In his opinion, women with long hair are more feminine, more goddess-like and charming.

Although it is said that some people are naturally suitable for short hair, but it is suitable, and it is certain that it lacks femininity.

For example, Deng Chao's wife is also good-looking with short hair, and she looks more handsome.

But Hu Xing didn't like girls with short hair like Sun Li, who lacked that kind of femininity.

"Okay; as long as you don't like it, then I won't do it." Chen Wei is very obedient, if Hu Xing doesn't like it, then she won't do it, just do what he likes...

Chapter 1126: The Resentment from Chen Yu

"Second, as long as you have time, you can come and pamper me." Hu Xing's second condition is actually not a condition, but a way to ask his girlfriend to pamper him more, not to tire her, not to wrong her That's it.

"Hee hee~ I can go over and pamper you right now." Sure enough, upon hearing the second condition, Chen Yan smiled as happily as if he had won 1000 million.

"Third..." Hu Xing said this, thought for a while and said, "Get lost."

"What?!" Chen Wei suspected that he had heard it wrong. What was the third condition that Hu Xing said just now?

"Hahaha~" Zheng Xiulu, who was lying in Hu Xing's arms, couldn't help laughing now.

"Hu Xing, you..." Just when Hu Xing was still happy, the door of the room opened, and Chen Kui pointed at him aggressively with his mobile phone.

"Oh my god!" Hu Xing was taken aback when he saw Chen Kui suddenly appearing here.

"..." Zheng Xiulu, who was still smiling, was also taken aback by Chen Wei who suddenly entered the room.

Chen Kui kicked off the slippers, jumped onto the bed, and rode directly on Hu Xing and Zheng Xiulu.

"What did you just say?" Chen Yu asked Hu Xing condescendingly.

"Why are you here?!" Hu Xing25 didn't even know that this loli was at his house

"I came here this morning." Chen Kui put down the phone and said that he came here this morning.

"How do you know that I live here?" He remembered that he hadn't told Chen Kui yet, right?

"Hey~ I asked Hu Fu, and he told me that you live in the building and floor of Tomson Yipin, so I took a taxi and came here. Sister Reba opened the door for me." After Chen Wei explained, Hu Xing said Only then did I understand.

Chen Wei is now in Shanghai, cooperating with Hu Fu, Jiang Shuying and others on a TV series.

Hu Xing already knew about this matter.

But he didn't tell Chen Kui that he lived here, that's because Chen Kui didn't ask.

And it was true that the relationship was not confirmed at that time, so they all tacitly didn't ask this.

Now that Chen Kui came, Hu Xing was quite surprised.

"Why are you asking Hu Yu? Can't you just send us a WeChat message?!" Zheng Xiuxuan felt strange.

"Oh, I just asked by the way, to see if Hu Fu knows."

"After all, when the news spread, Hu Fu and Hu Xing have such a good relationship, so they should know about it."

"Don't ask the sisters, that's because I have really met Sister Reba once, and none of the other sisters have."

"Although I am also in the WeChat group, I have added the WeChat accounts of Hu Xing's mother, sister, and younger sister, but I have never met them." Chen Wei explained that there is nothing wrong.

Hu Xing hugged Krystal and looked at Chen Kai.

"You came here today, don't you have a role?!" Hu Xing took the phone and glanced at the time.

"Not for the time being, I'm here to look for you." While Chen Kui was speaking, Reba also walked in.

Reba gave Hu Xing the phone and said to him: "Sister Jia will let you pick him up at the airport later."

Hu Xing answered the phone and asked, "Hi, what's the matter?"

"What are you doing? I couldn't get through to you just now?" Song Jia asked Hu Xing directly why he couldn't get through.

"Oh, just now a little girl who was crazy in 94 called me, and I was talking on the phone with her."

"What's the matter, what time do you arrive in Shanghai, I'll pick you up?" Hu Xing asked something important.

"I'll arrive at Shanghai Airport at about 1 o'clock, please come and pick me up later."

"Is the little loli you're talking about 媱媱?" Song Jia knew all about it, and she also called Chen 媱 a lot more intimately.

"That's right, it's this girl who quarrels for me to accept her every day." As soon as Hu Xing said, Chen Wei used the soles of her beautiful feet to gently slap Hu Xing

Hu Xing opened his mouth and bit Chen Xi's toes, which made little Lolita blush and shy.

"Okay, let's talk later when we get back." Song Jia said and hung up the phone.

"Get up." Hu Xing said that he was about to get up, and put the phone aside.

When they got up, Chen Kui saw that Zheng Xiukuan had no clothes on him.

Then little Lolita looked at Zheng Xiulu's pet in surprise, so fierce?

Although he knew that Zheng Xiu's was definitely not small, but seeing how big it was, Chen Kui still had a look of envy on his face.

Although she herself was very knowledgeable, when she saw Zheng Xiulu, she was still very envious for no reason.

"Don't be envious, brother spoils you a few more times, and you will reach this scale." After Hu Xing finished speaking, taking advantage of Chen Kui's sluggishness, he quickly sealed her small mouth.

After the kiss, Hu Xing bit her lip, and Chen Yu complained: "I didn't brush my mouth, I bit my toe just now, and now I'm kissing me again."

"What's this? When I drink your drink and kiss you again, you will think that this is nothing at all." Hu Xing said and wanted to put on clothes.

"Reba, are you wearing my clothes again?" Hu Xing couldn't see his clothes, so it was because Reba was wearing them.

"Funny, when you were taking a shower in the bathroom last night, did you put on your clothes after washing?" Reba said as she came in, holding a piece of Hu Xing's clothes in her jade hand.

When he walked in, he threw it in Hu Xing's face, and asked him to put on his clothes and come out.

Chen Kui had already come out first, trotted to the living room, followed Reba to the kitchen.

Reba was making lunch, seeing Reba being so virtuous, Chen Wei stood behind Reba, hugged Reba's waist, her loli face was resting on Reba's fragrant shoulder.

"Sure enough, she is a good woman, so beautiful and virtuous."

"Whenever I can be as virtuous as you, it would be great if I can cook for my husband." The virtuousness in Chen Kui's tone was not fake at all.

"What? You still like to cook for your boyfriend, instead of letting your boyfriend dote on you and not let you do anything?" Reba was surprised, it's rare for Chen Wei to think so.

"Well~ It's still necessary to cook for my husband. As a woman, it's better to be able to do some housework. It's always good to be able to cook something."

"Although my husband is powerful, omnipotent, and perfect, he can pamper me without complaint or regret."

"But he is a man with heavy responsibilities on his shoulders. As a wife, he should be able to share some of the responsibility. Husbands and wives should support each other, and we can't let him do everything."

"If a family wants to be happy and happy, they must know how to understand, support and take care of each other." Reba is very satisfied that Chen Wei can understand this.

"It's not bad." Reba recognized Chen Kui's character and behavior...

"However, sister, I heard the master say that your husband is so powerful, so your stomach still hasn't moved a little?" Chen Xi's jade hand was already stroking Reba's lower abdomen back and forth.

"It's not time for me to be a mother yet, so don't worry about it."

"On the contrary, it's you, be prepared. When your husband's things got in for the first time, you might feel uncomfortable." Reba also raised her arm to signal, which made Chen Wei dumbfounded: "Really? "

"If you don't believe me, you can go and see it now, I think my husband will show it to you."

Chapter 1127 Can You Deceive Mommy From Me?

Hu Xing came out wearing a vest and a pair of basketball pants, looking very sunny.

Hu Xing like this gives people a strong yet masculine taste.

Hu Xing originally came out to find something, but he heard the phone ringing.

Picking it up, I found that it was a video call from Song Zhuer.

Hu Xing picked up the phone and connected it, and saw Song Zhuer hugging a cute little girl on the screen of the phone.

"Hey, is this my sister-in-law?" This was the first time Hu Xing saw his newborn sister-in-law.

"How is it? Isn't my sister cute?" Song Zhuer hugged her sister and showed off to Hu Xing happily.

"Hehe~ But Yu'er's mouth is very similar to yours." Hu Xing held the phone and looked at the little girl in the video.

Song Zhuer's younger brother is called Song Ran, and his younger sister's name is Song Yuer.

Song Zhuer is the older sister, and younger sister Song Yuer, and the names of the two sisters are 'subjects'.

Moreover, this name was chosen by Song Zhuer's mother, which sounds nice.

Song Yu'er, who was in Song Zhu'er's arms, was still looking at the phone screen cutely...

"Did you see it? This is Yu'er's brother-in-law." Song Zhuer said to her younger sister who was only a few months old with a smile.

Hu Xing saw that this little fairy was so cute, and he was very much looking forward to the birth of his daughter.

"What are you doing? Did you just wake up?" Song Zhu'er is on summer vacation and will be returning to Beijing soon.

She wants to go back to Beijing to be with her family, and at the same time help her mother take care of her younger sister.

"Yes, I just woke up." Just as Hu Xing said this, he saw his brother-in-law Song Ran appear on the screen of the mobile phone: "Do you want to hug my sister?"

"No! Hold me after I take a shower. I just finished dancing and I'm sweating." In fact, there is a younger sister in the family, and Song Ran is the happiest.

Song Ran is very satisfied, having an older sister, and another younger sister, this is the happiest thing for him.

Although there is a 14-year age difference between him and his younger sister, this made Song Ran dote on his younger sister even more.

"Brother-in-law." Song Ran greeted her brother-in-law after noticing her in the mobile phone video.

"Well, have you practiced dancing so early?" Hu Xing knew that his brother-in-law had been practicing dancing seriously recently.

"I'm used to it. I get up at 6:[-] every morning and go to the dance studio to practice." Song Ran still insisted on getting up early to practice on weekends.

Now it's summer vacation again, he has more time to practice dancing.

Not only is he practicing dancing, he is also practicing singing. These will be practiced according to the plan specified by his brother-in-law Hu Xing, and the effect is very obvious.

"Okay, let's chat. If you feel bored in Beijing, let your sister bring your brother and sister to Shanghai to have fun."

"By the way, tell Mom to bring them to Shanghai for a few days." Hu Xing didn't have any work this month, so he stayed at home with his wife.

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