"Little girl, in fact, both your timing and wisdom are very good, but do you know what is the most wrong thing you did??? The corner of Su Chu's mouth suddenly curled up, and asked evilly.

"Ah?" Huang Rong looked at Su Chu and didn't have any other thoughts, so she resigned to her fate for the time being. Since she can't fight or run away, then what she has to do is to stabilize Su Chu. The most important thing for a girl is Innocence, Huang Rong didn't hesitate to throw Huang's own innocence here.

Seeing Huang Rong's appearance, Su Chu suddenly smiled and said, "Boss, open a room for me, it's time to rest." &

"This guy & Huang Rong gritted his teeth and followed Su Chu's pace, resisting his urge to run away or hijack Li Qi, and rationally told himself that no matter which one it was, it was absolutely impossible for him to succeed, and failure was inevitable.

Just entered the room and asked without waiting for Huang Rong to speak, Su Chu said again: "No matter what you say, you are also my maid, even if it is just a simple job like warming the bed, you can put on suitable clothes for me." Don't deceive people Too much! & Huang Rong gritted her teeth and looked at Su Chu, and said in grief and indignation, tears welled up in her eyes.

Li Qi smiled at the corner of his mouth. After all, he was just a fifteen-year-old girl. Even though he was smart enough to face such a thing, he suddenly asked. Thinking of this, Huang Rong is called the existence of female Zhuge. When she looked up, she saw it. Although Huang Rong hid it deeply, she could feel a touch of cunning, and Li Qi immediately knew that it was Huang Rong's trick.

??Little Huang Rong, I’m going to tell you one last thing. The whole world respects the strong. If you don’t have enough strength, don’t play. It’s easy.

Play off!".

Chapter 22: The Delicate Huang Rong

Chapter 22: Delicate Huang Rong, Five Wonders of the World

"Damn it! Miss Ben will never give in!" Huang Rong gritted her teeth and wrote on her body, but she looked at her front carefully, for fear that Su Chu would suddenly appear and do something to her later. It turned out that Huang Rong wanted to Too much, Su Chu didn't show any sign from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even move the door.

"Could it be that Miss Ben is so unattractive? Huang Rong thought unwillingly, so women act in a very strange way. They don't want their beauty to be peeped at, but when no one really looks at them, Instead, they will complain that they are not attractive enough.

But Huang Rong didn't know that outside the room, Su Chu's eyes were slightly raised, and she commented with disdain: "It's still too young, the little girl really doesn't look good." "" Nine Two Three &

"Master, why do I always feel that you have become more free-wheeling when you come here this time?" Li Qiong looked at Su Chu, who was sitting on the thief, and said helplessly.

Su Chu waved her hand and said: "For me, I have already got what I want. If I still worry so much, there is no point in it. Isn't it interesting to play as I like?" &

"Master!" Li Qi shook his head helplessly, and finally gave up. Li Qi understands that there must be a degree in doing things. I should definitely learn from Dongfang Bai.

After Su Chu became emperor, there were many more people in the harem. Most of these people were beauties from various worlds. But facing this situation, Dongfang Bai not only did not stop them, but treated them all as sisters. Caring, showing everyone's style.

As expected, Dongfang Bai was more liked by Su Chu. After all, no one would like the noise between his women, especially in ancient times. Even though Su Chu came from modern times, he lived in ancient times for hundreds of years. Q Su Chu never felt that she was still that modern person.

And Dongfang Bai's generous wife is absolutely irresistible.

"This dress is pretty good." Touching the light yellow dress she was wearing, Huang Rong was still very satisfied. Although it was a little wider, Huang Rong felt that she still had enough room for development, and she could develop as soon as she was open become a big girl.


Pushing away □ and walking out, the first thing Huang Rong saw was Su Chu who was smiling but not smiling and Li Qi who was covering his mouth and chuckling lightly. Huang Rong turned her head and suddenly covered her Yue. Xiong Luo said nervously: " Did you peek?

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

& don't believe it! u

"Then what difference does it make if I say yes or no?"

Su Chu said with a faint smile.

Huang Rong scratched her head in embarrassment, and found that what Su Chu said was indeed the truth. Since she didn't believe it, it didn't matter what Su Chu said, because lies are the most important thing for the listener. If the listener If you believe it, then it is the truth, if the listener does not believe it, then it is a lie, so the main difference between truth and lies is here.

"However, it is undeniable that although the little girl is still young, she is indeed well-developed." Su Chu said with a little admiration while holding Huang Rong.

Although Huang Rong is still young, she is indeed worthy of being the number one beauty in the original book. Huang Rong does have such qualifications. At first glance, she looks like a lively and lovely elf. She is beautiful, cute, and lively. All adjectives can appear on this little girl. Of course, the most important thing is Huang Rong's spirit-like fresh and refined atmosphere. If Su Chu said that he still likes this cute little girl the most. Princess Yixiang's elf-like Huang Rong, not the Huang Rong who has become scheming in the Shendiao period and has already started to calculate everything.

So sometimes a man can really change a woman, and it is really surprising that such a woman will be changed into that way.

"Okay, little girl, you don't have to be so nervous. It's still the same sentence. If I really want to do something to you with my martial arts, even if you resist, it won't be of much use." Su Chu smiled.

Huang Rong thought about it for a while and found that this was the truth, so she put down her hands, but asked strangely: "Although I am very confident about my appearance, I think Sister Li's appearance is no worse than mine. Why are you grabbing me?" What does that mean? &

"The first point! For beauty, do you think men think the less the better or the more the better?" Su Chu raised a finger and asked with a smile.

Huang Rong's expression froze immediately, indeed, a man can't resist a beautiful woman, just like a woman can't resist a handsome guy, it is undeniable that Su Chu in front of him is definitely a top handsome guy, otherwise Huang Rong would never be caught by Su Chu even if she would rather die of.

So to put it bluntly, this is still an era of looking at faces, and appearance is very important.

"The second point, I want to know some real situation about Wujue, not the situation spread in the rivers and lakes, but the real situation. **Su Chu's face became serious when he mentioned this point.

Huang Rong also said solemnly: "Although I don't know why you want to know, your cultivation is indeed very strong, but from my observations, I'm afraid you are no match for Dad." &

"Really?" Su Chu didn't refute 5.4, just smiled and said: "If possible, I hope you can introduce me. If I am satisfied, I might be happy to save you a day or two." ! u

"You profiteer!" Huang Rong gritted her teeth and glared at Su Chu when she mentioned this matter.

Who would have thought that Su Chu would be calculated on the basis of one tael of gold a year, and it would be useless to pay back the money later. You have to work for me for [-] years before you can leave, otherwise you will definitely not be able to leave.

Not to mention whether she can live to ten thousand years, even if she can live to that number which is completely impossible, Huang Rong feels that if she entrusts her whole life to this man, it is simply "not completely unacceptable. &The little girl obviously has the thinking of a normal woman...

Chapter 23: Secrets of Jianghu

Chapter 23: Secrets of Jianghu

To put it bluntly, a woman in this era basically exists like a commodity. No matter how independent Huang Rong is, no matter how talented and intelligent she is, but her status as a daughter has already weakened her a lot.

The reason why Huang Rong chooses Guo Jing in Huang Rong's original work is that apart from genuine liking, there is another point that Guo Jing dotes on Huang Rong. Guo Jing's doting on Huang Rong is very good, but through observation these days, it seems that Su Chu dotes on Li Qi even more.

Handsome appearance, superb martial arts, mysterious identity, doting on women, the combination of such a situation is simply a perfect lover for a woman in this era, of course, even Huang Rong is no exception, it is undeniable that a woman like Su Chu is born with a good impression of women .

"By the way, tell me what you want to know! I'll let you know if I'm in a good mood. Huang Rong landed directly opposite Su Chu, with an arrogant look on her face.

"Haha!" Su Chu couldn't help laughing: "Little girl, you are a very interesting person."

"What are you laughing at?" Huang Rong gritted her teeth, as if she was a cute little hamster.

Li Qi smiled and said: "Do you know where the last person who talked to Master like this went?" &

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