Even with Zhang Sanfeng's aptitude, he had the best strength in the world only after he was fifty, and even created Tai Chi after he was a hundred years old, and Huang Yaoshi is only nearly fifty now, and he can't compare to Zhang Sanfeng at all, so There is only one possibility that there is a master hidden behind Huang Yaoshi, or that a senior master taught Huang Yaoshi martial arts.

And if this person can be called by Huang Rong like this, then the biggest possibility is Huang Chang from back then!

The founder of the Nine Yin Scriptures, Huang Chang was the number one master in the world back then, and his cultivation was absolutely superb. It is even very possible that Huang Chang is still alive in this world, just like Zhang Sanfeng and Yixiang. A master like a master.

This can also explain why Huang Yaoshi has so many unique skills. Huang Chang can create the Nine Yin Manual, so there will be no problem with other martial arts, but it is also strange that Huang Chang doesn't care about the Nine Yin Manual. It spread, which meant that Huang Chang had already escaped the shackles of martial arts.

Just like Zhang Sanfeng, although he started from Shaolin, he has already transcended the restrictions of Shaolin, and Huang Chang, who started from the Nine Yin Scriptures, has also transcended the restrictions of the Nine Yin Scriptures.

But if this is the case, how could it be possible not to teach Huang Yaoshi the Nine Yin Scriptures? According to Su Chu's speculation, it is very likely that although Huang Shang was wiped out by people, Huang Yaoshi (confirmed Zhao) was a branch of it. So he survived, originally Huang Chang wanted to let him live in peace and stability.

But I didn't expect that in Huang Yaoshi's generation, there would be such a genius as Huang Yaoshi, so Huang Chang would teach Huang Yaoshi.

In fact, Su Chu didn't know what he had already guessed; /v It was close to ten, and even said that he had guessed it right.

Back then, Huang Yaoshi was indeed taught by Huang Chang, but Huang Yaoshi was an arrogant person. He disdained to learn the Nine Yin Manual, and felt that he could create martial arts no less than the Nine Yin Manual.カ broke into the reputation of Wujue.

But I didn't expect Huang Yaoshi to think that Huang Yaoshi wanted to learn the Nine Yin Scriptures, so he died on the Nine Yin Scriptures. After that, Huang Yaoshi

The reason why the teacher wants to get the Nine Yin Scriptures is to make flowers in front of his wife's grave! o

Chapter 25: The Cause of the World

Chapter 25: The Cause of the World

"Master, if it is really according to your guess, I am afraid that the power of this world is no less than that of the owner Zhang Sanfeng's Wudang School at its peak." Li Qi did not want to give such a conclusion immediately.

Su Chu also nodded solemnly. Looking through the open window, she looked at the moon shining softly in the pitch-black night, with solemn light in her eyes. People who are taboo by Huang Chang, there is no need for other people in this world, just these two people are enough to decide everything.

The Wudang School has Zhang Sanyang, Wudang Seven Heroes, Song Qingshu, and Zhang Wuji. Generally speaking, each of these people is a master who is enough to start a school, and Zhenwu is the son of a new generation of luck. To put it mildly, luck will hang over Wudang for the next three hundred years.

But in such a situation, Huang Chang or even the person in Shaolin is enough.

However, Su Chu knew that he might not have fully investigated it, otherwise the system would have prompted him to complete the task and he could leave, but if the system did not prompt 927, it meant that what he actually got was only part or even false.

Su Chu thinks over and over again that it should be the former. After all, Huang Rong has no need to lie to herself in this matter, and Su Chu has enough confidence. Since Huang Rong said it, she will do it. Although Huang Rong is very witty and changeable, it does not mean that Huang Rong is not bad. Someone who keeps his promises.

"Could it be him? After thinking for a moment, Su Chu thought about the entire history of Shaolin, and the only thing he could think of was that nameless old monk.

Su Chu is not sure how strong that nameless old monk’s cultivation is, but Su Chu is sure that the weakest is probably at the level of a great master. It is too easy to live for three to five hundred years with that kind of cultivation. It's not surprising to be alive today.

However, with the qualifications of the unknown old monk, it is most likely that he has already torn through the void after such a long time, and it is impossible to stay in this world.

"Master, I'm afraid it's not some unknown old monk." Li Qi shook his head and thought it was obviously impossible.

Su Chu also said strangely: (cefe) "That's true. According to Tianlong's time period, the unknown old monk, that is, Zhang Sanfeng's age, is at least a master at the level of a grand master. So many years are already enough for him to ascend .&

"You don't need to guess, actually I don't know who that old monk is!" At this time Huang Rong came out suddenly, wearing a clean white silk pajamas, it was not cheap at first glance.

Su Chu slapped Huang Rong up and down, curled her lips in disdain and said:

"After all, I'm just a little girl. If you want to be in front of the front, you will not be in the back."

"What did you say?" Huang Rong roared angrily, but seeing Su Chu's teasing smile, suppressed her anger, and snorted coldly: "I have to admire you. It is indeed a good guess. I didn't expect to guess the identity of father and great-grandfather." relation."

"Great-grandfather? Su Chu was taken aback, and said solemnly: "Your bloodline is actually Huang Chang's direct bloodline? n

"Huh! *? Snorted proudly, Huang Rong said proudly: "Of course, the blood of my Huang family escaped the pursuit of the enemy by chance and survived, and it has continued to this day. Let's see how it is possible to give birth to a genius like Daddy and me other than great-grandfather."

Su Chu did not refute Huang Rong's pride. Indeed, both Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong's intelligence are qualified to be called geniuses, and they have the capital to be proud of.

"You didn't refute me this time?" Huang Rong looked at Su Chu differently and didn't intend to speak.

Su Chu smiled and said, "Why do you want to refute?"Indeed, it is undeniable that bloodlines do play a large role. &

Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the sons of mice can make holes. This is an old saying. Although genetic mutations exist, most of them will naturally have a big reason if the higher bloodlines continue. Huang Chang is a generation of martial arts wizards. As his descendants, naturally he would not be so weak.

"That's right! u Huang Rong raised her head proudly.

Li Qi asked suspiciously: "Little girl, you don't know what's going on in Shaolin Temple?" &

Huang Rong also shook her head when she mentioned this matter and said: "I don't know either. I remember that I met my great-grandfather seven years ago. At that time, my great-grandfather told me not to watch Shaolin Fengshan, but in fact Shaolin There are such terrible masters in Shaolin, so absolutely don't provoke Shaolin people.

"Absolutely don't offend Shaolin man Su Chu rubbing his eyebrows in confusion, he really can't figure out who in Shaolin can compare to Huang Shang.

"Okay, little girl, go to rest quickly, and I will take you out to play tomorrow." Su Chu said.

"Don't you want me to take the money?" Huang Rong tightly clutched her purse.

Su Chu smiled helplessly and said, "If I want you to pay for hanging out with you, am I still a man?" &

"That's right!" Huang Rong nodded happily and went back to her room to rest

Li Qi smiled helplessly: This little girl is really innocent by nature.

"Really? 1?" Su Chu asked back, seeing Li Qi's expression and smiling without saying a word.

Is Huang Rong really naive?Obviously not so, Huang Rong is a smart person who understands that Su Chu wants to know something from herself, and she can be sure that Su Chu dare not kill herself, or even dare to cause special situations to herself. The reason is also very simple, Su Chu Not Huang Chang's opponent.

Huang Chang is Huang Rong's only and the strongest, the toughest card. Huang Chang was the only one who defeated Su Chu steadily, and Huang Chang loved him very much. Huang Rong believed that Su Chu had understood this through this series of secrets.

"This is a smart little girl." Su Chu said.

Li Qi didn't ask much, Su Chu naturally had his reasons for saying this: "But master, have you found anything?"

No, but I understand what the reason for the world is! W Su Chu smiled and said...

Chapter 26: Meeting Guo Jing on the Road

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