"To be precise, after 0 o'clock tonight, it happens to be the Xiangxiang full moon." Reba said that she knows this matter very well, and naturally she also knows this album very well

"This album has been preparing for this album since January this year when he learned that Liying was pregnant."

"He knows that after he becomes a father, more people will definitely ask him to release an album."

"Sure enough, with the few songs from "Shooting the Condors" and the two songs released on the day Xiangxiang was born, more fans are looking forward to his album release."

"These are all his foreshadowing. As for the release of the album at 0 o'clock tonight, he did not notify any fans. It is a secret behavior. It will be released at 0 o'clock tonight. As for the number of hits and how many people know about it, it depends on the sky. Already." Reba also thinks this is pretty good.

She has released two albums, and Hu Xing has only released one.

"Could it be that this time your concert will be held together?!" Yun'er put down her chopsticks and asked the key point.

Hu Xing and Reba ate silently without speaking.

"Sure enough." Xu Xian squinted her eyes and said, "Last year, when I asked you to participate in our concert, it was Sister Yun'er who took the initiative to send you into the wolf's mouth, and you agreed to take advantage of it."

"As a result, Reba has a concert, you release a record first, and then hold a concert together."

"What do you mean this is?" Xu Xian's question made Hu Xing smile and remain silent.

"Don't listen, don't listen, Xu Xian recites the scriptures." Hu Xing ate alone, and muttered to himself.

"Puchi." Hu Xing muttered, successfully making everyone laugh.

"Ouba!!!" Xu Xian asked Hu Xing to be more serious.

"Okay, okay." Now that he had to be serious, Hu Xing explained: "It's all a coincidence, do you believe it?"

"I believe you are a ghost, you are a very bad old man." Almost everyone tacitly used this sentence to complain about Hu Xing.

"..." Hu Xing looked at his wives dumbfounded now, why are they all in such a tacit understanding now?

"Oh, really, I don't want to eat it." After being complained about, Hu Xing said with a depressed face that he didn't want to eat it.

He didn't eat, but the girls continued to eat happily.

"If you don't want to eat, take your daughter there." Knowing that Hu Xing ate less, Zhao Liying didn't mention him.

After living together for so long, don't you know how much your husband eats?

In fact, Hu Xing eats a lot, just because he wants to control his body, and he has the perseverance to keep himself from eating too much. Every night for dinner, he only eats a small bite of rice, and he can just order a la carte.

If you don't eat, you can't just eat vegetables.

Eat some rice as much as possible, just don't let yourself starve and get stomach problems.

Hu Xing carried her daughter over there, Xiao shook his head and was already yawning, it looked like he was really planning to go to bed.

"Don't sleep yet, okay? Dad will give you a bath first, and then go to bed after washing, okay?" Hu Xing planned to take a hot bath for the child.

"Will you wash the child?" The child is already one month old, but Hu Xing hasn't bathed the child yet, so Zhao Liying is very worried about this problem.

"Don't you wash it like I washed it for you?" Hu Xing asked a stupid question.

Chapter 1227

"Isn't it just like I washed you?" Hu Xing asked a stupid question.

"Hahaha~" It's so cute, there is such a man?

"Wait a minute, come on, I'll wash Xiangxiang after I finish eating, you don't need to wash." Zhao Liying is really afraid of this man, and actually bathes her daughter in the same way as bathing her?

"What's the matter? Isn't it?" Hu Xing hugged Xiangxiang and asked Zhao Liying, isn't she?

Even Xiangxiang looked at her father with wide eyes, as if to say: Dad, I was born by accident, right?You bathe me the way you bathe your mother?What about trouble?

"Can it be the same?" Zhao Liying glared at Hu Xing shyly.

"Puff~" The others who were eating were now trying their best to hold back their laughter.

"Oh, it's fine to use the way I bathe myself." Hu Xing acted like a good father, and I knew how to take a bath.

"Ahem, cough~" Song Zhuer, who had endured the discomfort, suddenly burst out laughing.

She burst out laughing, and the rice in her mouth sprayed out at Zhang Xiying beside her.

"Pfft! Puff!" If one laughs, there will be a second and a third.

"Hahaha~" All the laughing people raised their heads and laughed loudly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The few 130 laughed and apologized in embarrassment.

"Come here, I don't want you to wash Xiangxiang." Zhao Liying didn't even think about eating now, and said, "You don't even know how much hot water to bathe your child, do you?"

"Could it be that you need to use boiling water?" Now Hu Xing looked very naive.

"Let go of my daughter." Now Zhao Liying quickly put down her chopsticks and said excitedly, "Bathe my daughter with boiling water, do you want her to peel her skin or shave her hair?!"

"Haha~" This father is poisonous, and all the girls who were eating were laughing like crazy.

"How much does it take? I really want to study well, just tell me." Hu Xing really didn't understand.

During this month, although he often accompanied the mother and daughter, he never bathed his daughter once, so of course she didn't know.

"At 37 degrees, you can only take a bath with warm water at 37 degrees. If it is too high, it will be hot, which will cause sequelae such as not wanting to take a bath, being afraid of taking a bath, or crying as soon as it hears that it is necessary to take a bath." Zhao Liying also taught seriously husband.

"37 degrees? Oh, I understand." Now Hu Xing understood and remembered the temperature.

"The bathroom heater should be turned on in the bathroom to keep the bathroom from getting too cold."

"Now that the weather is cold, the baby can't catch cold in the bath. He must have heating to undress the child for a bath." Zhao Liying told Hu Xing all these skills.

Hu Xing lowered his head and glanced at the girl in his arms: "Look, there are so many things to do when you take a bath, and it's not so troublesome when you wash your mother. Your small body is so particular."

"Shut up!" Hu Xing couldn't help driving again, and all the girls told him to shut up in unison.

"Besides, your grandma didn't pay so much attention to bathing your father back then. She just wiped her body with a towel. Take a bath? You are beautiful, do you like washing or not?" Hu Xing muttered to his daughter.

"Hahaha~ What are you talking about? I have seen your mother bathe you, okay?" Hu Ying helped her mother to prove it.

"Wash Hu Yun ten times before washing me once."

"So, I've always felt this way, Xiangxiang, your grandparents are true love, and your father and I are just an accident of your grandparents." Hu Xing chattered about his parents.

"Haha~" I couldn't take it anymore, a good dinner, which was supposed to be warm, turned out to be a comedy.

"Woo~" Xiangxiang might be really afraid of her father, so she cried arguingly, and turned her head to look for her mother, as if she was afraid that her father would bathe her, and she would really wash out moths.

"No, you have to go to the childcare center to learn how to take care of children."

"You still have a lot to take care of in the future." Liu Shishi immediately told Hu Xing that he should have time to study these things.

"No, just use Xiangxiang to practice. I usually teach myself." Hu Xing comforted himself.

"Woo~~~~" Maybe she really understood, Xiangxiang cried immediately.

"Hahaha~" Zhao Liying hurriedly hugged her daughter while laughing.

As soon as she hugged her, Xiangxiang stopped crying. Obviously, her father's weird idea just now scared her.

It's just that Hu Xing scratched his head in embarrassment, not to mention how cute it is.

In fact, it can be seen that he wants to be a good father, but he is too unscrupulous.

"It's okay, don't cry. When you can talk in the future, you can complain to grandma and let grandma take care of dad." Zhao Liying comforted her daughter not to cry, and told her to grow up quickly.

When I grow up, I will sue my grandma and let my grandma clean up my father.

When Zhao Liying was bathing the child, Hu Xing was still watching from the side, remembering all the details from his wife bathing her daughter, so that she would be able to bathe her daughter by herself in the future.

Hu Xing studied very seriously and acted like a good father.

As soon as her mother finished bathing her, Hu Xiang looked at her father and talked to him with her eyes: "Look, my mother will give me a bath. Dad, you are not serious."

"Hehe~ What kind of eyes are you looking at? Are you showing off?" Hu Xing teased his daughter's chin with his fingers.

But the child ignored his father and yawned, indicating that he was going to bed.

Zhao Liying should put the child to sleep first, and let her fall asleep, so she can relax.

The child is asleep and the door is still closed, but the TV cannot be played too loudly.

While watching TV, Hu Xing was still using the computer to see how the scene of his daughter's full moon wine would be arranged tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I will definitely ask my mother's flower shop to decorate the scene. This is a must.

Moreover, there are a lot of balloons and other things to be prepared. The employees of the flower shop have to work overtime tonight.

"Is this arrangement okay?!" Hu Xing hugged Zhao Liying, and discussed with her how to arrange the scene of her daughter's full moon wine tomorrow.

"Okay, this is pretty good." Zhao Liying also wanted to give her daughter a good full moon wine.

Others are also helping to watch, searching for some videos on the Internet and watching, and then learning some experience.

Tomorrow will definitely be very lively. Of course, those aunties like them will help with the decoration very carefully.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, all the girls went to take a bath one after another.

"What kind of job is the dead ghost still working? Come in quickly if you don't give me." When Hu Xing was still working, Nazha walked over aggressively, grabbed Hu Xing by the collar, and told him to go back to his room to sleep.

Chapter 1228

"Haha~ what are you doing, I can finish it later." Hu Xing originally wanted to finish the finishing work, but he didn't expect this woman to rush him into the exercise.

"Is it important to work, or to enjoy the time when these nine people are together?" Hu Xing, who was stumped by the words, was speechless: "Enjoy, enjoy! Yehe~"

Since it is going to be done, it must be much crazier tonight. There has never been a good thing. Hu Xing will naturally not let it go. This night is the most beautiful, and it is also the most exciting night for Hu Xing so far. one.

This night, Hu Xing was much more excited than usual.

The next morning, he woke up early.

Looking at the atmosphere in the room, and the girls on the bed, I still feel a little bit of pride in my heart.

Hu Xing got up early in the morning to see the child, and Zhao Liying slept beside her daughter.

Last night, Zhao Liying was exercising with Hu Xing and the others.

But when she heard the cry of the child, she knew that her daughter must have woken up from hunger, so she went over to feed the child and put her to sleep after feeding, and she slept in the child's room when she was tired. In the past, I also got up very early this morning.

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