"Heh~" Hu Xing squeezed his chin and looked at Cheng Xiao with a smile: "I'm different. I already have dancing skills. Before I went to Korea, I could dance folk dances, Xinjiang dances, and Latin dances."

"Know some dance basics. After learning about Korean dance styles, I have to practice hard for two months. With my own dance talent and creative style, this is the only way I can get the title of dance teacher." Hu Xing is simple talk about.

"Oh." Cheng Xiao nodded half-understanding, and said, "But I have only been in Korea for a year, and I have entered Class B from Class D. Many teachers in the company are optimistic about me."

"The reason why I can't enter Class A is because my singing skills are not good enough. As long as I improve, if I can pass the next assessment, I can enter Class A."

Chapter 1136 Assessment!disbanded

"Well, work hard." Hu Xing clapped his hands, Song Zhuer, Song Ran, Cheng Xiao, Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, and Yi Yangqianxi all stood up.

"The assessment is still the same, it's still dancing and singing." Hu Xing took out the usual assessment mode.

First is singing, everyone has prepared seriously, Hu Xing and Reba are talking in a low voice.

The last one was Song Zhuer. While listening to her singing, neither Hu Xing nor Reba spoke, but the others looked at Song Zhuer in surprise.

"The effect is not bad." Di Lieba smiled and said to Hu Xing beside her.

"That's the purpose." Hu Xing was also satisfied, Song Zhuer's performance was indeed good.

"God, old sister..." Song Ran was a little scared, sister is too awesome, right?

Others don't know, but he knows very well.

His older sister is now a high school student. During school, she only has evening self-study time. Apart from practicing on weekends and weekends, she attends classes on time at other times.

The practice time is longer than theirs, but Song Zhuer's singing foundation is good, which is a bit exaggerated.

The breath of singing is very stable, not at all disordered.

Everyone performed the next dance, Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan were silent.

Because after seeing Song Ran's dance, he realized that he was not much better than others.

You must know that Song Ran only started learning and practicing dance last year, but his dance is so good.

Yi Yangqianxi looked at Song Ran, and he recognized it very much in his heart.

As a result, she was the one who was most stimulated. Song Ran has such strength after practicing dance for only one year. This is not just a matter of talent. Without a little effort and dedication, it is impossible to do it.

Cheng Xiao's dance performance was also very good, and the three of tf were really hit this time.

In the end Song Zhuer's performance made them even more dumbfounded.

I thought Song Ran's dance was the best, but I didn't expect Song Zhuer's dance to crush them. I couldn't imagine that this was the strength that a high school student who had practiced for a year should have.

"What's your evaluation?" After reading it, Di Lieba turned her head and asked Hu Xing with a smile.

"A+." Hu Xing was very satisfied. This girl's dancing skills have improved a lot.

Yi Yang Qianxi's current dance has not improved, it is similar to the previous dance.

But in terms of singing skills, it has improved, which is a good thing.

Now Yi Yangqianxi is very balanced on both sides, the lack of improvement in dance does not mean that there is no progress.

"Song Zhuer, Song Ran, the siblings have practiced for less than a year."

"But what about the four of you, at least two years?"

"Gap! Did you see it?" Hu Xing asked them calmly.

"Less than a year." Wang Junkai roared in his heart, how could he have such strength in less than a year?It's not scientific.

"You have also worked very hard, and you have sweated enough."

"But it's not just that you work hard, it's not just that you sweat enough."

"Because you don't know, some people work harder and sweat more than you."

"This is the gap. If you don't compare like this tonight, maybe you will still feel that you are very good?!" Hu Xing mainly aimed at the three of TF.

"As you who have already debuted, you are not even as good as those who have not yet debuted. What do you think in your heart?" Hu Xing poked his heart every word.

"Especially you, put away your arrogance, but tonight your arrogance has also been hit all over the place." Hu Xing pointed at Wang Junkai, this kid is the most arrogant, but Hu Xing has a lot of ways to teach him.

proud?Since you decided to learn from him, Hu Xing, then you shouldn't be arrogant.

He has plenty of ways to make your proud head hang down in front of him.

"I'll give you another half a month. If you still don't meet the standard, then I'm sorry. I will propose to your company to dissolve it as soon as possible."

"The two of you will affect Yi Yangqianxi."

"In my opinion, Song Ran can completely catch up with you and crush you in just one year."

"Instead of you guys going on like this and disbanding, let Song Ran and Yi Yangqianxi make their debut for the second time. This will make them have a better effect."

"Besides, so far, among the four of you guys, only Song Ran and Yi Yangqianxi have shown me that there is a slight possibility that they can reach Zhang Yixing's level and strength." Hu Xing's words were not shocking.

Reba clapped her hands and said, "You danced too hard, you didn't find the balance in your movements, and you didn't even integrate the dance into the soundtrack. This is not acceptable."

"To put it bluntly, the dance of the two of you just regards dancing as a way to complete a task, a mentality to cope with it, not a serious desire to understand and become more proficient."

"This kind of mentality will hinder your progress." Reba is also very amazing in dancing.

"And you..." Reba said while looking at Song Zhuer: "You're so weak."

"What?!!!!" Being despised by Reba, Song Zhuer was furious now, who is weak?

"Not convinced?" Reba smiled and challenged Song Zhuer, saying: "Not convinced, come out to dance?"

"Whoever loses will hang his clothes for a week." Reba was deliberately trying to provoke Master Song 367.

"No." Song Zhuer immediately refused, she is not stupid.

"You are at S level, I am at A+ level, we are one level behind."

"If it's a real dance fight, I'm sure I can't beat you now, anyway, I've only been practicing for a year."

"I'll fight you again when I really reach S rank." Song Zhu'er was not fooled, and was very smart, making Reba's routine invalid.

"Hehe~" Reba saw that she didn't reach Zhu'er in the routine, but smiled and continued: "Cheng Xiao's dance is very good, but there is a little gap with Zhu'er. If you work harder, maybe you will be closer to your debut."

"Others, um~~~ Yi Yangqianxi's mentality and attitude are fine, and the other two are not serious enough." Reba, as a teacher's wife, also has the right to teach them a lesson.

"We will work harder." Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan even lowered their heads and expressed their determination.

"I was dissatisfied last time, but this time I completely accepted." Wang Junkai also apologized to Hu Xing.

Tonight's assessment was over, Song Ran looked at his sister in distress.

"How on earth did you do it? Why did your dance improve so fast?" Song Ran didn't understand this, but Song Zhuer showed off to her younger brother with a smile: "Because I have a good husband, you don't."

Chapter 1137

"Although I don't have much time to practice, but there is a good mentor here, with his experience to teach, and his help to correct mistakes. I can change quickly, and of course I will improve quickly."

"As for you, you haven't seen your teacher once in a few months, so the gap is obvious." Song Zhuer said and patted his younger brother on the head: "Haha~ I am not just your sister, I am still you Senior Sister, at the same time, your strength is not as good as mine, so accept your fate and be a younger brother for the rest of your life."

"I'm definitely better than my sister." Song Ran dared to compare with her sister for the sake of face.

"From the second you compare with your younger sister, you've already lost, Song Ran." Song Zhuer strangled her younger brother's neck, bullying him had become her habit.

Back home together, Hu Xing needs to exercise to relax his body and mind at night.

Three women were at home, one Yujie, one goblin, and one fairy, three women of different styles made Hu Xing continue to be excited this night.

When he got up the next day, Song Jia patted Hu Xing on the back.

"Why?" Hu Xing put his arms around Master Song, and asked Song Jia what was wrong.

"Are you going to die last night? You broke out at Zhu'er three times. What if you are really pregnant?" Song Jia beat Hu Xing for this reason.

Mainly because of the crazy night last night, Hu Xing exploded all the essence into Master Song's cutie

If it was on Reba or Song Jia, then Song Jia would not hit Hu Xing.

After all, they are all adults, and they are pregnant when they are pregnant.

But Song Zhuer is different, this girl just finished her first year of high school, even if school starts in September, then Song Zhuer is still only a sophomore in high school, she is really going to be pregnant, there are only disadvantages and not many benefits for Song Zhuer...

"In that case, how could he still think about it so much, of course it's how he felt comfortable and broke out." Hu Xing couldn't control this either.

"Hee hee" Song Zhuer looked at Hu Xing with a smile, and said, "Why don't we explode a few more times?"

"Still thinking about it? Come on then." Hu Xing has nothing to do now, and he happens to be exercising with his wife, which is what he wants most.

Come to think of it, when Hu Xing came in, Song Zhuer rolled his eyes.

After rolling her eyes for a while, she continued to enjoy the happiness Hu Xing brought her.

Then Reba and Song Jia were also involved.

It was 9 o'clock in the morning and it was 12 o'clock, and they got up contentedly.

They were so hungry that they got up to take a shower.

The traces of last night and this morning must be cleaned. If they are not cleaned, they will feel very uncomfortable and sticky.

"I'm going to Hebei." After taking a shower, Hu Xing wiped his hair and told Reba that he was going to Hebei.

"Are you going to pick up Sister Liying?" Zhao Liying has been back to her natal home for a while.

Since her role in "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" ended, Zhao Liying went back to live with her natal family.

It has been half a month now, of course Hu Xing has to pick her up.

"Yeah, I miss this woman, otherwise I'm afraid she won't know if she can keep her mouth shut at home." Hu Xing hadn't seen Zhao Liying for half a month, of course he wanted to pick up his daughter-in-law and go home .

"Then you go." Hu Xing doesn't have any movies or TV series to shoot now, so he can go wherever he wants.

"You passed, what are you going to do tonight?" Song Jia hooked Hu Xing's neck with her long legs.

Hu Xing was sitting on the floor leaning against the sofa, and Song Jia was sitting on the sofa, which allowed her to hook Hu Xing's neck with her long legs.

"It's okay, last night and this morning, after exporting you, I don't want to think about this kind of thing tonight." Hu Xing felt that he could bear it all night.

"You are crazy." Reba said helplessly: "You can no longer do things with Sister Li Ying, for the sake of the child, scoundrel, you really need to control it."

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