Chapter 1131 Introduce, this is my new girlfriend

"That's not thia, how did I find out that you guys from Sichuan are so annoying?"

"Xie is like this, Zhang Jie is like this, and you are like this, what's wrong with me, can't rely on me?"

"Is it okay for me to support my daughter-in-law? Is it okay for me to make my daughter-in-law famous?"

"What's wrong with you being said to rely on me? Is it embarrassing that you have such good looks and charm to become my wife?"

"There are a lot of girls in the world who are more loli than you, prettier than you, longer legs than you, cuter and more handsome than you, and I have never seen them get my liking." Hu Xing's lesson made Chen Wei Stick out your tongue.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say, if you want to give it to you, I will give it to you."

"Why are you teaching me a lesson?" Hu Xing thought Chen Xie's Sichuan dialect was cute.

Listening to their communication in Sichuan dialect, Song Jia is even more supportive, can it be more funny?

"Let's go, I'll take you to the crew, and take a look at my old Hu by the way." Hu Xing couldn't stay at home, so let's just order, he is also good to visit Hu Fu's crew in the past.

Hu Xing wants to go out, Reba and Song Jia don't talk about him

Hu Xing didn't drive, but rode a motorcycle to avoid traffic jams.

Although the sun was a bit big, but Chen Xi hugged Hu Xing's waist, and 25 lay on Hu Xing's body, feeling that it was better than riding in a car.

You can't hug your boyfriend in a car, only when you ride a motorcycle or an electric car.

With their identities, they no longer need to use luxury cars to prove themselves.

What kind of car is convenient and comfortable, so just drive what kind of car.

"By the way, didn't I hear that "Tornado Eleven" was filmed in Qingdao?"

"Why are you shooting in Shanghai now?" Hu Xing just remembered.

"It was originally filmed in Qingdao, but I just came to Shanghai to shoot the scene. I will return to the crew in Qingdao to shoot in a few days." Chen Kui hugged Hu Xing and whispered in his ear.

"I said so." Now I understand.

After Hu Xing drove to the filming location of the crew, Hu Fu and the others were all there.

Seeing Hu Xing coming with Chen Kui, all the newcomers in the crew were excited.

Especially the girls looked at Hu Xing excitedly.

Who is Hu Xing, that is a national boyfriend recognized by China.

As a boyfriend, Hu Xing is impeccable. He knows everything and does everything very well. He can spoil his girlfriend to the sky, and he can also be so sweet with his girlfriend that you feel nauseous.

It can be said that Hu Xing is the ideal type of [-]% of Chinese girls and young women.

"What is the relationship between Chen Kui and Hu Xing? Why can she ride Hu Xing's motorcycle and still hug him?" Some girls are very gossip, wanting to know about this relationship.

"Hehe~ Could it be that they are dating? There was a video of Chen Wei and Hu Xing's dramatic meeting before, and there is still a video on Weibo." Chen Wei has also become somewhat famous recently.

The most important thing is that she made Hu Xing confused, and she was the kind who made Hu Xing so confused that he couldn't speak a word.

Even Di Lieba couldn't make Hu Xing so stunned that he couldn't speak a word, but Chen Wei could.

So, Chen Xi can brag about this matter for a long time.

"I think [-]% is the same." Some people also think so.

"Hu Xing's personality, after watching his variety shows, I know a little bit about it."

"If it wasn't for the girl he likes, he wouldn't be so close to her."

"Only the girl he likes can allow the other party to approach him like this, or make intimate moves with him." A boy also thinks so.

Hu Xing took off the helmet on his head, sat on the Juji motorcycle, and looked at Hu Fu who was discussing the script.

Chen Kui also got off the motorcycle, and took off his helmet himself.

"I'll go, you guy, new girlfriend?" When Hu Fu saw his good friend coming, the first thing he said was to gossip about whether Hu Xing had a new girlfriend.

"Yeah." Hu Xing admitted very straightforwardly. Since we are in a relationship, we are in a relationship. There is nothing to hide, and this is the time to show a man's attitude, so naturally we can't let girls down.

"Really?" Even Jiang Shuying was surprised that this guy had a new girlfriend.

"That's what it is." Hu Xing shrugged, and at the same time pressed Chen Kui's head with his big hand: "Association with her, the guilt is stronger than my association with the master."

"Just by looking at her face, I even suspect that she is only 12 years old now." After Hu Xing finished speaking, he sat on Hu Fu's lap in a very angry manner.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's move made Hu Fu laugh at this guy.

"I said you are enough." Seeing this, Jiang Shuying felt that it was too dazzling.

"What's the matter? We're dating, so I can't have a romantic relationship with Lao Hu?" Hu Xing winked at Jiang Shuying.

Jiang Shuying was surprised, how did he know?

But then she realized that it must be Hu Fu who said it.

As far as the relationship between the two of them is concerned, it is not surprising that this kind of thing is known.

Hu Xing and Jiang Shuying have known each other since they were very young, and they have even been neighbors. They are like siblings.

Just like Hu Xing and Han Zhuo, they have known each other since childhood, just like siblings.

Jiang Shuying knew that Hu Xing was more fickle, so Jiang Shuying didn't have any thoughts about Hu Xing, and only treated him like a younger brother.

Moreover, Jiang Shuying and Hu Ying are also best friends, and they are even classmates in junior high school and high school.

The relationship between Jiang Shuying and Hu Ying is really close. 340

Hu Xing also had no idea about Jiang Shuying, the main reason was that Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying had been in a relationship.

In the previous life, Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying dated, although it was very short, but they did.

Anyway, the relationship between Hu Xing and Hu Fu, as long as he has a relationship with Hu Fu, he will not have any thoughts about the other party, no matter how beautiful she is, as long as she has been in contact with Hu Fu, Hu Xing will not Will go for ideas.

Regardless of whether it was in the previous life or the present life, Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying relied on this TV series to become friends and get along with each other.

Hu Xing also knew about it a long time ago, of course it was Hu Fu who said that he was out of the order.

Hu Xing asked who he was, and Hu Fu said that it was Hu Xing's sister who was very close and very close.

At that time, Hu Xing wondered if it was Jiang Shuying?Because there are very few girls who can really treat Hu Xing like a real sister, Han Zhuo is one, and Jiang Shuying is the second.

"Should I call you sister-in-law now? Or brother-in-law Hu Yu?!" Hu Xing was curious about this question and asked Jiang Shuying what to do.

"..." Jiang Shuying was too lazy to talk to him, this guy has been like this since he was a child.

"You can do whatever you want." Jiang Shuying acted as if I didn't care.

"Come down, you're dead." Hu Fu asked Hu Xing, who was sitting on his lap, to come down. This guy was really shameless, but Hu Fu couldn't do this.

Chapter 1132 A Rose With Thorns

"Mother, long time no see." Hu Xing did not forget to say hello to Zeng Li.

Zeng Li played Guo Jing's mother in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" before, so Hu Xing also worked with Zeng Li before.

"Don't call me a mother, you're calling me old." Zeng Li rolled his eyes and gave Hu Xing a sideways glance.

"Okay~ Qian's big head is also there." Hu Xing has not seen Qian Feng for a long time

"It took so long to notice me?" Qian Feng was also speechless, this guy really ignored him.

"I can't help it. When I first arrived, the first thing I saw was my old Hu." Hu Xing found a chair and sat down, and asked in surprise, "I said no, what's wrong with Mr. Cai?"

"Why are the male lead, female lead, second male lead, and second female lead in your show all Virgos? And all of them are Virgos in September?" Hu Xing discovered this commonality after sitting down.

"Hahahaha~" Hu Fu and the others who were complained by Hu Xing suddenly laughed.

"My sister was born on September 9st, my mother was born on September 1th, my old Hu was born on September 9th, and my buddy Qian's big head was born on September 17nd, why? All Virgos. Yes?"

Jiang Shuying, Zeng Li and the others really covered their faces, too embarrassed to refute.

"By the way, Hu Fu seems to have the same birthday as Eldest Sister, right?!" Sitting next to her, Chen Xi remembered this incident.

"That's right, my sister is also born on September 9." This is true.

"My grandfather's new calendar is also on September 9th, but my grandfather's birthday is always on the lunar calendar, so few people know that his granddaughter's birthday is also on the same day as his granddaughter." I remember it very clearly.

"No wonder, grandpa's leadership is so strong that he even started an automobile group." Chen Kai understood now.

"There is nothing wrong with this. Grandpa's 66th birthday this year is September 9th in the new calendar; don't forget, the granddaughter-in-law must remember the old man's birthday." Hu Xing had to remind Chen Yu this.

"Well, I remember." Of course Chen Kui would remember.

"Why, Hu Xing, doesn't your sister have a boyfriend yet?" Qian Feng asked Hu Xing.

"No, I haven't even talked about love. My sister's first love and first kiss are still there."

"Oh, if kissing me is not counted as the first kiss, then my sister's first kiss is still there."

"When she was in school, she teased and kissed me a lot." Hu Xing was quite clear about his elder sister and younger sister. In this life, it is really difficult for older sister and younger sister to get married.

The main reason is that with Hu Xing around, their vision has become higher, and they will not just find someone to make do with.

"And this is also the case. Back then, they bullied me a lot when I was younger, and ravaged me in all kinds of ways." Hu Xing talked and pulled Jiang Shuying into it.

After being told by Hu Xing, Jiang Shuying said: "Whoever let you know Reba Reba, my sister is also a big beauty, okay, since you went to Xinjiang to go to school, you don't play with me when you come back to Shanghai, thinking about it every day Nazaraba."

"You heartless thing, it's in vain that my sister loved you so much when I was a child." Jiang Shuying gave Hu Xing a blank look as she spoke, which made Hu Xing smile and didn't speak.

While Hu Xing was chatting with them, President Cai came over.

"Why is director Hu here?" Cai is always the producer, and sometimes travels to the crew to check on the situation of the crew and the filming progress of the film and television series.

"Send my girlfriend here." Hu Xing pointed to Chen Qi and introduced him to Mr. Cai.

"Again?" Mr. Cai was really anxious now.

"I have worked so hard to make Shishi popular and become the first sister of our Tang people. You won it without saying a word." Mr. Cai settled accounts with Hu Xing, which made Hu Xing feel embarrassed to talk.

"Na Zha, I'm going to train the first post-90s young actress. You're lucky. I've known you since I was a child. I'm a childhood sweetheart. I can't say anything about it. I recognize it."

"You're still here now? Chen Wei is a newcomer I just signed, why did you fall in love with him?"

"Tell me, is it that our Tang people have offended you somewhere and want to treat us Tang people like this?"

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