Di Lieba also looked at Hu Xing, and so did Huang Bo.

"When public figures make mistakes, they will be infinitely magnified. We all know this."

"This time Wang Haibo was reported to the 690 Office. If it were an ordinary person, he would be detained for 15 days."

"But he is a public figure, and he was reported during the National Anti-Pornography Period, so he was severely punished and sentenced to 6 months of C&E." Hu Xing and Huang Lei clarified one by one.

"As for the boss he rejected, he is someone you can't afford to provoke." When Hu Xing talked about this boss, he said that Huang Lei and the others could not afford to provoke him.

"At that time, Wang Haibo didn't say anything because he didn't have enough evidence to prove that he was framed by that boss."

"If you report someone without enough evidence, if the report is unsuccessful, he may die, understand? He is dead, really, this is not a TV series." Hu Xing said very emphatically at the end.

Huang Lei is also aware of the seriousness of this matter, no wonder Wang Haibo is unwilling to speak out

"Even you can't do anything?!" Huang Lei was very surprised, with such a power as Hu Xing, couldn't he still deal with the other party?

"I can, I can even say that Reba can bring down this boss with a phone call without me doing anything; but the reason why I don't do it, as I said just now, is that Wang Haibo wants to atone for his sins, and he doesn't want to I'll help, don't want me to help him avenge his grievances."

"After Wang Haibo comes out, let's see his own wishes before making a decision." Hu Xing had finished speaking, and Huang Lei also had a decision in his heart.

Chapter 1157 Ready to give birth

After Huang Lei left, Huang Bo and Hu Xing looked at each other.

In fact, since this incident happened, Huang Lei has been not at ease.

Because he really values ​​Wang Haibo too much, and he doesn't want to see this happening now.

But this is the unspoken rule in the circle, these stars and actors who are not strong enough in the backstage, of course it is easy to provoke some people they can't provoke.

Not to mention Wang Haibo, Cheng Long, Liu Dehua, and Liu Jialing back then were all because of their good acting, and in the end they offended some big shots in the circle, were kidnapped, kidnapped, or beaten.

If this kind of thing happens to you, it can only be said that it is bad luck.

After all, not everyone in the entertainment industry has someone with a strong background like Hu Xing, Reba, and Han Zhuo.

Only a few people have such a background that no one dares to touch.

Why does Hu Xing have to work hard at such a young age?

Just knowing his own system, the bound heroine only recognizes female stars, so he has to develop himself, and with enough background and background, he can debut with his girlfriends in the future, and he can be better protect them.

While protecting them and keeping them from being hurt, it also makes me feel more at ease.

Now he has done it, but not everyone can do it.

For the matter of Wang Haibo, it can only be said that it was bad luck. I can't blame anyone, but myself.

After all, now that Wang Haibo is about to come out, Huang Lei wanted to avenge Wang Haibo, so he came to Hu Xing for help.

It's not that Hu Xing is unwilling to help, he just said, look at Wang Haibo's thoughts, if after he comes out, he wants to investigate the person who framed him, then Hu Xing will naturally help.

It's also in the circle, so you can't be bullied by those people like this.

If it is an actor with bad character and morals, then Hu Xing may not help.

But Wang Haibo is still okay, and with the relationship between Hu Xing and Huang Lei, they will naturally help.

It's not certain, and it's not certain that I will really associate with Duoduo in the future.

If this is the case, Hu Xing will call Huang Lei's father-in-law.

Father-in-law's most proud disciple is Wang Haibo, in disguise, Wang Haibo is also his senior brother.

Of course, this is all under the circumstances that I and Duoduo are really dating, and it is also possible at present, not really the case.

"Let's go, we're going back." Hu Xing saw that the time was almost up, so he left with Reba.

Tomorrow is the old man's birthday, and Hu Xing thinks it's not too early.

Drive over to Zhang Xiying's school gate and wait for her.

Since he wanted to go back, of course he had to wait for Zhang Xiying to go back to Shanghai directly after his evening self-study.

Hu Xing also finished filming the scene today, and felt that there was enough time, so he stayed on the set and worked until after 9 pm, and then drove out from the set to pick up Zhang Xiying at the school gate.

He came to the gate of Zhang Xiying's school, and after waiting for more than ten minutes, Zhang Xiying also came out.

After going home together to celebrate grandpa's birthday, Hu Xing resumed his work.

September has passed, and this month can be said to be Hu Xing's variety show month.

Why do you say that?On the one hand, in the four episodes of Running Man broadcast this month, Hu Xing's performance once again created a myth.

When Zheng Xiulu and Song Qian were guests on Running Man, Hu Xing's moth made many viewers laugh.

'Bah, break the problem' has also become a popular Internet term used by many fans and netizens.

The ratings of this episode set a new high for running men.

Even for the four consecutive episodes in September, the ratings picked up again, and there was a record of continuous innovation.

In addition to running men, there is also "Wife's Romantic Travel". Hu Xing's performance on the show also made many viewers laugh, and various golden sentences appeared.

On the one hand, I saw the warmth, sweetness, and romance; but at the same time, I also saw the funny scenes of how Hu Xing and Song Jia get along in their daily lives, which made the audience laugh.

And the extreme challenge is also very funny, the combination of Hu Xing and Sun Honglei really did not disappoint

Among the three reality show variety shows, Hu Xing has his own variety show broadcast three days a week.

That is to say, four weeks of programs a month, Hu Xing has 12 programs broadcast a month to spend time with fans and audiences.

As long as you watch his variety shows, you will go again and again, the kind that you will never get tired of watching.

September passed in a blink of an eye, and October came. Hu Xing and Men Gang went to Paris to attend Sun Honglei's wedding together.

After Sun Honglei's wedding, Hu Xing should also be nervous, excited and excited.

Because his wife is about to give birth.

"Hehe~ Why are you so excited?!" Zhao Liying looked at the nervous Hu Xing with a smile: "It seems that you are about to give birth."

"No, my daughter is about to be born, of course I'm excited." Hu Xing sat by the bed, stroking Zhao Liying's belly with his big hands.

"There are still three days left." Hu Xing kept saying to himself, Zhao Liying's birthday was still three days away, and the due date was also here.

I just don't know, will my daughter show up on time?

Of course, apart from this incident, Hu Xing also had to promote his new drama on Weibo.

When the movie "Ruffian Hero 2" was first released, it also received a lot of praise.

The first film was starring Zhao Youting, but in the second film it was replaced by Hu Xing.

Hu Xing is more handsome and taller than Zhao Youting, especially the action scenes in the movie. Many fans give Hu Xing a thumbs up after watching it, which is really in place.

Some even took it out for comparison, and found that Hu Xing's action scenes were much better-looking than Zhao Youting's.

Not only is it good-looking, but it is also very standard, and every movement is very realistic, which is very cool to watch.

The evaluation of this movie is also mixed, but for Hu Xing's evaluation, it is definitely a good evaluation.

Another one is that the first cooperation between Hu Xing and Nazha also made people see the potential of this young couple.

Nazha also acted very well. Although she is not a leading actress, but a supporting actress, Nazha has already done a very good job.

The film was released successfully, and Hu Xing received numerous praises.

Next, for "The New Legend of the Condor Heroes" filmed last year, Hu Xing also continued to promote it on all his programs early on.

Running Man, Extreme Challenge, and his wife's romantic trip, Hu Xing took these opportunities to promote his TV series well, making more people curious about the difference in this version of Shooting the Condors.

The name is actually not called "New Legend of the Condor Heroes", Hu Xing named it "The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2014"

"Excited, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying's version of Shooting the Condor will be aired soon, I don't know what will happen?"

"I'm okay, I'm not excited. I'll be excited when Hu Xing and Zhao Liying appear. I don't think the first episode will appear, so I'll wait for the second and third episodes."

Chapter 1158 Birth? !

"Husband, I have a stomachache." On October 10 at 16:0 am, Hu Xing had been guarding Zhao Liying in the ward, but at [-]:[-] am, she complained of a stomachache.

Hu Xing first rang the bell to let the obstetrics and gynecology doctor come over, and at the same time quickly felt Zhao Liying's pulse.

"Little guy, you are really obedient, come on time." Hu Xing smiled and looked at the fragrant sweat on Zhao Liying's forehead from the pain.

The doctor came soon, and after the examination, it was confirmed that she was about to give birth, so she immediately sent Zhao Liying to the delivery room.

Just when the doctor pushed Zhao Liying out of the intensive care unit, Hu Yu and Jiang Fang also came to the hospital.

"Is it going to give birth?" Jiang Fang immediately asked if she was going to give birth when she arrived.

"Yeah." Hu Xing accompanied him to the door of the delivery room, then turned around and hugged his father: "I'm going to be a father to your son soon, hahaha~ Congratulate me, old man."

"Heh~" Hu Yu also laughed out loud after being hugged by his son.

"Yeah, I'm going to be a grandfather too." Hu Yu was also very excited inside.

"Great, great." Jiang Fang was also very happy. After looking forward to it for so long, it can be regarded as the arrival

Jiang Fang hurriedly sent a WeChat message in the family WeChat group to notify everyone.

Hu Xing's grandpa, great-grandfather, and great-grandfather 647 also knew that Zhao Liying's birthday was the due date.

But they didn't come back in the early morning, after all, they were old.

They couldn't come, but Song Jia and the others in Shanghai rushed over one after another.

"Ouch~" Hu Xing was covering his stomach at this moment, with a distressed expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing her son clutching his stomach suddenly, Jiang Fang asked him what's wrong.

"What else can you do? Isn't it just because of the dinner you made just now, you have a stomachache after eating it." After Hu Xing finished speaking, he turned and went to the bathroom: "You guys watch for me, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Aren't you kidding? Your wife is giving birth in the delivery room, but you're still thinking about going to the bathroom?" Hu Yu smiled and looked at Xiao Pao's son who left.

"What can I do? Your wife made a messy dinner, which caused diarrhea." Hu Xing ran to the bathroom while talking.

But when I came to the bathroom, I had to wait a while, it was full.

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