Sure enough, after two days, it was announced that "Fights Break Sphere" will be launched next year; and "Martial Universe" is the same.

All of them announced that they would start filming. Obviously, when they knew that Hu Xing was going to remake the online novel, they had already obtained the copyright in advance.

They just want to be the first to shoot Hu Xing, and then win this wave of traffic, as much as they can earn.

Regarding the unexpected situation of this matter, Hu Fu hurriedly called a meeting...

"Obviously, we were sniped." Hu Fu knew that we must have been sniped.

"We all know, but don't mess with Wanda Film and Television. They are a company in the entertainment field of Wanda Group. They are supported by the second richest man in the mainland behind the scenes." A vice president of the company said his own idea.

"Yes, the other party made it clear that they wanted to finish the production of these two big IPs before us."

"I don't want to make this wave for us, they come to make money first." For this kind of thing, you can actually imagine it, and there is nothing surprising.

"Do you understand the actors they chose?!" Hu Fu asked, who are the actors used for the establishment of their crew?

"Currently, the leading actor has been confirmed to be Wu Lei. After all, I know that next year I will cooperate with Mr. Hu and you in a costume drama. It will definitely be a hit, so I signed Wu Lei first."

"As for the actress, it seems to be a leading actress who is currently starring in the movie of Master Xing."

"The other one is Li Wei." The news was received very well.

Only Hu Xing is still calm now, saying: "Don't worry about them."

"Just like them, they got the copyright in a hurry and started filming. The plot must not be modified very well; and in terms of the choice of actors, Wu Lei is very suitable, and everyone else is not suitable."

"There's no need to argue with them. Let's take our time and start it according to our plan."

"What we want is not speed, but high-quality goods, and word-of-mouth."

"In terms of actors, I have been basically looking for them with director Jiang Jiajun."

"We will start the machine again later, and don't rush to compare with them. They shoot fast, and it doesn't matter if they shoot badly. When the time comes, we shoot slowly, but the production is good, just give them a slap in the face." Hu Xing didn't care at all He needs to worry about these issues, because he knows that after these two novels have been greatly revised, they have completely lost their original flavor, so there is no need to worry about them. These two TV dramas will definitely hit the street.

"Then what about the copyright you got now?" Hu Fu asked Hu Xing what his plans were.

"I got the copyright, but the novel is not finished yet, so don't worry.|"

"Let's get this done first." After Hu Xing finished speaking, he got up, and today's meeting came to an end.

If Wu Lei, Lin Yun, and Li Huan were still acting, then the plot would definitely be similar to the one in the previous life.

With such a plot, the show must be ruined.

When it airs and gets sprayed, the conscience drama produced by Hu Xing will definitely be one-sided.

Anyway, he respects the original work and will not adapt the content of the novel too much.

The entire TV series will have 95% of the plot of the novel, the remaining 5% of the plot will be removed and unnecessary, and the remaining 95% will be filmed according to the original work. When the time comes, the original party will definitely fall on his side .

And this kind of fantasy TV series, without a huge investment, it is impossible to complete the filming.

Hu Xing has already made preparations for this, and he will definitely spend huge sums of money.

"Did you only arrange two movies for next year's schedule?" Hu Fu came out with the documents and chatted with Hu Xing about his next year's schedule.

"Currently, "Sculpture of God" will take up two months of my time next year, and it is estimated that the filming will be completed by the end of February." Hu Xing told Hu Fu about his schedule.

"After filming this TV series, around April next year, we will be able to start shooting "PUBG Mobile"."

"After filming this, there is also "Operation Mekong". The time is almost the same, and it should be full. Unless it is faster than I expected, otherwise there will be no schedule for next year."

"If there is, we will not be able to start filming until the end of next year." Hu Xing and Hu Fu chatted while walking.

Since the two established the company, their understanding has become more and more tacit.

And the original intention is to create a good film and television drama, what we want is a conscience drama, not a thunder drama.

It is with such a common goal that they really have a tacit understanding in cooperation.

"That's all right, I have time tonight, have a meal?" Today's business is over, and Hu Fu sees that it's almost time, so he plans to ask Hu Xing out for dinner.

"I'm afraid it won't work, I have to go home and be a baby daddy." Hu Xing could only refuse the invitation of his good buddies.

"Okay, you really want to be a competent baby daddy?" Hu Fu jokingly teased Hu Xing: "That is."

Chapter 1222 Stop Saying Your Daughter Is a Little Lover

"Coincidentally." When Hu Xing returned home, he saw Liu Shishi driving back by himself.

"Hey, the handsome guy has come back from where he went." Liu Shishi also saw her husband driving back just now.

So she got out of the car after taking her things, because she saw her husband was waiting for her

After getting out of the car with the things, Liu Shishi trotted into Hu Xing's arms, even hanging on Hu Xing's body regardless of his image.

"What a chic, I went to have a meeting with Hu Fu." Hu Xing hugged Liu Shishi, looking at this girlfriend who was like a little girl, he also doted on him very much.

There is a saying that goes like this, a woman does not need to be mature if she finds the right man; if a woman finds the wrong man, no matter how weak she is, she will become a woman.

Liu Shishi is like this, after finding the right man, in front of her own man, she will always be a girl who can't grow up, no matter what others say she is immature, even if they say she is naive and can't grow up.

But she doesn't care about these at all, as long as her husband doesn't mind, she will be whatever she likes, and that's the most important thing.

"At the meeting, is there any big project that requires you to go out together?" Liu Shishi was quite curious.

"It's nothing, it's just that several big IPs have been copyrighted by other film and television companies, and they want to shoot these TV series earlier than 453 and us, so we just had a meeting." Hu Xing looked down at Liu Shishi's pretty face , Fascinated for a while, and there was no one in the elevator, so he lowered his head and held his beautiful wife's cherry lips.

"En." Liu Shishi was taken aback by Hu Xing's actions, but quickly responded to him.

"The little mouth is so sweet?" After the kiss, Hu Xing praised his girlfriend's little mouth was getting sweeter and sweeter.

"As far as you can say, you are not tired of kissing every day and still say sweet?" Holding her boyfriend's hand, Liu Shishi felt very sweet, but what she said made Hu Xing a little unhappy.

"Tired? How can you be tired? You will only like it more and more." Hu Xing kissed again while talking, and Liu Shishi looked at this domineering man with a smile.

"We'll kiss again when we get home. The elevator is monitored." It's not that he won't kiss him, but there is monitoring.

Maybe in the monitoring room of the community, someone watched them making out through the elevator.

Hu Xing also looked at the camera and blinked his eyes. It doesn't matter if someone is watching or not, anyway, let's provoke them first.

After getting out of the elevator and returning to the door of the house, Liu Shishi entered the password to open the door.

Hu Xing was holding something, and when Liu Shishi came in, he took a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and gave Hu Xing a change.

She gave it to Hu Xing first, and then gave it to herself.

Just a small action can show Liu Shishi's virtuousness and kindness to his man.

Maybe she doesn't know how to cook, but she does other housework, such as mopping the floor and tidying up, very well. It doesn't mean that if she doesn't know how to cook, she won't be able to do housework.

It doesn't mean that if you can't cook, you can't be a good wife.

Everyone has their own talents, whether they can cook has nothing to do with whether they can be a good wife and mother.

Besides, Liu Shishi didn't know how to cook before, that's because there was no need to come to her to cook.

After dating Hu Xing recently, Liu Shishi slowly came into contact with this.

It's not that Hu Xingfei forced her to study, but Hu Xing told her that if you don't know how to cook, how can you cook for your child if he is not at home when he is hungry in the future?

It’s okay to eat outside, but it’s not clean. Do you feel relieved as a mother?

Just thinking of these problems, Liu Shishi started to learn slowly on his own in a very sensible way. Although the progress is relatively slow, he can take action and make changes for himself, which is the best.

"Keep your voice down, lest you disturb Xiangxiang." Liu Shishi said to Hu Xing behind him when he walked in.

The child is still young, and if the movement is a little louder, it may wake her up, or even scare her awake.

So when they are at home now, they do things lightly and dare not make too much noise.

After they came in, they found that Zhao Liying was holding her daughter and was feeding her milk.

"Did you just wake up?" Liu Shishi came over and sat down beside Zhao Liying.

"You came back just a few minutes after waking up." Zhao Liying's pet was sucked by her daughter.

Hu Xing walked in, and after taking a look at Zhao Liying's mother and daughter, he took Liu Shishi's bag in and put it away.

Hu Xing, who came out, sat down beside Liu Shishi, hugged Liu Shishi's waist, rested his chin on her fragrant shoulder, and watched his daughter drinking milk with such a quiet smile.

The daughter seemed to know that her father was back, and while greedily sucking her own food, she kept looking at her father with big eyes, not even willing to blink.

The father and daughter looked at each other for a long time, and Hu Xing said: "Sure enough, they are lovers from previous lives. There is a tacit understanding, right?"

Maybe she really understood, Xiangxiang stopped drinking milk, and grinned silently in excitement.

"Don't say that a woman is your lover in the previous life." Liu Shishi said to Hu Xing very seriously.

"Why?" This Hu Xing really wanted to know what the reason was.

"If your daughter was your lover in your previous life, then theoretically, your wife is your mother-in-law; morally speaking, you have been sleeping with your mother-in-law."

"..." After hearing this, Hu Xing was stunned and looked at Liu Shishi dumbfounded.

"Puchi." Zhao Liying, who was holding her daughter, burst into laughter all of a sudden.

"No, no, wait a minute, why did my wife become my mother-in-law after giving birth to a daughter?" Now Hu Xing was really in a hurry, it was unscientific.

"Isn't that what you said? You always said that your daughter is your little lover."

"Li Ying is the mother of your little lover, so from the perspective of inheritance, you have to call Li Ying mother; that is to say, you sleep with your mother-in-law every night; this makes sense, right?!" Liu Shishi Clap your hands and patiently explain to Hu Xing.

"..." Hu Xing found out that there seems to be nothing wrong with this?

"Haha~" Zhao Liying, who was holding the child, found this too relieved.

"mua." Liu Shishi hugged Zhao Liying and kissed her on the small mouth: "Let him chatter all day long and get close to his little lover from the previous life, and he has left us in the cold."

"It's only been a month since I was born. Wouldn't it be even more exaggerated if I could walk and talk in the future?" Liu Shishi felt that this time he had won the round.

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhao Liying felt that this was too right, there was nothing wrong with it.

"You, come, I will make you pregnant." Hu Xing said, and the princess picked up Liu Shishi and wanted her to go in and get pregnant.

"I don't want it. Now I'm ready to make dinner and I have to make it again when I go to bed at night. I can't bear it." Liu Shishi struggled to say no, but the hands holding Hu Xing's neck were very honest.

Chapter 1223 It will be fun when you grow up

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