Li Qi, whose strength has not yet recovered, was unable to notice this kind of low-level peeping eyes. It can also be seen what kind of weakness this time has reached for Li Qi.

"It's nothing but a funny little guy." Su Chu said via voice transmission.

Li Qi thought to himself: "It turns out that the plot has begun!" &


Before Li Qi could speak again, a frivolous voice suddenly came out.

I saw more than a dozen burly men coming out of the woods, looking at Li Qi and the bloody BMW with greedy eyes. The blood was dripping down, it was obvious that these people were just bandits and weaklings!

This name is not for naught, no matter Qin and Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Huaxia Empire came from all over the world, who would dare to step on me if nothing happened?Especially during the period of Emperor Qin Shihuang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, these people were all fighting for the world with swords. Whoever refuses to accept it is a matter of one sword. Unfortunately, in the Song Dynasty, China has really ushered in a low tide period, especially now The Song Dynasty was even smaller, Mongolia was staring at the grasslands, and the Jin Dynasty was clearly opposed to the Song Dynasty. As for Dali, it was a vassal of the Song Dynasty in name, but in fact it was just a prince who listened to the tune and did not listen to the announcement.

The Song Dynasty had no way to deal with such a situation, and finally formed such an era of rampant robbers. Even though Su Chu's high profile was the reason for the one-month journey, he met thirty-seven live robbers in one month. , this scale is really too big.

"Interesting, interesting, just let Miss Ben take a good look at what these two people are capable of. *? The little beggar secretly hid, staring at Su and Chu with big piercing eyes.

"Boy, I opened this road and planted this tree. If I leave the woman and the BMW, I will leave you a way to survive." The leading burly man said arrogantly.

Su Chu just looked at these big men with interest, and said lightly with a hook on the corner of her mouth: "Is it over?"

"Finish, little boy, don't think that you can pretend to be a Taoist priest of Quanzhen Sect by wearing a Taoist robe. Don't say that you are not one of those stinky Taoist priests of Quanzhen Sect, even if you are really a Taoist priest of Quanzhen Sect. Those are traitors." The second big man said disdainfully.

Su Chu glanced at the big man differently, and then gave a funny smile: "Maybe!"Quanzhen Sect may really be Hanhao.

Su Chu does not deny this matter, the current Quanzhen Sect is doing too much like it, Quanzhen Sect has a very good relationship with Mongolia, and Qiu Chuji is the master of Wanyan Kang, the son of Jin Dynasty prince Wanyan Honglie , no matter whether you look left or right to see the name of traitor, it is estimated that the Quanzhen Sect will not be able to escape.

It's a pity that the Quanzhen Sect is very powerful. The era left by Qiu Chuji was too strong, because Qiu Chuji's last blow made Ouyang Feng dare not step into the Central Plains for decades, which made the Quanzhen Sect almost become the first in the world. A big sect...

Chapter 18: The sneaky little girl

Chapter 18: The sneaky little girl

And although Qiu Chuji died in these years, Zhou Botong of Quanzhen Sect disappeared, but even so, with the development of Quanzhen Sect in these years and the strength of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, it is not as good as when both of them were alive. , but it is also extremely powerful.

"Little devil, I'm here..." the big man looked at Su Chu who was in deep thought and roared angrily.

"Crack!" A cold light flashed in his eyes, a purple light flashed, and more than a dozen big men fell to the ground in an instant. Everyone except the big man had already died. This sudden change made everyone panic. It's cold.

"Ms. Ben really drank water last year." The little beggar's eyes widened in surprise. Although she didn't know what kind of strength Su Chu was, she was absolutely sure that she hadn't seen how Su Chu shot, that is, It is said that Su Chu's strength is definitely several levels higher than her own.

The little beggar understands that although he is not an expert, he can barely be called a second-rate expert, plus some things he stole from home > the average first-rate expert is definitely not his opponent, but Su Chu's The trick is to make the little beggar understand that if he messes with this man, he will definitely die.

"I, I, my big man was trembling all over when he saw the sudden change, but he still clenched the steel knife in his hand and shouted loudly: "I'm not afraid of you!"

"Interesting big man, it's better to be a soldier than to be a bandit here." Said Su Chu with a ticked finger.


A stream of blood spurted out, and the big man also fell to the ground and closed his eyes tightly. Su Chu helped Li Qi get on the horse and left slowly. Li Qi looked at the big man and said interestingly: "Master, I didn't expect you Will let this man go, I thought you would kill him?

"It's not a pity for some people to die, but it's a pity for some people to die. If he goes to the battlefield, he will definitely be a fierce welder. Maybe I don't know his name, but I believe it." Su Chupai Patting the sweaty BMW under him, BMW Lingling began to walk slowly towards Suzhou.

Before leaving, Su Chu glanced at the little beggar without leaving a trace. Su Chu and the two had just left, and the little beggar carefully slid down from the tree. After a few ups and downs, he came to the front of the group of big men , Looking at the dead people, their eyes were full of shock.

"Killed with one blow, the bloodstains did not collapse, that is to say, they almost didn't even react, and they died before the consciousness reacted, but when did this man appear, I have never heard of him ?& The little beggar looked at Su Chu's leaving back solemnly, and began to think.

The family background made her understand many things that ordinary people don't know. In the eyes of the little beggar, other people except her own father can't do this kind of method. It's not as simple as killing someone. Is the most important, the most critical is the last big guy.

It looks like he is dead, but in fact his throat is just cut open, but this wound is still a little short of the limit of life. This little bit represents whether the big man is dead or unscathed. The beggar couldn't help but get excited.

"I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing just after I ran away from home." As he said that, the little beggar spotted Su Chu's direction and carefully touched it.

She could see that Su Chu was the master, and Li Qiong was the apprentice. It seemed that Li Qi had suffered some serious injury, so BMW couldn't walk fast at all. Although it was still a little difficult for her to catch up with her light work, it wasn't. Very difficult.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Chu's method is very suitable for the little beggar's heart. That kind of thunderous method, whether it is right or wrong, death or evil, everything can be done at will. This is what makes the little beggar most tempted. You must know that the little beggar The same is true of the father at home.

"Master, the little girl is following behind!" Although Li Qi couldn't sense the little beggar's aura, he could guess it.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, and Li Qi is a smart person. Su Chu's method from the very beginning to now is to put it bluntly, to catch big fish with a long line.

Now that little beggar is wrong, it should be said that the little girl's curiosity should have been completely aroused, and with Su Chu's uneasy pace, the little girl will never give up, and now she must be following the two of them.

"Sometimes curiosity is the most trusted thing. Curiosity is one of the four human instincts besides eating and sleeping!" Su Chu said interestingly.

Li Qi was instantly interested, and asked strangely: "Master, what is the fourth instinct you mentioned?" &

"It's your current situation. **Su Chu said with a smile.

Li Qi's complexion changed immediately, and he understood what Su Chu meant in an instant. He lay in Su Chu's arms with a face of reluctance, and said, "Master, you really said that she is a gossip, she is not 920."

"Really?~ Su Chu smiled and said: "If it's not, how could it be possible to know what I'm talking about?"


Seeing the two people fighting in front of him, the little beggar had a look of envy in his eyes. Although his father gave him a perfect life, he didn't have any feelings for him. No matter if he was a servant or a servant, he never You can talk and laugh with yourself like this.

Because she is a high-ranking young lady, but they are just ordinary servants.

"Hey!" Sighing softly, the little girl raised her head to look at the BMW that had already left, and couldn't help crying: "Really wait for me!"

Speaking of mentioning Qinggong, the little girl carefully chased after her.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Chu's mouth, and Li Qi asked strangely: "Master, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing that this little girl is funny. This girl is clearly following her in the dark, but she still asks others to wait for her." Su Chu smiled and shook her head lightly.

Compared with Su Chu, this little girl is completely a real little girl. Seeing Su Chu's expression with a wicked smile, Li Qi knew that Su Chu's interest had been raised.

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