You can enter the house at will, but except for the master bedroom, you can visit the guest room, study, cloakroom, and living room.

The master bedroom is the master bedroom, so naturally you can't just come in and visit it.

"So cute." When Reba saw Song Yu'er, she was also attracted by this little princess who was as cute as a porcelain doll.

Reba even hugged Song Yu'er from Gan Qing's arms.

Maybe she is also like her sister, she is not afraid to meet strangers, she is just so cute, with big eyes rolling around, looking at this very beautiful, fairy-like sister in front of her.

"Really, this little mouth really looks like Zhu'er." Song Jia also saw that Song Yu'er's mouth was really as small and beautiful as her sister Song Zhu'er's mouth.

Song Jia and Reba were hugging Song Yu'er, but Gan Qing went to see her daughter's room.

I saw that my daughter's room is well furnished, the typical little girl is dressed in pink,

The pink quilt and quilt cover, and even the desk are pink. Walking into this room, everything that can be pink is pink, full of girlish atmosphere.

"Does Hu Xing usually sleep in this room?!" Gan Qing was surprised that his daughter had decorated his room like this.

"Yes, occasionally in my room." Master Song looked at her mother with a smile.

"Brother-in-law can bear it? This is too girly."

"Anyway, I feel like I'm blinking when I sit here for a while, brother-in-law can still sleep here?" Song Ran felt that she couldn't accept this.

Too pink, as long as he is a normal man, it seems that he can't stand such a girlish look, right?

"That's why you are not as popular with girls as your brother-in-law." Master Song quarreled with his brother again.

"Cut, I'm a very dedicated person." Song Ran said this, which means that his brother-in-law is a playful person, of course, he is a playful person, and this is recognized.

After visiting Hu Xing's place for a while, they went to Hu Xing's parents' house together.

It's not far, and it only takes a few minutes to walk there. They can walk there while chatting.

After arriving, Hu Xing opened the door for them to come in.

When Jiang Fang saw the little man in Reba's arms, she smiled even more, she liked it very much.

Hu Xing was helpless: "Old lady, I said you don't have to be so excited, right? In three months, you will also have a granddaughter."

"I can't wait to hug now." Jiang Fang hugged Song Yu'er from Reba's arms as she spoke, because she was so cute.

It's just that looking at Song Yu'er, Jiang Fang looks like her daughter-in-law.

"Hey, no, this child looks like my daughter-in-law." Jiang Fang hugged the child, so excited that Hu Xing, who was drinking water, choked on her words.

"Uh, cough~" Hu Xing covered his mouth and coughed, and then said: "Mom, what are you talking about? She was only a hundred days old, why is she like your daughter-in-law, can she speak, and what does she think of your son?" people?"

No matter how you look like your daughter-in-law, this disguise is also implying that Song Yuer is like her future daughter-in-law;

To be simple and straightforward, that is to say, she looks like Hu Xing's future daughter-in-law.

"What are you thinking about? I mean like my daughter-in-law, but I mean like the master." After Jiang Fang realized that her son had misinterpreted her meaning, she beat him even more angrily.

"Oh." Hu Xing scratched his head, it turned out that he was thinking too much.

"Beast, even my younger sister who was born during the day is thinking about it." Song Zhuer even looked at Hu Xing with disdain, this guy is simply enough.

"No, no, it's not my fault?" Hu Xing felt aggrieved, what does this have to do with him?

"Mom didn't explain it clearly." Hu Xing shirked all this to his mother, saying that this had nothing to do with him, it was not his fault, but his mother's fault.

"Hmm!" But at this time, Song Yuer kept looking at her brother-in-law, as if she liked her brother-in-law very much and wanted him to hug her.

After meeting for so long, Hu Xing really hasn't hugged Song Yu'er.

"My sister wants you to hug her." Song Zhuer said to Hu Xing, asking him to hug her sister.

"I don't hold it, I want to give it to my daughter for the first time." Hu Xing said very willfully that he would leave this first time to his daughter.

"Aren't you kidding, even this is the first time?" Even Hu Ying couldn't listen to it anymore. Why are there so many things going on?

"Aha~" Hu Xing didn't hug her, but Song Yu'er opened her mouth and began to cry.

Chapter 1135 Sister-in-law, you are a bit skinny

"Woo~" Poor Xiao Yu'er was crying while watching her brother-in-law.

Hu Xing looked over, and the little girl stopped crying immediately.

But when Hu Xing turned around to help with the bowls and chopsticks, the little princess cried again.

There was no other way, Zhu'er hugged his younger sister, followed Hu Xing, and asked his younger sister to look at Hu Xing.

But when the younger sister stopped crying, Song Zhuer took her away.

When Hu Xing was out of sight, Song Yu'er cried again.

"Hey, what's the matter with this child?" Even Gan Qing was surprised, what happened to the little girl today.

"Do you like your brother-in-law very much?" Song Zhuer asked her sister if she liked her brother-in-law very much.

The little princess couldn't speak either, she just kept crying.

The more I cried, the louder it became. Even if it was useless for my mother to hold her, I still kept crying.

Song Zhuer hugged his younger sister, and walked to Hu Xing's side again, letting his younger sister see Hu Xing.

Miraculously, the younger sister stopped crying when she saw Hu Xing's words, which made Song Zhuer very puzzled.

Hu Xing had already washed the dishes and chopsticks, dried his hands and then hugged Song Yu'er from Master Song's arms.

"Why are you crying, your sister can just hug her." Hu Xing hugged the baby girl and taught her a lesson.

But Song Zhuer used his big eyes to look curiously at this handsome brother-in-law in front of him.

I don't know if it's true or not.

After Song Yu'er and her brother-in-law looked at each other for a few seconds, they turned their heads shyly and hid their little faces in her brother-in-law's chest, not daring to come out to see anyone.

"Hehe~ Are you still shy?" Even Hu Xing was amused by this little girl.

"Also, my brother-in-law warned you, you can't pee your pants on your brother-in-law, and you can't poop." Hu Xing's warning made Song Yu'er look up at him.

But after watching for less than two seconds, she shyly hid again.

When it was time to have dinner, Hu Xing sat down, just about to give the baby to Gan Qing to hold.

As a result, the little princess cried again, which made everyone very strange.

"Brother, when did you attract children so much?" Hu Yun was surprised by his brother's charm.

"Don't forget, when you were young, you used to run around with me." Hu Xing glared at his younger sister.

"That's because I was young and ignorant." Hu Yun said stubbornly.

"Blow it." The two siblings liked to bicker from time to time.

Hu Xing hugged Song Yu'er, but the little girl watched her brother-in-law eat curiously.

But soon, she herself was hungry, Gan Qing carried her into Hu Yun's room to feed her daughter.

After drinking, the little girl went to sleep.

After dinner, Hu Xing sent Song Zhuer's mother off first, and took Song Yuer back to rest.

And he went to the dance studio with Song Ran and the others to check on Song Ran's homework.

But besides Song Ran, there are three other TFs here.

Of course, besides them, there is also Li Hui's niece Cheng Xiao.

This is the second time for Hu Xing to see Naixiao. It's been a year since Cheng Xiao developed better.

"Brother Hu Xing." Cheng Xiao greeted Hu Xing sweetly.

"En." Hu Xing nodded, and his affection for this girl improved a lot.

Among the people present, Hu Xing and Reba are here, and they are also the two most powerful.

When Song Ran, Cheng Xiao and tf saw that Reba was here, they regarded her as a teacher, even if she wasn't a teacher, they would still treat her as a teacher's wife.

"You go over." Looking at Song Zhuer beside him, Hu Xing patted her on the back of the head and told her to go too.

"Ah? I want it too?" Song Zhuer pointed to his nose in surprise and asked Hu Xing, "You want to check mine too?"

"You don't need to check it, but you can take it out for a sharp comparison." Of course, Hu Xing knows Song Zhuer's strength best.

It's just that if we want to check the progress of these five students today, there must be a top student in sharp contrast.

Only in this way can other students be more convinced.

"What is the level of Cheng Xiao's current company in South Korea?" Hu Xing asked Cheng Xiao before the start, what level is he currently in the company.

"Class B." Cheng Xiao said that he is only in Class B now

Korean entertainment companies, that is, the trainees of idol management companies, are of course graded.

Divided into four classes ABCD.

For these four levels of classes, AB class is for self-practice. If there is something you don’t understand, or you want to do better, you can ask the teacher for advice.

The two classes of CD are practiced by the teacher.

Generally speaking, the assessment is dancing and singing, acting skills and artistic skills are not very important...  

Because the debut of an idol is mainly about dancing and singing, and everything else is secondary.

Of course, there will also be airborne births.

Airborne students are trainees who are more capable, and can directly enter Class AB after entering the company, and trainees in Class A who have the most opportunities to shoot MVs, advertising magazines, and the like.

There is also the ability to directly enter the ranks of A+ preparatory trainees. For example, Song Qian was like this when she went to South Korea. She was directly airborne to the A+ class of SM Company. She has the strength to debut, but she is just waiting for the opportunity.

Class A can shoot some MVs, just like when Lin Yooner had not made her debut, she was able to play the heroine of her senior brother TVXQ's MV.

This is the right of Class A, to appear in some required MVs in advance, show a familiar face in advance, and then see if it can attract the masses, if it can, then it is a candidate for the debut, if not, then it can only be considered again.

Cheng Xiao was able to enter Class B in a Korean company, and it only took one year to enter. This is her talent on the one hand, and on the other hand, she has worked hard enough and worked harder than others to do it.

"Brother, how did you do it in the first place? It took only two months to become SM's dance teacher. Even if you have abnormal talent, you can't do it, right?" Cheng Xiao did it by himself. After being a trainee for a year, I realized how hard it is for people outside of Korea to be trainees in Korean companies.

It is precisely because I have experienced 1.6 that I am even more confused about how Hu Xing did it?

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