"If you don't want it, then you can go shopping for vegetables. I'll cook for you tonight."

"My intuition tells me that this time you go shopping, I cook, and after eating this meal, we will play some new poses together in the evening. I guess you will be pregnant in half a month." Hu Xing These are all lies to ghosts, but unfortunately, Liu Shishi really believes it.

"I believe you are a ghost, you are a bad old man, you are very bad, you will lie to me and say that you are pregnant in the new position." This is the most classic catchphrase nowadays.

And after Hu Xing said it on the show, it became popular when many viewers used it for chatting. This meme is very interesting. Recently, no matter what celebrity is, as long as they are on the show, they will use Hu Xing’s meme if they have the opportunity Come on for a joke, it works really - really well.

"Haha~" Zhao Liying laughed and looked at Liu Shishi.

"Hurry up, do you want to eat, Meidi is a terrible old woman." Hu Xing laughed and slapped Liu Shishi on the buttocks, and asked her to go shopping.

"I don't have money, you give me money." Liu Shishi said that he had no money, and Hu Xing looked at this woman with contempt.

Hu Xing conveniently took out a piece of 100 face value money from the strokes on the wall next to her and gave it to her.

"..." Liu Shishi was dumbfounded again, and said, "Are you hiding private money again?"

"What do you mean I have hidden money? Just kidding, I have been hiding it all the time." After Hu Xing finished speaking, Liu Shishi kicked his ass: "What are you having for dinner tonight?"

"I don't know. It's up to you to buy it. I'll do whatever you buy."

"Teacher, let me go with you, let my husband take care of the child at home, just go out for a walk." Zhao Liying has finished confinement, and tomorrow is the child's full moon wine. This is the child's grandparents, great-grandfather, great-grandfather and Tian The grandparents unanimously decided to serve the full moon wine to the children.

The custom of their Hu family is like this, the daughter has a full moon wine, and the son has a birthday banquet.

After confinement, Zhao Liying can come in and out freely.

In fact, during the confinement period, Zhao Liying also went out several times

In many places, women are not allowed to go out within 30 days after giving birth, and they are exposed to the wind.

Because after giving birth, my body is weak, and I am afraid that the root of the disease will be caused by the wind and cold, so I can't go out.

In itself, Hu Xing's mother and Zhao Liying's mother also disapproved of their daughter going out.

But considering that when Zhao Liying gave birth, it only took half an hour to give birth, and her body was not weak, and Hu Xing also helped Zhao Liying to recuperate her body.

So Zhao Liying was discharged from the hospital three days after giving birth, and a week after returning home, she was able to go out.

It is possible to go out, but it is limited to Hu Xing's house and Hu Xing's parents' house, not to far places.

After all, she has to take care of her children, so she can't go too far now.

When she is going to film in Hengdian next month, Zhao Liying will also take her daughter there.

"To be honest, do you have it?" After going out, Zhao Liying took Liu Shishi's hand.

"Have it? Don't you?!" Liu Shishi didn't even know that he had it.

"Didn't you notice that you didn't have your period?" Zhao Liying asked Liu Shishi in surprise, did she not notice this problem?

"No, it's coming." Liu Shishi said that her period had come.

"Here? When?" Zhao Liying thought Liu Shishi was pregnant before.

"Didn't you just leave? Otherwise, can I agree to give my husband a new pose tonight?" Speaking of this, Zhao Liying covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, and Liu Shishi also gave this girl a shy look.

"Do you really believe the nonsense that your husband said? Highly difficult poses are more fertile?" Zhao Liying will never believe such words.

"Believe it or not, you don't know?" She felt that there was no need to explain this kind of thing.

"That's right, but the new posture is very enjoyable. There is nothing wrong with this." The two women went shopping, and Hu Xing took care of the children at home.

Hu Xing just stares at his daughter like this, but because he is a man, he is clumsy with children.

When holding his daughter, Hu Xing felt very funny.

"No, it's better to wait until you grow up a bit and can walk."

"I'm still young, and my dad doesn't dare to be careless, so I accidentally hurt you." Hu Xing scratched his head and said to his daughter very entangled.

It's just that his daughter didn't speak, she just kept looking at him.

After waiting for a while, Nazha also came home, and when she saw Hu Xing holding the baby, she smiled and said, "Can you do it? It's so awkward to hold the baby?"

…… 0 asking for flowers…… ……

"Isn't this afraid of hurting Xiangxiang?" Hu Xing hugged his daughter, and said to Nazha, "Gugu, you wash the rice and cook. Shi Shi and Li Ying went to buy vegetables."

"Okay, how much will you cook? Are all the sisters coming back for dinner tonight?" Nazha also came back from another place, because tomorrow is Hu Xiang's full moon wine, and there will be a dozen tables of banquets in the manor of Hu Ji.

In addition to Hu Xing's relatives, Zhao Liying's parents and younger brother, there are also some friends who usually have a good relationship with the Hu family.

Friends of Hu Xing and Zhao Liying were rarely invited, and Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying must be among them.

And Zheng Kai must have invited him, usually friends from Shanghai, if not from Shanghai, he would not be invited, otherwise he would be ashamed to let people fly over thousands of miles to participate in his daughter's full moon wine.

Although it is said that Hu Xing has a very strong relationship with the Running Boys, the Extremely Picky Boys, and He Jiong, but because they are not from Shanghai, Hu Xing will not invite them.

"They all come back. I will deal with anyone who doesn't come back for this kind of thing." Hu Xing attaches great importance to this.

"Am I the first to come back?!" Nazha asked Hu Xing with a smile.

"You are the first one to come back from other places." Hu Xing looked at Na Zha who came out. This woman had already changed into very casual and homely clothes.

However, some of her lower clothes were missing, and her two long white legs were dangling in front of Hu Xing.

"You wear long trousers. Looking at your long legs, I'm so impulsive." It's good to be holding my daughter, otherwise Hu Xing will definitely pounce on her right now and give this goblin an immediate execution.

"Humph, don't wear it!" Just because he was disobedient, Nazha also said: "I originally had such good long legs for my husband to see, but now that I am at home, of course I have to show them to my husband, otherwise there will be less of them." a meaning."

"Hey, have you been so good at talking lately?" After hearing Nazha's words, Hu Xing felt very comfortable

Nazha bit her cherry lips, and looked at Hu Xing charmingly and coquettishly.

The pretty face slowly approaching seemed to be giving Hu Xing an offensive message, asking him to reward her with something quickly.

Chapter 1224 There Are Huge Projects To Do Tonight

"Yeah." Hu Xing unceremoniously held his pink and tender mouth, savoring his girlfriend's little mouth carefully.

It's just that the daughter was unhappy when she saw her father kissing another woman, she opened her small mouth and burst into tears.

Regardless of the daughter's crying, Hu Xing and Na Zha's passionate kiss lasted for more than a minute, and finally they were really disturbed by the daughter's crying, so they stopped.

But after it stopped, Xiangxiang's crying also stopped, but she was very aggrieved, pursed her mouth with jealousy, and looked at her Aunt Gu with the same small eyes as she would look at a rival in love.

"Hehe~ Why are you looking at Aunt Gu with such hostile eyes?" Nazha smiled and teased Xiangxiang's chin with his jade fingers.

"Hmph..." The little girl was quite jealous, as if she didn't want Aunt Gu, a rival in love, to touch me.

"Okay, Aunt Gu won't kiss, let Aunt Gu hug me." No match, no match, this child is really strong, relying on his own little child, he can make anyone his love rival.

But she was still very face-saving, Aunt Gu gave her a hug if she wanted to.

"mua." Holding Xiangxiang, Nazha kissed the little girl's mouth...

"Crack." Hu Xing immediately slapped Nazha's big white leg, and said, "You're wearing lipstick."

"Puchi." As soon as she finished speaking, there was a lip mark on Xiangxiang's little mouth, which was obviously stuck on by her Aunt Gu's lips.

Hu Xing used a towel to gently wipe off the lipstick on her daughter's mouth.

During this period, Hu Xing's wives also came back one after another.

Reba is also back. She was cooperating with Tang Yan and others in "Carat Lover" in Shanghai. Hu Xing has already visited her set, so she came back after work tonight.

There is definitely nothing wrong with having a role tomorrow, but she can come back to participate in Hu Xiang's full moon wine tomorrow afternoon if she doesn't have a role.

After Reba arrived, Zhang Weiying and Chen Wei also came to their home in Shanghai from Beijing.

The three chicks from South Korea also came back one after another, and they all came back at dinner time.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, they all come back at this time." After Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying came back, they found that all the younger sisters had returned, only the eldest sister hadn't.

"When did Sister Jia come back?" Nazha didn't know, so he asked everyone.

"I called just now and said that all the private jets were used by you, and there was no special plane to pick her up, so she had to fly back." Liu Shishi knew this.

"Three private jets are not enough?!" Nazha was very surprised by this.

"One flew to South Korea to pick up Yun'er, Xiaoxian, and Little K; you also took one, and the other flew over from Beijing, and there was no private jet to pick up Sister Jia, who was filming in Shenyang." Liu Shishi calculated it carefully, and Nazha knew it.

"Sister Jia is filming in Shenyang, didn't she say she was in Beijing two days ago?!" Naza really didn't know about this.

"No, I arrived in Shenyang yesterday, otherwise I would have come back with us." Zhang Weiying shook her head, saying that she had contacted Song Jia before.

"That's really a coincidence." In this case, Song Jia can only be a flight.

"In that case, what time is the flight coming?!" Reba didn't know the exact time, she was filming all day and didn't have time to read WeChat.

"It's about this time. Come back home around 7 o'clock, just in time for dinner." Liu Shishi knows this very well. After all, if you rank according to age, Liu Shishi is ranked second.

Song Jia, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, Lin Yuner, Xu Xian, Gu Li Nazha, Di Lieba, Zheng Xiulu, Chen Yu, Zhang Weiying, Song Zhuer.

This is how they are sorted by age.

Song Jia is the eldest sister, Liu Shishi is the second sister, and currently Song Zhuer is the youngest.

It's just interesting that there were two in 87, two in 92, and two in 94.

"Ding dong." Reba, who was playing with her mobile phone, received a text message after swiping her card.

Reba glanced at it, it was from an aircraft company, so she opened it and took a look.

"Yes, your husband really loves you, and bought two more private jets." After reading the text message, Reba told the sisters the news.

"Buy it again?" Nazha was very surprised when he learned about this. Isn't it enough to have three private jets?

"Buy it if it's not enough, why don't you enjoy so much money?"

"You still expect me to really plan to save it for your son to marry a wife?"

"The money I earn, don't give it to my wife, daughter-in-law, or girlfriend. Why do I have to wrong my woman and save it for the brats?" This reason is very strong, and the girls looked at Hu Xing with a smile... 0

"You're smart." Nazha gave Hu Xing a look, and said, "I'll give you a difficult pose tonight."

"Just stay there, don't talk about this kind of topic, I'm drooling." Liu Shishi bit his cherry lips, and glared at Na Zha, the goblin who is both a junior sister and a younger sister.

"It's just right, my husband is thirsty." Zhang Weiying was hugged by Chen Yu, and even kicked Liu Shishi's ass with her jade feet.

"I don't want to talk to you, I feel like I've entered a very dirty home."

"Talk about this every day." Xu Xian is the most innocent. Although she is already a woman, she still doesn't feel comfortable talking about such topics.

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