After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Hu Xing finally got a seat.

At the same time, Hu Yu and Jiang Fang, who were waiting outside the delivery room, heard a wailing cry: "Wow~~~~"

The cry was very loud, which made Hu Yu and Jiang Fang who heard the cry subconsciously look at each other.

I thought it was an illusion, because I wanted to hug my granddaughter so much, that's why I had an illusion.

But after two or three minutes, the door of the delivery room was pushed open, and the female doctor who delivered Zhao Liying in the obstetrics department said: "My God, this is the first time I have seen the first child delivered so smoothly after more than ten years of delivery." Fast."

"Did you give birth?!" Hu Yu and Jiang Fang immediately stepped forward and asked the doctor if they really gave birth.

"I gave birth; it's a little princess." The doctor was also happy for them.

A nurse pushed Zhao Liying, who was lying on the trolley bed, out.

Zhao Liying has nothing but sweat all over her body.

"Hey, Li Ying, are you okay? How come so fast?" Jiang Fang didn't even have time to see the child, so she asked if her daughter-in-law was okay.

"No, it's pretty good." Zhao Liying didn't understand herself, and asked, "Mom, is it so easy to have a baby? It can be done in a few clicks?"

"How is it possible? It took more than 9 hours for my first child."

"Hu Xing was born quickly, Hu Xing came out in an hour, very cooperative." Jiang Fang immediately told her daughter-in-law about her experience.

"Ah? What about me, what is this?" Zhao Liying even had the strength to chat.

Now, the doctors next to me said: "I have been delivering babies for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen the first child delivered so quickly. I read the news before, saying that someone's first child was delivered naturally. It only took more than 30 minutes from entering the delivery room to leaving the delivery room. Minutes, I still think it's a bit too exaggerated, too impossible."

"Now that I have seen it myself, I really believe it." The doctor congratulated them.

"What about Liying's body and the child's body? There won't be anything, right?!" Hu Yu asked anxiously.

"No, they've all been checked. The mother and daughter are safe and healthy, but we still have to take the baby there for a full-body checkup."

"Oh, by the way, where is the child's father? He needs to sign." Only then did the doctor think of looking for Hu Xing.

"That's right, where is Hu Xing? I went in to give him a baby lover, but what about him? Where did he go?" Zhao Liying wanted to ask just now, why didn't Hu Xing see him.

"He has a stomachache and has gone to the bathroom." Jiang Fang hurriedly called her son while speaking.

At this time, Hu Xing just waited for a place, went in and locked the door, untied his belt, and was about to take off his pants when his cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was his mother's call, Hu Xing thought there was something to do, so he couldn't think of anything to do, so he quickly answered the phone: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Where are you? Come here quickly, Li Ying has come out." Jiang Fang told her son to come here quickly.

"What?!" Hu Xing couldn't believe his ears, so it came out?

"Yes, a daughter was born, and the mother and daughter are safe." Jiang Fang told her son the good news.

"No, no, wait a minute, I haven't finished taking off my trousers yet, and Li Ying has given birth?" Hu Xing looked down and saw that he had just taken off a third of it, and he hadn't finished taking it off yet.

"Yes, the birth is over. Come here quickly. The doctor wants you to sign. After signing, you must send Xiangxiang over for a full-body examination." Jiang Fang said so, and Hu Xing didn't care about going to the toilet, so he hurriedly asked I rushed out as soon as I put on my pants, and my stomach, which was already rambunctious, immediately calmed down and stopped making trouble.

Hu Xing ran out of the bathroom, fastening his belt while running, his steps were very funny.

Hu Yu, Jiang Fang, doctors, and nurses who were waiting at the door of the delivery room also thought it was very funny when they saw Hu Xing running over in such a hurry while wearing a belt. This guy really has a sense of humor.

"What are you doing, you've been to the bathroom for so long?" Zhao Liying asked Hu Xing why she went there with a smile.

"No, no, isn't there just no place? I'm waiting for a place in the toilet."

"I just waited for a position, and before I finished taking off my pants, my mother said that you had given birth; shouldn't I put on my pants and run over quickly?" Hu Xing replied, passing by the nurse who was holding her daughter. When he was by his side, Hu Xing subconsciously said hello: "Oh, Xiangxiang, are you born? How are you?"

When Hu Xing passed by his daughter, he greeted her perfunctorily.

While saying hello, he still kept walking towards Zhao Liying.

Chapter 1159

PS: Sorry, I skipped a chapter yesterday, but I made it back today

"..." Hu Yu and Jiang Fang just watched their son greet their granddaughter, is this the end?

"..." The doctors and nurses were also stunned. Is this the father's first reaction when he saw his daughter?

No, when I saw those fathers and my own children before, I always looked at the children first, and after an emotional monologue, I cared about my wife.

But what about Hu Xing, when passing by his daughter, he said hello perfunctorily, and then hurried to see his daughter-in-law?Your daughter is born, and you don't even look at it, just say: 'Oh, Xiangxiang, are you born?Hello 'is it over?

"How is it? Are you okay? Is there any discomfort? How could it be so fast? How long did it take to give birth? This is unscientific? It will take an hour anyway? I think I was struggling to get out of my mother's belly , It took more than an hour to climb out, why did you give birth so quickly??" Hu Xing didn't care so much, and asked all his questions.

"...25..." Zhao Liying opened her mouth, then looked at the daughter in the nurse's arms, and then at Hu Xing. When she noticed Hu Xing's nervous expression, her eyes were even more moist, and she covered her mouth and puffed. I laughed out loud.

" brat, haha~" Jiang Fang looked at her son with a smile, what did she say?

Zhao Liying just looked at Hu Xing with moist eyes.

When she was pregnant, she said all kinds of things that she would only be a little lover in the future, and that she would love her as much as possible, and how much she would love her daughter.

But now, after she really gave birth to his daughter, Hu Xing didn't care about her daughter at the first time, but came to her side and cared about her body.

Judging from Hu Xing's reaction, it's not a show, nor is it a faux pas.

But as an instinct, the instinct of loving and worrying about my wife.

Knowing Hu Xing, Zhao Liying was very moved by his instinctive reaction of loving and worrying towards her from the bottom of her heart.

"I'm fine, but after entering the delivery room, if the doctor told me I wasn't strong enough, he would let me drink a bottle of Red Bull and eat a piece of chocolate."

"I was still drinking Red Bull, so I exerted some force, and felt something fall out of my stomach, and then I heard my daughter crying." Zhao Liying described the incident like this.

"That's it, no more?" Hu Xing was dumbfounded after hearing this, and said, "No, I've already thought about it. After you give birth and I understand how you gave birth, I will write a few thousand words Chang Wen said on Weibo: "How great you are, how hard you are, it's really not easy for a woman to have children."

"But in the end, you just told me to drink Red Bull, and the child was born?"

"It's just a short passage, not to mention a few thousand words, I guess it's not enough to write a hundred words?" Hu Xing was confused now, is it so easy to have a baby?

"Hahaha~" It's this time, why is he still so funny.

"Ah, I don't care, after giving birth, you can figure it out yourself?" Zhao Liying covered her mouth and laughed and cried.

"Have you seen your daughter?" Zhao Liying covered her mouth and asked Hu Xing with tears in her eyes.

"Don't care if you look at your daughter or not, tell me first, do you feel any discomfort?" Just after Hu Xing finished speaking, Hu Xiang, who was originally quiet in the nurse's arms, immediately cried.

"Wow!!!!!!" The cry was quite loud, and it scared Hu Xing into a shiver.

Hearing the child crying, Hu Xing got up quickly, came to the nurse and looked at the child in the nurse's arms.

Hu Xiang, who was still crying, stopped crying immediately after her father stood beside her, but she still pouted her mouth, looking very aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, Dad is here." Hu Xing was talking to his daughter, and at the same time he took the things he gave and signed.

"Then let's take the child for an examination first." The doctor said to take the child for an examination, and the other two nurses wanted to push Zhao Liying back to the intensive care unit to rest.

Hu Xing also wanted to go back with Zhao Liying, so as to take her pulse and check her body.

It's just that as soon as he left his daughter's side, the child cried again.

"Wow~~~~" The child was crying very vigorously, the doctor carried him away, and Hu Xing hurriedly followed.

But as soon as she followed the nurse, she was by her daughter's side, and she stopped crying immediately.

Hu Xing stopped still, and the nurse continued to walk forward, but just about one meter away, the daughter cried again.

Hu Xing followed again, and after catching up, within one meter, her daughter stopped crying again.

When she stopped crying, she stopped again. After a distance of one meter, the daughter cried again.

"Haha~ Hu Xiang, did you do it on purpose? You don't cry when Dad is by your side, and cry again when he is one meter away from you? Be obedient, don't make trouble, Dad is going to see Mom." Hu Xing smiled angrily and looked at the nurse in her arms. the daughter of ri, say to her.

"Ah~~~" As soon as Hu Xing finished speaking, her daughter started crying again.

"Ah, okay, I won't go to see my mother anymore, I'll stay with you, okay." Hu Xing looked at his father beside him a little depressed: "Did your daughter do the same back then?

"No." Hu Yu went there with his son, and Jiang Fang accompanied Zhao Liying back to the ward to rest.

"Hmm." I don't know if it was intentional or a coincidence, but when she knew that her father had to follow her, Hu Xiang even let out a triumphant moan.

This seemed to be announcing to her father that she was the one who won the favor, not her mother.

Accompany the child to the neonatology department, and give the child a full-body examination.

Hu Xing stood outside and watched, but when he wanted to leave, his daughter cried again

When I came back, my daughter stopped crying again. You said that this wonderful 510 is not weird.

After the child was checked and the nurse confirmed that the child was asleep, Hu Xing and his father came to the intensive care unit.

At this time, Song Jia and the others also arrived. Except for Zhang Xiying who was studying in Beijing and Song Zhuer would not be able to come to class tomorrow, Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Nazha, and Reba also arrived.

Chen Kui was also going to come, but she is still a student at Nortel, so she must be attending school now.

"Is it true? From entering the delivery room to exiting, it only took 32 minutes?" Song Jia wondered if this was true. Was it too fast?

"Hehe~" When they saw Hu Xing coming, Nazha and the others all smiled and looked at him.

"Don't talk about it, I'm going to the bathroom." Now that I'm free, my stomach starts to rumble again.

"Hahaha~" I have heard it just now, before Hu Xing finished taking off his pants, Zhao Liying gave birth.

After ten minutes, Hu Xing came out with a face full of comfort.

He came out, but Hu Xing still looked at his mother.

"What kind of cold dish did you make? I ran to the bathroom three times tonight. If you can't make it in the future, don't do it."

"It's a good thing I didn't let Liying eat." Hu Xing blamed his mother for messing with the dishes.

"How did I know it would be such a coincidence?" Jiang Fang also knew that it was her fault, so she naturally admitted it.

Chapter 1160 Little lover is very popular

"Where's my niece? Where's my niece?" Hu Yun arrived a little later, and looked for his niece as soon as he arrived.

"I'll look for your niece when I come here. Why don't you care about my sister-in-law?" Zhao Liying said with a smile.

"Hey~ Sister-in-law is such a big person, don't worry, where's my niece?" Hu Yun grabbed his brother's hand and kept asking him, where's Hu Yun's eldest niece?

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