Silently mourn for this little girl in my heart for three minutes!

Chapter 19: A Steamed Bun One Hundred Taels of Gold

Chapter 19: A Steamed Bun One Hundred Taels of Gold

"Do you want to die?" Looking at those plain words and those plain eyes, the guards guarding the city knew that they might have offended someone they absolutely should not offend. The guards all understood that the most terrifying thing in this world is not those big Officials, these people can see it.

What is really frightening is that there is no trace of this kind of martial arts person in front of him. It is okay to offend ordinary martial arts people, because they are afraid of the pressure of the court, they dare not make a move, but if they are allowed to go up to that kind of top master , I’m afraid there will really be no one to hug me.” Daoist, I’m really sorry, the new recruit has no experience, offended the Taoist, I hope the Taoist will not be offended, this is good, I will be the host How about reducing the expenses by [-]% in the entire city of Suzhou?" At this time, a man who looked like a general came out suddenly, with a very low attitude.

Su Chu took a funny look at the general, smiled and said: "You are very good!"Forget it, I'm not the kind of person who cares about everything.

There is a little beggar behind me, I hope you don't embarrass him, otherwise r

Said that Su Chu's figure had disappeared, but at that moment, it seemed as if he saw a figure like hell, which made the more than twenty gatekeepers tremble all over.

"General, thank you so much, you are simply my savior!" The soldier said hurriedly.

The general waved his hand and said helplessly: "You brat, don't you know that women in the world, especially beautiful women and Taoist priests, are absolutely not to be messed with?"Wang Fa is of no use to them at all. If I hadn't reacted quickly in the situation just now, we would have stayed today, and the brat will understand in the future that he is doing business. "

"Understood the general!" More than [-] soldiers hurriedly said.

But for such a situation, the general just shook his head and left. Obviously, it has long been no surprise. People in any position have their own rules of survival. Everyone knows what they should do and what they can do , but can't do anything, just like the general in front of him, he has gone through so much and he has understood how to live better in his current position is the most important thing.

"Hey&??? The little girl looked at these frightened eyes strangely! The soldier who didn't move forward scratched his head strangely. He had already planned to spend some money to send these guys away. What's the matter? But now is not the time to think so much. Entering Suzhou, there is not only one main road, but it will be troublesome if you accidentally lose track.

Asking the little girl after running away from home for such a long time, she knew very well that these guards were simply vampires, especially for beggars. Although Da Song was weak, he was very rich. It can be said that even beggars are considered to have part of the property.

And the salaries of these soldiers are not too high, so if you want to make a real fortune, you can only find it from these beggars. money.

With her ingenuity, the little girl figured it out a long time ago, but today is also the sun coming out from the west.

"Damn it, it seems that there is no oil at all today." The soldier sighed helplessly.

"Are you still ashamed to say it? If you didn't provoke someone you shouldn't, would we be like this? Don't talk nonsense, tonight is your treat." Another soldier said.

"Okay, okay, brother, I was wrong this time, I'll invite everyone to drink tonight. Although M is heartbroken, but he also knows that it's because of himself. In order to continue to mess around, the soldier had no choice but to agree.

After all, my position is too small, but the job of guarding the door is a good job, especially in Suzhou, and it is even a fat job. If you want not to give up, if you want not to be squeezed out, sometimes some small expenses should be paid. of.

"Has this little girl followed?" Su Chu and Li Qi completely ignored the envious eyes of men and women around them. Su Chu has long been used to this kind of eyes, and just said it interestingly.

Li Qi smiled and said: "If it is according to what the master said, this little girl is a natural military advisor, and even a military advisor that can be passed down through the ages if she is properly trained. I can't get such a big compliment from the master. &

"You! I won't like it if Qi'er is jealous like this!" Su Chu nodded Li She's eyebrows and said with a gentle smile.

Li Qi's face remained unchanged, but he knew in his heart that he had gone a little too far. Su Chu's biggest woman on the surface was Dongfang Bai. Dongfang Bai didn't understand what Su Chu had done. If other women were too strict To put it bluntly, there is a little overstepping.

After all, in ancient families, the eldest wife is the biggest!

""? Well, it's almost there! m Su Chu took Li Qi into an inn. Facing the eyes of these people in the inn, Su Chu frowned slightly and instantly enveloped the entire inn with an invisible murderous aura.


For a moment, everyone felt that his heart seemed to have stopped beating. Everyone hurriedly moved their heads away, and they didn't dare to take another look. This is the world, and cultivation represents everything.

"Let go of me, I don't know which distinguished guest I am a guest of." Just as the food and drink were served, there was a quarrel at the door suddenly.

The corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched: "The fish is hooked!" "

Li Qi said with a helpless smile: "Sure enough, even if he is smart, he is still too young, and he followed him simply because of curiosity." &

"My lord, this little beggar must say that he is your distinguished guest. Do you want to see a gleam in our boss's eyes? Of course, it is impossible to have such a big inn in Suzhou in this era of war and chaos. people.

"Let him in!" Q Chu waved his hand.

■? See, you low-minded guys. &qThe beggar walked over with three steps, and sat down directly in front of Su Chu. He was not polite, picked up a perfectly made steamed bun, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Let's be so-so!" He said critically while eating the little beggar.

Su Chu suddenly smiled and said: &qOne steamed bun costs one hundred taels of gold!


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Chapter 20: Sell yourself without money

Chapter 20: Sell yourself without money

As soon as this remark came out, the little girl's expression obviously became much stiffer, but then a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth inexplicably, she waved her hand very indifferently and said: "Brother Su, don't be joking, you How can my brother be compared with a mere hundred gold. &

While talking, the little girl was reincarnated like a starving ghost and swept away, sweeping away several dishes in an instant, that is a very scary meal!Li Qi was dumbfounded. Although he knew that warriors were very good at eating, Li Qiong felt that he was definitely better than this little girl, but his eating speed couldn't be compared to him!

"This... Li Qi is weird. He muttered, looking at the seriousness in Su Chu's eyes, he vaguely asked what he guessed, but after all, Li Qi's cultivation was much worse than Su Chu's, so Many things are still undiscovered.

"Boss, pack all these up for my uncle, Brother Su, we will meet later." Saying this, the little girl waved her hand, and was about to get up and leave.


But the next moment her heart suddenly beat violently, the little girl realized that she hadn't stood up, and an invisible but frightening and even frightening force completely suppressed herself here, the little girl's pain Sweat has already fallen between the brows.

"This guest officer, I didn't know that the boss came over. Although the situation was weird, he still didn't involve himself in it, so it's better not to talk nonsense.

Su Chu said lightly: "Go down, everyone, I have double invited you for the meal today, and I have some private matters to do next, I hope you can give me your convenience." &

The pressure that was originally just shrouded in the little girl slowly spread to everyone. The terrible pressure made everyone tremble violently. Immediately afterwards, everyone got up and left immediately, even those who looked like People who are not easy to provoke also know that it is better not to provoke Su Chu.

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