"Eh! Huang Rong is extremely clever. Although Li Qi only nodded slightly, he understood Li Qiong's meaning after asking. I am afraid that the last person who talked to Su Chu like this has already gone to hell, and he looks absolutely dead." It's miserable.

"Do you understand now?" Su Chuxie said with a smile: "But

Turning the subject, Su Chu continued: I have always been very patient with beauties, but little girl, don't let my patience wear out. &

In an instant, Huang Rong realized that she had been sitting in Su Chu's arms without knowing when, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be broken inch by inch like a mirror image. The face of evil smile.

"You have a really delicate face. Although you are only fifteen years old, you will be the number one beauty in martial arts five years later." Su Chu frivolously lifted Huang Rong's chin, and said with a little admiration.

With a shy look on Huang Rong's face, she hurriedly pushed Su Chu away, jumped out, and said nervously: How is that possible?I remember I was obviously sitting on a chair**

Turning around differently, Huang Rong found that there was a chair there, and there was clearly a gate, which meant that she had been sitting on a chair from the beginning, and she had fallen into a hallucination.

Huang Rong suddenly realized that Huang Rong immediately became serious. Huang Rong’s family background made Huang Rong understand many differences in martial arts. All the people among the five masters of the world would rather offend Wang Chongyang, who is known as the number one in the world, than Huang Yaoshi and Huang Yaoshi. Ouyang Feng.

The most important thing is that Wang Chongyang is a man of the righteous way, he will not kill, and Huang Yaoshi is both righteous and evil, murdering and setting fire is just a matter of joking, and the more important thing is that the two collide with each other. The most advanced but the better ones are arrays and magic trees, which also caused many people to die in Huang Yaoshi's hands without knowing why.

Not to mention the rest of Ouyang Feng, he is simply an expert in using poison in today's world, and he is not deviant. Ouyang Feng has developed the way of poisoning into a road, a road of justice!

"This is a magic trick & Huang Rong looked at Su Chu solemnly.

Huang Rong always thought that she had vaguely figured out Su Chu's martial arts routines, but Su Chu still gave herself a big surprise. It seemed that Su Chu was not as simple as it seemed.

All of a sudden, Huang Rong became more interested in Su Chu. Everyone is curious, especially a smart person like Huang Rong is even more curious. The fall will be soon, soon!

"It's indeed an illusion, but I have some questions that I really need to ask you." Su Chu's face suddenly became serious when he mentioned this.

Huang Rong looked at Su Chu and said with a smile: "It seems that you really need me to do something, it's a good book, as long as you spare all the time, then I will tell you." "

"Forget it, you are not the only one who knows some secrets in the whole world, I just ask someone else." Su Chu immediately waved her hand and refused.

Up fear!Why don't you play cards according to common sense? &Huang Rong immediately puffed up her mouth and said angrily: "Hmph!Besides, how can I know as much about those wastes, I am afraid there is nothing in the world that I don't know, so just tell me. &

"Little girl is indeed a little girl." Su Chu smiled and shook her head.

**Damn aggressive method! Huang Rong reacted immediately.

Su Chu smiled and said, "So are you going to regret it?" &

"My lady keeps her word, and she's not the kind of person who repents. Tell me, what do you want to ask?" Although Huang Rong's education since she was a child was both good and evil, there is one thing that Huang Yaoshi taught 923 to be very dignified. You must keep your promises at any time and any place, as long as you promise, you must do it.

That's why Su Chu will appreciate Huang Yaoshi. Although this person is talented and good at evil, the most important thing is to keep his promise. As long as he promises you, he will definitely do it even if it is too difficult.

"Then I'll ask." Su Chu looked at Huang Rong and said with a smile: "I want to know who are the real masters in martial arts today? "

"Isn't this question very simple? The Five Wonders of the World, right? It should mean that there are still four fathers of this young lady, Hong Qigong, Master Yideng, Ouyang Feng, and by the way, there are also Zhou Botong, Iron Palm Qiu Qianren, that is. These are the people." Huang Rong said very proudly, indeed, the people who have come into contact with since childhood are all top experts, and these are the only people who can enter Huang Rong's eyes.

The corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched evilly and said: "Little girl, I know what you said. I'm asking about those hidden masters. Do you really know?"


Huang Rong was also silent, but Su Chu was overjoyed. Sure enough, Huang Rong knew about some things, but it seemed that for some reason, Huang Rong was a little afraid to say such secrets...

Chapter 24: That's it!

Chapter 24: That's it!

"Are you afraid?" Su Chu asked solemnly.

This matter is related to whether she can leave this world, Su Chu would never dare to be careless, and judging from Huang Rong's expression, this matter may be very involved, and it is even very likely that some legends The people among them led in.

"It's not because I'm afraid of anger, there are some things that I can't say, my father once told me that this matter is the secret of my Huang family, if I say more, I'm afraid Huang Rong will hesitate to speak, but there is no panic in her eyes, just dignified.

Su Chu thought about it and raised her eyes: "It seems that the inheritance of your Huang family may not be so simple!" &

"Eh, although she just nodded slightly, Su Chu narrowed her eyes slightly, but she vaguely guessed something.

"Since it's inconvenient for you to say more, I won't ask more, but little girl, do you know what is the number one sect in the world today?" Su Chu asked suddenly.

The sudden question made Huang Rong answer without thinking

: & Shaolin Temple! u

"You bombed me!" Huang Rong reacted suddenly. After all, the reaction of a person in an instant is the most real. She immediately stared at Su Chu, her small mouth pouted, as if if you didn't make it clear, I would Do not disagree with the idea.

With a slight smile, Su Chu and Huang Rong knew that she had been deceived, and then said helplessly: "Once it's all over, I'll just tell you when it's all over!"Anyway, it's not our family's business, and I'm not particularly clear about the specific situation, but I only know that although Shaolin Temple has been closed for a hundred years, I know that there are still many masters hidden in Shaolin Temple, and these masters are not enough to prove. But the most important thing among them is a top expert. Dad once said that that person is terrible! "

"Is it scary??" Su Chu's mouth curled up, "It seems that a person who can be called scary by Huang Yaoshi is indeed an interesting person."

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to rest." Huang Rong suddenly changed the subject, and obediently went to rest as a captured person, Silk had no intention of running away.

Huang Rong understands that her ingenuity is not of much use in the face of absolute strength, she just obeys Su Chu at this stage, and as long as her father finds her, she can leave safely.

"Master, did you find anything?" Li Qi asked solemnly after Huang Rong left.

"I don't know who the hidden person in Shaolin Temple is, but now it seems that the person behind the Huang family is very likely to be the person I guessed." Su Chu's expression was unusually heavy.

If it is really the person she guessed, Su Chu immediately felt that things became extremely difficult. This person is no less terrifying than Zhang Sanyang, and he is definitely a top expert equivalent to Zhang Sanfeng. This stage is likely to surpass Zhang Sanyang.

"Is the master really that person? M Li Pei obviously thought of something. Li Qi and others have also carefully studied the history of the eagle shooting and the divine carving. Although everyone is surprised by the development of history, they all understand that they have long been Not a person in the book so don't need to think so much.

"I'm afraid it's really him!" Su Chu nodded.

Indeed, it should have been thought a long time ago that Wang Chongyang had obtained the relics of his ancestors, so he learned innate skills and created the Quanzhen School, while Ouyang Feng inherited the Poison Kung Fu from the Western Regions, Master Yideng inherited it from Duan Di in Dali, and Hong Qigong even inherited it. From the beggar gang, if it is really traced back, it can be traced back to the peasant family in the Qin and Han Dynasties. To be honest, the four people have their own inheritance, and the four people can have traces to follow.

But among them, only Huang Yaoshi is truly alone. If Huang Yaoshi is as old as Zhang Sanfeng, Su Chu believes that Huang Yaoshi may have the status he has today, otherwise Su Chu absolutely does not believe that Huang Yaoshi can create martial arts by himself and grow to this day This step.

This doesn't show at all, it's even impossible, Huang Yaoshi has never been better than Zhang Sanyang.

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