But now among the extreme challenges, Sun Honglei has the strongest relationship with Hu Xing.

Because on the show, Hu Xing often played tricks on Sun Honglei, and the two were fighting each other, so the relationship heated up very quickly.

If you really want to say, whoever the man helps Sun Honglei has the best relationship with, it must be Hu Xing.

After all, no matter what kind of relationship is good, there will be a best one, which is inevitable.

"Yes, can you see me?" Sun Honglei just wanted to find Hu Xing to be the best man.

"It's not that I can't, it's mainly because I'm 20 years behind you."

"Is it really okay?" Hu Xing didn't know this either.

"It shouldn't matter. There is no such thing as age difference for best man." Sun Honglei was right.

"I know age doesn't matter, after all, I'm so young and so handsome."

"If I were the best man, wouldn't this steal your limelight and attract more attention?"

"Isn't that bad?" It's not that Hu Xing doesn't want to do it, but the problem is that he is so handsome, and his appearance has crushed Sun Honglei, so it doesn't seem good to let him be the best man.

"No, no, no, I'm not handsome at any time, but I'm the most handsome at the wedding." Sun Honglei immediately disagreed with this statement.

"Haha~" It still tastes like this, and only Sun Honglei can be so confident.

The conditions for the best man, in fact, is that it is best not to choose someone who is more handsome than the groom, and he must be a good friend of the groom, a good friend who is very familiar with him. Another thing is that the best man cannot be married, even if he has a girlfriend, it doesn’t matter, as long as he still Just don't get married.

Although Hu Xing has quite a few girlfriends, and they are both husband and wife, but he has not yet received a marriage certificate, nor has he had a wedding, so he is not considered married.

After all, Hu Xing can be the best man, but he is not suitable to be Sun Honglei's best man.

"Why don't you ask Little Pig, he seems more suitable than me?!" Hu Xing thinks this is the most suitable.

Xiaozhu is also born in the 70s and unmarried. Compared with Hu Xing, Xiaozhu is not as handsome as Hu Xing, so he will not steal the limelight.

"Didn't I ask you first? If you agree to be the best man, then I won't look for Xiaozhu."

"If you don't agree, then I'm going to find the little pig."

"Besides, I also need a brother group here, and my wife found a sister group." Sun Honglei also asked her good friends to help.

"Brothers? Then you don't need to look for us, do you think Xiaozhu, Yi Xing and I are the best man and the brothers?" Hu Xing guessed it all.

"No, Huang Lei and Huang Bo are also brothers." After Sun Honglei said it, she laughed first.

"If Huang Bo hadn't been married, I would have wanted him to be the best man, he would be the most suitable." Sun Honglei was bad enough, and this is also a disguised way to say that Huang Bo is not as handsome as him.

"Okay, you can talk to my brothers first, if Xiaozhu is not the best man, then I can do it."

"Brothers, I have no problem. I can do it anytime. Anyway, I've been on leave for three days. It's up to you how you want to use me." Hu Xing is also quite a friend.

"Okay, I'll talk to Xiaozhu to see if he's right." Sun Honglei now has the bottom line.

"Let me tell you first, there is a beautiful woman in my wife's sister group. You will see her in due time, so don't make up your mind." Sun Honglei's reminder made Hu Xing even more helpless.

"Nonsense." Hu Xing scolded angrily, "Why do you think of going to Paris for a wedding? It's so inconvenient?"

"My wife is beautiful, of course I will go abroad to give her a romantic wedding..." Thinking this way is actually not wrong, after all, many celebrities like to hold weddings abroad.

Anyway, Hu Xing doesn't like to get married abroad. It's fine in China, so why go abroad?

"Okay, let's do this first." Hu Xing still has something to do here, so he won't brag with Sun Honglei for too long.

After hanging up the phone, Hu Xing asked Zhao Liying: "How is it? Next year's May Day will come to you and me. Are you looking forward to it?"

"I'm looking forward to it, but you should be the most excited?"

"Marry me, and give you a little lover as a gift, aren't you happy?" Zhao Liying rubbed her belly. When she gets married next year, she will definitely wear a wedding dress.

After she puts on the wedding dress, she will have a daughter. By then, her daughter will be half a year old. It's really a marriage one get one free.

Thinking of this, Hu Xing felt very happy.

"I was thinking, should I design a wedding dress with my daughter?"

"Let my daughter wear a wedding dress when she is only half a month old, and marry me with her mother." Hu Xing's heart swelled, and he even thought about designing a wedding dress for his daughter.

"Puchi." As long as she imagined her daughter wearing a wedding dress, Zhao Liying felt very cute.

"We'll talk about it when the time comes, and we'll do it according to our daughter's face."

"If the little princess likes it, then put a wedding dress on her; if she doesn't like it, then don't let her wear it." Hu Xing thought so.


On the way home, Hu Xing also asked Hu Fu, asking him if the Mid-Autumn Festival benefits for all the employees of Singer Film and Television Company have been arranged?

If there is no arrangement, then he can give the 200 boxes of mooncakes his mother ordered as a benefit to the company's employees.

Hu Fu said that he planned to give everyone a red envelope to give benefits the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Now that Hu Xing said that he wants to give out mooncakes, it would be good to give out mooncakes.

The key is that Hu Xing's mother always buys branded mooncakes, which cost hundreds of dollars a box.

Such a good benefit, Hu Fu thinks it is also very good.

After all, it's the first year of the company's establishment, and it's the first Mid-Autumn Festival that the company celebrates. It doesn't matter if the benefits are better.

Only when you are good enough to your employees, will your employees work harder for you.

Chapter 1156 The Sensational Event

This year's entertainment circle can be regarded as eventful, especially one incident shocked the whole country's entertainment circle.

This incident is Wang Haibo's prostitution incident.

After this incident broke out, the entire entertainment circle was in an uproar, and many netizens were brought into rhythm. In the end, Wang Haibo was sentenced to 6 months of reeducation through labor.

Hu Xing has also paid attention to this matter for a long time, and it happened in May.

After Hu Xing learned about it, he also learned about it.

As Huang Lei's proud student, he also asked Hu Xing for help, wanting Hu Xing to help investigate the truth of the matter, so as to prove his innocence for Wang Haibo.

At that time, Hu Xing knew what happened, and he also asked someone to investigate the cause of the whole incident.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Hu Xing came to Beijing to do his own work.

At this time, Huang Lei and his agent came to visit Hu Xing and Huang Bo.

The visit to the class is on the surface, but the real purpose is to find Hu Xing to understand the whole incident.

Huang Lei knew very well that with Hu Xing's power, he must have already investigated this matter25.

"This matter is not as simple as you think." Hu Xing crossed his legs and said to Huang Lei beside him.

"I just want to know, what is the reason for this incident?"

"Why was Wang Haibo framed and reported." Huang Lei is one of the people who are most concerned about this matter.

Of course Hu Xing also knew that he cared a lot, but the problem was that this matter was not something he could handle.

Huang Bo also looked at Hu Xing, although his relationship with Wang Haibo was not very good.

But Wang Haibo is notoriously popular, and he is also a very good actor.

Now that this happened, it can be said that people are very concerned.

"As a public figure, this incident has a great impact. In addition, it is the time of the nationwide crackdown on pornography. Wang Haibo committed the crime against the wind and was reported. It can only be regarded as his bad luck." Hu Xing said so, but Huang Lei Not convinced.

"I believe in him, and I will never do such a thing." Huang Lei was a little emotional.

Hu Xing looked up at Huang Lei at this time.

"First of all, you have to calm down, and are you really sure that Wang Haibo is not?"

"He usually has this hobby. It's just that he's unmarried, so it's not cheating. It can only be that when he needs it, he summons the woman who sells this kind of work to make a deal with him according to his needs."

"If this is changed to before, if it has not been reported, then this kind of thing is nothing."

"However, Wang Haibo happened to be at the time when the country was cracking down on pornography. In fact, doing this kind of thing would not affect so much, but he is a public figure. As a public person, he will be punished for doing this kind of thing. Heavier than ordinary people." Hu Xing calmly analyzed it to Huang Lei.

"The key is that he didn't do it this time." Huang Lei clarified with Hu Xing very excitedly, saying that his student didn't do it, and he was wronged.

Hu Xing was very helpless, and then looked at Huang Bo.

"Mr. Huang, you are too excited, calm down." Huang Bo comforted Huang Lei, telling him not to get excited.

"Listen to Hu Xing's analysis of the whole thing first, don't get excited."

"Hu Xing is talking about the essence of this matter. If you are reported during the nationwide crackdown on pornography, you will definitely be punished more severely. Moreover, Hu Xing hasn't touched on the main point yet. Calm down and listen to him first." Huang Bo also said. Stand up and help out.

Huang Lei also knew that he had lost his composure, and later apologized to Hu Xing, saying that he was too excited.

Hu Xing sighed, and said, "This incident is actually due to Wang Haibo's bad luck."

"I went to see Wang Haibo before, and that was the first time I met him."

"Why do you want to watch Wang Haibo? It's because of my relationship with you. We are both teachers and friends. In addition, I used Duoduo to make jokes on the show before. You asked me to help investigate, and I naturally I will also go to investigate, so I went to see Wang Haibo at that time."

"When I met Wang Haibo, he explained to me that he offended the boss by rejecting a TV series that he couldn't afford to invite him to shoot."

"After the next dinner, he entered his room, but he didn't expect a woman to be sitting in the room."

"Intuition told him that someone was framed, and that this woman would do bad things."

"The first reaction was to call the driver and ask the driver to take the lady away. He did nothing and was innocent, so he fell asleep early."

"That's what happened that night." Hu Xing seriously told Huang Lei the whole story.

"Then why didn't he say it?" Huang Lei no longer had the wisdom and high IQ of forgetting at this time.

"If he said it, no one would believe it; at the same time, he is also atonement."

"Because he really did such a thing before, looking for a lady outside."

"But he has a very good character. He was looking for girls when he didn't have a girlfriend, and he didn't do anything to be sorry for his girlfriend."

"Looking for a young lady while single is considered a violation of the law, but you will be detained for half a month or fined less than 5000."

"He didn't say it this time, he was willing to accept all the punishments, just to atone for his sins, and to bear everything this time for the experience of looking for a young lady before."

"He didn't do anything wrong this time, but it doesn't mean he wasn't wrong before. It's just that he chose to accept the punishment this time. Do you understand?" When Hu Xing said this, Huang Lei understood.

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