"Ha, everyone in Habu, including the boss, just left the second floor. The little girl found herself panting heavily immediately. Looking at Su Chu, she said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Q, what are you doing? Just tell me to take the food away, what do you mean by that? &qThe girl curled her lips and said.

Su Chu looked at the funny look in the little girl's eyes, and said with a smile: *Little girl, don't you know that sometimes many things can be solved by being smart? &qbr/>

"I understand what you want to do. Those people just now will spread the news, and then you can take the opportunity to get away, right? W Su Chu interrupted the little girl, and continued: "But you have to understand , This world's strength is the main theme. Will they really stand up for you, a little beggar, in the face of my pressure? This is a world! A world where strength is respected.&qbr/>

"Cut! &q pursed her lips willingly, but although the little girl was not reconciled, she didn't look desperate at all. Instead, she asked interestingly: &qBrother Su, how did you know that I was born as a daughter?&qbr/>

Su Chu didn't answer, but said interestingly: "Q doesn't seem to be afraid of what harm I will do to you?" &qbr/>

"First, it's too easy for Brother Su to kill me, a little girl, with your strength. sure, but I always feel that Brother Su seems to be just playing games with me ou

"Interesting little girl. W Su Chu's complexion suddenly darkened: &qDo you really not afraid that I will kill you?&qbr/>

Terrible pressure swept over again, and for a moment the little girl felt as if she was a boat in the sea. If one was not careful and went the wrong way, what awaited her would be the consequence of being crushed to pieces.

But the same breath came and went quickly, Su Chu looked at the little girl who was already sweating and trembling, and smiled: "However, what I'm more curious about is how are you, little girl?" Know my name?&qbr/>

"Or my surname" because of this sister! &qGirl pointed to Li Qi.

Li Qi said with a little doubt: &qCould it be possible to call the master, Brother Su? &qbr/>

"Of course! &qGirl nodded very firmly: &qOne night, after this sister fell asleep, she called Brother Su's name very deeply, and:?

??Little girl, if you don't want to die, you'd better forget what you said later. &q Qi suddenly interrupted.

Seeing Li Qi who had been completely blackened and exuded a terrifying aura despite not fully recovering, the little girl hurriedly nodded obediently, and said nervously: "That sister, I actually didn't hear anything, that's right, That's it. &qbr/>

Su Chu looked at the confrontation between the two people's words, and said interestingly:

"It's amazing, you can withstand my pressure and still have no fear.&qbr/>

"Brother Su, tell me, what are you going to do?" Seeing that it's not an option to waste time here, and it's obvious that Su Chu is the one talking, so she directly brought up the topic.

I am obviously in a weak position now, and it is extremely weak. It is useless to go on like this. It is better to just make it clear that the time will be easy to talk. Only in this way can I grasp the initiative bit by bit, otherwise I will kneel down never mind.

The corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched and said lightly: "Of course the reason is very simple. For every tael of gold I spent here today, as long as you can return it to me a hundred times, then everything is over." "

"It's not easy" said girl Q very confidently.

The corner of Su Chu's mouth hooked and said lightly: "The boss pays the bill." !

"Sir, you spent a total of [-] taels of gold here today. Based on the principle of fairness, our hotel will only charge you [-] taels of gold." The boss appeared from nowhere, very calm Said.

The little girl's complexion changed, and the palms that had already been inserted into her arms froze immediately. Su Chu looked at the little girl and smiled and said: "Of course, if you have no money, selling yourself is not unacceptable." "


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Chapter 21: If you don't have the strength, you will play off

Chapter 21: If you don't have the strength, you will play off

Ten thousand taels of gold is not much!This number may be a number that ordinary people will never see after struggling for a lifetime, but it is really nothing to a master of the rivers and lakes, especially to this kind of little girl with a very poor family background.

But when [-] taels of gold is multiplied by one million taels of gold, it is not a small number. Even a little girl cannot deny that if she uses all the assets in her family, she can indeed get it out, but her own If so, I'm afraid it can't be done.

The little girl has never been an idiot. Looking at Su Chu, who was shaking her teacup leisurely, and Su Chu, who was groveling but with a smile in her eyes, the little girl immediately reacted, gritted her teeth and said, "Are you cheating on me?" &

"Do you think so?" Su Chuxuan shook his head and said, "You agree with what happened just now. Everyone present is a witness. Is the daughter of Dongxiehuang Pharmacist, one of the five masters of Taohua Island, going to return-?" &

"You, you, you little girl, Huang Rong immediately looked at Yi Su Chu in surprise.

Su Chu waved her hand and said: "It's not difficult to find out your identity, not to mention that your father never hid you, so it's not surprising to know about you." &

"So you're still cheating on me?" Huang Rong stared at Su Chu's figure with her big dark eyes, and seeing Su Chu's teasing smile, she couldn't help but worry. She always bullies others when she bullies others Pass yourself?

"You can also say that, then it's your turn to answer, little girl, whether to lose money or sell yourself, and then make your choice?" Su Chu pushed his hand at the little girl, with a faint smile on his face.

However, Su Chu smiled and Huang Rong was very helpless, even troubled, not to mention whether she could get it out or not, but she could get it out, and she couldn't do it by giving away one million taels of gold for no reason. I feel like I can't do it.

After thinking about it, Huang Rong suddenly showed a weak smile, and said nervously: "Brother Su, you don't bother to bully me, a weak woman, do you?"

"Stop!" Su Chu waved her hand, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew stronger: "First, I like to bully a weak woman like you, and second, I must do what I say. This is my code of conduct, and I am very Hate others violating my code of conduct. "

"So there's nothing we can do about this matter? & Things changed, suddenly Huang Rong just finished speaking, and wanted to leave in a blink of an eye.


The ground shattered out of thin air, and Huang Rong's figure was firmly imprisoned in mid-air, as if an invisible force grabbed Huang Rong Yixiang, Su Chu brought Huang Rong down with a smile, and said lightly: "Little girl, it's not a good habit to renege on debts!" ?

"Boss, bring me the things." Following Su Chu's words, the boss at the side hurriedly brought up the paper, ink, brush and inkstone.

Little Huang Rong was directly dragged back by Su Chu, looking at the beautiful deed of prostitution written by Li Qi, and the handprint on the uncontrolled engraving of her own fingers, Huang Rong knew that she was really cheated this time.

"You wait, my father will never let you go." Huang Rong suddenly got rid of the bondage at this time, looked at the contract of prostitution in the hands of Li Qi, a thin beauty, and compared her own strength with Su Chu's. In the end, Huang Rong gave up because she was far behind Su Chu.

"One of the five masters is a good opponent." Seeing Su Chu's confident smile, Huang Rong felt that she might have met a master. There are many hidden masters in the Jianghu. This sentence Huang Rong has always heard from her father. However, Huang Yaoshi had once mentioned to Huang Rong the crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Although the Five Masters of the Jianghu who he was in name were the five strongest in the Jianghu, they were not actually the strongest.

The truly powerful people are those masters hidden in the depths of the rivers and lakes. Some of those people are no less than Wujue, or even surpass Wujue.

Huang Rong understood that although her father was good and evil, he would never do that kind of thing to praise others. He must have encountered something, otherwise Huang Yaoshi, who is proud and arrogant, would never say such a thing, but walking in the rivers and lakes so much For a long time, although Huang Rong was not strong enough, she still had vision-

…for flowers

Huang Rong has never met such an expert before, Huang Rong always thought this was just a story, but seeing Su Chu Huang Rong today knew that she was playing off!

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