Ninety-nine percent of her skin is marked with the imprint of 'she is Hu Xing's woman'.

Except for Hu Xing, there is no second man who can win her heart.

Not to mention Fangxin, even if it is the opposite sex who is a little closer to her, there will be no second love

Handshakes and gentle hugs are the bottom line for the opposite party to contact her.

Chapter 1149 Neither of you are perfect

"Goodbye." Xu Xian and Yun'er sent Hu Xing to the airport.

"Yeah." Hu Xing kissed them one by one before entering the airport passage.

Back in China, Hu Xing went directly to the crew in Inner Mongolia.

The main part of the scene is the prairie going to the countryside, which is in the Hulunbeier prairie.

All the grassland shots and scenes in the movie are arranged in the Hulun Buir Grassland.

As for the interior of the ancient tomb, it was staged on the shelves and platforms built in the studio, and special effects were used to produce it in the later stage.

Now the main thing is to finish filming the scenes related to the prairie for the time being.

The scenes in New York are all settled now, as long as the scenes in the prairie are all filmed, then I can go back to the studio in Beijing to shoot...

Most of Baby's scenes are on the prairie, only a small part is in the studio.

Even so, the scenes here in the prairie are enough to torment people.

But before going to New York, Hu Xing's lesson to the baby was still somewhat useful.

At least after coming back, the scenes between Hu Xing and baby went much smoother than before.

"That's right, that's the way to act, isn't it?" Hu Xing was relieved, and finally finished filming her part with this famous actor.

In fact, in the play, Huang Bo and baby also have roles, but they are much less.

"Thank you for your guidance." Baby is actually very grateful to Hu Xing in his heart.

If he hadn't woken her up by scolding her, maybe she would still be the same as before.

Hu Xing's gratitude to the baby means he accepted it.

As for whether the baby's acting skills can be improved, it depends on her own mentality.

In short, after this time, Hu Xing felt that he would no longer cooperate with the baby in film and television dramas.

Can't be provoked or can't hide?

In the future, Hu Xing will not accept any works that have a baby starring in them, no matter how good the script is.

Unless he doesn't have any rivalry with her, then he can think about it.

Otherwise, as long as there is a rivalry with the baby, then I really dare not cooperate with her.

"Her eyes are very different." Reba said to Hu Xing who was sitting beside her.

"I noticed." Hu Xing couldn't have missed this point.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?!" Reba turned to look at Hu Xing, waiting for his answer.

"It's impossible to have anything to do with her in this life. No matter how much she likes me, I don't have feelings for her anyway." Hu Xing expressed his attitude very seriously, and Reba could hear his determination.

Women also have women they don't like.

Among Hu Xing's so many girlfriends, Reba felt good after seeing her...

But for some reason, she always felt uncomfortable when she saw the baby.

It's not that I hate her, the main thing is that I don't get along well and don't take the initiative to talk to her.

In this movie, Reba and baby don't have any rivalry.

As for women, there are women of the opposite sex that they like, and of course there are women that they don't get along with, and men are like this too.

"But the way she looks at you is very different, be careful, don't cause trouble." As a woman, Reba has such an intuition.

"I know." Of course Hu Xing knew this.

Even if this cooperation is over, Hu Xing has returned to Beijing from the prairie.

In Beijing in September, many students have officially started school.

Of course his little girlfriend, Zhang Xiying, has also gone back to school, and Hu Xing still knows this very well.

However, when Hu Xing came back to Beijing to film, his friends in Beijing also asked him out, but he said that he had a job, so he really couldn't go out to play.

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, it stopped at the gate of Zhang Xiying's school.

"Hush." ​​Hu Xing whistled frivolously when he saw Zhang Xiying walking out of the school.

"???" Hearing the whistle, Zhang Yuying looked over subconsciously.

When seeing a handsome Gundam guy leaning on a motorcycle in front of him, Zhang Yuying immediately showed a sweet smile, and then trotted towards Hu Xing.

When Hu Xing stood up, Zhang Xiying jumped on top of him.

"Hmm!!!!" As soon as she jumped onto Hu Xing's body, Zhang Yuying kissed Hu Xing heavily.

"Why are you here?" She had never heard Hu Xing say that she would come to pick her up from school.

"When I was in Shanghai, whenever I had time, I would go to Zhuer after school. Now I am temporarily working in Beijing. If I have time, of course I will come to pick you up from school."

"Satisfy your wish for me to pick you up from school." Hu Xing is still very competent as a boyfriend.

"Forget that you love me, I will reward you with another kiss." Zhang Xiying said and kissed Hu Xing again, even though it was fine at the school gate, she still kissed her boyfriend passionately.

Hu Xing supported Zhang Xiying's two long legs with both hands, so that she could kiss him as much as she wanted without falling off.

"Let's go home." Hu Xing hugged Song Zhuer and let her sit on the motorcycle.

When Hu Xing sat up, Zhang Yuying put his arms around her boyfriend's waist.

Resting her chin on Hu Xing's shoulder, she looked at her handsome boyfriend with a smile.

"This is the second time riding on my motorcycle, right? The first time, someone had zero affection for me." Hu Xing teased Zhang Yuying when he drove the motorcycle again.

"I hate it, don't talk about that time again, it's all a loss now." Zhang Xiying opened her mouth in reproach and bit Hu Xing's face, as long as she bit, she didn't bite hard.

0 …………

"Hehe~ You two are the youngest, really."

"I enjoyed the first time with you, but you didn't."

"The first time with the master, the master enjoyed it, but I didn't enjoy it."

"Really, it's the most imperfect first time for the two of you." Hu Xing was a little flustered now.

"I don't want to, okay, I was bullied at that time." Zhang Xiying hugged Hu Xing, all the sweetness overflowed on her face.

"In the future, no one can bully you except me; including Reba, no one can bully you, only me." Hu Xing pinched Zhang Xiying's nose, full of pampering.

"Won't you ever bully me?" Zhang Xiying said, sticking out her tongue at Hu Xing, full of playfulness and cuteness.

"Then don't you just like being bullied by me?" Hu Xing opened his mouth and bit Zhang Xiying's fragrant tongue, and the latter rolled his eyes coquettishly again.

"I must have hurt you in my previous life, otherwise why would I be willing to be bullied by you in this life." Zhang Xiying's unconstrained thinking made Hu Xing even more amused by her.

After letting go of his mouth, Hu Xing started the motorcycle and took Zhang Yuying away.

Many students at the gate of the campus saw Hu Xing coming to pick up Zhang Xiying, and even saw the sweet scene of the two loving each other, some of them took pictures and uploaded them on the Internet.

In fact, this is no surprise, Hu Xing and his girlfriend always show their love openly, they are seen when they are seen, and they never hide. There are also many videos and pictures of them spreading dog food on the Internet.

Everyone commented and envied them when they saw it, but there was no way to stop Hu Xing from being bright and showing affection.

Chapter 1150 Don't Reason With Women

"Should I also take the driver's license test next year?" Zhang Xiying hugged Hu Xing and expressed her thoughts.

"It's best not to, or there will be another female driver." Regarding the girlfriend's idea, Hu Xing just didn't want it.

"What, have some confidence in me, okay? Besides, you need to give me more trust and make me more confident, instead of mocking me here." Zhang Weiying is serious.

"Heh~ If you want to learn how to drive, go learn it, it's okay."

"Learn well, you can drive whichever car you want from our group's car."

"As the girlfriend of Yilong Group's chief designer, you can do whatever you want when it comes to driving." Hu Xing still loves his girlfriend very much.

"No, I just drive a normal one myself, so why are you so high-profile?"

"I drive for transportation, not to catch men, or to attract attention." Hu Xing likes Zhang Xiying's idea.

"I love you." As a boyfriend, of course he had to express his opinion at this time.

After driving back to the house in Beijing, the motorcycle was also put away

"Hey, hello." Hu Xing was very surprised to see Liu Shishi there as soon as he came back.

"Hey, Miss, tell me, how long has it been since we met? Did you forget that you already have a boyfriend and thought you were single?" Hu Xing sat down next to Liu Shishi, and put his arms around him. her small waist.

"Puchi." With Hu Xing's harsh words, Liu Shishi, who was manicuring his nails, couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

"Blame me?" Liu Shishi asked Hu Xing if she blamed her?

"You yourself started the movie in early August, half a month in Inner Mongolia, and then flew to New York for half a month."

"You have been working for the entire month of August, but I haven't seen it? You have seen Sister Jia, Li Ying, and Zhuer?" Liu Shishi was right.

Hu Xing didn't even record a show in August, because he flew to New York to film for half a month.

"What about July? Why didn't I see you in July?" What Hu Xing wanted to say was this.

Counting it, Hu Xing hadn't seen Liu Shishi for 50 days before this moment.

This is also because Liu Shishi is filming in Hengdian, and she also has some affairs at home, and the rest time is also used to accompany her parents to deal with these matters.

In July, after everything was dealt with, Hu Xing happened to fly to New York again.

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