It is true that Su Chu can easily take out the whole world to gamble with Zhao Min, but what can Zhao Min use to gamble with Su Chu?

After a moment of silence, Zhao Min said softly: "I use myself to bet with you." &

Huh? The corner of her mouth hooked, and Su Chu smiled. She stepped forward and lifted Zhao Min's jaw, gently kissed it, and asked curiously: "I really want to know, Zhao Min, are you really so good?" Do you play confidently?Even if you are the number one beauty in Mongolia, so what? "

It is undeniable that Zhao Min is beautiful, different from Zhou Zhiruo's beauty full of desire, but the first kind of wild beauty that makes people full of desire to conquer. Few people can resist this kind of beauty.

Among Su Chu's women, only Dongfang Bai, Zhou Zhiruo, and Yang Qian can match Zhao Min's appearance. Needless to say, the first two are naturally the same, and the last one has completely inherited the beauty of the little dragon girl back then. In terms of overall appearance, but even so, no one of the three women dared to say that they could surpass Zhao Min, but they were evenly divided.

Zhao Min said lightly: _'Bet with me, not on what you want, but on what I have. &

For a moment, Jia Su Chu only felt the thunder rolling, resisting the urge to complain, and said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting, interesting!"but can i

So not to gamble?This world has already been included in me, and I can be enthroned as emperor in three years at the latest, so why should I bet with you? i'

Not only did Su Chu's words not disappoint Zhao Min, but Zhao Min showed a smile: "Because you are Su Chu, you are not afraid of challenges." &

After saying this, Su Chu's smile became stronger: "810 is really interesting, it is undeniable that Zhao Min is really smart, so let's talk about your gambling." ?

"Three months later, in the Forbidden City, there will be a duel." Zhao Min said in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Min thought of something, and said: "But this battle must be fought by you personally." &

"Beautiful beauty, picturesque country, it's really hard to choose!" Su Chuwan rubbed her forehead in distress, but the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more intense.

Zhao Min continued: "How should I accept it?" &

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Su Chu said: "Jiang method is useless to me, but Zhao Min's bet is really interesting, not bad, compared to the woman who is known as the number one beauty in Mongolia, it should be a very interesting feeling." &

Speaking of which, Su Chu kissed Zhao Min's thin lips again, and looked at Zhao Min with an evil smile, and Zhao Min looked at Su Chu without fear, with deep self-confidence and strong confidence burning in his eyes.

"Okay!" Zhao Min said lightly: "Three months later, I will be waiting for you in the Forbidden City."

Said Zhao Min left, leaving only Su Chu with a strange smile

Chapter 95: The Final Bet (Fourth Update, please subscribe)

Chapter 95: The Final Bet (Fourth Update, please subscribe)

Looking at the rising sun that had begun to bloom, Su Chu turned around and prepared to leave silently.

"Wait just after taking the third step, Su Chu was stopped, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, Su Chu stopped obediently.

Without turning around, Su Chu turned her back to Zhao Min and asked: "Are you ready to speak?"Tell me, what is the matter with our Yuan Dynasty rehabilitated general who came to me, the leader of the rebel army, this time? ?*

Zhao Min said silently: "Did the bet you said back then count?" &

"Hahaha raised his head and laughed, Su Chu laughed and said: "Interesting, interesting, as expected, troubled times are the time that can most arouse one's ambitions. General, Zhao Min, who has an army of hundreds of thousands, actually has the idea of ​​rebellion?&

Ignoring Su Chu's tone of laughter or sarcasm, Zhao Min said indifferently: "Is the bet back then still worth it?" &

Turning around, Su Chu looked straight at Zhao Min who also turned around, looked at those eyes full of ambition, nodded lightly and said:

"Of course it counts. I once said back then that as long as you can beat me once in any duel between you and me, I will help you get it in this world. It’s wrong to become Empress Lu, or the Emperor Wu’s determination is all because of what Su Chu said that day. Are women really inferior to men? It’s because of these words that Zhao Min’s ambitions have grown stronger with the experience of these years. thrive.

Even at the end or until today, when Zhao Min became almost the most powerful general in the military, this kind of ambition burst out completely. Of course, Zhao Min is not stupid. Even if I want to be the emperor, I am afraid I am not qualified.

In this era of masculinity, it is enough for Emperor Wu Zetian to appear alone, there is no need for a second person, not to mention how many years you have planned for Wu Zetian to take that position, and Zhao Min is now in charge of the military power, but as himself When the two identities want to become emperor, I am afraid that the first person to oppose him is his father Ruyang King!

It is precisely because of this incident that Zhao Min came here today

, came to find Su Chu

With an inexplicable smile, the corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched into a faint smile and said: "Then I want to know how you can win me?"Wu, Wen you choose one

what〃?? u

Zhao Min shut up after saying this, or no one can speak in front of Su Chu.

If you want to say who is the strongest land seeker in this era, everyone must know Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen in this era is called the reincarnated Zhang Liang, and Liu Bowen died with Zhu Yuanzhang, so he has naturally been found by Su Chu. Now It is Ren Yingying's subordinate.

To put it bluntly, Su Chu is completely cheating, relying on his prophetic ability, he has secretly collected those capable people of this era into s one by one, and s bluntly said that Su Chu's subordinates Talents can be pulled by carts. As for warriors, they don't even count Su Chu, Dongfang Bai, Yang Qian, Zhou Zhiruo, He Zudao and Zhang Sanfeng.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the loss of the entire imperial court is just a matter of time, and there is no possibility at all? Su Chu won.

"I want to bet with you!" Zhao Min suddenly said in a low voice

Su Chu smiled and said: "Gambling requires capital. My capital is the world, so what is your capital?" &

It is true that Su Chu can easily take out the whole world to gamble with Zhao Min, but what can Zhao Min use to gamble with Su Chu?

After a moment of silence, Zhao Min said softly: "I use myself to bet with you." &

Huh? The corner of her mouth hooked, and Su Chu smiled. She stepped forward and lifted Zhao Min's jaw, gently kissed it, and asked curiously: "I really want to know, Zhao Min, are you really so good?" Do you play confidently?Even if you are the number one beauty in Mongolia, so what? "

It is undeniable that Zhao Min is beautiful, different from Zhou Zhiruo's beauty full of desire, but the first kind of wild beauty that makes people full of desire to conquer. Few people can resist this kind of beauty.

Among Su Chu's women, only Dongfang Bai, Zhou Zhiruo, and Yang Qian can match Zhao Min's appearance. Needless to say, the first two are naturally the same, and the last one has completely inherited the beauty of the little dragon girl back then. In terms of overall appearance, but even so, no one of the three women dared to say that they could surpass Zhao Min, but they were evenly divided.

Zhao Min said lightly: ゎ? Bet with me not on what you want, but on what I have. &

For a moment, Jia Su Chu only felt the thunder rolling, resisting the urge to complain, and said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting, interesting!"but can i

So not to gamble?This world has already been included in me, and I can be enthroned as emperor in three years at the latest, so why should I bet with you? i'

Not only did Su Chu's words not disappoint Zhao Min, but Zhao Min showed a smile: "Because you are Su Chu, you are not afraid of challenges." &

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