Although they haven't actually met each other, they will video chat and chat on WeChat when they have time, which is an essential chat every day.

"Don't you know what I'm doing? Who gave me the shit and asked me to run all over the country to help you sell the property?" Liu Shishi pressed like this, and Hu Xing had no choice.

"I'm sorry, daughter-in-law, I blamed you for being reckless." Don't reason with women, this is wrong in itself, so Hu Xing should just admit his mistake.

"Are you right?" Hu Xing seemed not convinced by the tone.

"No, I just feel that I haven't seen you for almost two months. Without me to moisturize you, will your skin get worse?"

"Look at you, I haven't seen you for more than 50 days, and you look several years old." When Hu Xing said this, Liu Shishi rolled his eyes: "Then I would like to, but the problem is that when you are busy, I will Not busy; when I was not busy, you were busy again, and you said you wanted me to give birth to you, so the time is staggered, so why do you want it?"

"I'm sorry, daughter-in-law, I was wrong again." Hu Xing admitted his mistake again.

"Hehe~" Reba, who was reading the script next to her, couldn't help but look at Hu Xing with a smile.

"It's good if you know you're wrong, do you have enough ammunition?" Liu Shishi said, putting his jade feet in Hu Xing's palm and giving him the nail clippers.

Hu Xing understood, he just wanted him to help cut the toenails.

Now, Hu Xing carefully cut Liu Shishi's toenails.

"When are you going back to pick up Liying? I haven't seen her for a month, don't you want to?"

"I want to, but I'm afraid that this goblin will not be able to help but push me away."

"This is a critical moment, and I can't let her be willful, so I will avoid her now." Hu Xing cut Liu Shishi's nails seriously.

"Go crazy, now Li Ying is the most critical time, you still want to be like this."

"I'm going to give birth next month, why don't you hurry up and appease this empress." Liu Shishi chatted with the sisters every day, of course he knew that Zhao Liying missed Hu Xing.

"I know, so I plan to go back tomorrow." Hu Xing has already made plans.

"Hey, what a man, I just said that your daughter-in-law misses you, so she flew back immediately tomorrow?" Liu Shishi intentionally teased Hu Xing...

"Then do you want to go back tonight?" With that said, Hu Xing wanted to go back to Shanghai right away.

"I haven't taken a shower yet." Liu Shishi is fine, but the key is that he hasn't taken a shower yet.

She came here after having dinner and chatting with her parents for a while, without taking a bath.

Originally, he thought that he would take a shower after coming here, but now Hu Xing wanted to go back to Shanghai.

"You can wash it on the plane, isn't there a bathroom on the plane?"

"Just take the clothes." Hu Xing had already thought about it, and he could wash it on the plane.

"You all went back, should I live here by myself? No, I'm afraid." Zhang Yuying wanted to take a bath at first, but when they heard they said they were going back to Shanghai, she ran out immediately.

He came out without any clothes on, only wearing a bra.

"You, haha~ put on your clothes first." Reba quickly stood up and pulled up the curtains.

No one knows if there will be paparazzi taking pictures nearby.

So hurry up and draw the curtains.

"Aren't I afraid that you will all go back and leave me here alone?" Zhang Xiying playfully hugged Reba, acting like a baby to her.

"Then you can go back with us, tomorrow is Saturday again, and you don't have to go to class." Di Lieba felt that this was just right.

"Yes, yes, if I want to go back, I will go back on 2.5, but I will be back on Sunday, and I have to go to class on time on Monday." Zhang Weiying agreed with this.

"Then let's go, although it's past 11 o'clock now, it's already past 2 o'clock when we return to Shanghai, and it's 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock when we get home, but this is not a problem, and it happens to be lazy and sleep in tomorrow. "Liu Shishi thinks this is pretty good, and he can leave as soon as he wants, and he is not afraid that there will be no flight.

Anyway, there is a private jet, so why worry about it.

The captain of the private jet is also on call at any time, and the captain also lives in the hotel at the airport. These are all expenses borne by Hu Xing, and it doesn't matter.

Being the captain of a private jet is hard work, but the benefits and remuneration are good.

The three girls packed up, took their own change of clothes, left the residence in Beijing, and drove to the airport.

Chapter 1151 Rich List

"Huh?!" When Zhao Liying woke up, she found that the man she had been thinking about day and night was by her side.

"When did you come back?" She had no idea when Hu Xing came back.

"Humph." Hu Xing woke up and groaned, "It's almost 4 o'clock when I get home."

"Why don't you come back today?" Although she knew why, Zhao Liying still wanted to ask

"I want you to see me as soon as you wake up." It's been a month since I saw Zhao Liying, she must miss him very much

Especially at this critical time, Zhao Liying, who was due to give birth in more than a month, was even more sensitive.

Hu Xing had to come back to accompany her immediately when he had a break, so that Zhao Liying would not be alone in her thoughts.

"You have a conscience." Zhao Liying got up after talking about it.

Now she is wearing maternity pajamas, which are very loose.

When she got up, she had a big belly and had to support her waist when she walked.

And Zhao Liying can't live upstairs now, but can only live downstairs.

Otherwise, it would be unsafe to walk up and down the stairs, which was also arranged by Hu Xing.

With a big belly, going up and down the stairs must be unsafe. Considering this, Hu Xing asked Zhao Liying to sleep in the downstairs room instead of going up to the attic.

Zhao Liying came out after washing, and found that breakfast was ready, and it was made by Reba.

"You came back with Hu Xing last night too?!" Looking at the time, it was already past 8 o'clock.

"Yes, we came back together." Liu Shishi also got up early and couldn't fall asleep.

"Xi Ying is back too. This girl went into the master's room last night. These two girls don't have to go to school today, so they probably will stay in bed together." Di Lieba leaned against the imperial concubine's couch.

The two long legs were crossed like this and even placed on the imperial concubine's couch.

With such straight big white legs, women will be moved by seeing them.

Especially the current Reba, who reads the script seriously, is even more attractive.

Liu Shishi beside her is using the computer to check today's hot news.

"Oh?!" Liu Shishi looked at the news and suddenly saw an interesting piece of news.

"2015 Hurun Post-90s Rich List." Seeing this list, Liu Shishi also said it.

"The post-90s rich list?" Di Lieba, who was reading the script, was surprised after learning this: "Isn't this the top 90 richest people in China? Why is there a post-[-]s rich list now?" ?”

"Yes, I also find it strange." After Liu Shishi clicked to open the rich list, he asked, "Has my husband's net worth been exposed?"

"Exposed? What do you mean?" Di Lieba still didn't understand.

"In this post-90s rich list, our husband is at the top of the list, with 426 billion." After Liu Shishi said, Di Lieba was also very surprised.

"426 billion?" Hearing this number, Zhao Liying also felt strange: "Is this fake?!"

"This is not the only thing about our husband." How much property does Zhao Liying's own man have, anyway, they spend their lives everywhere, and it is impossible for them to spend all of Hu Xing's money.

Last year, Hu Xing had a total fund of more than 600 billion. This is not assessed by fixed assets, but real cash, which is stored in the bank.

And this is not counting the properties owned by Hu Xing at that time. Last year, Hu Xing owned hundreds of properties all over the world. China accounted for the majority, and the United States also had dozens of properties. There are also other countries, and Hu Xing also has them. real estate.

Later, from last year to now, Hu Xing continued to sell and buy.

Hu Xing sold most of the houses with high prices in China, and then relied on the memory of his previous life to buy some houses that are currently relatively cheap in small cities, and then sell them after two or three years. Earn one or two times.

However, during this year, Hu Xing also made a lot of investments.

Hu Xing invested more than 100 billion in Yilong Group.

The investment of more than 100 billion yuan exceeds the total value of Yilong Group itself.

If Hu Xing hadn't invested more than 100 billion in it, the value of Yilong Group would not have exceeded 800 billion RMB so quickly.

In just one year, Yilong Group has gradually become a giant of domestic brands from a car group that was about to go bankrupt.

For now, in the automobile brand value list, Toyota Group is worth more than 2300 billion, ranking first in the world; BMW is second, and Mercedes-Benz is third.

It can be said that Yilong still has a long way to go if it wants to catch up with these three brands.

After all, the Toyota Group is an old group that has been around for decades. Naturally, it will not be caught up by a new car group in just one year.

It is precisely because of the investment of more than 100 billion yuan that Hu Xing's current total net worth is indeed only more than 400 billion yuan.

Although there are only more than 400 billion in cash, he has invested a lot of things. If he exchanged all his shares, it would not be much.

In Yilong Group alone, Hu Xing has at least 20% of the shares. This was decided by Hu Hua, the owner of the group, and Hu Yu, the executive president, in conjunction with all shareholders after he invested 100 billion in last year.

Hu Xing made the greatest contribution to Yilong Group, and invested 100 billion in it. It is not too much to take this 20% of the shares.

The 20% shares in Yilong Group alone are worth more than 160 billion.

At the same time, there are also Hu Xing's 520 bars, which currently give Hu Xing an annual profit of more than 5 million.

The media and related people estimated that based on an average of 1000 million, 520 companies are 52 billion.


Hu Xing already has more than 210 billion in Yilong Group's shares and bars alone.

That’s not to mention, the real estate that Hu Xing owns, I don’t know who disclosed it, saying that Hu Xing owns hundreds of houses across the country.

Because it’s hard to say how many sets it is, and it’s hard to say how much it’s worth.

In the end, he took out Yilong Group's shares and the market value of the chain bars to make an estimate, and added Hu Xing's income from the entertainment industry.

This post-90s rich list gives Hu Xing a total net worth of 426 billion.

"Hehe~ Husband must have water here, more than 400 billion, definitely not the only one."

"But Reba, it's pretty much the same with you." Liu Shishi smiled and said to Reba beside him.

"Why? I'm also on the list?" Reba really didn't know.

"It really does exist." Liu Shishi asked Reba to come and see for herself.

"China's post-90s rich woman, Di Lieba, has a net worth of 66 billion." After reading this title, Reba couldn't help but roll her eyes.

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