo Chen He found, and indeed, this photo was made by P.

But looking at the two children in the photo, they are indeed Deng Chao and Zheng Xiulu's childhood.

Seeing this, I am even more certain that today's brothers and sisters are indeed Deng Chao and Zheng Xiulu.

"Okay, the genetic identification failed in the end, no one can inherit the R Automobile Group." The director judged that there is no winner for today's running man.

"Ah~~" Everyone sighed.

"If someone inherits, what is the inherited property?" Zheng Kai asked enviously.

…… 0

"No one can inherit, and the inherited property will naturally not be made public." The director also wants to keep it a secret, not telling them what the property is tonight.

"Haha~ If it was the Yilong Krystal crystal version I drove today, then this one would be fun." Wang Zulan joked that it would be this car.

"How is it possible? This car is worth 2000 million yuan. How could it be possible to give such good benefits." Song Qian thought it was impossible. This car was worth more than 2000 million yuan, so it was impossible.

"What if? No one can say for sure, after all, we ran men won a Yilong RM worth 400 million before." Chen He felt that this was still possible.

"No." Even Hu Xing felt that this was impossible, just thinking too much.

The recording of today's program is considered to be over, and Hu Xing clapped his hands to beat the board, which means that today's recording is over.

"Wow, I'm so tired." Seeing that the recording was over, Zheng Xiulu immediately hugged Reba.

"Are you going back tonight, or do you have to rest in Shanghai for two days before going back?!" Reba hugged her sister and asked when she planned to go back.

"I will only come back next week. Now that I go back to Korea, I just participate in some programs to promote my comeback."

"Let's stay in Shanghai for one night first, wake up, and talk about it tomorrow." Zheng Xiulu was not in a hurry to go back anyway, and said, "If I go back now, Ouba will definitely not agree."

Hu Xing glanced at the girl, and said, "If you want to go back tomorrow, I'll just let the private jet take you back. You can rest well in Shanghai tonight."

Chapter 1125 Overbearing boyfriend online

After recording the show, it was past 12 o'clock when I got home.

Because he was too tired, he went to bed without exercising, and early the next morning, his cell phone rang

"Accept me." Hu Xing hadn't opened his eyes as soon as the call was connected.

"Accept what accept?" Hu Xing lay on the bed, hugging Krystal's delicate body.

"I don't care, you don't accept me, right? Don't regret it." Chen Wei called early in the morning and threatened Hu Xing to accept her

This is also because, these days, when Hu Xing was chatting with Chen Kui, Chen Kui was chasing and beating him fiercely.

"If you don't accept me, then from today on, I will wear shorts every day, which are super short."

"When you put it on, you can see the safety pants."

"Also, I don't even wear safety pants. When I walk on the street, boys can't help but stare at me when they see me. It's a feast for the eyes." Hu Xing couldn't lie down with the threat of Chen Kui. up.

"No!" Hu Xing said that he was not allowed to wear such a dress.

"Hey, I don't care, I still want to wear skirts, miniskirts, even miniskirts."

"I still wear cheongsam, the one with high slits, the one that reaches to the waistline." Chen Kui explained her plan.

"How dare you!!!" Hearing this, Hu Xing just thought about it in his mind, knowing what it was like.

"What am I afraid of? I still want to wear that kind of transparent dress when I attend the award ceremony or other evening parties, the kind that can see my figure at a glance."

"I don't just want to wear high slits, I also want to wear transparent ones. The transparent ones are not enough, and I also wear the ones with less fabric." What Chen Wei said made Hu Xing so excited that he couldn't lie down.

"Are you itchy?!" Hu Xing couldn't stand this kind of threat.

"What's none of your business? You're not my boyfriend. I asked you to accept me, but you didn't."

"I still wear suspenders for my top, or a tube top, and I don't even wear a bra, so that people can see my noses at a glance." The more Chen Wei said, the bigger the scale, Hu Xing opened his eyes and looked at the phone.

But Zheng Xiulu, who was hugged by him, couldn't help but smile.

She knew who this girl was, she was the same age as her, and only a week younger than her.

Zheng Xiulu was born on October 10, and Chen Yu was born on October 24. There is only a week of age difference between the two.

It was precisely because she knew that Chen Kui was about the same age as her, that Zheng Xiujuan could hear from Chen Kui's tone that she threatened Hu Xing in that way.

Back then, Zheng Xiulu also threatened Hu Xing like this.

"If your butt is itchy, tell me and I'll scratch it for you." Hu Xing said into the phone.

"Hey, I care so much about you. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you. I am me. I can wear whatever I want."

"Hey, it's summer again, I'll go buy a batch of large-scale, revealing and sexy clothes later." Hu Xing couldn't calm down at this moment.

"You can't wear it out, you can only wear it at home." Hu Xing said domineeringly to Chen Kui.

But in fact, now Chen Kui is laughing like crazy.

The fact that Hu Xing didn't let her wear it proved that he liked her very much.

Only if you like her, you will not agree to her wearing such revealing clothes.

This trick is very useful, as long as you know that Hu Xing is very domineering and doesn't like your girlfriend wearing revealing clothes, then use this to threaten him to see how hypocritical he is?

I want you to accept me, but if you don't accept me, do you still have to pretend to be cold?

Of course, she also had enough confidence in herself, otherwise, if it was a girl Hu Xing didn't like, no matter how much she threatened him, it would be useless.

"Don't think about it, I ordered takeaway and snacks for you."

"Go down and get it, you've gained weight, I think you still have such a good figure?" Hu Xing also had his own way.

"Eat as long as you eat, anyway, before I gain weight, I will show off as soon as I can." Chen Wei is not afraid, and she is also very shrewd.

Now Hu Xing is really depressed, this woman is really...

At the same time, Hu Xing looked at Zheng Xiulu who was smiling in her arms.

"I said that you were born in the same year and the same month, do you all know my lifeline, so you threaten me like this?!" Hu Xing said while pinching Zheng Xiulu's chin.

"What's none of my business? This is between you and Xixi, don't rely on me." Zheng Xiulan hugged Hu Xing, even if the pet was crushed and deformed by his chest, she didn't care.

"Oh? Little Crystal is by your side too?" Chen Wei heard Zheng Xiulu's voice.

"Yes, we recorded the show together yesterday, and we will come back to rest after recording." Hu Xing said and yawned, but Chen Yan asked: "I will ask you again, and it is also the last time, do you accept me? "

"Haha~" When Chen Wei asked again, Zheng Xiuzhen had already smiled...

"Sister, don't laugh, who did you help?" Chen Yan said shyly.

"You are joking, of course you are helping my husband."

"You are meddling in our relationship now, so is it possible that you still expect me to help you?" Zheng Xiulu was still very clear about it, which made Chen Wei even more frustrated.

"Aha~ I've confessed so many times that I'm not accepted by others, huh~" Chen Xie saw that he couldn't be tough, so he would be soft, act coquettishly, buy something cute or something.

"You're a pig." Hu Xing was very powerless. If I didn't accept you, would I have been so anxious just now that you were wearing revealing and sexy clothes?

In fact, Chen Wei knew it herself, but she liked talking to Hu Xing like this, which was more interesting.

"As long as you accept me, you treat me like a pig, and let me give you a litter of piglets like a pig." Chen Yan is already like this, Hu Xing can't be unmoved

"Puchi." It seems that this younger sister is the same as she was back then, that's what Zheng Xiulu thought.

"If you want me to accept you, that's fine." Hu Xing didn't refuse to agree, but there were conditions.

"Conditions." Sure enough, there are still conditions.

"What conditions?" Knowing that there was a chance, Chen Wei hurriedly asked.

"First, you are not allowed to cut your hair short, and it cannot be shorter than 4.6 shoulders." Hu Xing said his first condition.

"You can't even be a filmmaker?" Chen Yu is the kind of person who will do it as long as her boyfriend likes it.

"Yes, it's not good for filming, you can wear wigs for filming." He prefers girls with short hair.

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