Song Jia felt that it was not enough, so she took off her high-heeled sandals and stockings, and stretched her long legs in front of Hu Xing.

Hu Xing stretched out his hand to grab Song Jia's jade feet, and dug his fingers between her toes.

For Hu Xing, who has all kinds of hobbies, he is also very controlling with his feet.

Hu Xing is vest control, long hair control, leg control, chest control, and of course, foot control and armpit control.

He likes his wife's feet very much. Kissing, biting, kissing, and gnawing are all regular things.

Anyway, his wife, all of them are original, they are all the packaging he tore for the first time, and they are all the film he tore.

As long as his wife is original, Hu Xing will not dislike any of them.

Even for feet and armpits, Hu Xing likes to kiss very much.

Song Jia also enjoyed Hu Xing treating her like this, because there is no woman who would not like that her man is obsessed with every part of your body.

"I love you so much." Seeing Hu Xing gently biting her toes, Song Jia's heart fluttered even more.

"You don't love me, which man do you want to love?" When Hu Xing was waiting for the traffic lights, he turned to Song Jia beside him.

"Puchi!" Song Jia smiled and looked at her man.

Indeed, Song Jia also discovered that during this year, she found that she was really getting younger and younger.

She maintains the charm and charm of a mature woman in her 30s; but at the same time, her appearance has returned to her appearance when she was around 20 years old, and her skin is very fair, smooth and tender.

As long as someone sees it, they will say how she is getting younger and younger. She looks like a girl in her early 20s. Her skin is so enviable.

All this happened after she dated Hu Xing.

What she didn't know was that all of this was due to Hu Xing's auxiliary system helping her freeze her age.

Song Jia felt that maybe it was because she was well nourished by love, and because Hu Xing's food was very nourishing, and because she paid attention to health preservation, she made herself younger and younger.

Before dating Hu Xing, Song Jia had to go for a beauty treatment every week to maintain her whole body.

But after dating Hu Xing, she realized that she didn't need to go at all.

As long as I feel that my skin is a bit dry and the touch does not have that smooth and delicate feeling, then she and Hu Xing will exercise once, and it will completely hydrate herself, and at the same time, the waste water in the body can be sprayed out. .

To put it bluntly, it's funny that she doesn't need a beauty salon to help her maintain her beauty, as long as her man comes to help her with beauty and beauty, and the effect is immediately obvious.

This is understood by them as being nourished by love.

"I recently accepted a script." Song Jia asked Hu Xing, who had accepted a script himself.

"What script?" Song Jia hadn't filmed for half a year, and now that she has accepted a script, it means that she has stepped out of the previous film.

""Young Marshal" is about Zhang Xueliang during the Anti-Japanese War." Song Jia said that he took on this drama.

"This, I know." When talking about this drama, Hu Xing said about himself.

"I was asked to act in the beginning." Hu Xing said that he had read the script.

"Then why didn't you agree?!" What Song Jia didn't know was why Hu Xing disagreed.

"The most important thing is that the filming of this movie will start in the second half of this year, that is, around November?!" Hu Xing understood this.

"Yes, it will start up at the end of October." Of course Song Jia knows the exact start time.

"That's right, I will start filming "Looking for the Dragon" next month, and I will almost finish filming the film at the end of October; how could I start filming another TV series?"

"Don't forget, at the end of October, I'm already a father, so it's impossible not to be at home with Li Ying and the child." Hu Xing said the main reason for the refusal, and Song Jia also understood.

"Another one is that Grandpa Gao had a feud with Zhang Xueliang." After Hu Xing said this, Song Jia was even more surprised: "The old man also had a feud with Zhang Xueliang?"

"Heh~ There are too many festivals. I heard from the old man that when the Communist Party and the Kuomintang were in the civil war, the two of them fought a lot."

"At that time, they were deadly enemies; but when Zhang Xueliang passed away, Gaozu also went to mourn." Hu Xing said with a smile.

"Wow, there is such a story?" Song Jia did not expect that Gao Zu was still such a person.

Although I know that Grandpa Gaozu was a first-class general in the Communist Party, even in the country now, he still has the honor of the military rank of Mr. Hu Ji.

"Of course, the old man was also very fierce back then. Let me use a metaphor. The old man was fierce back then. He was fierce to the devil and the enemy. How fierce is it? It's like how fierce I was to you."

"Hahaha~" Song Jiake laughed now, how could this guy use this as a metaphor.

"Since this is the case, you know so much about the old man's deeds, have you ever thought about writing a TV series for the old man?" This is what Song Jia wanted to ask the most.

Hu Ji's heroic deeds are actually circulated now. It is also known that he was a very brave general in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and he really went from an artillery soldier to a general.

"It's finished." Hu Xing said that he had finished it.

"Ah? You have already written a script for the old man?" Song Jia didn't even know that Hu Xing had already written a TV series based on the old man's heroic deeds.

"That's right, there are many TV series about the Anti-Japanese War, including Mao Zedong's TV series, Zhang Xueliang's TV series, etc. Many famous generals during the Anti-Japanese War have been made into TV series."

"But only the legendary life of our great-grandfather has never been photographed."

Chapter 1130 Can't be so bloody?

"It's not that I don't want to shoot, but because the old man Gaozu is low-key enough. He actually has a lot of heroic deeds. It's just that he treats the enemy fiercely, but he is low-key, so I didn't even think of writing a TV series about his life."

"After I debuted last year, I thought about making a film and television drama, so I thought, why not write one for the old man." Hu Xing said his thoughts.

"Is that so, if that's the case, then by then, you must be playing the old man, right?!" Song Jia asked Hu Xing after thinking about it.

"Then I will act. Is there any actor in China who is more suitable than me to act in the legendary life of my great-grandfather?!" Hu Xing was able to write this script because of course he thought about acting himself.

"Oh, by the way, I don't know yet, where is Grandma Gaozu from?" Song Jia didn't even know this.

"You don't know?" This made Hu Xing laugh like crazy.

"I really don't know, what's the matter, is there any problem?!" Song Jia didn't understand, why Hu Xing smiled so happily, is there any strange thing in it?

"Harbin." Hu Xing told Song Jia with a smile that his great-grandmother was from Harbin.

"What?!" This made Song Jia even more surprised: "Is our great-grandmother from Harbin?"

"That's right, and the surname is Song." Hu Xing thinks this is a coincidence, anyway, there is indeed such a relationship.

"No way, are you still surnamed Song? If it really has anything to do with me, then this is really funny." Song Jia was a little scared, and said: "No, we are still some collateral blood relatives? If so, we Even if it’s a marriage between close relatives.”

"Are you a pig? My great-grandmother and I are separated by four generations, okay?"

"My great-grandmother is the first generation, and I am the fifth generation. In China, marriages within the third generation and within the third generation are considered consanguineous marriages. After the fourth generation, it is not considered consanguineous marriages." Hu Xing needed to explain this to Song Jia.

"No, no, wait a minute, I hear what you mean, is it true that you and I are related?" Song Jia was really nervous at this moment.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled without saying a word, which made Song Jia hold his hand even more nervously.

"Tell me, is it really related?!" Song Jia was very anxious and asked Hu Xing to answer quickly.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? This is not a TV series, nor is it a novel. This is real life. How can there be such a bloody plot?" Song Jia had a bad premonition that it would not be later, she Maybe Hu Xing's cousin or something.

After getting off the car, Song Jia jumped on Hu Xing's body and bit Hu Xing's ear.

"Quickly tell me, do you know everything?" Song Jia really wanted to know what was the relationship between her and Hu Xing.

"No, where do you want to go? How can there be such a bloody plot." Hu Xing hugged Song Jia's two long legs and told her that there was no such thing.

"Let me tell you, if I am your cousin, it would be really funny." Song Jia felt relieved now.

"It's just that Grandma Gaozu happened to be named Song, and you are also named Song." There is nothing strange about having the same surname.

After coming up with Song Jia on his back, Song Jia saw that Chen Kui was still here.

"Hey, this child is really a loli? She doesn't even look 15 years old?!" Song Jia, who met Chen Kui for the first time, was really amazed by the girl's loli face.

"What are you talking about, it's time to get ready for 20." Chen Wei said.

"Come on, husband, tell me, how many beauties in China have you collected in your harem?" Song Jia asked Hu Xing, asking him to do the math.

"You from Heilongjiang, Shishi from Beijing, Liying from Hebei, Nazhareba from Xinjiang, Zhu'er from Tianjin, Yingying from Zhejiang, and this one from Sichuan." Hu Xing did the math, the beauties from seven provinces Hey.

"My God, there are seven provinces." Hu Xing was very surprised, he didn't expect that there were already seven provinces in his harem.

"If you add the small country of South Korea to China as a province, then you will have wives from eight provinces. The habits of each province are different, but you can live in it?" Song Jia joked Hu Xing.

"Come and see if there are any more beautiful female stars in other provinces, or let's talk about it."

"It just happens to be enough for all the provinces to marry one. If you go back to your mother's home during the Spring Festival, then you really want to fly to all provinces and places in the country." Di Lieba still felt that it was not enough, and asked Hu Xing to use the computer to check.

"Don't make trouble..." Hu Xing squeezed Reba's pretty face, telling her not to make trouble.

"You can send me to the set later, I have a role in the afternoon." Chen Xi asked Hu Xing to send her there later

"If I send you there, there will probably be news that you and I are in a relationship."

"Well, let's forget about it, so I won't be told that I depend on you." Chen Yu also has a backbone. Although he has dated Hu Xing, he still doesn't want to say that he depends on his boyfriend.

Any of Hu Xing's current girlfriends has proved themselves by their own strength.

Even Zhang Weiying and Song Zhuer are child stars, and they have their own representative works.

She was the only one who didn't have her own masterpiece yet, so she naturally didn't plan to make it public so early, otherwise it would be easy for the media to say that it was Hu Xing who made her debut and became popular.

Song Jia is a powerful little actress, Liu Shishi is a four-star actress, Zhao Liying is also a popular actress, and Di Lieba has masterpieces in film and television songs; Gulinaza also has TV drama works; A member of the popular female idol group.

It can be said that Chen Kui is in the most embarrassing position right now.

It's right to be dating Hu Xing. He has a boyfriend that others can't envy.

It is precisely because of this that she needs to prove herself even more.

Only after she proves that she is 4.0, the media will not say that she relies on her boyfriend.

"What's wrong with me? I can't do it alone?" Hu Xing slapped Chen Kui's long leg as he spoke.

"Are you going to embarrass yourself by relying on me?!" Hu Xing's question made Chen Yu blush and explain: "No, I'm just afraid of embarrassing you."

"I don't have any good works, and I'm still a newcomer."

"I'm worried that the media will say that I rely on my appearance and figure to make you like me, and I rely on unspoken rules to get ahead." Chen Wei is also a girl, so of course she is worried about this.

"Dive with a hammer, it's a long way to roll." Hu Xing said Sichuan dialect to Chen Yubiao angrily.

"Haha~" Hearing this familiar language, Chen Wei was even happier.

"Are you telling me to get lost?" Chen Yu also chatted with Hu Xing in his own dialect.

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