King Ruyang said solemnly: "Minmin, do you know about Su Chu's rebellion this time?" &

There was a sneering smile on the corner of Zhao Min's mouth, of course it was not facing his father, Zhao Min knew that King Ruyang was probably here to be a lobbyist this time, and the real cause was that stinky and shameless dead emperor.

So Zhao Min said lightly: _'Sorry father, His Majesty's order does not allow Minmin to participate in any government affairs, so Minmin doesn't know. &[-]&

As soon as this remark came out, King Ruyang and Wang Baobao smiled helplessly at the same time, the two of them clearly knew how arrogant Zhao Min was, how could it be acceptable for Zhao Min to be called around by the emperor like this .

When you use me, you just find me, and when you don’t need me, you just reject me. Zhao Min is not that kind of person. With Zhao Min’s talent, if you want to rebel, you may even control the entire court. Not counting the old monster in the imperial palace.

"Master Minmin said at this time a man holding a fake voice.

To be precise, it’s not a false voice but this man is a eunuch, and the big red eunuch Zhao Gonggong in front of the emperor, Zhao Gonggong said flatteringly: “No one in my Yuan Dynasty didn’t know that you are an all-rounder in civil and military affairs. This time it was really a national crisis. Looking at Eunuch Zhao’s thumbs up, Zhao Min waved his hand and said lightly: &q, no need to compliment me, and I am no longer a princess, but His Majesty the Emperor personally dismissed me that day The identity of the princess.

Eunuch Zhao’s face turned pale. As a big celebrity in front of the emperor, when did Eunuch Zhao say that? If it weren’t for the fact that the world is in chaos today and Zhao Min is a genius, Eunuch Zhao has a hundred ways to make Zhao Min can't live but can't die.

After being a slave for a long time, Eunuch Zhao still knows how to measure, and said in a low voice with that disgusting smile: "Master Q Min, I won't say those polite words to you this time when the miscellaneous family comes. This time the military situation is really serious." The fire is imminent, and I am afraid that there is really no one in the entire Yuan Dynasty except you to stop the rebellious army. &qbr/>

His complexion froze, Zhao Min did know the information, but now Zhao Min is not so clear about some things that the emperor grounded him, so he said solemnly: "What's going on?"

ーI heard □Eunuch Zhao hurriedly said with grief and indignation: &qIt’s not that the gang of rebels from the Mingjiao suddenly sent troops in this short month and took down nearly one-third of the country in my Yuan Dynasty. Hundreds of masters tried to assassinate Su Chu, but all of them were useless. &qbr/>

Zhao Min sneered and said, "Assassination?Not to mention that Su Chu himself was one of the strongest masters at that time, and Zhang Sanyang and He Zudao even cooperated with him. If they came to assassinate us, I would still believe it. &qbr/>

This remark made Eunuch Zhao feel cold all over, he has seen the power of those masters before, thinking of Zhang Sanfeng, the number one martial artist, and the strength of He Zudao who is of the same generation as Zhang Sanfeng, Eunuch Zhao hurriedly said: "It is precisely because of this Well, His Majesty the Emperor even invited the two of them out of the palace, and only hoped that you, Princess Minmin, could quell the rebellion.

"Those two!" Zhao Min was overjoyed. If he really had the help of those two, Zhao Min would have increased from [-]% to almost [-]%.

After all, this is a martial arts world. Needless to say, everyone knows the role of a top martial artist. Otherwise, do you think that in the Yuan Dynasty of the Mongol Empire, such a useless emperor can really do it for a long time?It's not because there are two strong men in the Queen's Ouchi, and it is precisely because of these two strong men that this is possible.

Eunuch Zhao looked carefully at the surprise flashing in Zhao Min's eyes, and hurriedly said with a smile: "I know what Minmin County's idea is?" &qbr/>

"Okay!" Q Min nodded, but Eunuch Zhao became calmer at this time, because smart people know that the next two words of this sentence are, but,

Sure enough, Zhao Min said immediately: "I also have a few requests. If Your Majesty can do it, I will lead the army to go out."

"Princess Min, please say, Your Majesty has specifically instructed the miscellaneous family to make any request as long as I, the Yuan Dynasty, can satisfy the princess absolutely unambiguously." " Eunuch Zhao said with a pinched smile.

Zhao Min secretly said: &qThe moment of life and death has come, otherwise how could such a huge power be released. "

And King Ruyang and Wang Baobao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, although this Eunuch Zhao is not considered an important official position, but he is the emperor's favorite!If this annoyed him, the entire Ruyang Palace would be difficult to deal with, but it is already very good that things can end like this.

Zhao Min knocked on the table and said in a low voice? "Slight bite"

At this time, the door of the main hall was opened again, and three women, Yin Susu, Dai Qisi, and Ji Xiaofu walked in. The three women were different from the previous ones who were dressed in military uniforms and looked like real soldiers. A hint of murder.

The three women smiled helplessly the moment they saw Su Chu, but don’t really think that Su Chu is doing nothing, Su Chu can easily take charge of the Mingjiao, 5.4 and can secure this position but relying on his own strong strength, In every battle, Su Chu always walks in the front. With his strong strength, the people Su Chu has killed so far can almost form a small mountain.

Ji Xiaofu said softly: "Mr. Q, the imperial court has dispatched troops. &qbr/>

Su Chu asked interestingly: _'Interesting, who is the commander of the army this time? u

Dai Qisi continued: "The rehabilitated general appointed on the q day, Zhao Min, led the commanders of King Ruyang and Wang Baobao, a total of [-] generals of the Yuan Dynasty, leading an army of [-], and they have already arrived here like me." "

The corners of her mouth slightly curled up, Su Chu stood up slowly and said indifferently: "I've been waiting impatiently, the court has finally reacted."

Chapter 94: Zhao Min meets Su Chu (third update, please subscribe)

Chapter 94: Zhao Min meets Su Chu (third update, please subscribe)

Looking at the rising sun that had begun to bloom, Su Chu turned around and prepared to leave silently.

"Wait just after taking the third step, Su Chu was stopped, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, Su Chu stopped obediently.

Without turning around, Su Chu turned her back to Zhao Min and asked: "Are you ready to speak?"Tell me, what is the matter with our Yuan Dynasty rehabilitated general who came to me, the leader of the rebel army, this time? "

Zhao Min said silently: "Did the bet you said back then count?" &

"Hahaha raised his head and laughed, Su Chu laughed and said: "Interesting, interesting, as expected, troubled times are the time that can most arouse one's ambitions. General, Zhao Min, who has an army of hundreds of thousands, actually has the idea of ​​rebellion?&

Ignoring Su Chu's tone of laughter or sarcasm, Zhao Min said indifferently: "Is the bet back then still worth it?" &

Turning around, Su Chu looked straight at Zhao Min who also turned around, looked at those eyes full of ambition, nodded lightly and said:

"Of course it counts. I once said back then that as long as you can

If you beat me once in the duel between you and me, I will help you get it in this 24 days. &

This is the bet made by Su Chu and Zhao Min back then. It can be said that it is wrong for Zhao Min to have the determination to become Empress Lu today, or the determination of Emperor Wu is all because of what Su Chu said that day. Are women really inferior to men?It is because of these words that Zhao Min's ambition has grown stronger with these years of experience.

Even at the end or until today, when Zhao Min became almost the most powerful general in the military, this kind of ambition burst out completely. Of course, Zhao Min is not stupid. Even if I want to be the emperor, I am afraid I am not qualified.

In this era of masculinity, it is enough for Emperor Wu Zetian to appear alone, there is no need for a second person, not to mention how many years you have planned for Wu Zetian to take that position, and Zhao Min is now in charge of the military power, but as himself When the two identities want to become emperor, I am afraid that the first person to oppose him is his father Ruyang King!

It is precisely because of this incident that Zhao Min came here today and found Su Chu with an inexplicable smile. The corner of Su Chu's mouth curled into a faint smile and said: "Then I want to know how you can win me?"Wu, Wen you choose one

what? &

Zhao Min shut up after saying this, or no one can speak in front of Su Chu.

If you want to say who is the strongest land seeker in this era, everyone must know Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen in this era is called the reincarnated Zhang Liang, and Liu Bowen died with Zhu Yuanzhang, so he has naturally been found by Su Chu. Now It is Ren Yingying's subordinate.

To put it bluntly, Su Chu is completely cheating, relying on his prophetic ability, he has secretly collected those capable people of this era into s one by one, and s bluntly said that Su Chu's subordinates Talents can be pulled by carts. As for warriors, they don't even count Su Chu, Dongfang Bai, Yang Qian, Zhou Zhiruo, He Zudao and Zhang Sanfeng.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the loss of the entire imperial court is just a matter of time, and there is no possibility at all? Su Chu won.

"I want to bet with you!" Zhao Min suddenly said in a low voice

Su Chu smiled and said: "Gambling requires capital. My capital is the world, so what is your capital?" &

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