She was feeding her daughter, but when she saw her father coming in, she gave the baby to him, and she went back to sleep by herself, she couldn't sleep, she was too tired.

After many women have given birth, they don't like doing this very much.

On the one hand, it is too tiring to take care of the children, and I don't have the mind to do this kind of thing at all.

The reason why it is said that the three-year pain and the seven-year itch is because of the birth of a child. Women have to take care of the child. It is really too much thought. When I can finally sleep at night, of course I want to have a good rest.

But men don't understand how tiring it is to take care of children, so they want to do something with their wives at night.

At this time, the wife said that she was too tired and didn't want to. Over time, if the man was not released, of course he would mess around outside.

In fact, Zhao Liying is also like this. After giving birth, she actually lost a lot of interest in this aspect.

Before she was pregnant, as long as she had time, she could think about it all the time.

When you have time, it's okay to come together a few times, even for a few hours.

But after giving birth, she didn't think much about it, because it's been a month since she was in confinement, and she felt that she didn't have enough sleep time, so she didn't have the time to think about these things.

Imagine that the child goes to bed at eight or nine o'clock, and Zhao Liying goes to bed around 11 o'clock, and then at one or two o'clock, the child wakes up hungry, Zhao Liying must get up to feed her, right?It takes ten minutes to feed the baby.

But when the child wakes up, Zhao Liying has to get up to feed the child no matter how sleepy she is; after feeding the child for more than ten minutes, Zhao Liying also wakes up a little bit, but, the child can't go to sleep immediately after drinking, because at least he needs to sleep and drink enough. It took an hour or so to sleep again.

At this time, Zhao Liying had to accompany and coax the child. If the child was more obedient and could not sleep or cry, then Zhao Liying could sleep by herself.

If the child is misbehaving and her mother ignores her, she will cry when she feels bored, so Zhao Liying doesn't have to sleep.

After the child falls asleep, it will be past three o'clock, right?

After three o'clock, I finally fell asleep, but I woke up again around six o'clock in the morning, and you had to feed her again.

After all the tossing and going, it was already seven o'clock, and Zhao Liying didn't sleep much all night.

You said like this, when she doesn't have a good rest and her work and rest schedule is completely irregular, can she have the mind to think about doing these things?

From another perspective, if it were the man himself, then he wouldn't have the heart to think about doing that.

Hu Xing understood Zhao Liying very well, so when he was at home, he would help Zhao Liying take care of the children.

But now there are very few who can help with it, because all the children drink breast milk, and if they don't feed milk powder now, he can get up, but he can't feed milk by himself, so Zhao Liying can get up in the end.

If he hadn't made some body-replenishing soup for her every day, Zhao Liying would not have been weak even when she gave birth to a child, but if she was tossed about by the child like this, her spirit would be bad, and her body would also be weak.

Hu Xing didn't understand before, but since Zhao Liying gave birth to a child, he really understands why such cheating occurs after marriage.

It is precisely because he understands this that he will be more considerate of her, and if he can help take care of the child, he will definitely help, so that his wife can reduce the pressure and rest more, so that his own happy life can be more stable

…… 0 asking for flowers ……

"You're very good, you didn't bother mom, dad will reward you." Hu Xing kissed his daughter's face, and his daughter grinned amusedly.

But when he got up in the morning, Hu Xing was going to change the diaper for his daughter and put on all the clothes. After making sure that his daughter would not catch a cold, he temporarily put her in the crib and fell asleep.

Putting her daughter to sleep in the crib, Hu Xing helped her daughter with a few nitrogen balloons he bought last night, so that she could focus all her attention on the balloons, so that her daughter would not worry about being alone because of herself. People feel too bored to feel safe and cry.

As long as she moves her hand a little, the balloon will move. Such a new thing is always incredibly attractive to a one-month-old baby.

…… 0

"Ha~ha~" Hu Xiang can play around by himself, and is very happy.

Her father tied a balloon to her hands and feet, so that when she moved excitedly, the balloon would move, and when she saw the balloon move, she would be very happy.

With the balloons to accompany her, she wouldn't even think about where her parents went?

Hu Xing was cooking porridge in the kitchen, and from time to time, he glanced at his daughter in the crib at the kitchen door, seeing her having a good time, and he felt more at ease.

In the morning, Liu Shishi got up to go to the bathroom. There was a bathroom in the master bedroom, so she went out to the bathroom outside.

After coming out of the bathroom, she happened to see a few balloons moving, so she went over to look curiously.

"Puchi." After seeing the situation clearly, Liu Shishi covered his mouth and chuckled: "Your father is really good at it, and he can think of such a way."

"Did Dad tie the balloon to you?" Liu Shishi also asked Xiangxiang, but the little princess was all focused on the balloon, and she wasn't interested in the aunt at all.

Liu Shishi's hair is still a little messy, after all, he just got up, and he hasn't brushed his teeth or washed his face yet.

After looking at the child, she yawned and walked into the kitchen to see what Hu Xing was making for breakfast.

"Are you up?!" Hu Xing was just finishing his work, and when he saw Meijiao's wife getting up, he hugged Liu Shishi and held her seductive little mouth.

Chapter 1229 It's all full, can you not be tired?

"Is it really good for you to take care of the children like this?" Liu Shishi laughed at Hu Xing taking care of the children like this.

"It's okay, always give her independence; this is cultivating her."

"Besides, as long as she doesn't cry, she is having fun by herself." Hu Xing would also look at the child from time to time.

Liu Shishi went in to wash up, and when he came out, he used his mobile phone to record Hu Xiang playing with balloons by himself.

"This is how a father takes care of his children." Liu Shishi posted on Weibo to let everyone see how Hu Xing takes care of his children.

In the early morning, many people are on their way to work.

On the way to work, it is indispensable to check Weibo. After reading the Weibo posted by Liu Shishi, many people laughed. It was really impossible to hold back.

"Gao, really tall, the only dad on Weibo who can make his children laugh so happily."

"I know this trick, I will try it later."

"What is Hu Xing doing? Just tie a few balloons and let the children play around by themselves. Where did he go?"

"Mom is too tired and still sleeping, and Dad wants to cook breakfast for the mothers." Liu Shishi will also reply to fans, and by the way, help to look after the children.

But it seems that she doesn't want to bring it, Xiangxiang can look at the balloon happily by herself.

When Hu Xing came out, Hu Xiang glanced at his father, and then put all his thoughts on the balloon.

"Hey, you're still addicted to playing, aren't you? Dad doesn't even take a second look." Seeing the child having so much fun, Hu Xing also said to her angrily.

After picking up the child, Hu Xing also arranged her clothes.

Maybe it was too much movement. After Dad picked her up, she quickly fell asleep again.

When the child fell asleep, Hu Xing carried the child in, placed it beside her mother, and covered them with quilts.

"Ah? Falling asleep again so soon?" Zhao Liying could wake up at the slightest sound.

When seeing Hu Xing put her daughter beside her, Zhao Liying was very surprised.

It's only after 8 o'clock, why did the child fall asleep again so quickly?

Logically speaking, you should not fall asleep until 9 o'clock, right?Why are you falling asleep so fast now?

"Maybe I'm tired from playing." Hu Xing adjusted the quilt, leaned over and kissed Zhao Liying's cherry lips.

"Do you want to get up? Breakfast is ready."

"How do you make breakfast with your children?" Zhao Liying felt that it was impossible for Reba and the others to wake up at this time.

The only thing that can be explained is that Hu Xing made the breakfast.

In the case of bringing children, do you still prepare breakfast?How did he do that?

Really couldn't understand this, so Zhao Liying got up lightly, for fear of waking up the child.

Zhao Liying got up and saw Chen Kui and Zheng Xiuguo washing up in the bathroom, so she yawned.

"We woke up so early, and we made so much noise last night, didn't we make you sleepy?!" Is there any need to say this?Zheng Xiulu and Chen Wei rolled their eyes at her.

"Woke up from hunger." Chen Yan pouted, and then said that he woke up from hunger.

"Puchi." Needless to say, Zhao Liying also knew that she definitely didn't sleep well last night.

There was no reason for the two of them not to hear such a big commotion last night.

After all, she hasn't become a woman yet, so naturally she didn't join in.

Hu Xing has done a good job. He didn't upgrade them. It's not that he hates them, but he thinks that he should keep them for a while and then break one by himself.

By coming one by one in this way, he can maintain the freshness, and he doesn't have to rush to find other new girlfriends.

Now he has 9 wives, and there are two girlfriends who are waiting for him to get married.

Anyway, the two of them are not in a hurry. After graduation, it is okay to perform this kind of ceremony with your boyfriend when you have time, so there is no need to worry.

The girls got up one after another, but judging from the way they yawned, it was too crazy last night, and now the sequelae are still sleepy and not getting enough sleep.

But because they were hungry, when they smelled the fragrance, they all got up one after another.

When the last Zhang Yuying got up, it was already 11 o'clock, and breakfast turned into lunch.

"I said, you young man, why did you get up later than me?" Song Jia couldn't understand this, so she said that Zhang Xiying was the laziest one.

"Hmph, sorry to say, don't you know how many times it broke out at my place last night?"

"It's too full to fit, it's all spilled out, do you think I'm tired?" Zhang Xiying pouted and stroked her hair.

"Hehe~" Don't mention this, they really don't know... 0

They probably knew how many times Hu Xing had erupted last night.

But even so, Hu Xing is still full of energy today, no matter what he can't make him feel tired.

At noon, Hu Xiang's grandma came to hug her granddaughter.

Today happens to be Saturday, so I don't have to go to class.

In fact, I wanted to come in the morning, but considering that my son might not be convenient in the morning, Jiang Fang waited until noon before coming to hug her granddaughter.

It also happened that the granddaughter got up at this time, and when she saw grandma, she also smiled shyly.

"Oh, what are you looking at? Look at grandma." Jiang Fang hugged her granddaughter and asked her to look at grandma.

But Hu Xiang didn't look at grandma, and kept looking at the balloons on the ceiling.

After Hu Xing knew about it, he reached out and grabbed the rope of the balloon, took it off, and tied it to his daughter's hand, so that she could see the balloon more closely.

"Ha~" After seeing her favorite balloon, Hu Xiang grinned happier than anyone else.

"Hey, is this how your father brought you today?" Jiang Fang saw that her granddaughter was so happy, and she was also happy.

But because it was so cute, grandma kept kissing Hu Xiang's face.

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